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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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knh, that portrait is amazing. I have no idea how anyone can draw people that well. Kudos to you!

I dreamt that Tracy was on last night. (Please let it be a sign!!! :lol:) And me, ILoveTracyQ and knh were online, in the breakroom during the show, LOL, but I was having issues typing and watching at the same time. Anyway, Tracy was in red again, and I don't remember hating her hair, LOL. I do remember her and Alan mentioning Lila. It was sweet. And something about a smile. And then Luke entered, and Tracy totally flipped out/broke down on him with real tears. It had nothing to do with Laura though, but something about her losing her mind...

In non-related news...This kid's book Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse is waaaaay too long to be at the kindergarten level. I'm translating it into Spanish as part of this bilingual education/books on CD program, but this book is nuts!!! It's not that it's hard...Just annoying. Too many words!!!

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Ms. Q I just wanted to pop in and say I loved Amazed. I just watched it. You are the video-making master!! I have a noon deadline to get my butt out of this house and do my list of a hundred errands....I have ten minutes to go! Watched those old clips that Melissa posted as well. So diggin her hair there...total oomph ha??? And what is this about you getting a new partner in hair while I was gone! Dump her--I'm back--ha ha!

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It's 2:35. Just 2 scenes of our girl so far. Unless Luke returns to Casa Q, I doubt there will be more.

~ * Brief (as brief as it gets with me) Recap * ~

I recapped some non-LuNacy, 'cause I couldn't resist. It was begging me to make fun of it. I had to do it!!!

Scene 1: No LuNacy.

Scene 2: We're still in the same day, GH time, so Tracy is still in that long purple, should be a nightgown, but isn't, jacket. Her hair seems longer. What? It really does! And speaking of hair, Alan's looks whiter. In any case, they are discussing who else? Laura! If Scotty gets guardianship, Luke will be destory, damper on my marriage, blah, blah, blah. Alan reminds her that she's in love with Luke. Enter Luke, who gives Tracy a rather long kiss on the lips. Tracy and I are all, "Wow. What a nice surprise." Tracy calls him a handsome devil. She thought he was "in town" tonight, but Luke got bored. He decided to come home, but he's going to leave if Alan is there...

Scene 3: Tracy insists that Alan is not there. She's been ignoring him. There's thunder. Tracy blames Alan, but Alan didn't do it. Luke is all, "Adiós, wife. I'm not dealing with this." Tracy reminds him of all the crap she put up with during his "marriage" to Laura, and if she can put up with that, he can put up with this. Luke decides to say, saying the scotch is better at Casa Q anyway. But uh oh! Phone call. Tracy answers. It's for Luke. It's Bobbie (she still exists) at GH, and she tells them the news about Liz, Lucky, and the Golden one.

Scene 4: Luke arrives at GH. He's supportive of Lucky. Lucky asks how do you deal with losing the one you love?

Scene 5: Luke doesn't want Lucky to think about that. Liz is fighting for her life. She's alive. She's probably going to make it, but if she doesn't, you just face the loss and the pain and make it through. Or something. (I pay more attention when Tracy is in the scene, and the blatant comparison to Luke/Laura in this scene was leaving a bad taste in my mouth. I get he'll always love her, she's the love of his life, but I don't need to be reminded to ad naseum). Oh, I was also too busy making goo-goo eyes at the television, 'cause Greg Vaughan is sooooooo pretty)! Scene ends with a hug. I want to hug Lucky.

Scene 6: No LuNacy. But BorgBoy is lurking in the shadows as Lucky holds Golden Child.

Scene 7: Luke is back at the Q's, giving Tracy, who seems to have shorter hair again, an update. He's worried about Lucky. Compares himself to his son, saying despite everything Lucky's done to be unlike Luke, he might end up just like him. You know, losing his wife and and having 2 kids he has no idea how to raise. Tracy stands up and says even if the worst happens, Lucky will be fine because he'll have his father right by his side. She hugs him. All together now "Awww."

Meanwhile, BorgBoy continues to lurk in the dark shadows. Spinelli comes up to Jason, "Aww, innocent one is so cute. Uh, you're cute too Jason (he says that, no lie), blah, blah, blah. Hold your progeny. I am the Jackal! I can make it happen!" *sneak sneak* EPIPHANY! Spinelli is busted. Dr. Ford has given approval, however, and Borg Boy can hold his Golden Child. Baby does NOT fuss (like he did with Lucky earlier), but coos and gurgles. Are the kids really making these noises? Or do they have sound recording things behind stage? 'Cause it annoys me that Baby never fusses with Jason, only with Lucky, 'cause Jason is oh, so very wonderful like that.

Previews: Hmm...My network didn't show previews. I rewound to double check. I guess we're supposed to walk away from GH with a smile on our face, seeing as Jason and KidThatShouldBeLucky's were the last to appear on our screen (there were singing angels in the background too, for real). We can't have the Evil!Previews tainting the HAPPINESS!

