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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Thanks for the link, nex.

Thanks for the update, MagicHappens.

I'm pissed. :angry: I'm pissed at the evil, little sister. EVIL!!!!!! She's part of that evil group of fans that Frons adores. Gah.

ILoveTracyQ, you've got email, BTW. (I needed to vent about the sister).

hookedongh, you have email too.

EDIT: SHE IS ON!!!! I missed most of the first scene, but I caught the second one. My first thoughts: GET. OUT. OF. THE. PAJAMAS. Also, WHERE. DID. THE. OOMPH. GO? :( So, far, Alan/Tracy/Luke and Alan/Tracy/Luke/Alexis. Tracy is just begging for someone to lock her in Shady Brook. Seriously. She admitted to Alexis that Alan was haunting her. Alexis is all, "Let's do Luke a favor, and not mention this is court, okay?" :lol:

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TracyLuv, you are not worthy of my email. :P Kidding. You know I love you. *hugs*

MinervaFan, the Jerry question was the main one, but after refreshing, you could see the GH Luke/Laura/Tracy one. It was off to the left, and it switched between AMC, OLTL, and GH. But never mind. The direct link is a lot less confusing. Thanks TracyLuv!

SPOILERISH (re: today's show)






*smiles evilly* Guess who else showed up at Casa Q today? JAX!!! Man, I was so happy. Jane, Tony, Nancy, Ingo all in one scene. I wish Jax had more interaction with the rest of them though. He sort of showed up, "Sorry to interrupt, but this is important." He and Alexis decided to go outside on the patio after Luke was all, "You two kids go play. The three (him, Tracy, and Alan) of us will be fine." Jax: "Three?" :huh: Then, Jax/Alexis did their thing, Luke/Tracy did theirs, and Alexis walked back in just in time to see Tracy going ballistic on Alan.

So, I rewound and was able to watch the first scene. Luke was right. Alan did strike a nerve. Ouch. Tracy's right too. It's nothing she doesn't know already. (I'm trying not to spoil that much). Jane Elliot kicked off kind of butt with those couple of lines. Poor Tracy is afraid. :( Then, Luke had to be an ass about it the next scene and was like, "What happened? You used to be fun."

Anyone else find it ironic, or I don't know, hypocritical, that Tracy is trying to get Luke to put down the booze? Um, hello, Tracy? Look in the mirror. And while you're looking, take a good look at your wardrobe and realize that it sucks. Also, fix your hair. Thanks. And finally...as a wrap up...5 Tracy scenes! Minimal towards the end, especially the very end since she had one line while Alexis did most of the talking. But still...I'm not about to complain, much. 3 days of Tracy this week. Not bad, my friends, not bad at all. :)

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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So I am back from the farm...(no, not the funny farm visiting Laura) but to the Ranch field trip. It wasn't nearly as bad as I had anticipated. Beautiful day and it was fun.

Watched the show...today Luke really, really ticked me off. What an jerk! His acting is terrible lately too. I want Tracy to kick his sorry butt out. I am 100% Tracy fan, 99% Lunacy also...but now he is not even being nice mixed with jerk...he is being all jerk.

I do think it is sort of touching that Alan is protecting Tracy. So sad her line about knowing he is going to implode and she will lose what little of him she has. I HATE HATE HATE HATE that she always gets the shaft in every relationship. Especially this one cause she is not being jealous and mean-spirited or scheming or conniving. Just plain supportive and nice and what does she get in return?????

I also don't believe that Tracy would ever admit to Alexis that someone was haunting her. She doesn't even like Alexis--she was almost her mother in law once--ha ha!

Anyway...I'm off to haircuts and then to some client dinner tonight. I am using some sitter I dont' even know (my friend's sitter). I can't even pronounce his name, but he was available so beggars can't be choosers--ha ha!

Check in later....glad she was on for five scenes, but they were stupid and no darn anniversary mention. UGHHHHH!

Lainey, I might have to join you in trying to break this lunacy addition this summer (we should stick to shoes and purses--LOL)

Ms Q---TOTALLY agree...ditch the nasty lime green PAJAMAS and get the oomph back. Why do they make her look so bad one day and so great the next!!!!!

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Um, show of hands. How many of you wanted me to be on YouTube? :P I just got a nice little letter in my inbox stating that the Universal Music Publishing Group has claimed that my use of "Nothing Compares To You" is infringing, and that access to the video has been disabled. First, this song puts my computer on life support (I originally downloaded it from a bad, bad site). My computer, thankfully, survives, but ends up with amnesia (you know, it really did lose all of its memory...It lost EVERYTHING that it didn't come with, and all files that had been saved :o). And second, this song tries to get into trouble with copyright laws. Oy. Lainey, I know you liked the song (even suggested it, heh), but I don't think a LuNacy video to it was meant to be to shared with the world. :(

Maybe we'll get an anniversary mention next week? The birthday mention came late, so maybe this one will too? :) And for the record, I didn't hate Tracy's outfit (the white, green flowy thing; see Handcuff Freezer Fun and Lulu's Surprise Party). I just hate that she wears it like normal, everday clothes. Beautiful gown, really. But wear it to bed, please.

