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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Sorry I've been so silent since Wednesday. We had a MAJOR school-related crisis occur, and I had to take a personal day (my last until December) to help Fey straighten things out. I did watch the show live, but was not really online much yesterday. Our girl looked beautiful, and I adore the direction they're taking with LuNacy. It's still not perfect, nor will it ever be, but there is love there, and respect now, and understanding, and trust is growing everrrrr so slowly.

I suppose it's too much to hope that she'll be on today, huh?

Oh, and I love the MediaNet pictures, especially this one:


Edited by MinervaFan
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Hey everyone! Knh...promise will read the story today!

Thanks so much Nex for the edited clips. MinervaFan...hope everything worked out ok wtih fey and school crisis.

Didn't get home til late last night. So sorry I missed Ms Q in the breakroom.

Loved yesterday!!!! I didn't get to watch it til this morning. You know I slow mo'd that last scene like a thousand times! We really couldn't have asked for more in terms of the way luke leaving...except maybe him telling her he loved her...would have been a nice touch. So is that their last scene together you think? He still has to kidnap her huh? Will she be involved with that or not I wonder???

Love those medianet pictures Nex...thanks for pointing us to them.

LadyAshton...where have you been???

Will be around this afternoon...talk to you guys later!

Edited by hookedongh
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Got the email responses; going to respond here:

Lainey, I know 10 pesos is less than 1 dollar, but it's close enough. I'm so cheap. LOL.

MinervaFan, thanks for the details about the final scene. I'm missing awesomeness!!! :( BTW, was able to read the Tracy/Scotty/Spencer fanfic. I enjoyed it muchly. Now...If I could only see yesterday's show.

hooked, no worries. I'll catch you another time. Oh, in the email, I don't think MetroCourt sex was ever cut. It was just never spoiled originally by an accurate source. The sites just speculated the "hanky panky" would come after the night of drinking, but it came earlier, and well, it was G rated "hanky panky." And wow...I can't believe I'm still analyzing all of this. LOL.

nex, thanks for the clips, even though all the servers is Mexico are still too busy, and I can't watch them. I'll get over it. Does someone want to start collecting them, and maybe putting them in one place (i.e. the links in Microsoft Word), so they are easily accessible when I get back?

And YAY Keith, you posted!!!

BTW, I think she is on today. Has this happened already?

Possibly a new spoiler:

Catch you all later today or next week!

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Ms Q--I will try to upload all the tracy days from when you left and put them somewhere for you. That hasn't happened yet, so maybe there is hope she is on today again.

Are you still in the computer lab? It is 1pm central? Just in case.... http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 Edit OK...guess you are not still online Ms Q...gotta run..

OMG...I just got into an accident backing out of my driveway. Hit the neighbor's stupid car which was in the worst possible spot on the street right in front of my driveway. Thank god it was a rental car of theirs, cause this is the second time I have hit one of their cars (I hit my babysitter who is their daughter's car about 6 months ago). You would think they would learn to NOT park their cars in the that spot on the street. My friend Pam also hit the dad's jaguar that was brand new with paper tags still on it four years ago on the first week we moved into our house.

They were so nice about it...but you know they want to come bomb my house or something. Now my bumper of my stupid minivan which is very hard to back up in cause it is so long is all loose and hanging off. Oy--what a mess I am. But at least nobody got hurt. I am so distracted all the time when I get in the car and totally just didn't see it backing out....

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*MinervaFan keeping mouth shut about Hooked's driving and parked cars, because MinervaFan herself once hit a parked car in downtown Thibodaux, Louisiana. But that was when MinervaFan had only been driving a few months, not well...a consistent thing.....*

Wow. If I had a Jag, I'd park it in bubble-wrap.

ETA: Squeeee!!!! They're on, they're on, they're on!!!!!!! And I think they start off the show. Happy Dance O'Joy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love me some LuNacy.