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Behold, I have seen a great star shining in the eastern sky! It is the son of Jason, born this day in Port Charles. Rejoice one and all, because well, gosh, at least ...

Nope. I'm done. Can't find anything to rejoice about except TRACY on today.

Oh, and my DVD of Company: The Original Cast Recording documentary should be in the mailbox from Netflix today! (Fey is going to coast on this birthday present for MONTHS.)

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I cannot believe that Tracy, Alan, and Luke were on today!! I'm so happy, but I'm mad because I really thought they were not going to be on at all this week, so I didn't bother to tape todays show. :( I'm gonna have to wait until Geena or whoever posts todays show on Hella Good.

Lady Ashton, I loved your new chapter of TrAsh story!!!

MinervaFan, I also loved your new Tracy ficlet!

Oh and of course Ms.Q, I loved your new vid. I think you should post it at You Tube who cares if you "stole" it from your sister. :)

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Thanks MsQ for putting it on sendspace! Oh and...OMFG!! I *loved* ur vid! It was sooo sweet (in a sad but still really good way). You made everything 'fit'. Am I making any sense? If not I'm sorry, its been a long and weird day. Oh and I agree w/ nex, everyone will love it on youtube (as for the song, thousands of vids have the same song).

I'm okay with the scenes we got today. Not overly thrilled but not annoyed to all ends. So its a good day I guess, lol.

Oh and i'm *so* ready for the outfit she's been wearing (the one today) to go away.

Edited by angel2devil
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Where is everyone today?? So I was dancing the happy dance for Tracy Tuesday today (yes...Tuesday is a definite pattern day for TQ). See once in a while the soap gods are wrong and SHE WAS ON! What I loved about today:

One long kiss on the lips with an awesome chin touch and face caress...you know that will be in like 100 video clips in the future :)

One TQ standing up to luke and telling him that if she can put up with his issues with laura that he can damn well put up with her issues with dead Alan--GO GIRL

One very sweet pep talk and "come here" and major comfort hug!!

I am a happy girl today even though there were only three scenes!

What still needed to be fixed (this one is for Ms Q) the flat hair!!

It is 7pm and I am free for a while! Lunches made, kids fed, American Idol on---anyone around for the breakroom???


Edited by hookedongh
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Hey guys! I'm pretty annoyed right now b/c I am on and able to go into the breakroom, but no, my sister has to do her homework and my dad has to type something for work so all the computers are being used in a minute. That and I hear that Tracy was on today but my vcr did that changing it's time thing again. I put it on manual now so hoepfully it won't happen again, but is there any chance that someone has clips for me?!

Hooked, just emailed you everything you asked, but I can do one for you no problem... and thanks for the compliments guys

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Something was happening with Luke and Tracy today. TIIC is setting something up with them two. She sat around today -- kissing him, hugging him and handing him the phone. And oh -- let's not forget the supportive advice and friendly jabs.

Yet my friends, her only purpose on the show today was to be the supportive wife. I'm NOT complaining. Quite the opposite. I'm VERY VERY happy. But I'm also curious about WHY -- is it to set up some Luke/Tracy Shadybrook caper? Why is it so important they we believe Tracy to be the loving, selfless wife? hmmmmmmmm....

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Thanks so much Nex! I was downloading all those segments and then going to delete the ones she wasn't in! I appreciate it! :)

Lainey...I agree...it is true...he came home to her...and I thought she was so wifelike when she handed him the phone and said, "it's your sister" instead of Bobbie. Then so sweet and supportive with the hug to make him feel better. Knowing Luke he is trying to get her all feeling sorry for him so she will pose as laura or commit herself. They are definitely showing Tracy to be completely on Luke's side. Even his kiss the other day when she got home from her trip...was very married like. And how many times can Alan say she is madly in love with him??? I think you need to write Deb's prompt about the emotion when Tracy is on the stand in a laura custody trial....that is right up your alley!

Do we dare think she is on again today?

TracyLuv Yesterday was a good slow mo day huh? I went to bed at 10pm last night and watched a show and fell asleep. The 3:45 from the night before killed me!

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Thank you, clip queens Nex and MsQ! Nex, I've gone ahead and downloaded yesterday's clips. Yah, that kiss is going to make it into a lot of vids. And Stace--thanks SO much for Tracy/Mitch. Wow. Her standards have gone WAY up, haven't they? She seemed so worried about him, and I'm like, "he's a LOOSAHHHHHH!"

My foot is firmly back on the LuNacy bus. I had this wonderful thought about a line that should have been on yesterday's episode. Luke and Tracy have their final scene together, ending with the hug. But there should have been one more exchange between them. Luke should have pulled back a little, gazed at Tracy with this dazed expression on his face and said, "Oh, gawd. I'm a grandfather!" And Tracy, with that beautiful supportive wife expression she's been wearing pauses a beat and says gently, "Yeah...sucks, doesn't it?"

That's MY LuNacy.....:D

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