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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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From SON's Talk Radio Show:

My questions/comments:

Many thanks for video feedback! I hope I didn't go overboard with the sweetness.

And again, many thanks for the SOC feedback. ILoveTracyQ, I saw your several posts of defending me at the personal level. I appreciate it. :) I didn't want to get in to it too much over there, but I just didn't get it since she was doing the same exact thing as me.

Lady A, SQUEE! Will download the goodness later...

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Watched today's epi and I so love Jane's delivery! Her last line while the camera was on Luke was like WHAMMO!

Did anyone else notice that just as Tracy started to talk about the rape that she looked down at her wedding ring, and played with it the rest of the scene (which was 2 seconds of course). I wonder if that was in the direction or she chose to do it. I thought it was an appropriate touch, considering all that is going on and what is yet to come with this whole storyline.

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Hooked, sorry I missed you in the breakroom this afternoon. :( I agree with you that today's talk needs to have some follow up, that can't be the end of their conversation. She/they have to be on later this week!!!!

Ms.Q, I loved your new vid and thanks for posting the You Tube clip of Tracy coming to The City. :D

Lady Ashton, I am downloading your clip now and I can't wait to watch! Thanks for posting it!

OK, as usual here are today's, clips there is a small bit of Jax and Carly in the beginning, but I wanted that so clip, so your stuck with it unless you edit it out yourself. :) :) :)


Credit goes to Shazzer and edited by me!

BTW did any body else notice that when Tracy was talking to Luke and how he would destroy "the family" she didn't say Your Family? I wish she said 'our family' but at lease it wasn't Your Family, thats something.

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Thanks Nex for the clips once again! You are always so nice to do that...good thing she isn't on more huh or it would become burdensome?! LOL.

When Tracy said that line about destorying the family, it struck me odd and I went back and rewatched (OK...like more than once I rewatched--ha ha) and thought the same thing...she didn't say it will destroy your family, or destroy your daughter...I, too, wish she said "our" family. But Alan did tell her that her husband was about to blow his life and hers sky high!

Only Tracy would be strong enough to tell Luke what he didn't want to hear--how he would be destroyed in court and it made out like laura was a battered wife....just like the other day when she told him laura was gone and never coming back!

BTW...TG has perfected that angry/teary look...used it twice in the past couple of weeks in scenes with Tracy. IMO...though...he doesn't really seem to be feeling his scenes (I think someone mentioned that before though). JE is totally believable and real...Tony just seems like he is going through the motions, counting the days til his summer vacation. He has actually been at work since Jan 31 or something. A record-long stretch for him.

I think it is funny that TG...their big star of the ages...doesn't even get follow up scenes anymore and gets cut. Or even a Friday ending scene...I mean his and Tracy's scene should have been a Friday cliff hanger.

OK...I will shut up now.

LadyAshton...going to watch the clip this morning. I am so excited. Thanks for posting it. I want to see your other top two favorite TrAsh scenes too. You go girl with the clips if you are in the mood! :)

Edit: This is from that totaltvonline blog comment about Friday and Mondays show...after he ripped everything apart, this was the one saving grace....

"Bottom Line…The only thing enjoyable over the last two episodes was Luke, Tracy and Scotty and surprising Jax and Jerry. Otherwise, I am keeping Pepto in business".

Anyone notice that Sam got to the metrocourt and started drinking the other day after overhearing Jason and Liz talking. Funny how she got there when they were starting their next sentence.

Whoever has been editing this show is doing a crappy job!

TracyLuv I think we all need to call that comment line again and beg them to at least make Luke tell Tracy where he is going this summr and at least ask her to come with him...of course she will say no cause she has to run her family's company, but at least make him ask. Or say he will miss her or something semi-human!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you post that number again? I lost my little piece of paper where I had it written down on.

Edit again LadyAshton....Loved that clip! Loved how he ws talking about the past with her and how she was the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on...makes me want to write the sequel to the whole TrAsh thing....after their wedding!

Was there any follow up to that clip with Tracy comforting Ned?

How I wish I had a whole dvd edit from 1991....so nice before stupid Paul came in the picture! :)

Edited by hookedongh
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LadyA, thank you SO much for that TrAsh clip! I can't tell you how much I enjoyed it. Honestly, if LuNacy doesn't work out, I will personally spearhead the Bring Back Ashton campaign. They are just beautiful together.

