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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Got these 'summer into fall spoilers' from the Daytime Drama website.

The first few don't have to do with Tracy directly but will affect her indirectly and the fourth one says how.

I whited them out and here they are:

Monica is at the hospital when Jake is brought in with an ear infection. Liz and Jason get odd looks. Monica is overjoyed as Liz places Jacob in her arms.

Monica plays a pivotal role in Jason's decision with what to do with this new phase of his life and decision to leave the mob for good.

Alan's presence is felt when Jacob's paternity comes out.

Tracy will have to own up to the forgery.

Edward gets his heir! How do Liz and Jason deal with it?

Luke returns! Tracy needs him.

^^^woohooo and he BETTER be there for her.

Don't know the original source of these spoilers, the post didn't list it.

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I cut and pasted this article I found at the "Daytime Drama" site. It's an interview with JMB talking about her thing with Logan. It mentions Tracy and Luke. I bolded the parts where they are mentioned.

The article is posted further down and contains spoilers Though we already know about them for the most part. But if you are spoiler free, you might want to scroll by fast because I wanted to bold the Luke and Tracy mentions so people would see them easily. It didn't make sense to white out the whole article.
























Forbidden kiss is a real Lulu

Soap Dish


Friday, July 13th 2007, 4:00 AM


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Julie Marie Berman's lip-lock creates a storm on 'General Hospital.'


Logan kisses Lulu for real next week on "General Hospital."

"It's sort of expected," says Julie Marie Berman, who plays Luke and Laura's daughter, Lulu Spencer. "They are both feeling comfortable and vulnerable enough to be honest with their feelings. She says it's okay for him to kiss her, and he does."

How is it?

"Interrupted!" Berman says. "Scott and Tracy walk in. They're disgusted. Part of them suspect that's what's happening, because Lulu's been in there a while. But seeing it ..."

Suffice it to say, the mood for the young lovers is sufficiently broken.

"Tracy hates Scott, and Lulu hates Scott," says Berman, adding that Tracy isn't crazy about Logan, either. "Tracy has developed her own opinions about Logan, even though she doesn't know anything about him. Scott's whole thing is that he's trying to be nice to Lulu because she's Laura's child. Outside of that, I don't think he cares about any of this."

Maxie does. She made a bet with Logan that if he can get Lulu into bed, Maxie will reward him by sleeping with him herself.

"This is more interesting than just a bet," Berman says. "They've done it really well because you can tell Maxie is interested in Logan. At the same time, all she wants to do is knock Lulu off her pedestal. Everybody loves Lulu and no one likes Maxie. But I think it would be a surprise to her to know that Logan is actually harboring real feelings for Lulu."

Those feelings will be put to the test next week when a stranger hits town who served in Iraq with Logan and Coop.

"This guy Cody definitely has anger issues, and he knows something about Logan," Berman says. "Lulu doesn't know what it is, but she wants to find out. Whatever it is, it's really hard for Logan to talk about. So, part of her is curious and part of her respects his boundaries and let him keep his secrets, because she doesn't know anything about what it must have been like in Iraq."

Logan's experience with guns will come in handy when Luke comes home and finds out his daughter is dating the spawn of Scotty Baldwin.

"Luke may have an opinion, being that Logan is Scott's son, but he is still the same man who lets his kids live and learn. I don't think he's going to jeopardize his relationship with his daughter by telling her what to do. It'll be interesting because it will put him in a position to maybe look at Scott's character differently. If Lulu has feelings for Scott's son, maybe he ought to look at Scott differently."

Berman adds that a steamy sex scene between Lulu and Logan won't be happening for a while.

"I've never done a 'love montage' but I think I would have fun with it," she says. "As long as they put me in a really cute underwear and bra, it's fine with me!"

Edited by TracyLuv
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"remos, last night, I dreamt I was home and started the "Bitch" video. Haha. I'm so excited about making videos again. I miss my lap top soooooo much. 11 more days!!! BTW, if you are interested in reading that article with TG and JE, you can find it here. It's the the Silver Fox ones."

Thanks for the link and the article. Too funny that just three years ago she wanted a story with him, and now it's here. Yeah! Also, didn't I read somewhere that TG insisted on working with her?

OT: BTW, for those who've seen the newest Harry Potter, would you recommend I take my screamers (9,6,4&2) or wait for video when we can control how much they see, and when. We don't do movie theatres very often, so it's a toss up between HP and Shrek 3 (just love Julie Andrews, even if she's a disembodied voice).

Also off topic, why is this board set to Atlantic Time (One hour before Eastern)? It throws be constantly, 'cause that's my in-laws reality.

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Collette, I haven't seen OotP yet, but I'm planning to this weekend. I'm particularly livid about


Tracy's on this week, and I'm going to the doctor at lunch today to discuss my meds. Here's hoping this will be a better week than last.

Oh, btw, even though the Smutathon is going on at the Ficathon, folks are still welcome to post non-smut stories there!

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Thanks for the spoilers, TL! I especially liked:

I can't wait for more fall previews to come out!

remos: I'm an HP fan as well and looking forward to the final book. Are you taking your oldest to a midnight party?

Ok, got to head off to work. With all my random vacation days here and there this is my first full week since early June. Eep! :) Looking forward to some Tracy this week. Do we know what days she's on?


