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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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No, our girl wasn't on today :( .

Oh well, I guess we'll be seeing her later in the week. I just wish there were more spoilers that went beyond this/next week.

Deb, Love the "Live Fierce!" in your signature! - Good advice ;)

*waves* to Colette and KSlater !

Edited by TracyLuv
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For those without SoapNet, here's a transcript from GHH2 for the missing scenes on Friday:

Tracy: You really are a vile excuse for a human being.

Scott: Have you ever heard the expression "you catch more flies with honey"?

Tracy: Doesn't apply to snakes.

Scott: Listen to me, Tracy, if you want me to drop these charges against you, you better stop insulting me and tell me where Luke took Laura.

Tracy: You know, I don't like Laura very much, but I would never willingly subject her to the likes of you.

Scott: Better me than the guy that raped her. Luke has no respect for Laura, otherwise he wouldn't have dragged her out of the hospital and taken her on the lam!

Tracy: You have been calling Luke a deadbeat for years because you think he can't be bothered to take care of his wife and his children. But all along, you were the one avoiding your responsibilities, and I have proof.

Scott: Oh --

Tracy: So, either you drop the charges against me and have the doctors release me immediately, or the whole world is going to find out about your long-lost -- check that -- your long-abandoned son.

Lulu: You know Scott Baldwin is your father, don't you? That's why you helped Maxie blackmail him. And it wasn't about the money, it was about getting even with him for bailing on you and your mom.

Tracy: My private investigator was beyond thorough. In here are phone records, credit card receipts, even a lease agreement -- all of which places you in Hollingsbeck, Texas, in 1984.

Scott: Those records are about as real as your brother's will, which you forged. And don't even try and deny that, Tracy. I know how -- how Spencer's mind works. He saw this opportunity to cash in on your brother's death and he took it, and he used you to do it -- just like he used you to kidnap Laura.

Tracy: Luke has some flaws. However, to the best of my knowledge, he has never walked out on a pregnant woman. And the pregnant woman you walked out on, by the way -- her name was, um, Jaclyn -- Jaclyn Hayes.

Scott: How many times has Luke taken off in your marriage without so much as a goodbye? You know why? Because he can't be tied down to a wife, to kids, to a job! He is truly a deadbeat, where me, on the other hand -- I've embraced fatherhood all my life. You know, when I found out that Karen was my daughter, my biggest regret was I didn't find out earlier. And when she was taken from me in that car accident, a piece of me was taken. But thank God, you know, I got Serena. She is the apple of my eye, Tracy.

Tracy: Mm-hmm. And the heir to a sizable fortune, which goes a long way to explaining your devotion.

Scott: Don't you ever question my love for Serena, never!

Tracy: Ok, well, if you love being a pop so much, why'd you turn your back on your only son?

Scott: This blackmail is not going to work. I do not have a son!

Lulu: Does Scott even know about you?

Logan: Baldwin knew my mother was pregnant. That didn't stop him from skipping town on us.

Lulu: So you -- you haven't told him that you're his son?

Logan: What difference would that make? Baldwin knows he's got a kid walking around the world somewhere. But the loser never bothered to pick up the phone, or take two seconds to -- to just answer one of my mother's letters. The bottom line is he -- he just didn't want the hassle, so he pretended like we didn't exist. What I can't figure out is how did -- how did you put this together?

Lulu: Scott is threatening to charge my stepmother with kidnapping charges unless she, um, tells him where my mom is. So -- so she hired a private investigator to get some dirt on him and -- and use it as leverage. So that's what --

Logan: You want me to be the leverage? That's what this is about? You can for-- you can forget that.

[Lulu sighs]

Lulu: Logan, Logan, wait, wait, wait --

Spinelli: Halt, simian! What -- what have you done to upset the fair Lulu?

Lulu: He didn't do anything. I was just an insensitive jerk and I am sorry.

Spinelli: Please tell me that what just happened in the hallway was a figment of my imagination, or that my alarmingly low blood sugar caused my ears to deceive me, because there was no way that the simian one deserves an apology from you. In fact, he is so far beneath you on the evolutionary scale that you guys aren't even in the same species.

Lulu: Ok, I appreciate that, but I don't need to be protected. Logan didn't do anything wrong, I should've been more sensitive.

Spinelli: Ok, I guess it would be dismaying to learn that the earthworm, Baldwin, is anyone's parental unit. But in the case of the unworthy one, the crabby apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.

Logan: You know what? I've had just about enough of your crap.

Lulu: Stop it, stop it, both of you. That was uncalled for. Yes, Logan has an attitude, but even at his worst, he is nothing like his father. Scott Baldwin killed Rick Webber and let my mom take the blame. He drove her to a breakdown, and has filed for custody so that my dad will never see her again. Scott Baldwin is a liar and a coward, so to say Logan is anything like his father is just cruel.

Logan: Baldwin's not my father. He's just some guy who got my mother pregnant and bailed.

Lulu: Yes, and you've been taking it out on the world ever since. How is that working out for you? That's what I thought. So the way that I see it is you have two choices, ok? You can either let the anger continue to build up inside of you, or you can do something about it. So what's it going to be?

