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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Remember that other day at the Internet Cafe, when I as diligently working on my paper and um, well, visiting the thread, among other sites? Well, I just got charged 20 pesos instead of 35. There might have been a "special" or something though. I say that because 1) it was extra crowded and 2) they have a booklet where they keep track of everything, so I think it's hard to mess up the prices. Anyway, I was happy.


RE: Challenge: Ooh, if I were home, I could have some fun manipulating graphics...Haha. Soon, my friends. Soon. ;) Or I could do a video. I do have bits and pieces of a Trax one that I started months ago. :o

RE: HellaGood: All I have to say is Go, Team!Tracy, Go!

hooked, sorry SOC deleted your first thread ever.

No Tracy today, I'm assuming. Ah, nevermind. TracyLuv just posted that. On the bright side, she was on Monday, and she is on next week. I don't remember the last week that she wasn't on. I am definitely slipping. Have a hard time remembering dates and wardrobe and all that. Be afraid, be very afraid.

Well...I gotta get going with my evil, evil research paper. Gah. Summer courses are no fun. Catch you all tomorrow, maybe. :)

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I honestly can not STAND Sam, and I could never mention on that forum because half the world would jump down my throat. I knock her down one every time I vote. That is pretty amazing that TQ is ahead with all the Sam-obsessors! Hooray!

As earlier mentioned, not Tracy today. Not even a mention of her! OT: I know this is not TQ-related, but I love Alexis and Jerry together. I am actually able to stand Tracy-less episodes. But only slightly. And Spinelli was on today, too, my second love.

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Did anyone watch nightshift last night....here is a recap in case...it is filmed like a tv show..

Love the banner TL!!! Gosh I had a fun night last night! Didn't get home til soooo late! I had a girls night out. This morning my friend called me to go to a Hot Yoga class with her (where it is 105 degrees in the room and you can't talk or make a sound for an hour and a half. I was like "um...are you out of your freaking mind???" It is 95 degrees outside...there is no way I am sitting in a 105 degree yoga class!!!

TL--you were up til 4:30am and you weren't even up chatting with me!!! :)

Totally need to write something today!!

Edit...http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 I see a few of you are around (9:30 central time) I know it is early...

Edited by hookedongh
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Is there any hope for TQ being on today? Though I can't really complain. As Ms. Q said, it's hard to remember a week of late when she hasn't been on.

MinervaFan and Lainey: I love your summer o' smut ficathon idea. Tracy needs some love over the summer while Luke is gone!

Speaking of Tracy love...my best friend and I love making themed playlists and our latest one is a soap opera themed. And I was thinking, maybe Tracy needs her own playlist, too. Some of the videos that MinervaFan and Ms. Q put together have awesome Tracy themed songs, what else would you guys add to the list? They could be just Tracy or related to Tracy and any of the relationships in her life.

Here are some songs that make me think of Tracy:

I Can't Make You Love Me by Bonnie Raitt (Tracy with Paul...I think they used this on the show when they were on the verge of getting divorced)

Fidelity by Regina Spektor (LuNacy angst)

Under Pressure by Queen and David Bowie (Poor Tracy, she's always under pressure. lol)

I'd love to hear any of your favorite Tracy songs. The summer of love needs a soundtrack! :)

*waves to MinervaFan* a couple of us are hanging out in the breakroom: http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

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A song that always makes me think of Tracy is "Bitch" by Meredith Brooks. It's on the What Women Want soundrack, and I love it. I'm always blaring in driving down the 401 (as long as my kids are asleep). Here are the lyrics.

I hate the world today

You're so good to me

I know but I can't change

Tried to tell you

But you look at me like maybe

I'm an angel underneath

Innocent and sweet

Yesterday I cried

Must have been relieved to see

The softer side

I can understand how you'd be so confused

I don't envy you

I'm a little bit of everything

All rolled into one


I'm a bitch, I'm a lover

I'm a child, I'm a mother

I'm a sinner, I'm a saint

I do not feel ashamed

I'm your hell, I'm your dream

I'm nothing in between

You know you wouldn't want it any other way

So take me as I am

This may mean

You'll have to be a stronger man

Rest assured that

When I start to make you nervous

And I'm going to extremes

Tomorrow I will change

And today won't mean a thing


Just when you think, you got me figured out

The season's already changing

I think it's cool, you do what you do

And don't try to save me


I'm a bitch, I'm a tease

I'm a goddess on my knees

When you hurt, when you suffer

I'm your angel undercover

I've been numb, I'm revived

Can't say I'm not alive

You know I wouldn't want it any other way

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Hooked, I have couple questions for you with regards to NightShift, they may seem like stupid questions, but........how is Jason out of prison? I will admit that I have not been watching GH since Tracy has not been on, but I thought Carly was still trying to get him trasnferred back to Port Charles? I know that Guza said that NightShift is going to be "separate" from GH but come on, is a little continuity too much to ask?? ;)

Tracyluv, loved the new banner! :)

MinervaFan, I will try my best to work on a Tracy vid to add to the "Long Hot Summer Smutathon" I might even have a song or two that might work!

Remos, I love the song "bitch" I even thought of using it on more than one occasion but its a very complicated song, so I decided to go with Dizzy instead, and that only took me months to complete. hehe

To everybody who has been playing the Character Game I have to say WooHoo, she is now in the lead....here are the scores so far this morning:

Lucky 95

Sam 97

Tracy 108

Also, incase anybody is interested, there is a new game called The GH couples game, its just like the character game and the same rules apply. We need to support LuNacy!!!

Hope everybody has a great weekend!!!

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I would love to see a vid to "Bitch". While I was still lurking and watching the vids on Youtube, I thought it would be the perfect song. Not my talent zone however, by any stretch of the imagination.

It's my rebel call.

While I wish we had Soap Net up here, I'm honestly not having a problem with our lack of Night Shift. I guess the only way TPTB can have a show that parellels, but doesn't interfere with the daytime story line, is to keep it sexual and violent, but no real story.

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