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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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OMG LadyAshton I am in heaven!! Thanks so much for loading these. I can't wait to watch this morning! What a great surprise. I am so glad you are in the clips mood!!! :) Thanks so much again. I know it probably takes a long time. Totally putting me in the TrAsh writing mood to continue with my saga story. And totally making me want you to hurry up and write Chapter 5 of your story :)

My dog woke me up at 6:45 right on cue this morning...my one morning to sleep late! ARGHH!

LadyAshton...you don't have dates on those episodes do you by any chance? I think the ones I ordered that knh ordered started right after cause they started with the tracy dancing getting drunk ones. That guy only has them by dates (the whole episodes)

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More Trash clips :P


The ship sinks during Tracy's Valentine's Day party


Tracy and Larry get drunk

Some observations: 1) if you pay close attention, Hugo forgot to take his wedding ring off during taping of this scene, and 2) Note to Larry Ashton...don't ever audition for Dancing with the Stars

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pinkpopsicle, it wasn't an online thing, but thanks for your input. :) It was a sister thing. I've talked to her more recently than in the last couple months combined, and she finds great fun in dissing what I like about GH. "Jane Elliot's acting distracts the scene, blah, blah, blah. She always does this and that, this and that, blah, blah, blah. SO. IRRITATING. I end up fast-forwarding her, blah, blah, blah." Yes, we all have different opinions, but it's like she deliberately goes out of her way to piss me off. It's stupid, and I shouldn't let it get to me, but I do.

hooked, you are going to LOVE those clips. LOVE them!!! Just so much fun. Oh. My. Gosh. So much fun. :wub:

Lady Ashton, squee! More clips! Really, really enjoyed the Tracy/Ned bit on the roof, and I got a kick out of Larry and the telescope. And Drunk!TrAsh...I will have to squee again! I caught those scenes the first time on an edit tape. FLOVED them. Seems as Jane Elliot does drunk a lot more subtle now, and I like that too, but Energetic!Wild!IWannaDance!Drunk!Tracy is very amusing to me as well. And gosh, I am in love with all that hair.

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I think she built up a tolerance over the years to all that alcohol--ha ha! 60-year-old dancing on tables probably wouldn't fly with viewers--ha ha! Waiting to watch all these clips til later today when nobody can bug me :)

I'll check in later...thanks again LA for the clips!

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60 year olds dancing on tables wouldn't fly... HA! 60 year olds having a warm romantic moment where they also happen to be sober barely flies. It sucks, but so little is acceptable for the older crowd that we'll never see scenes like these, so thanks for posting, LA!!

So my grade is still not in, no surprise there, but if she doesn't change it I need to take another class. The summer courses start Monday, so she's cutting it close. It sucks b/c I need a permission number from the teachers to get in a class, so I had to email a few in case they were full and try to get myself in one. Im' thinking i'll take one anyway b/c it'll cover this class if I need it, it'll be a good class if I don't. I am trying for a COM class that has something to do with the visual arts, it was recommended to me, and then there is a writing course which I am really hoping to get into. It's a fictional writing class, so it'll be a lot of fun and I get to do something creative with my time since I'll be taking something anyway, so I may be gone a bit more, but I hope not. Either way... good times!! I'm hoping beyond hope that I'm not too late to get into something, b/c this has gone on long enough, it's already been a year. If I take the writing one, though there will most definately be no Tracy related story, I may post a few things in here to get some feedback if you all don't mind

I had something else to say but i can't think of what

anyway, talk to you soon. Happy weekend!!

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But, but, but she wasn't dancing on the table. That was another clip. Heh. And she wasn't dancing on it. Just standing on top of it. ;)

knh, I hate that all that crap is happening to you. Schools can take a long time to get things right, but waiting a year and having the problem still not be solved is just ridiculous. I hope it all works out in the end.


Shall we re-live that very special morning?



Ahh...Good times. Good times. :lol:

BTW, there's also a Tracy and Coleman Thread, where someone asked for the backstory. I'm afraid the backstory turned into a back "novel." :o

EDIT: Um, yeah, so ABC.com is doing drugs. I don't know when, exactly, but they updated their character pages and there's a section that lists the good things the characters did and the bad. Tell me how THIS is bad: Persuaded Georgie Jones to break up with Dillon in exchange for Tracy disabling Dillon from getting involved in dangerous mob activity. I mean, Tracy getting Dillon out of working for the mob is a good thing, right? What about this: Went as far as faking her own death and framing Luke Spencer for murder to avoid granting him a divorce. Okay. So faking her death wasn't the best thing and yeah, I understand it being placed in that column, but how come Luke doesn't get "blamed" for pretending he wanted her dead? That's what I want to know!!! I mean, ABC.com even blamed Dillon, but not Luke?!? Oh, and it was totally not so she could avoid a divorce. I don't think. She was teaching them a lesson. And I won't even get started on ABC.com and them saying that Tracy SUED Lulu for custody of her unborn baby. Riiiiiiight. Hey, interns!!!! Get your facts straight. What do I expect though? ABC.com also says that Laura Spencer is Bobbie's grandmother. :rolleyes: Am I overreacting? I don't think so. This is ABC. They own GH. It shouldn't be too difficult to figure things out...