Sorry I cut out on the chat room last night, ya'll. I've been in and out this week, and with Mother's Day and Fey's Grandma's birthday within three days of each other, we've been hustling to keep up. I will try to squeeze some time in for writing or chatting or something like that.

Oh, and my other new Wish List Goal? Jane needs to guest-star on Boston Legal, my new crack. She totally needs to be on that show--maybe one of Shirley Schmidt's former legal (or romantic) rivals.

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Hey everyone

I have not been able to post much lately. My back is aching again. It's hard to sit at the computer for long periods of time. I sit at a computer at work also (plus lift heavy objects). I made some caps and will post them later. I'm going to bed now. Hopefully we will get a continuation of Tuesday's scenes today.

P.S. I finally figured out how to convert multiple files from bmp to jpg. Duh! Think of all the time I could have saved. :(

This is about how I feel 658685-c0a.jpg

See you all later.

Edited by pinkpopsicle
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Lady Asthon, that clip was BEAUTIFUL. So. Sweet. :wub: Thanks again!

Thanks nex for the clips!

Seems as though TG is on a mini-vacation, doesn’t it? This explains the reason Luke and Tracy have been filler. I’m assuming a lot of the bits and pieces we’ve seen have been pre-taped. This also explains the reason Luke’s not involved in the hearing. FYI, I have no proof of this vacation, just basing it on my own speculation and speculation at SoapDish. And it sort of makes sense too, since someone mentioned he’s been on since January 31st. It’s May 16th. Too much of a stretch to have zero time off for TG. Yep, I’m willing to bet he’s been off set for a little while.







So, Liz and CARLY are going to be there for Lulu after she finds out this secret. Liz, I have no problem with. She’s been raped herself, and she has tons of history with the Spencers. But CARLY?!? Does she not have enough going on? Yes, Carly is so brave, so strong, and so wonderful, and it’s no reason why Lulu idolizes her and goes to her all the time since she’s JUST. LIKE. HER. But seriously?!?

What happened between Lulu and Tracy? I thought it was established that Lulu trusted Tracy on some level and respected her. We know Tracy cares about Lulu. And it’s not like Tracy can offer less of a perspective than Carly, right? From a storyline standpoint, is it because Lulu’s more comfortable with Carly, sees her more as friend? Not as a mother figure? And having Tracy (or any other woman) as that semi-mother figure freaks her out? ‘Cause she already has a mom? I’m just trying to make sense of this. I’d much rather watch Tracy and Lulu than Carly and Lulu for the umpteenth time.

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I am with ya 100% Ms Q! I don't want to see lulu with carly...I want to see Tracy with Lulu...It was Tracy who is pushing Luke to tell Lulu...I would rather see Lulu go to Bobbie than Carly...I mean Bobbie was around then...Carly was just a trouble-making kid in Florida who had no clue she was a Spencer. I would have a hard time hearing Liz explain to Lulu that she could see how you could fall in love with your rapist though (not that she would).

Any scoop on whether or not SC resigned? I am assuming Tyler did. I was watching those old dvd edits today of Luke/Tracy #2....not that I ever liked Skye's character, but I do have to say (cause she is plastered all over those early luke/tracy edits) that TIIC have slaughtered her character as well. She at least had an interesting dynamic with Tracy as a nemesis...and those early jealous scenes were pretty funny regarding Luke marrying Tracy. Now she is just a whiney, one arm-dress-wearing bore! I cringe every time she says the name Lila Rae too....

Oh where or where is Ned? He so needs to come home and run ELQ when Edward commits Tracy this summer! He needs to swoop in and save Alexis from Jerry Jax. Speaking of Alexis...watching old dvd edits...NLG has definitely taken to wearing push up bras as of late! LOL!

I just went to a bikini boot camp exercise class today in the park...(Not that I would be caught dead wearing a bikini ever again in this lifetime) but I am so exhausted and wiped out and will be dying later tonight I am sure from pain!!!! Whatever was I thinking going to that class???

Check ya later....

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Hi everyone! ugh I'm sick and whats worse, I have 3 more days of school and the last two are days that I have finals. I'm screwed.

Soooo... I really liked yesterday's epi. Luke needed a wake up call (whether or not he decides to hit the snooze button is up to him) and I'm glad it was Tracy that delivered it.

Oh and in regards to Boston Legal, I've been addicted to that show for about a year and I *so* want JE to guest star, it would be....amazing.

Alan Shore: Shirley? What about senior partners? There would be nothing wrong with me, lusting, say, after... you? Would there?