EDIT: Deb, I'm here briefly if you're still around: http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

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OH MY GOD??!!!!! She's on?!?! If my VCR didn't work today I'm gonna rip [!@#$%^&*] all through my house. Seriously... pitch a big giant sh-tfit b/c it never works lately, which is not a big deal if she isn't on but if she's is it makes for a very unhappy Kristin. Sounds good so far though. But I did get new shoes today, so I'm a happy girl so far, we'll see when I rewind the tape, or see if I even have to rewind the tape.

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More TrAsh clips! The quality on some of these old tapes wasn't the greatest, but okay.

I like to call this set set of clips "Roommates from Hell" as they are from the time that Monica forced Ned, Tracy, and Larry to live in the gatehouse together. I miss the gatehouse......


The Ashtons' first morning together under one roof (in a really long time)


Tracy wants to leave real bad, and so does Larry


Tracy does a bit of "redecorating" and alliances are made and broken


Larry makes lunch on a budget


Tracy and Larry bicker about wine before the Valentine's Day party and Ned learns the ELQ Tracy is in trouble

Enjoy everyone....happy Friday :D

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If you haven't yet, you MUST download all of Lady Ashton's clips. You have to. GO DOWNLOAD THEM!!!

Lady Ashton, I need to do something for you. Fanfiction. Or a video. I'm not sure yet. But...OH. MY. GOD. Those clips are just amazing! I wish I got to see Tracy during that time period (err, I guess I sort of am seeing her from that time period now). Anyway, she's so fun. She's so happy. Okay, happy's not the right word 'cause of the conditions she's living in, LOL; um, but she is still peppy. And ohh, she had oomphy hair. LOL. I won't start. She and Larry just sparkle!!!! Forget the LuNacy. Bring on the TrAsh.

Because I have a million more things to post about the clips, I'm going to leave spoiler space for those who haven't watched them...







The Ashtons' first morning together under one roof (in a really long time)

Why did Monica force them out in the first place? Some comments: I had to laugh when Tracy said sharing the room with Larry was the reason they got divorced. "Instant coffee?" LOL. Loved Tracy screaming, "SPIT IT OUT!" And them having to wash their own dishes. No more maid service. "Instant coffee? That disgusting peanut butter and jelly stuff? What is that?!? I didn't even know that was in the kitchen!" Jane Elliot and Hugo Napier crack me up. :lol:

Tracy wants to leave real bad, and so does Larry

What did Tracy call Larry in the beginning? "Stop whining at me you worthless _______?" "Oh, Tracy. I always clean up after myself." "You ALWAYS leave hair in the sink." Aww, they sound like they're married. Oh, my FAVORITE part: Tracy imitating Larry's his accent: "No, I had to order one myself." Seriously. Best. Fake. Accent. Ever. I rewound Windows Media Player like 7 times already for that. And her facial expression and the semi-hair flip was priceless! Loved it!!! Lady Ashton, ILoveTracyQ once mentioned Tracy coming out of the bathroom, toothbrush in her mouth, and claiming a trunk or something as her own. You've shared so much goodness with us, and I hate to sound greedy, but if you remember/have that scene, could you upload it one day?

Tracy does a bit of "redecorating" and alliances are made and broken

Aww, Larry is too funny: As if the living situation wasn't bad enough, now you're making me do manual labor? I could never, ever imagine Tracy trying to move furniture. Ever. She looked like she was gonna get herself killed. :o Ned is too cute, with the whole closet space thing. Larry orders Ned what to do. Ned: Make me. Ha! And Tracy takes Ned side. Adorable. And hehe...Tracy's boundaries. FLOVED her freaking out on them and standing on the coffee table. And then Larry pulling the rug that Tracy was standing on, and Tracy, with coffee table in hand, falling backwards on the couch...Heh. They were such a wonderful, little family.

Larry makes lunch on a budget

Aww, he made her lunch. Again, loved JE's facial expression and her delivery of the lines. "It's brown." "It's not brown. It's beige." "It's brown and its oily. What have you done, Ashton?" Loved the burnt toast. Ha. "It's hard as a rock." Loved her trying to remember the expression: "What is that expression? Together, we stand? Apart, we...Apart..." "Something like that." "You know what I'm talking about." Him joking about being entertainment at the same time she's going on in the background about uniting the family seemed so husband-wife like (I know they weren't married anymore), but just that she was going on and on, and he was too, but about something completely different. Then, of course, Tracy, "Oh, Ashton, shut up." Hey, Lady Ashton, do you have the family meeting that Tracy was calling Jennings about? Ooh, I'm being greedy again. :(

Tracy and Larry bicker about wine before the Valentine's Day party and Ned learns the ELQ Tracy is in trouble

"Sip, Ashton. Sip. We don't want to get sloshed before the party." Heh. Loved them bickering. And uh oh...Big troule on the ship front. This is the same night that she and Larry get drunk, isn't it? And start dancing? Or rather, Tracy starts dancing, and then Larry joins. Then, she passes out.

EDITED to fix things. If anyone's in the BR later, post a link. I should be around...

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Everyone has their own opinions. I don't have to agree. You're being stupid. Breathe. I can breathe. Breathe. Still being stupid. I don't have to agree. Everyone has their own opinions. Wow. I might be just as nuts as our girl. :o


Please? If people are around...

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