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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hello, early birds. Such as my life is, 8:30 am is the only time I'm getting online today... Oy. :( Anyhoo, I'm chilling in the breakroom (http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012) while doing other things, if there are any other people unfortunate enough to be awake at this ridiculous hour on their day off.....

Oh, and Tracy's on today. w00t!

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Happy 4th of July! It is a disgusting, dreary, rainy day in Houston. All fireworks have been cancelled. Everyone is cancelling their get togethers. We have nothing to do, which is fine. I would have joined you early today Deb, but I dragged myself out of bed to go exercise.

I am going now to Walmart to buy that tv vcr/dvd combo that Nex told me about. That way I can have at least a VCR in the house to watch old videos on. I think I have told a few people in the breakroom, but my husband propsed to me on General Hospital years ago. We used to tape it and watch it every night, and the day he was going to propose, he took it to work (he was working at a video production company back then) and edited in this whole proposal that was an Emergency broadcast system type interruption. So when we were watching it that night, it cut in and I was totally shocked, etc.

Anyway, I haven't watched in in about 15 years and I am determined to find the old tape. The sad part is I am not so anxious to rewatch the proposal, but I am dying to see what episode it was! And if Tracy was in it--ha ha. It was from March of 1990. Wouldn't it be funny if it was one of the clips someone has posted here for us like LadyAshton or something...or scotty and tracy on the desk scene, etc...

Hope it is a sunnier day where you guys all are!


Yes I'm here LA!

Edited by hookedongh
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Baking a cake and watching live. Anyone around? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

knh: I hope all the family togetherness doesn't leave you too tired. When you're up there just remind yourself all you need to do in hold your flowers and smile (and think about how much of a relief it is not to have to read). I don't mind speaking in public, but reading in a wedding is another story.

hooked: What a cute proposal. I can't wait to hear about which episode it was. :)

Looks like they are introducing all the new nurses for Night Shift...

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OFF TOPIC: HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!! (for those who don't receive my emails) Actually, that reminds me. If you do not get the emails I send every so often and are interested, feel free to PM me your email address, and I'll add you to the "group." :D So...Mexico obviously doesn't celebrate America's independence, but a lot of people are going out tonight to well...drink. Not my idea of a good time, so I'm not going. But a couple friends and I got ice cream earlier and went to the park around here. That was fun. :) Oh, and some students from our group started singing the national anthem while we were "chilling" by the pool/mini-cafeteria area by our school earlier. We got some strange looks. :o Anyway, hope you all are enjoying the holiday!

TOPIC: From Hella Good's recaps, I am gathering Tracy was on with Lainey, Dillon, Alan, and Edward today. I'm assuming Ned too. My sister emailed me to tell me she forgot to set my tape. She has it on her tape, smack in the middle of non-Tracy episodes. I'll tape over if Tracy isn't on a lot, but something tells me that she was today. How come there isn't a lot of squee-ness? 'Cause it's the 4th?

Spoiler for tomorrow (Tracy is mentioned, indirectly):

Spoiler for Friday:

Not sure if anyone is around, but I'll be in here (in and out) until about 8:15 central: http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

EDIT: *waves to Lainey*

EDIT (again): Spoiler for Monday, July 9th: (from SoapQueen):

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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July 4, 2007 was not a bad day for our Tracy. The whole epi today was actually pretty good. No Sam, Liz, Jason, Sonny, Spinelli, Jax, Lulu or Kate. We got Tracy, Edward, GhostAlan, Dillon, Ned, Lainey, Stan, Epiphany, Georgie and a bunch of silly Nurses. I like when GH highlights the 'underdogs,' and today was definitely one of those days. Hurray! They need to do this more often!

Hey, I'm actually writing. I went to my sister's today, which means a 1.5 hour train ride each way... and I mentafic'd a story called "The Look." It's "little," (3 pages) and mostly done.. but I don't love it so I'll let it sit a day (It needs more emotion and description). Yes, it's LuNacy lust (I only write LuNacy lust, my friends. What can I say -- it inspires me). This one might actually get posted. Ha!

Hope everyone had a great 4th. Sorry I missed ya, Ms. Q!

ta ta,


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Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!

Sooo any thoughts about today's episode?

Personally I think that

Ms. Q: I was watching the clip you posted awhile back on Hella Good of Tracy introducing Dillon to the fam. So funny! I was on a GH hiatus at the time, so I'd never seen it before. A belated thanks for sharing. I love how she says to Monica: "Sweetheart, you ought to think about updating the hairdo." LOL


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It is midnight central time...TL..you around? Any other late nighters??? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

We ended up having plans after all tonight. My bridezilla cousin who I am having the shower for on Saturday came over with her parents for dinner. It was really nice actually. No fireworks around here but we watched them on t.v.

Lainey...so excited you wrote something! You NEED to post it. We need Lunacy!!! Was the turtle bean soup cute on your niece==ha ha! I was thinking of you today when my little one told me read all of the "corrections" on how to put these little sharks sponge things in the bathtub to make them grow!

Sorry I missed you Ms. Q!

Brownstonegirl...did you make a rainbow cake??? Didn't watch today at all...taped it. Will watch in the am! So did ned not even go visit his mom at all?

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My speculation on yesterday's show.

First Ned. Ned, Ned, Ned.....you know I love me some Ned, but


And then there's Dillon...

