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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Sorry I missed you guys last night! I was finally catching up on all of my missed Tracy clips. Yay!. Thanks for the link to the clips hooked, I am officially caught up.

I can't help myself when it comes to spoilers so I knew everything that was going to happen, but I have to say, when Luke told Tracy that he would always come back to her, it was way better than I could have imagined. That look that Luke gave Tracy when he realized that she was worried that he was leaving her was priceless. It was such a pure LuNacy moment. LOVED it! Not to mention I loved her hair in those post-verdict scenes.

Ok, the in-laws are coming tomorrow for Father's Day, so I have to work hard to make my place "mother-in-law" clean. Oy. I'm hoping to work quickly so I can swing by the breakroom later this evening.

PS. MinervaFan, you're not the worst person in the world (or if you are, I'm with you!). I had the exact same thoughts about Genie... The good thing is that her daughter is only 10 and with Genie wanting to raise her kids away from the spotlight, I really don't think that she would come back longterm at least until they were grown. Also, it makes for really lousy/boring storytelling to put Luke and Laura together right away. If Laura does come back for any extended period I would want them to make a big story about her discovering that she and Luke aren't actually married and that Luke is in love with Tracy. Then after they play that for awhile (and after Luke chooses our girl, of course), Laura can decide that she needs to be an independent woman and discover who she is without Luke and either leave the show or marry someone else. If I keep telling myself this over and over again it will become true, right? LOL

PPS. Am I a bad person for wanting Brian Frons to stay in charge because of his bias against GF?

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HILARIOUS TL...emmy-winning chairbound one! Or for short EWCO !

Just came from a nice wholesome family dinner at Hooters! Ha! Hope you check in later Brownstonegirl.

http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/104934 I'll be around working on some photo memory book things online for a while. It is 8:25 central

Edited by hookedongh
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TL and I are still in the breakroom if anyone else is around.

knh: how did your assignment turn out? I really enjoyed reading it. I'm sure your prof will as well.

coolkid: If you're out there thanks for hanging with my last Saturday night. You made my boring conference night fun. Donna Love forever! :D

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BSG, This is for you.

Jane on Soaptalk

More to come


Jane on Soapnet 7-14-06 Clip 1

Jane on Soaptalk 7-14-06 Clip 2

Jane on Soaptalk 7-14-06 Clip 3

YIPPEE!! I'm happy that for ONCE I can do this for someone else like everyone else does. See and you all thought I was a taker!! LOL I just hope I did it right and the links work. LOL

Edited by TracyLuv
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Here is the family feud stuff:

Family Feud - Jane N Scott 1

Family Feud - Jane N Scott 2

Edit: Sorry BSG, I will have to finsih the other 3 epis tomorrow. I was all done and pressed the button to post and Sarfari quit on me and I lost them. I can't believe it! I knew I should have just kept posting and editing but I figured it would be okay. So.. more tomorrow.

Edited by TracyLuv
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A little Sunday morning treat for you guys--100 Situations #50 : A Catered Affair. URL: http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/86439.html

I know it's short, and I'm sorry for that. I've been having serious brain freeze lately, but this came to me and I decided to go with it.

Lainey, I still want that Tralu story when you get back from NOLA. :D Have a good time. Say hey to the City for me.

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I don't know yet. I have to check in later to see if anyone read it and posted their responses. It turns out I didn't have to post it till today. I thought it was the 15th and I would have had to post early so it was up onTuesday or Wednesday night, so I've been waiting a while. This only means that no one will have checked the site until today, so I should find out soon what everyone thought. I won't hear from the prof until all the students post.

Thanks so much for the feedback though. That was exactly what I needed to hear. I told you I took the story from part of the book I was writing so all the stuff you mentioned had already been developed and I knew al the background and banter and everything else about the relatinship, so I didn't even see that it wasn't there in the scene. I changed some things around and fixed everything I could. You don't have to read it if you don't want to but I'll send you the revised copy when I get on the house computer later.

Thanks again to everyone who helped me with this!!

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Can someone (Nex, Deb, maybe or LadyAshton maybe might know or someone who makes videos) how would I get a clip from a DVD onto my computer. Could I somehow put it onto windows movie maker? I want to figure out how to post this long lost soaptalk JE intervew from March 04. I have it on a DVD that I got, but am not sure how I could do that. If it can be put in windows movie maker (if that is even possible) I could upload tht to sendspace or something and then post the link right? Is that possible?

Love the story Deb! SHe is such a bad girl--ha ha! I keep thinking of the flashback scene with luke/tracy when I read this about the kinds of boys she liked and the young debutante tracy! Too funny.

Boy it is a busy sunday morning around here today. I am actualy cooking (yes, don't fall off your chairs) breakfast for father's day. Eggs (woo woo...so gourmet huh and bacon (such a good jew) but for me it is a huge effort--ha ha!

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So, hooked, has the Houston Department of Emergency Services been advised of your plans to cook this morning? Because they might want to have a crew on hand, just in case! Ha. Just teasing.

While I appreciate your being so domestic for Father's Day, you really need to get cracking on that TrAsh fic, woman. How dare you have a life that interferes with your fannish activities?

Hope everyone has a great Father's Day.

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Hi everyone!

Has been quite a week for me. My dad had surgery on Monday evening for a ruptured appendix - OUCH - and was doing just fien, then developed pneumonia. So I have spent the past week at the hospital. Was staying at his house cause I was not gonna keep making the hour and a half plus trip. This wouldn't have been too bad, except that he doesn't have cable, the internet, or a DVD player!!!! Can you say WITHDRAWL??????

So he is doing much better and I am happy to be home and get back to a normal routine. Anything major going on??? It's gonna take a while to catch up!

LA :)

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So glad you are back and hope your dad is on the mend LadyAshton. We missed ya around here.

So, TG is starting to piss me off...JE is his leading lady...not GF...read this blurb from a USA Today article from the emmy's that was posted on SOC:

During soap operas' heyday in the 1980s it would have seemed unthinkable that one half of General Hospital super couple Luke and Laura would be unwelcome at the show, but that's what Genie Francis (Laura) is facing.

Thirty-one years after her debut, Francis finally collected a daytime Emmy for best supporting actress. But ever since she made a brief return for the super couple's 25th wedding anniversary last October, the Laura character has been kept alive as a faceless blonde wig.

"They'd have to ask me back," said Francis, wearing a raspberry colored gown, when asked about a more permanent return. "My kids are very happy in Maine, and they don't want to move." For that reason, Francis wants desperately to come back to the show, but only for "short visits. That would work for me."

But Jill Farren-Phelps, GH's executive producer, is not sure she is willing to work with Francis' terms and continues to speak in circles about Francis' return. "The door is always open … we never say never," said Phelps. "We'd love to have her back. It's just that our business is very different than it used to be. It's not quite as simple. If ever there were someone we'd bring back, it would be Genie."

Phelps does agree that the off-screen presence of the Laura character without Francis in the role is getting tired. And Anthony Geary (Luke) has flat had enough. "In my opinion, (her return) is way overdue," said Geary, while checking out the freebies at the On 3 Productions gifting lounge during a Thursday rehearsal at the Kodak Theatre. He had just seen Francis for the first time since she'd left the show again late last year. He made it clear he wants his leading lady back.

As does Geary's soap sister, Jacklyn Zeman, who has been on the show for 30 years. "But actors don't get a vote," she said.

Oy!!! Glad TG didn't win an emmy...he doesn't deserve it if he doesn't want JE to be his main squeeze--ha ha!

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