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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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When Kin came back in January, a few of the more reliable sites, GHFF, wubs, and I think Carol at SoapZone reported that when Genie was on in Nov, she suggested the storyline that they pitched to Kin to get him back. I remember that she was always raving about Julie Marie/Lulu, so it seems to me that the story she sugested was probably Lulu & Scott's son.

I doubt it was anything we have seen so far, because Kin said in an early interview that we will see a better side of Scott this time, redeeming him. They didn't tell him that Scott had killed Rick Webber til after he was back and filming. He had just given an interview saying Scott would never kill anyone, so that wasn't it. (TIIC shafted you again, Shriner!)

And you are correct, they haven't called Genie to come back at all because they are complete SOB's. As she says, why should they pay her when they can use the wig? I'm sure her original idea had Laura involved in some way.

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I have 9 minutes. But squee! There's an internet cafe close enough to where I live out here, and it's so...Well, MODERN! It's the same price as the other one too. The screens have better picture (the words are not blurred, it's brighter, and it's flat). There are no ash trays. There is a bathroom. It's almost like a little store with food, drink, and some electronic gadgets. Oh, and it comes equipped with headphones, so I don't have to fiddle with mine. And finally, the breakroom functions here!!! Why did it take me so long to come to this cafe?!? :o

I was able to watch Tracy's SEVEN scenes from yesterday. Some very quick comments: Not diggin' the hair, but I don't mind that outfit. I think it's amusing how everyone gets to visit here in there. So glad to see Lulu helping her out. THIS is the Lulu I enjoy. Hmm, what else? I agree that Alan and Scott were being harsh, but I tremendously enjoyed Jane Elliot's facial expressions in the scenes with Kin Shriner. I hope we get a lot more scenes with them in the future.

Oh, a favor. hooked, I've been watching some of my videos on YouTube in the last hour, but I never put Never Knew Love Like This Before or We Belong on there. (They'll go up when I return). Anyway, would you be able to upload to SaveFile? I don't know why, but I really want to watch those again. Thanks!

And so glad to hear that Tracy is on tomorrow!!! YEAH!

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For you Ms. Q--anything! I will try to do that tonight! S00000000000000000 glad you got to watch them .I didnt' watch today yet, but will later tonight.

Lainey...we miss you...hope you get back from travelling soon! Although when you are gone, we do get good Tracy!!!

Breakroom anyone? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 9pm central now

Nex...come in the breakroom..TL and I are in there...

Ms. Q...your videos have been uploaded....http://www.savefile.com/projects/808500264 I also put in today's clips for you that Nex edited (6/28)

Edited by hookedongh
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Well here they are..............todays clips, all two and a half minutes (yeah I said 2 1/2 minutes) of Tracy in all her glory.



Credit goes to Isabella at S-M.net edited by me.

Also, I am going out of town tomorrow after work so I will not be able to post Fridays clips until I get back Monday night, that is, unless somebody else can do it.

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Ahh...this makes more sense now. Hmm...I wonder how it will all play out. The whole Scott killed Rick Webber feels kind of unreal to me because I don't remember ever seeing the evidence. Can anyone remind me how they discovered Scott's crime? When Tracy said that she knew that he killed Rick, I was kind of like...umm...you only heard that he killed Rick. I don't recall Lulu and Spinelli ever coming across concrete evidence that Scott did it and even if they did Tracy definitely didn't see it. Or did I miss an episode...?

As some of you know, I'm not the biggest Laura fan. Ok, I'm not really a Laura fan at all. But that said, it's dumb to have Laura have to be the center of attention story when she's not really even on the show. It doesn't make sense to have a wig get more screen time that actual characters.

I kind of love this spumor. It would be great to have another Q (even if it is Spinelli) and he would be hilarious with Jane. Especially given how much esteem Tracy holds "Spumoni" in. I love that she always thinks that he's on drugs. Lol.

Ms. Q: I actually saw 30 users browsing the Lovefest!

PS. hooked: I really want to try that rainbow cake. Yum!

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*waves to brownstonegirl*

I know I have vids and stories to comment on, and I will...I haven't watched today but I did yesterday, Jane and Julie so shine together.


I just haven't much been in the mood for GH this week, not even to really comment on Tracy. Something happened pertaining to work ( don't read if you don't want to be saddened or depressed. I'm still not over it and I can't get it out of my head):

So yeah. Tracy and GH as such....not so in the mood right now.

But she still rocks. :)

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That is horrible IloveTracyQ--probably one of the most horrific things that could happen to a person. I got the chills when I read that..with my three kids sleeping upstairs in my house while our room is down...I really need to go over fire safety with them again. I will send good thoughts as well.

BSG...I will save you a piece of cake! It was yummy--and so very colorful!!

TL--thanks for the marathon chat tonight!

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LadyAshton, I finally got time to watch that clip of JE on SoapTalk you posted. Can I say NUMMY? She is so frackin' adorable that I don't even know what to say! Real, and cute, and funny, and adorable. And, yeah, whoever said it in the Break Room, the little barrette was teh cuteness.....

Watched the Tracy scenes yesterday--amazed at how beautiful she is, even in Shadybrook. She's just radiant--must be the effect of a full bank-account from actually getting to go in to work and earn a paycheck, as opposed to being on contract but getting no scenes for months......