ETA2: Totally OT. As someone who lives with a person almost died and is permanently scarred due to a drunk driver (who also ran away from the scene of the crime), I find this story oh-so-satisfying. Why is it that if Tracy were to be carted off to jail in handcuffs, we'd be outraged. But when it happens to a REAL spoiled heiress, we applaud? Oh, because Tracy's fictional. Paris is not. And frankly, nobody ever really dies on TV, but people lose loved ones every single day due to drunk driving.

So. Freaking. There.

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OMG--wait til you guys watch today is all I am going to say...the very first scene answers our question for SURE! :)

Five scenes of tracy today....some tracy/luke/lulu...and they are in the previews for Monday which means I think she is on Monday, tuesday and wed. of next week. I won't spoil for those who haven't watched. But we must be discussing it later :)

OK...MinervaFan...so I hit their cars twice...not totally consistent--ha ha. Their daughter is babysitting for me tonight too. Oy...she will think it is funny cause she is a college kid and she laughed when I hit her saab convertible (it was a tiny scrape) and told me not to worry about it...but I was like "Um..I think your dad might want you to worry about this" and ended up paying out of pocket as she had other scrapes to fix and it was like $100 and not worth running through insurance. But this one was a pretty big clunk...my kids were like mommy...did you not see the car right there cause we did. I was like "Oh shut up you know it alls" ha ha.

I hope Hellagood has the clips from today up. Yesterday was the whole entire show as one clip. I know Nex you said you were waiting on GHVT to do the clips from yesterday. Maybe I can upload all these edited clips to that site the Ms Q put the lunacy clips to or something so she can view them all when she gets home. Wonder if I can upload to her site she put them on...hmmm...Ms Q?????

Edit...http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 5pm central...anyone around for a few?

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Okay now if u don't wanna be spoiled i warn u, do *not* scroll down!!!





in the first scene (of theirs and the shows) Tracy says that her reasoning for not wanting him put in jail is because it would, "put a serious damper on my sex life." OMFG!!!!!!!! *Please* tell me I heard that right and my ears weren't playing tricks on me! Hehehehehehehehehe. And I love the way she said it to, can't explain it.

The other scenes were okay, talking about getting help finding Laura from "that guy whom I have a mental block on" aka Spinelli aka "the hyena" (no clue if I spelt that right) aka the jackal. haha. so love that she called him that. but yeah thats all.

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Hey does anyone know how much time has passed since the trial. Because Lulu has changed her outfit and her hair length and poor Jane has been in that same outfit for a while. :o It also seemed as if the scenes were re-shot, because in the courtroom lulu had shorter hair, but when she came to her hair seemed several inches longer? :huh:B)

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I LOVED the sex-life line!! As soon as she said it I was like - what the freak! - and I had to rewind it. LOL. TOTALLY loved the smile on her face when she finished saying it, as well as Luke's smile. He reached out and touched her face, but we couldn't see it, because the camera shot that part from behind Tracy, but you can tell. :)

Was watching yesterday's show again last night. And I reallized that when Luke "Thank you Babe" to Tracy, he said it infront of his children and Nikolas. I LIKEY that they heard him talk to her affectionately like that.

Deb, Loved your story :)

Nex, thanks for the edited clips

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anyone around? I know it is way late...almost 1am central time... http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

just got home...

did anyone notice today (TL?) how tracy started smiling slightly (only on slow mo) when Luke said there is a difference between being on the run and keeping laura away til he figured out how to keep scott in check. Tracy totally smiled when he said "I'm definietly comeing back this time" or something to that affect!!!

edit... It is soooo late...I should be sleeping...knocked up was a very cute movie BTW...

Loved Tracy today and the sex life line...I take it this is not their last day on air together...maybe monday? So happy they chose to end it on them with being all lovey dovey! And glad we finally have the definitive answer to "are they sleeping together?" That would be YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm pretty sure it's the same day. Lulu was wearing the same outfit in the beginning of the episode, wasn't she? I may be wrong and have rewound to far, but I thnk she was. Her hair was shorter at the trial because it was wrapped up in a sort of braid, sort of twist thing and down and straightened when she changed her clothes.

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