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Hey bsg, we've never done the midnight thing. Might try it this year.... gotta think about it. Also have to find the date for release. Not sure if it's the same up here as down there.

MinervaFan, I often see now that the deleted scenes are on the DVDs so people are more interetsed in buying them. Hold tight, not all it lost yet. McGonagall is one of my favourites, as well. She gets the best lines!

Any idea how Tracy gets out of Shadybrook, and is with Scott to walk in on Lulu? I've got to be out this afternoon, but I'm thinking they've got to do something before tomorrow - or maybe they'll just have a throw-away line. There've been lots of spoilers having to do with Tracy and Shadybrook that just haven't happened yet. (This make believe world is so much more interesting than my laundry pile.)

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Okay...having a horrible morning. My son got contacts that you only sleep in and then take out for all day (they are supposed to reshape your cornea) only I can't get them out. I told him not to get contacts cause I couldn't help him and the whole thing eeks me out...he is now crying and freaking out that they are never coming out. THey were a fortune and I KNEW he wouldn't be able to do them properly. It is getting worse each day, not better and I want to scream! The eye doctor gave them to us at his cost which was still $750!!! NOT A GOOD MORNING SO FAR! I don't know what to do....I might have to take him back to the eye doctor's office and let him take them out.

I woke up with a huge migraine headache (no LadyAshton...not a hangover--LOL)

But good news with the spoilers that TL posted. Anything with Luke and Tracy and her needing him in the same sentence is good news to me! So hoping she is on today. I started a fic last night but have to go back and finish it today hopefully. Sorry no smut in it though.

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"Okay...having a horrible morning. My son got contacts that you only sleep in and then take out for all day (they are supposed to reshape your cornea) only I can't get them out. I told him not to get contacts cause I couldn't help him and the whole thing eeks me out...he is now crying and freaking out that they are never coming out. THey were a fortune and I KNEW he wouldn't be able to do them properly. It is getting worse each day, not better and I want to scream! The eye doctor gave them to us at his cost which was still $750!!! NOT A GOOD MORNING SO FAR! I don't know what to do....I might have to take him back to the eye doctor's office and let him take them out. "

Oy, hooked, I got contacts when I was your son's age. Don't know if this helps, but tell him to wash his hands really, really well, then stare into the mirror and pinch the contact out. Just do it fast, and don't think about it.

Secondly, go buy his some cheap mascera that will wash off easily (or the boys will give him no end of grief). I know it sounds funny, but the mascera will train his brain to allow hands around his eyes without flinching. I got an old boyfriend comfortable with contacts this way.

I feel his pain - and yours

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Thanks for the tips...he is keeping them in til my husband gets home (he is coming home now after lunch--yippee--LOL) to help him. He just said, "well look at the bright side mom...at least I can see really well with them on. I will try to mascara idea...


No Tracy today...such a boring episode...don't bother watching...nothing at all good!

Fits with the extremely boring, miserable day around here! Thunderstorms on and off again. SO bummed. All the writing classes that I wanted to take in the fall are being offered at horrible times I can't do...from 2-4 in the afternoon or 4:30-6:30 in the evening. So much for that. I gotta find something to do or a job that I will enjoy cause I am bored out of my mind!

Going to see the sneak preview of Hairspray tonight just to get out of the house.

Where is everyone today???

Edit again

4:50 pm central time...anyone around? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

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I've started writing something.

It doesn't have a name yet.

And I'm not sure if it's LuNacy Smut or just LuNacy Lust.

But it's the Lainey-Tracy-Luke story.

Not 100% sure I can make the Lainey-Tracy dialogue plausible, but we're giving it a whirl.

Pray for me... or at least send me some good vibes.

Oh, and while you're at it... Pray for, or send vibes to, the great Anna Devane! Because if they brought back that feisty, strong-spirited, adventure-loving character for this stupid rock star groupie storyline... well.. well.. THAT'S JUST SAD AND PATHETIC. It best be a cover for some super spy story (involving Jerry?). (And oh -- doesn't FH look FANTASTIC!?!?! She must be pushing 50. She looks AMAZING!)

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CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You must be excited to be almost done! :D

Sad that there is no Tracy to watch (and also sad that in trying to put something away in the freezer a one liter bottle of Dasani water fell off the top of the refrigerator and landed smack on my big toe. Ouch. I'm icing and elevating. Mr. BSG is making me sympathy brownies). Here's hoping that my toe isn't anything worse than a bad bruise and that tomorrow is a Tracy Tuesday!

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Ditto on the congrats knh!! I am so happy for you!

BSG---ow about your toe!!! Hope you don't end up like me..with no big toe nail...so many sandals...such ugly pedicure--ha ha!

Lainey---yeah you are writing again! Woo woo!!! Sending positive vibes. I have a story 3/4 way done. Just gotta fix it up a bit...hopefully


In such a better mood now...just got home from seeing Hair Spray sneak preview...it was fabulous! How can you be in a bad mood after that movie??? It was very well done (the only stupid part was John Travolta as her mom). Queen Latifa rocked! The whole thing was just delightful!

Between that and Tracy tomorrow...I feel my spirit lifting already! :)

breakroom anyone? 10:30 central time....http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012


Okay...so no smut here...just a story of Tracy reflecting on her past. Credit goes to LadyAshton for giving me a history refresher course in all things Tracy-related in the romance dept!!!


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