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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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LOVED your vid!! Loved that you showed how far our girl has come, to be loved by someone, even if not as completely as we'd like. Luke loves her though, the way she is. Thanks :)

*waves to Angel2Devil*

Edited by TracyLuv
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*waves to all*

I have to pay to use the computers here and my time is almost up.


Anyway, Staci I know what you mean about Ned and I agree, I think we understand what the other is trying to say.

Haven't watched at all last week and will have to catch up when I can

My time is almost up.

Bye all oh and welcome remos.

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http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 7:30pm central...anyone around for a few?

Remos...I do have that clip somewhere...let me try to find it...

Someone from Nintendo just shipped my husband a Wii LadyAshton...so happy as they will all be occupied all night! :)

Here are those 39th birthday clips Remos...




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Colette, do have a video ipod? If so, how easy or hard is it to convert the files to watch on an ipod? I think TL and I were chatting about video ipods the other day and speculating if you could watch clips on them. Might make my trips to the gym--ha, ha, I say that as if I've been going regularly--more palatable.

Tracy's working it in the Hella Good Game. Here's the latest...

Lucky 98

Sam 106

Tracy 96

hooked and TL: we all voted in a row today. Lovefest represent.


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Brownstonegirl, yes, I have a video ipod. The format the clips are in are actually not compatible with my iPod, so I downloaded an iPod video converter from Jodix. I randomly searched "iPod video converter" so I have no idea if it is safe or not. It does a pretty good job, sometimes it will convert without sound or something like that, so I have to do it all over again. And I have to change the artwork for the icon, because it is usually green and pixelly. But the actual quality of the clip is still fine. It takes about 5 minutes to convert a, maybe, 10-minute clip?

I haven't watched this show, besides the clips that have been posted, in a week. I have no idea what is going on. The only other storyline I care about is Kate and Spinelli, but he is shooting a movie for a bit...

MinervaFan- I liked your video! I, as I think someone else mentioned, liked how you showed her through the years. It was fun to watch.

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Hello all!!

So I am in major debt to those who post clips from the show!! You rock, I love you. These kiddies are driving me up the wall, well the 5 yr old is ok but the other two.....they're insane lol. My great-grandmother is doing ok, well at least she seems that way for now. Actually in like an hour my aunt, all the lil ones, and I are gonna go see her. That should be fun ::rolls eyes::

But yeah... my dad has a job, I got paid, and TQ has had decent airtime somewhat.

Now if only I can get my grandfather to stop calling me Emily.

Edited by angel2devil
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Deb- I downloaded your video the other day and just now remembered I hadn't watched it. I really liked it...especially since I was just watching old dvds I bought and never watched today.

Speaking of which...LMAO...watching an old dvd of a scene from right after Scotty and Tracy got together for their affair...and she is sitting there kissing him in the foyer of the mansion trying to tick off Lucy...she goes up to change her clothes to go on a picnic,and Lucy tells Scotty she has never seen anything so disgusting and vile in her entire life...and Scotty says to her, "Well what about the first time you saw Alan naked!" Too funny--he and Lucy were actually such a great pair! Funny cause Tracy/Scotty were such schemers together as a team, til he double-crossed her....wish they would reference their past sometime on the show now. I mean it was a pretty long affair for the soap world...from like March til December of 1990ish

Funny to think 17 years later, they are back in scenes together now.

I had a doctor's appt at 7:30am this morning. Geez today is a long day already and it is only 1pm!

Edit Thanks BSG for fixing the Hellagood character game. Here are the current standings...

Lucky 97

Sam 103

Tracy 100

TQ pulled ahead of lucky! She was tied with Sam earlier today...if you haven't voted today...go vote for our girl

PS...when is that game over anyway?

Edited by hookedongh
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Um, it's over when Tracy wins? LOL! It seems a couple of supporters for the others have started to come out of the woodwork, as I thought they would. oh well.

BSG - Good catch on that "mistake" in the count at the HG game.

Good news - The cable guy just left and this mama is back in business of TIVO-ing and downloading YAY!!!!! Now I don't have to sit there and watch the whole show just to see if our girl is on. woooohoooo!!

Spoiler from an SOC post - not Tracy related but it could be if she ends up being the recipient somehow:

Maxie films the Logan/Lulu Sex. Then, she loses the tape...can you guess where it winds up!?

Is that maxie nasty or what? Actually TIIC are nasty - ugh!

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