In regards to Alan and how mean he is, I think I need to step up and defend the dead!doc. Yeah, what he's saying to Tracy is horrible, but not one iota more horrible than the things he said to her when he was alive. Watch the clips--he was downright vicious when describing her lovers, and never held back for fear of hurting her. Why should death change that? Two, his entire point as a ghost seems to be to get Tracy to confess. When she confesses, he says, all this will be resolved (HA, lying dead!jerk!). So in that capacity, he's going to exploit every situation he can in order to achieve his goal. He's going to play on her insecurities, torment her, all sorts of evil, wonderful things--in order to get her to confess. That's why he's here.

Of course, if the spoilers are true,

If that's the case, then what's the REAL reason for Alan to be haunting Tracy? Hmmmmmmmm....do you think even ghost!Alan knows?

Oh, and on a completely unrelated note--there is new fic at the Ficathon from Ideal_Rain and Inyron. Go, read, comment freely and with much abandon! All is goodness and light.

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Oh, lawd, I know I'm going to catch hell for this--but can anybody help me find a screen cap of Hunky!Jason from yesterday's episode? (In the tank top with the steam coming at him?) My coworker wants a .jpg of it to use on her cell phone, and I told her I'd find one. Of course, I have no idea where to look for images of beefy straight men barely dressed.....

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MagicHappens, thanks for the link. I'll try it when I get home, because the firewall at work is blocking it.

As for Scott and Tracy, that ship sailed years ago, imho. They're too much alike, and not enough alike, to work. I'm sorry, but at the bottom of it all, I just don't think Scott likes Tracy all that much. He might lust after her, use her, have fun with her, toy with her--but he really doesn't like her...

ETA: Wow, I just reread that last paragraph. I'm not trying to be mean--I like Scott, especially when they're not writing him as Jerk du Jour. But I never saw the chemistry between him and Tracy. Perhaps I just haven't seen enough of them together.... With Ashton and Luke, at least, there was always a strong sense of affection under the vitriol--like fighting was a form of foreplay, or at least, heavy petting. With Scott, even when they were making out, it felt aggressive, like one was always trying to roll the other one. I never got the feeling that either of them would have been friends with the other had circumstance not thrown them into bed together. Fey keeps telling me I have to see him with the love of his life (I can't remember the character's name, but I think they had a daughter together.) I really like Kin Shriner, and I like Scott Baldwin in theory. I just don't like the way he treats people--especially the women he sleeps with.

Edited by MinervaFan
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Hey all, Thought Tracy looked great today again. A quick recap if anyone is interested....

I missed the fist segment from news interruption though I I have a feeling Tracy wasn't in the first segment anyway.

Dont remember order of scenes per say, and there were I don't know, maybe two or three, but here is what more of less took place:

Scott reviewed the file and agreed that Tracy had done her homework. Tracy tells Scott that he should let her out or he will lose his career and be back chasing ambulances. He said he's been to Texas but yells that he has no son of any kind. He asked Tracy who would believe the rantings of a crazy woman over him.... enter Lulu "me" she says. She has Logan with her. Scott says that Logan is not his son and throws some insults at Logan who makes some comments about how he doesn't want to be Scott's son (seems he knew) and doesn't want to be bothered with him. Logan leaves after Scott walks out, and Lulu apologizes to Logan saying that she didn't know Scott would be there. Tracy is impressed with Lulu for hiring an imposter on short notice. Lulu tells Tracy that Logan is really Scott's son. And Tracy appears thrilled. Tracy tells Lulu this is good news because now they can really go after Scott or something to that affect. Lulu says that Logan does not want to be bothered going after Scott in that way. And Tracy puts on her evil lucious grin and tells Lulu that she will have to use her ways to get him to change his mind. Lulu has this expression like Tracy is crazy but that she seems she likes the idea to. LOL that's how it looked to me anyway. That was the last scene. Tracy was not in previews for Monday. I wonder what Lulu's response to Tracy will be. There is a spoiler that says that Lulu will sleep with Logan but I get the impression it may begin out of her sympathy for Logan and his reeling from the confrontation with Scott.

My fave parts today were: Lulu walking in at just the right time to say "me" when Scott asked Tracy who would believe her. AND, and I know this sounds terrible but my other fave today was Mama pimping her step-baby girl to get Logan to change his mind. LOL. Hey ya know, Tracy would do it for Lulu in a hot second.

Edited by TracyLuv
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You're not being mean - like Tracy, he's a complicated character who isn't everyone's cup of tea (and the present writing sucks). Admitedly, I wasn't watching in the 90's so I missed Tracy & Scott. From the clips I saw thanks to the posters here, he was pretty awful to her. Maybe I would just like to see either of these two get some action - together would be nice. IMO, Luke deserves a "surprise" when he's done worshiping at Laura's feet and crawls back to Tracy.

I tend to like Scott most as a bad boy with a secret heart of gold. (Audio aid: listen to The Who's "Behind Blue Eyes" which GH used for him once when he was arrested for Susan Moore's murder.)

I also missed him with Dominique, but there's a lot of it on YouTube so I am trying to catch up.

The best was PC - he was a great single father to Serena, who they never let him mention.

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