Scott: Well, Tracy, you certainly have done your research.

Tracy: Isn't it amazing what you can dig up with a little incentive and a whole lot of money?

Scott: Well, you know what? You wasted a whole lot of money and a lot of time. Because all this proves is that I was in Hollingsbeck, Texas, in the 1980s. I certainly would know if I had fathered a son down there.

Tracy: You do, which is why you're working so hard to cover your butt.

Scott: I -- I do not have a son!

Tracy: Ok, well, you can tell that to the press, and while you're at it, I'm sure they'll be amused to find out that you left him in a trailer park in Hollingsbeck, Texas.

Scott: Ok, ok, ok, enough of this nonsense here. Now, if you want to spend your golden years playing checkers and eating chipped beef on toast in cellblock c, you better tell me where Luke took Laura!

Tracy: I have no idea.

Scott: Now, let me remind you again -- I am your only way out of this nut house, Tracy!

Tracy: And I am your only way of keeping your job. So, either you drop the charges against me, or you're going to be chasing ambulances again.

Scott: Ah -- come on. Who is going to believe the ramblings of some crazy woman?

Lulu: I will.

[scott groans]

Scott: What's he doing here? Wait a second, is -- is that the loser that you hired to impersonate my son?

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inyron and MinervaFan, I've read your updated fanfic. Loved them both. inryon, GH should have written something like that in. Poor Scott Clifton hasn't had material in ages, and in the near future, he's just

. And MinervaFan, something like yours, too, could've aired, with the pretaping that Tony does. hooked, still haven't read your latest story, but I'm sure I am going to enjoy it.

As far as Hella Good goes, great work, everyone! I've been supporting Tracy when I can. Glad to hear she's getting more points!

And I think it was TracyLuv who mentioned this, but yeah, Tracy does seem to be disappearing from the spoilers after this week. I hope it's just temporary. It seems like she might get to play with Scotty, Lulu, and Logan for a bit.

BREAKROOM, anyone? My hour is up in a half hour or so, but I don't mind paying more if people are around...


EDIT: In case anyone didn't know...

A Luke/Laura/Tracy video by Regency...


dorianfan also has new Luke/Tracy videos up...


I haven't watched everything yet, but when I do, I'll comment. :D

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Anyone out there?


I'm FREAKED OUT about work. I need to be talked down. Anyone? Anyone?

Oh.. anybody else having issues with SON? I can't seem to access the Lovefest from work anymore. Do you have to be logged in to access it now? What the *@$& is up with the glitches?!?! Glitches are the last thing I need on a day when I'm convinced every powerful person in my company thinks I'm a MORON!!!!!! And all I wanna to is indulge my Tracy love to calm my nerves, and I can't DO IT!! Grrrr. :angry:

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Hey All!!

Yes, I have to log in to read the thread too which is a pain in the @$$!! So I figured since I had to log on anyway.... may as well post since I am here....

Lainey, Hope all went well at work today.

Ms. Q, Sorry I missed you.

Nex, Your welcome for the clips. Hope you had a great trip.

Angel, It's good to see you again :)

Tracy's gone up a good number of points on the Hella Good game since the other day. Seems there are some Tracy lovers out there I wasn't aware of. Then again some of them might be voting for Trace not because they like her, but because they can't stand Lucky, Sam or Patrick LOL. Hey what ever works! Either way, it's all good :)

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Sorry I missed you last night Ms. Q--you just left when I came in and talked to LadyA!!

TL--I made it up for my class believe it or not...although I am dragging!

Wish we could find some Tracy spoilers for beyond this week with Ned/Dillon exit...Do you guys think she gets out of Shadybrook for good or just somehow gets a "get out of the nuthouse free" pass cause her son is moving and you know in port charles, you can be in jail for murder, but get to hang out in the interrogation room all day and call whoever you want, so maybe Tracy is allowed to get out to have her nails done or something! Ha ha!

Has anyone seen anything beyond the next few days with her mentioned???

Edit Wow...I missed my 600th post! This is 601! :) I am so busy talking I didn't notice!!!

Edited by hookedongh
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Congratulations on your 600th post, Hooked! Your level of obsession is good and yeah, verily impressive.

Today has been CRAZY--started out late, and never quite caught up. Hopefully the afternoon will go smoothly, and I'll have some Tracy to come home to before the holiday....

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Welcome Colette! Glad to see someone new join the group! You'll have to come chat with us one night in the breakroom. If you want to see any old clips of Tracy, let us know..many of us have libraries of them these days! :)

Love your banner as well! It is just perfect! :)

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Hey TracyLuv!! I just PMed you about 5 seconds ago on Hella Good, lol.

I forgot on my last post to add that I have to go to my cousins's wedding tomorrow through Sunday. I haven't even met her, my uncle just recently remarried. The invitation has a picture of them: Her and some guy with a mohawk. Um?

So that should be interesting. I am glad you like my banner! I have to admit, I have no idea how to change the color or get those little details on Corel. Hopefully I will get the hang of all that soon.

Well, I am excited to finally be posting!

Edit: *waves* to hookedongh!

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