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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Thanks MinervaFan for your nice comment...guess I am your new dealer de jour huh???? LOL

I seriously want to end this story, but I keep going on and on and on and it just keeps on flowing. At this rate, it will be 97 chapters and she will only just have had Ned!!! Wait til you see what happens during the wedding....probably like 22 chapters from now!

LadyAshton if you are lurking or around....look what you started...this whole Larry Ashton nightmare--ha ha.

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They are so pesky that way, aren't they? So are girlfriends. I was perfectly happy to just sleep without supper, and Fey's like, my sugars are low, we need supper. Wow, they are sooo needy! :D Thinks just because she's diabetic, we have to feed her!

Edited by MinervaFan
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Hi guys! I have been away for what feels like forever. I was having major withdrawls! Worked a lot of overtime last week to make up for being on vacation this week.

And what do I come home to? Awesomeness! MinervaFan and Hookedongh, YOU ROCK!!!!!! So worth waiting for MF, and I don't want yours to end hooked! I love both of your Larrys :D

Lainey, Dry was awesome too! If I can't have Larcy (ok, definately need a better name than that but the best I coculd come up with on the spot) I'll take some Lunacy like that!


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Okay... here is what Lainey thinks will happen... Ready? Here goes:

Tracy will find Luke boozing it up tomorrow at the Haunted Star (It'll be closed. He'll be drinking in there solo). He's going to be drowning his sorrows because of what Bobbie said today about Scotty looking for an excuse to tell Lulu about the rape. Luke is going to be all despondent and f#$%ed up because of that. I think he's going to tell Tracy about the rape! I think it'll be a great excuse for them to have a serious bonding moment. He trusts her now. I'm really excited for it. I REALLY think it's going to happen. I hope. I hope. She doesn't know, does she? I don't see how she could. I am dying to see how they play this. DYING! I think she'll be very accepting, and I think it's going to grow them as a couple. I think it will make him fall more in love with her. I could see the scene ending with her walking out, and he reaches out to grab her arm, and she turns around. Then he says "You are an exrtaordinary woman." And then they have one of those soul-searing goggley-eyed moments.

We'll see.. we'll see... but something tells me I'm RIGHT!!!!!! Maybe it's the picture in Hooked's avtar, which has been my screen saver for several days now. They're all happy and glowy at each other, and it's supposedly AFTER the drunk scene. So whatever it is that happens in the drinking scene bonds them more. I'm certain. CERTAIN.

I don't think L&L2 wedding is until Friday. "Tomorrow" in soap world is Friday.

And oh-- what's with Denise Alexander being on so much? I love it. I wish they'd use her in a 'real' way. I used to LOVE her back in the day.

Love how they had Scotty admit to the murder today. Interesting twist.

An awful lot of the chair-bound one today. What's up with that?!?!?!

One more thing... I never watch OLTL, but I've been catching a little bit lately (because I have been turning my office tv to ABC earlier and earlier each day! oy!). Anyway, I'm really loving this Vickie-Clint-Dorian triangle they have been playing. And I LOVE how they used Nora in it the last two days. Love me some Nora!!! Anyway -- If Vickie, Clint, Dorian can get the build-up to a sex/love scene (you know it's coming.. OLTL isn't afraid of 'old sex'), then I don't see why Tracy and Luke can't have one (They're younger than Clint & Vickie. And yes folks, I'm pulling for Vickie in this one, not Dorian. Sorry. My alliegences in this one are out of character for me.. but oh well! ha!)

ta ta


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Hey now, lets not mock the diabetic!!! I feel her pain, though I'd have gotten my own food and said to hell with the rest of ya, let you fend for yourselves when you got hungry.... I'm gonna be great for whoever I end up with, huh?

Thank for the clips Hooked

edit the clips idn't work, thanks though. It said there was an error while uploading and i can't downlowd the files. Oh yeah, and I just read your story... I love it and I so need you to get out another part ASAP. I do wish you hadn't said you may be able toget one out by morning though. Now there's nothing I can do but sty up all night to wait for it!!! HaHA, oh well, I'll just have to finish mine for ya in the mean time. I think I've fixed the last chap, too. I know you wanted me to add what your suggestion to this chapter instead of the next, which I did do, but I forgot when I told you that you hadn't read how I'd upfdated it yet, so you didn't have anything new to go by. OOPS!!

Edited by knh
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Thanks so much. I have them dowloading right now.

PS... I'm working on it now (waiting for your story to come in) and I totally think you're gonna like this part!! So far it's going exactly where you wanted, which is what i had in mind too. I'll send ti to you when I type it out. Not going to be much of a surprise but hopefully it'll be worth it anyway.

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Ok...it is 11pm central and I'm wondering if Tracyluv is around...I watched the show from yesterday and you are so TOTALLY right...luke did blow her a kiss or make the smacking sound when she closed the door on him.

I was totally just in bed about to get all drifting off to sleep after watching GH and then I snapped out of it and am no longer tired. Sooooo....I am going to update the story for you LadyAshton and for you MinervaFan and knh. It may not be so long, but I willl try...gotta go to bed by 1 though for sure.

Lainey, Mrs Q, LadyAshton...so much fun chatting tonight

Lainey. I watched and I totally think they are going to have tracy find luke drunk tomorrow, and him tell her he has something he has to tell lulu and it is not pretty and about his past, etc. I dont' think he is going to actually admit to her what it is, but is going to insinuate it is something he is ashamed of and Tracy will say something like "whatever it is luke, you can tell me and you know I won't judge you." and he is going to say, "trust me spanky, this is one truth you don't want to know". Then she is going to say something like "whatever it is Luke, I am sure I have done worse..." and he is going to say, "I doubt it baby, I doubt it". Then she is going to be like, "come on...we need to go...your truth can wait, but your son is getting married and you have to be there."

That is my story and I';m stickign to it!

Ha ha.

Oh yeah...did anyone think it was sort of cute that luke was sitting cross-legged on teh bed in laura's room like a little kid? Boy her room got some action today....that blob person must have the easiest job around!

Edited by hookedongh
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I may just be missing a step here, but does she really not know?! Everyone else in town seems to b/c it comes up. His kids, obviously, Scotty, and I know it's come up before. Plus who in life, let alone on SoapLand keep a secret for that long... it's been, what? Almost 30 years, so I can't imagine that she doesn't know, though I do sort of hope something along those lines, Hooked and Lainey, happens tomorrow

I'm gonna finish writing what i can tonight and I'll check out the next part of your story tomorrow morning, Hooked. I don't have to go into work until noon tomorrow, so i will let you know what I think before I leave if I can. If not, definately by tomrrow night, though I'm suire, with the way it's going, I'm gonna think it's another piece of brilliance

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