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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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^^^ Were my banners not cool enough to entertain you? :P

Another photo of Jane Elliot in One Is A Lonely Number

Not a picture, but CLICK HERE to participate in Soap Opera Digest Online's Focus Group poll. You're going to have to click the GH one. I'd link directly, but I already took the poll, and they won't show the questions again. The answer to that first question better be Tracy Quartermaine for you all. :P

Kind of a cute story: I was looking for more pics for Deb, and you know you how you always get a bunch of Jane Elliott, the former 3rd grade teacher who did that brown eye/blue eyed thing? So...That made me think about the time I had to watch the actual video in a psychology class (although I had already watched in sociology, but whatever...) and write about it. I began referring to her as Jane Elliott, but in the rest of the paper (err, wasn't really a paper, just a reflection on notebook paper), I ended up writing Elliot (since that's the way JE usually spells it). I used it throughout. :o Not too big of a deal, but I was easily amused. And wow, I think this story sounded cuter in my head.

ILoveTracyQ, do you have inside scoop? Why do you think she's on? I mean, I think there's a better chance she's on today than tomorrow, 'cause Friday would more than likely have to lead into Monday, and I don't think she's on Monday. Am I making sense? LOL.

knh, I read your monologue last night before I went to bed. It was very, very good. I love the way you word things. Deb will probably be able to provide more meaningful feedback, but I figured mine would be a start. I really enjoyed it and hope this means you'll be writing LuNacy someday in the future. :P

And aww, they call you princess 'cause of the royalty thing, which is very neat, BTW. You know, last night, I had a dream about teaching high school, but the kids acted just like my day care ones. They were horrible. Then, my former boss showed up, and one of my former "colleagues" was there. Along with the high school teachers who were supervising me...Craziness, and I think it's all your fault, 'cause I read your sort of day care post before bed!!! Haha. I'm just teasing. I've been meaning to call one of the ladies I used to work with, anyway, so that might have had something to do with it.

Oh, the clip collection now has 49 clips total: Click for the goodness. It should really last forever!!! I'm so excited!

*This hopefully entertaining post brought to you by Ms. Quartermaine*

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*gets down on one knee and clears throat*

Pour Vous, LaDeb: *sings*

"You are the sunshine of my life....that's why I'll always be around....."

And just be glad you can't really hear my voice.

Yeah, I know how you feel though. Today has been so wunnerful I hid under my desk for a few minutes.

And no Stace, sadly, I don't have inside scoop. But I'm HOPEFUL she'll be on today.

Oh and Scott Clifton is so delicious I want to eat him with a spoon.

Kristin as soon as I get a chance I will read your fic.

So I guess this means Lacy won that insta poll !

*throws confetti*

ETA *waves to Staci*

Take me with youuuu to Mexico.......PLEASE.

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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Small squee. She's on. Stuart Damon made her laugh/almost made her laugh.

Hair needs more oomph, but it's not as flat IMO. It also seems longer.

Outfit is new. It's a jacket, but it's not big and bulky. It's light green, very spring/summer-like. It did NOT make me question Jane Elliot's treatment of the Wardrobe Department. ;):P

Oh, and Luke has a plan.

Maybe more later...

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Hmm, 5 scenes total? I'd have to count again. Almost seemed like something was missing...

Segment 5: LuNacy on the patio; Luke has a brilliant idea.

Segment 6: No LuNacy at all; great Edward/Monica scene though. Ghost!Alan appearing as Monica sat and cried on the arm of his chair would've made it even better.

Segment 7: LuNacy go on their ShadyBrook!Caper. *

But first...REWIND! Segments 2, 3, and 4 were LuNacy, Alan, and Scotty. Tracy brings up the sweatsuit to Alan, and he tells her that he likes it. It's COMFORTABLE. Cue Jane Elliot's almost laugh. It's adorable. Luke enters. She's worried about Lulu. Luke has a secret weapon: Alexis Davis. Tracy brings up the fact that she's a nut case (um, Tracy, love you, but you might want to look in the mirror), brings up the Dobson craziness and the fact that Alexis is sick. Alan's still talking to Tracy. Luke wants Tracy to stop seeing dead people, especially when there are attorneys around. Cue Scott Baldwin's entrance. Cue Alan's thunder. Scotty drops all of his papers. He has some threats, blah, blah, blah. Luke punches him out. Later, there's more thunder. Enter Monica. "Some strange weather." Scotty ends up leaving. LuNacy go to the patio and Luke has an idea, which brings me to...

* The ShadyBrook!Caper: Aww, look at them running into Shady Brook, being all cute and stuff. Luke has a bag in his hand. Here's the plan: Take the wig (Luke hands her wig), go into Laura's room, switch clothes with her, and stare at the wall. Luke is going to need 30 minutes. Tracy's game, until someone mentions "sponge bath." Then, she's outta there. :lol: Luke is grateful, knows that he owes Tracy. Tracy knows it too, and oh, is she going to collect. LuNacy enter Laura's room. She's GONE!!!! Scotty arrives. Says she's been transferred 'cause the court suspected someone would kidnap her. Looks like the court was right. And oh man!!! We never got to see Tracy in the blond wig. LOL.

Edited because while I do think the blonde wig thing is degrading, I still wanted to see Tracy in it. Am I alone in that? : /

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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OOohhh...sounds good! Thanks for the recaps Ms Q! I am dying to watch...will it be continued tomorrow ya think? Had an end of the year party with the kids at someone's house to swim, have to go now to take them to art, we have people working on our paito...so I will have to watch it later in peace!!

