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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Did I miss you guys? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 (11pm central)

Haven't watched today yet. I am dying to but will have to wait til morning. Clips are not up at hellagood yet TL and whoever else asked.

Ms Q--I can find those snowmobile clips for the person you mentioned...probably tomorrow I can post them.

Wow today has been a banner day on the thread...so much positivity and new posters! Welcome Deborah! Wow...four kids homeschooling??? My hat is off to you. Mine would not survive one day at home with me for school purposes. I think I would be jumping in the lake!! It takes a very special person to do that--one with a ton of patience! I have three little boys as well, although I am assuming you have one girl since you said you have four kids!

Just came back from the sneak preview of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. It was really good! My kids said it was the best one yet.

So I wonder if TQ will be on at all this week? Wonder if Ned is outta there as of today, or he will at least have anohter scene with Tracy. Sounds like it is going to be next week on Tues/Wed with the Lulu/Logan busting scenes. I thought the same thing about logan being laura's kid with scott...how about Tracy's kid with scott she secretly had and gave up for adoption??? Nah...that would be too long ago!!

BTW...from Serial Drama blog site....(like this columnist, athough she is the first most awesome IMO!!!

"The 2nd most awesome person on today's episode was Jane Elliot. Jane Elliot, who is 60 years old, wore no makeup today. And looked gorgeous. Why do some people have all the luck?"

Edited by hookedongh
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Sorry I missed you hooked. I couldn't get into the break room. The space to type my name wouldn't show up. My comptuer froze and I had to shut down. By the time I got back here, you were gone. :(

Edit: Oh there you are Carrie! BSG and I are in the BR. :)

Edited by TracyLuv
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Today's clips from Hellagood (July 9th)


I put today on savefile for Ms Q and anyone else who wants to catch up on clips http://www.savefile.com/projects/808500264

Whoever asked for Tracy at the haunted Star with Luke...I will look for those tomorrow for you!

Edited by hookedongh
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Sorry I missed you guys last night. Wanted to share a little mvid I made--it has absolutely no point except that I like the song and it reminded me of Tracy. This took about twenty minutes to make, and I'm afraid it probably looks that way. :) Either way, it's something to watch, right? http://www.sendspace.com/file/blyqln

Off to watch yesterday's clips...

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Hooked, thanks for posting the clips to yesterdays epi! It only took 2 hours to download on dial-up last night. arrgghhhhh!

Downloading your vid now Deb. It's going to take a little over an hour :( .But I'll be home for most of the day anyway.

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Hooked, thanks so much for the clips! They are definately ipod worthy! :lol:

Wow, I didn't realize dial-up took so long! I have roadrunner... I have no idea if that is considered DSL... I am not intelligent in that area. It took about 5 minutes for yesterday's clips to download.

I hate to be a downer, but I wouldn't be surprised if Tracy isn't on today. I haven't seen a live show in a while, though, only the Tracy clips. So I will have no idea what is going on if I watch live today.

MinervaFan- may I call you Deb?- I am dowloading the video right now and will let you know what I think!

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Hey all, sorry I haven't been around much but I have been house sitting and have not had time to post the daily clips. Thanks hooked for posting them for me! :)

I just watched yesterdays clips and I thought Jane totally rocked the house! I loved that the reason she wanted Dillon to stay was because she was afraid he was never to come back, not because she didn't want him to follow his dream. I also loved the non-goodbye, very Tracy Quartermaine....."I'm still your mom, (notice she didn't say mother but mom) and I won't say goodbye, now go" awww I think if the writers were smart they would keep the door open for Scott so he can come back and make appearances kinda like the way AMC does for Eden Riegel, that girl is always coming and going.

Lainey, I read your story and of course loved it. :D

Deb, I just watched your vid and thought it was great. :)

**welcome Remos**

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Finally watched yesterday's show just now. I just pointed that out to staci in an email Nex that she said "I'm still your mom" and not mother....

I guess the word "a**" is acceptable on GH now...that was funny Alice asked if they wanted her to kick scott's "a**" out the door. Even with no makeup--she is amazing! I, too, loved how she was scared about him not coming back, and also her faces when he was telling her how he never made one single friend cause she dragged him all over. Like it hurt her deeply to even remember that. At least her mean brother said not to remind her of that to Dillon! :)

Deb--will watch your video in a sec...I bet we won't get TQ for a few days...although at some point they have to address whether she went back to shadybrook or not, cause next week on the 17-18th she and scott find lulu and logan. I wanted to slap edward when the second dillon left he wanted to get her out of shadybrook...in the middle of his high and mightly lecture of supporting your kids to her---JERK!!!

I loved how Dillon kissing tracy on the head too and hugged her...she looked so little.

I am so bored again today...I HATE SUMMERTIME!!! Downtime is always nice, but three months of it is too much. I need to do something productive and I can't seem to have much motivation to do anything....but watch GH--ha ha.

Edit For whoever it was that wanted the Snowmobile clips from Staci on youtube, she asked me to post them here for her. In case anyone else wants to see them, they are from when Tracy and lulu came crashing into the metrocourt on a snowmobile that lulu stole money from Tracy to buy. Don't know who to credit, but Staci gave them to me, so....



Remos...looking for the clips you wanted....

The face touching one is in here--it is 3-06, segment 2 or 6 I can't remember...I am not sure where the dance part is of Luke, but this was the best I could find. Also inlcuded the one where tracy/skye fight over the jacket from the same night and skye falls down the stairs. Enjoy!




I must say that I am laughing...cause only a few short months ago....I was the biggest clip beggar ever and now here I am posting clips for people! My how I have evolved--LOL!!!

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Well no Tracy today :( . And she's not in previews for tomorrow either.

Lulu did mention Tracy today. At Kelly's she asked Mike if she could have her job back. She said that the Quartermaines are pushing her to get a job. She said she doesn't want to be around the mansion all day, it's driving her crazy. She says it's not like the Quartermaines are family or anything "except Tracy and that's only through marriage" - and that Tracy was locked up at shadybrook anyway. She mentioned Tracy again in response to Logan's question about her being rich because she lives at that mansion and Lulu replied that her stepmother was rich.

I guess Lulu decided not to turn on her charms with Logan to help Tracy? She doesn't seem to be working on that. I mean Logan asked her on a date and she said no. Though she did end up saying yes because georgie will cover her shift so she can go, but she doesn't seem to be working him to help Tracy.

Didn't spoilers say that: Ned warns Scott to stay away from Lulu and Tracy? and Ned decides not to help Tracy get out of Shadybrook because of the forging of Alan's will? Is this supposed to take place this week? Ned said in yesterday's epi that he and Dillon were leaving "tonight". Granted, they are all wearing the same clothes today they were wearing yesterday, and that may be the case for tomorrow also, so maybe there is a possibility we wil at least see Ned, hopefully with Tracy, once more before he goes?

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