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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hooked, thanks for more on the spoilers. I also loved that Luke said to Tracy that maybe she should call Lulu.

Nex, thanks for the edited clips

LadyAshton, Thanks for the fountain clip. I remember when that aired but I don't remember the rest of the scene included, just the fountain part.

knh, the last time I heard Lulu call Tracy step-monster was when spinelli was at the mansion and Tracy walked in on Dillon/Lulu/Spin's little nvestigation. That was AFTER Lulu said maybe she shouldn't call her step-witch anymore. Not that I like either, but I dislike "step-witch" more.

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Kristin I promise I will read your story and give you some feedback between now and Monday morning first thing, I just haven't had a chance yet.

I have other fics to read and comment on, I haven't forgotten.

I feel like I have NO spare time lately, LOL.

I am off to bed, but I did pop in to SOC just long enough to see the Tracy/Lacy thread from Friday about Tracy's line aBOUT them having sex had been deleted.

I'd ask why but pffft.

Liz and Ruby leave up, and delete, whatever THEY think is revelevant.

La ti dah. Whatever. LOL

See you all later !

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Hey hope everyone is having a good sunday. It is quiet around here. I read in SID that June 11th is TG's last airdate (which would be tomorrow) Boo hoo! No more Lunacy til October...at least we will get some Tracy though for the next couple of weeks. Behind bars, straight jacket...should be fun!

On a major cleaning mission today...will pop in later!

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You know what I love best right now?! Not that we are gettig such great Lunacy (cuz I don't care what anyone says... we are). Not that they have their comedic element back and strong. Not that we have more than 1 day of Tracy a week. It's that we are going to have Tracy without Luke. As much as I adore Luke and I love tham as a couple more, we all know she can go without a minute total airtime for months if TG is out. We are going to be getting a ton of Tracy time without her beloved husband. Don't get me wrong, I want him back as soon as he can come, but as long as I can see Tracy (with anyone) I don't care what else goes on!!

Ok, I'm off to finish my responses to this week and last weeks questions by 6 o'clock tonight.Who does that? Of all the summer classes this is the only teacher I've ever seen that doesn't have them due by midnight. 6:00?! Anyway, my book hasn't come in 3 weeks into the course, so I had to reorder it. It shoudl be in within a day or 2, but this weeks questions are due tonight and she gave me till tonight to hand in the old ones with no penalty, which was great of her to do that cuz she has no way of knowing if I'm telling the truth. Downside is that I have to go crazy online looing up lecture notes from other schools so I can see what the chapters are about and then do my own research based on those to answer the questions for 5 chapters in 2 hours and 15 minutes.

Later all

edit: ok, so I conceed that I was wrong about the date, but the general time was right, it was all within a week or two.

Edited by knh
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Hey ya'll !

Wow the board was down a loooong time yesterday.

Kristin I was going to read your story yesterday and comment this morning but since the board was down I couldn't.

I will try to read sometime tonight ! I do want to read it, there are other fics people have written here that I haven't read yet...LOL I used to stay so on top of the thread here and lately things are just nuts IRL.

I haven't even watched Friday's GH yet.


Today will be a busy workday but I will try to pop in before I leave work.

See you guys later !

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Wow..the board was down a long time yesterday...so annoying. Hope today is good GH day for last Lunacy for a while. I agree knh, it will be nice for Tracy to get some airtime without Luke, but I have a feeling it may be good for the next couple of weeks, but then she is going to be pushed to the back burner for the summer of Lulu vs. Maxi and of course, the ever present mob and their girlfriends/wives/neighbors! :) But...we can hope!

At least we have to have her involved with Dillon's exit storyline...even if it is only a couple of days. And with WK when he returns to help with Dillon's exit story (unless they have her locked up in shadybrooke off camera).

But I will choose to think positively that maybe she will get some great shadybook scenes! :)

Check in later...

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Ya'll, I didn't even get to watch the Fountain Scene yet, even though I downloaded it the other day. Finally have a bunny for the next 100 Situations prompt, and oh, what a bunny it is. Will know more how to frame it after today's show. Here's a hint--either Carrie or Lainey (can't remember) suggested this "pairing" a while back, and I scoffed (scoffed, I tell you). Now, it's not going to be a sexual pairing, but I think it's time for these two characters to interact.


Oh, and Dana Ivey didn't win the Tony Award last night. Pphhhhht!