Have to write a 50th birthday toast tonight for a suprise party tomorrow for my best friend....anyone have any clever ideas for me? I am thinking of a David Letterman top 10 style list of the reasons why I love her...like 10) she is the only person who loses more things than me...9) who is messier than me...8) who is more neurotic and thinks they are dying with every little health problems than me....etc... Or i could go with a poem...trying to think of something witty and clever. But that is not working....my brain is not rhyming tonight. Gotta dig out a picture of the two of us, etc

http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 anyone around??? It is 3:30central

Edit...I'm with ya staci on the blonde wig thing....maybe it is our hair obession???

Edited by hookedongh
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knh...I am totally going to read your story you wrote...tonight...i have to do a few things on the computer and then am looking forward to reading it. I haev also been trying to find some pictures to send to you...will do that too. I have a few put aside!


http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 it is 7:50pm. anyone around?

Knh...read your monologue...it is quite good. But then again you knew you were a great writer. I think you owe us a Lunacy fic.

Ms Q...was killing time today while my kids were at art...went into Bed, Bath, Beyond, Kohl's and then Ross. I walk into Ross and there were two size bright purple suitcases on their shelves by the purse section. Was thinking of you and cracking up!

Edited by hookedongh
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Sorry I haven't been around lately. School, finals, life got in the waybut its over hehe. Oh and it seems the breakroom doesn't like me very much, it won't let my connect or w/e and up until now (hopefully) neither does SON. Sooooo........

Today's epi was.....interesting.

*The Monica/Edward scene just about broke my heart.

*I so wanna slap Skye really hard. Thank goodness neither Monica nor Edward will forgive her.

*The "The ShadyBrook!Caper" was entertaining yet had me a wee bit confused, how exactly was Luke planning on getting Laura out of there? There's no security what so ever? Was he gonna carry her out or can she walk (I doubt)?? Yeah anyways....

*Have I mentioned lately how much I love Alan lately? Well I do, he's being a good brother to Tracy (well as good as he can be).

*I really wish Luke hadn't of hit Scott, I mean come on is he really that dumb? Nevermind don't answer that. They should've had Tracy knock him out lol now that would've been fun. It probably wouldn't have hurt Luke's case as badly.

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Earlier this week I switched my phone service AND had a new cleaning woman come into my house. Apparently these two things (one or both- not sure) have disabled my TIVO. OH MY GOD!!!...

This means I cannot watch the Shadybrook Caper on Tivo... I will watch live on soapnet.. but PLEASE.. I need clips!!!!!!!!! (And I'll need clips until I figure out how to fix this #(*&$(# thing, which could be awhile because I am technologically challenged!) ugh. ugh. ugh. HELP!

And oh... Ms. Q, you KNOW I was kidding about the luggage, right? Sorry if I offended you. I was just poking fun.

You're gonna have a GREAT time (and a torrid affair, right? right?), no matter what color luggage you take!

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Lainey, MsQ, TracyLuv, and Hooked--you are four of the coolest people on the planet! Thank you sooooo much for my birthday present. I love it! (So much, I took a picture of it.) I feel so much lurve here. You guys are too wonderful. Thank you very very very much.

I have a picture of it on my LiveJournal (http://minerva-fan.livejournal.com), if you want to see! :D

PS, I didn't get the episode today, so clips would be appreciated.

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Thanks for the compliment Carrie!! I know you keep saying it and though i dno't believe you, thank you anyway!! I just like to write so the class works for me. Glad to get the feedback though. I hope the paper at least served it's purpose as far as the assignment goes. Thanks to you too, Ms Q. I read yours a while ago, but I didn't get to say thank you yet, so I'm doing it now.

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Hey all!!

Have been feeling a little under the weather the last few days, RL has not been so great, AND with finals this past week, it was STRESS CENTRAL for me.

Anyhoo on to ya'll,,,

Happy Birthday Deb! glad you liked the present! Wear/use it in good health. the DP looks a little different in your pic than the pic on the site. I hope it looks nice in RL. I know your B-day is not for a couple of weeks but I come back from my vacay the day before, so just in case I don't make it on for your B-day, have a good one! You deserve it!! Oh, BTW, loved your fic!

Hooked, loved your LuNacy babysitting story. How cute was that!!! I LOVED IT!!

Ms. Q, keep the purple luggage - purple is one of my fave colors!

Pinkpopsicle, Thanks for the gooooorgeous screencaps!

About GH, Loved the LuNacy kiss the other day, Tracy rubbing Luke's back. I liked today also that she was willing to do the wig thing, but for Lulu more than Luke. There's part of me that wished that she was able to do it. I hope when Luke leaves, Tracy is "okay" with it, or understands. And of course I hope he's not mad with her when he goes. Oh also about today's show, I dig Alan giving our girl advice now and again but I wish he would put a cork in it when it comes to insulting Luke and calling him names and it annoys me that he's started to give Tracy a hard time about being married to him. What? are him and edward tag teaming now? OH and I thought I was going to break my TV last week when Alan said "at least Monica loved me.... Luke loves Laura". This show is a flipping mess!! The week before last (I think?) Alan is telling Tracy to tell Luke about Scott/RW because she loves Luke and Luke loves her (or as much as he can) now he is telling Tracy more or less that Luke doesn't love her? Alan better zip it about Luke or dissapear (sorry, just venting). And I think it's weird that one minute Luke is telling Tracy that she used to be fun (meaning now she's not) and the next minute (though another epi, but the same GH day) he's kissing her on the patio. What's with Luke being "on the rag" half the time? anyway, that's it for now.

Oh, did anyone notice that when Alan said, "well you married him" (or "why did you marry him" or something) that Tracy said "he tripped me" instead of "he tricked me". I think she caught herself a little late and it sounded more like she said "he tripked me".

EDIT: So I guess LuNacy won the poll. I was wondering where to find the final results also.

Edited by TracyLuv
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