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Okay Ms. Q. That post has been modified. :)

I hate when people do that. I had a Michael Bolton t-shirt on and someone asked me if I liked him. Duh. Guess what I told them; that no, it was on sale so I bought it. Stupid question. People used to tell me they didn't like his music. (who cares) One person at a bus stop asked me what I was listening to. I told him and he said, "he's not black". I said "oh really I didn't know that" (being me totally sarcastic self). I guess if you are black you can only listen to black people. Some people make me want to scream.

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Thanks LA for posting those clips! They were delicious! :) I agree...Ned is not even phased by his mother's drunken stupor and his parents shanningans! Too funny! Too bad she passed out cold on the floor...otherwise the morning after could have been very funny to watch! :)

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Aww, I knew I loved coming here. Thanks for the simpathy, Ms Q. On that front, I still have no grade (whatever at this point), but I got into both of the classes I wanted so I'm beyond psyched right now!! I got the writing and the comm, so it's all good. Plus, my faith in the general public and the way things are run has been restored. I got a call from the dean of arts and sciences the other day. She feels bad about how this has been going (no sh-t!) and she told me that they have given her the paper work to submit my grade change so it should be in in a few days (I'm still waiting, but it's a step in the right direction) and then she wanted to asure me that this professor is being sanctioned. That there is no way she was going to go unpunnished for what she did b/c everyone in the class has complained and people have gotten the Governer of their great state involved and the president of the school and yata yata yata. I don't care who is invloved or how many had to get involved for something to happen. I'm just glad there is something happening b/c this teacher made me feel like it was my fault and that I was doing something wrong and slacking on my responsibilites as a student when I took my sister's laptop down to Florida to make sure I was able to do my homework, write my paper, and take a 3 hour exam while my sisters were down there performing and the prof. was scaming us all and taking her own vacation. She is terrible and shouldn't be allowed to teach anyone!!! I'm thrilled it's finally being taken care of and that I get some fun classes to take right now. After that I finally get my degree and can go work in a gallary, make some real money, and be able to pay for grad school so I can teach (and travel).I'm thinking Yale art gallary b/c it's got great benefits and pays really well, especially with a degree (come to find out now that I could have been working there without a degree). For now I'll stay at the daycare, do some manicures and nail painting in addition to my portraits on the side so I can still have time for my class work b/c then I have to get a real job and be in the real world. Not looking forward to that too much... well I am and I'm not. But you all know what I mean.

Anyway, just a quick update for anyone interested... that and I wanted to say what is happening with the wench over at URI

*hi, Hooked!!! (waves uncontrollably b/c it's been way too long)*

* Hey, Ms Q!!!*

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Will catch up later...

But first, it's a SPOILERIFIC post!

From Got Info for the Week of the 21st:

Earlier, an anonymous scoopster said:

The 2 could be related, right? This anonymous person also said this:

which has been confirmed. So...Assuming that this poster is accurate, this spumor is true too:

Make sense? :lol: (Bascially, if he/she got 2 spoilers right, there's a good chance all of the spoilers he/she spilled are also right).

Finally, should another anonymous scoopster be believed, this is what's happening in the near future...

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Ooh..me likes those spoilers...sounds like good scenes coming up. Do you think maybe that is the "Tracy tries to comfort Luke but he wants none of it" (The part about her trying to play protector to lulu but him telling her to stay out of it?"

Sounds like at least maybe luke will go out with a bang this summer and not totally destroy Tracy along with him (we can only hope)

I am exhausted...we had two parties yesterday, plus a black tie thing last night, today I have had to chaperone a youth group pizza/ice skating party, go to an end of the year soccer party, and now have an Indian Guides swim party at my house for about 10 dads and sons. I am so getting out of here. I am going to see "Georgia Rule" with my girlfriend for an escape from the craziness!

I will be online tonight. I am determine to finish this little story I started a few days ago. Catch ya later maybe Ms Q, et al......

Oh..Nex...did you happen to edit Friday's clips? I know I am so greedy! I haven't downloaded them yet and was about to but was going to see if you by any chance had them as I think she was in like 5 out of the 6 segments!

Edited by hookedongh
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