ETA: Oh, what the hay? Had a few minutes at lunch--threw this together. Please note it's barely proofread, much less beta'd. So, typos must necessarily occur.

100 Situations #48: The Jackal Sees the Light: One iconoclast has a revelation about another.

URL: http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/85707.html

Edited by MinervaFan
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I must say Deb, I floved that. It's sad that Spinelli is newly created and already ruined by brainless writing. Wheras your take brings him up several levels to a place where he actually seems to have some kind of worth beyond the actor's charisma.

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Hey all!! Hope everyone is well!

Well, today is TG's last air-date until October! - WAAAAHHH!!! I HOPE HOPE HOPE today is SOOOOOO MF'n FABULOUS!

Please let Tracy get lots of stuff in Luke's absence. We have spoilers, like Hooked said, that probably takes Tracy into the next couple of weeks, but what about after that? It would be great if we had TraLu summer bonding. Perhaps maybe Lulu sleeps with that loser, Logan, and regrets it? And even if she doesn't, I know Tracy would have plenty to say about it. Especially if he turns out to be Scott's son :o . Hope Lulu turns to her stepmama and not so much to Carly or Jason. Wow such great role-models they are - NOT!!!! I am looking forward to Tracy urging Lulu to move back into the Q mansion and hope that it's not just a one second thing. It would be great too if Tracy were there for Lucky, hey, he's bound to find out this summer that Liz's kid ain't his. Wishful thinking, I know, to want Tracy to share some part of that story line.

Anyhoo, am a little saddened that LuNacy will kinda be on hold for the next few months, hence my new (makeshift) banner (my luck according to the SON rules, it's too big). In creating this one, I couldn't help but go back and count the kisses they've shared over the past 2+ years. The number, according to my calculations (though I suck at math) is 13 counting the one from last week. Hope today brings number 14, the best yet, along with an "I LOVE YOU TRACY" from Luke.

Deb, Yes, I remember that breakroom chat, we wanted you to do a funny TraSpin fic like "The Graduate". LOL. Don't know who actually came up with the idea but I think we all wanted it just for laughs.

Off to read Deb's TraSpin fic :)

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VERY IMPRESSIVE banner TracyLuv! I LOVE all those kisses--even got a quote in there too! Next thing you know...you are going to be writing Lunacy fanfic and making videos!!!

Isn't it crazy how much you miss this place when SON is down?????? Kind of scary actually.

Deb...can't wait to read your fic...will do so in a few minutes. I haven't watched the fountain clip yet with sound as my sound is all screwed up but am going to do that now.

Keeping fingers crossed for a goodbye kiss and an ILY!!!

Edit Just read it Deb...can totally imagine that dialogue coming out of spinelli's mouth...you captured him perfectly! I think you said it perfectly...Tracy has been healed by love...all she ever wanted was to be validated and appreciated for who she is....Luke gave her that gift! :) See--he is good for something--ha ha!

Edit again LadyAshton...finally got my sound working on my computer..OMG..that was hilarious (the fountain clip). Thanks so much for posting that for us!!

Edit yet again...I think it must have been Lainey with the spinelli idea Deb!

Edited by hookedongh
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It Came as if In a Vision: If somebody was ever twisted enough to ship Spinelli/Tracy? The ship name would be SpAcy.


If she's not on today, I will hurt something. I know not what, but it will be of the most destructive variety. (Dang, can't get rid of SpinelliSpeak once you start....)

Edited by MinervaFan
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Deb--She is for sure on today as she was in the previews from Friday (she and Luke). Dont' know how much, but she is for sure on at least...so don't hurt anyone just yet--ha ha.

Edit...spacy--that is funny! TrAsh is still my fav though as far as a name goes (with the exception of Lunacy of course)

Edited by hookedongh
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Deb, "SpAcy" LOL!! You are a riot! And how fitting that would be. Loved your fic Deb, and Yup, you got Spinelli down alright. It would be nice if Spinelli came up with another "Spinelli-esque" name for our girl over the summer.

Hooked, Thanks for the compliments on my banner. I don't have banner making "equipment" so it was a project to make it. I tried to start a vid a while back, but don't have a decent song yet. As for a fic... well I have started one. LOL can you believe it? It probably wont see the light of day since I am a crappy writer, but so far it's working well as therapy for me :) .

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