So. Ned was a jerk, but it was completely understandable why he was a jerk. As someone who made the very difficult decision to physically remove myself from my family's drama 14 years ago, amidst much guilt and doubt, I can understand how sometimes you have to be what appears to be cruel in order to preserve your own sanity.

But, more importantly, Tracy looked wonderful. :D Actually, she looked great, and her therapy scenes were hilarious. Jane and Stu were freaking great, and I was amazed at how the actress who plays Lainey managed to keep a straight face through it.

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hooked: I didn't make a rainbow cake, but I did make red, white, and blue funfetti cupcakes! I randomly found star shaped cupcake foils at my local store, and they we're a hit at the cookout. I just love funfetti. :)

I think that your Tracy/Ned/Dillon dynamic analysis is right on.

Shoot! I'm going to be so late for work... I guess I'll have to cut this short for now. Hope she's on again today!


PS. Tracy is up to 77 in the character game! Go team!

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My main problem with Ned is not that I don't understand his motivations.

It's the attitude he has with her.

You can distance yourself from someone and still treat them like a human being.

And if you CAN'T, don't be a hypocrite. Admit you suck at practicing what you preach, and admit you don't do what you expect of others, and move on.

Ned and Dillon are hypocrites.

Tracy's not a great mom, but they are CRAPPY sons.

And if they'd ever admit that, I'd be fine with that, because the hypocrisy is what I can't stand.

They both think they're better than her.

They're not.

Moving right along......I guess I'm just not into GH right now too much, or else I would've already watched my week old tapes from Thursday and Friday, although I did make a point to tape this morning also.

I will be out of town starting Sunday night, through Friday night, back Saturday, and gone again next Sunday through Friday for work. I don't have a laptop and unless I can find time to take a break and log on during the day, I won't be posting next week or the week after during the workweek. No posting at night either unless I find someone with a computer.....Of course that also means I won't get to watch GH during the week, at least it will be a break from the regular routine and grind.

Hope everyone had a nice 4th. :)

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My family is completely nuts. Seriously nuts. They're like, Quartermaine Lite, up to and including the substance abuse, the infidelities, the corporate scandals, the feuds, and the up and down financial situation. All the angst, half the money.

So I know of what I speak when I say that Ned and Dillon are perfectly within their rights to be selfish--at some point in the game, when you're part of a sick family like the Qs, you have to decide whether or not you're going to live healthy and apart, or be part of the enduring sickness. There is very little chance of maintaining healthy boundaries when you're in the thick of it.

Yes, Tracy has done some wonderful things, made sacrifices, loved her children ferociously. Yes, she is a mother who loves her children and wants the best way. That does not negate the fact that she is toxic, her father is toxic, her brother and sister-in-law are toxic, and pretty much all of the remaining Qs who hang around are toxic. They fight, they feud, they shift alliances.

We love them as characters because they're interesting and charismatic and we can see their flaws and graces through the safety of distance. My family is brilliant--more artists and musicians and writers in one family than you would ever imagine. When we are together, the jokes flow like wine, and you laugh yourself silly. We are loving and charming and clever people. We're also toxic, and there is no safety of distance. My family is not fictional, and Dillon's family (within the context of the storyline) is not fictional to him.

At some point in the game, all the charm and brilliance and cleverness does not replace the need for sanity and stability in a life. And Dillon and Ned are choosing sanity. If Tracy was in physical danger, they would be there. But she's not. She's engaged, yet again, in another round of warfare with Edward. This was going on long before Ned and Dillon were around, and will continue on until one or both of them are dead. This will not change. No matter how amazing, how beautiful, how charming and wonderful Tracy is, to be physically in her life means to be sucked into her drama, to be a character in her chaos. Nobody can forge a life of their own living in the shadow of a Tracy Quartermaine.

I don't want to see Dillon the character go, because I love SC and I love the character. But if he were a real person, I'd be at the airport waving him off and wishing him good luck.

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OMG It feels like forever since I've talked to all of you!!

Oh and I haven't watched GH in like a week, its a record lol. I've been to busy keeping the kiddies out of trouble and out of my bags haha. ::sighs:: At least I get paid tomorrow, then I'm *so* going to Hot Topic! Actually I'm getting a bit scared right now cuz I have no clue what Kaity (the 9 yr old) is doing. ::nervous laughter::

So.... Ned's being a jerk? Yeah not that surprised. Is she gonna be on today?? I mean its not like I'll be able to watch it cuz I have to go see my great-grandmother but yeah.

And welcome Colette, I swear I'm not as psycho as I sound haha. Oh and I love the banner!

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Happy 4th ya'll!!!!

I was just over at Hella Good, you know, just looking, at the Character Game, to see where Tracy is so far this morning when I noticed that this chick named hypoticeclipse (who always votes against Tracy) not only voted for our girl but wrote this, I thought it was funny:

Lucky 95

Patrick 11 -

Sam 113

Tracy 81 + oh I can't believe I just added there.. but Lucky is just not the Spencer Lucky anymore, Sam is well.....and Patrick..oy vey

Yes, Tracy is now at 81 points good job everybody!

Almost forgot, here are yesterday's clips, there is a bit of Stan and Lainey:


Credit goes to Trudy at Hella Good, she also edited them.

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