Shirley Schmidt: Go subscribe to National Geographic. Make a list of the places you'll never get to visit. Add to that list, Schmidt.


edited cuz i can't spell today.

Edited by angel2devil
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pinkpopsicle, you're so sweet making all those super high quality caps for us. :) I tried making one last night using Windows Movie Maker because tracyluver in the breakroom wanted to see how awesome Tracy has looked recently. I posted the cap, and then TracyLuv was all, "She doesn't look good in those!!!" I'm not trying to "target" anyone (you know I love you all); just posting out my sad attempt at making screen captures. My caps really didn't do Tracy any justice...

hooked, binkini boot camp class...What a name. LOL. Exercise is good though, so I'm sure, despite the pain later on, you won't regret it. And yeah, WHERE IS NED? I hate that GH shipped him off to Manhattan in a throwaway line. Stupid. What's he doing there? What's he do for a living now? Did he find a girlfriend? Is he busy making Tracy a grandmother again. Hey, it could happen!!! Ned's only supposed to be in his late 30s, right? Oh, and no word on Scott Clifton, but there might be something in this week's soap magazines...

So, I'm confused about upcoming spoilers and dates:

In other happenings: My dear LuNacy fans...THIS SITE (LuNacy: A Luke and Tracy Fan Forum) has about 3 people in total posting. If you can, go forth and spread the love. Hopefully, the others (those of us outside this particular group at the LoveFest) will catch on. And kind of OT, but as much as I adore small groups, I sometimes wish the LuNacy site had more than 40 members...Same with the Jane Elliot site. I guess it doesn't matter though 'cause so many sites and have so many posters, but it's not like each of them posts. Am I making sense?

Finally...I have made another video (It's all LuNacy), but I am holding it hostage until more people post in this thread. :P Ooh. angel just posted!!! Hi angel!!! I'm also holding it hostage because I'm too lazy to save it as a movie file and upload it at the moment. Heh.

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catching up... Hooked: glad your getting a chance to do some more of your art. You seem to enjoy it a lot. I'm not crazy about colored penicils, either... for the same reason, but they do look nice when they are done well. PS, I', feeling better now. I have another sinus infection but I'm on meds and feeling good. They put me on a z pack last time, which is evidently only 86% affective, so it may not have gotten rid of it all then. So we're on to the 98% affective meds now. Thanks for the well wishes.

Lainey: get to writin', sweetness!! We need this story you keep teasing us with.

ok, now down to business. Was she on today? I'm going to go ahead and guess no b/c no one has said anything yet, but I don't know how many have watched yet either. Didn't see today and, of course, the vcr didn't work, so I don't know. I'll check the transcripts out later.

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Ms Q--I think they have totally screwed with the editing of scenes and mixing stuff up that should have been other places. If anyone watched today (could Maxi's nasty hair extensions be any more obvious and could her hair be a faker blonde today), lucky kept referring to not making mistakes his dad made (which should have segwayed into Luke/Tracy scenes from either yesterday or from her begging him to tell lulu. Plus people are getting places in split seconds while other people are on the same sentence. Maybe you are right about TG pre-taping some stuff. Why is tracy's hair longer all of a sudden? IT should be longer when it is flat and no life cause your hair is always longer when you straightened it than blow it with a round brush!

Today was the next day cause Carly changed out of her ugly outfit and skye did too. So I guess the follow up from the conversation yetserday in her sexy red outfit will not be happening. Maybe if they are on again this week, it will be a continuation at the haunted star with luke being drunk and her coming in there to find him or at home or something.

OK...I'm off to pick up a kid from somewhere and pick up Wendy's for dinner for them. Then they are tied up wtih american idol tonight. I am going to be on the computer trying to make an online photo scrapbook thing as a gift, so I will be around later...

Edit.... It is 6:35pm central...I had a hysterical idea for a quick fic....I am writing it now (of course I was supposed to do an online photo book, but that can wait!! I will be in and out but if anyone is around http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

Edited by hookedongh
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let me just say, and I know it is more negative than I usually am, but oh well... I feel it's warrented tonight, that I have lost all faith in the american people. Melinda Doolittle was kicked off American Idol. Don't know who watches the show or who is a fan of hers, but I am so I'm pissed. Granted it's a bit of a waste to even have her in the contest b/c she kicks everyone's ass up and down the stage, but still, it also means she should be there. She's gonna have everyone and there brother with a contract ready and waiting for her to sign so I guess I rest easy...

Ok ranting over.

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