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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Wish I could remember what part I said I was going to write...ha ha. Glad you are liking it. I have a thousand things I should be doing instead of writing this...like reading your story which I am going to do tonight as soon as I get everyone in bed!!

Thanks for the nice comments. Can't wait to see your portfolio. I am sure others would love to see your artwork as well!! You are so talented at writing/art, etc and two sizes smaller to boot--life is good! :)

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Oh Deb, I can't wait to read this. I have confidence you have captured Tracy and Larry's relationship better than I ever could in a million years! I will read it after I get everyone off and out the door today.

By the way...I stayed up til 3:30 am last night...yes I am totally wiped out now at 6:45. Why you might ask...cause Lainey suggested that we read the AU story you wrote about Tracy Walker and Simon. I had never read that one. It took me like two hours to read. It was so terrific....I couldn't stop til I finished it. You are the most incredible writer! You simply have to try to change names and publish some of this stuff. It is THAT GOOD!!!! In the words of spinelli, "You awe me with your awesomness oh golden keyboard one!" Ha ha. Seriously, you are phenomonal!!! I need a nap now...sooooo tired. I am too old to stay up so late! :)

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I have good news and bad news. Good news, I'm alive. Yay for me. Bad news, my comp has screwed out on me and taken all my fic with it. However, my older comp is back up and running, save for any discernible internet connection. So, I'll try to produce something new for you guys. Sorry about that wait.

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OMG, Regency! The Tragedy!!!! (Not the your being alive part, but the dead computer/lost fic part.) This just means you absolutely have to start on a new Tracy fic RIGHT now.

As for you, Hooked, please stop with the SpinelliSpeak, willya? My head will get so big I won't be able to fit in my car. :) Glad you liked the story. And special thanks to Lady Ashton for all those fabulous Larry clips to inspire me. He's so McDreamy, isn't he? Not like yicky old Paul.....

So, is Her Fabulousness supposed to be on today? Please, please, please?

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OK...will stop with the spinelli speak, but you are still my writing goddess--ha ha! Yes, paul is so disgusting I want to put rat poison in his drink (just watched that whole storyline on those dvd edits. It was nice to see alan defend tracy though and take her side and help her in her plot to fake her death!)

I have spent way too much time online this morning. Have to get out and do some stuff...I am catching up on ten days of computer withdrawls...hope she is on today too, but think Mrs. Q said Tuesday, Thursday and Friday....

Regency...they can recover hard drives....so there is hope!!!!! Mine was recovered after my computer was struck by lightening and put into a new computer!

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FYI...if anyone wants to see the whole episode of the Yo Momma clip from when Tracy saw Ned for the first time as Eddie Maine, Tracey from JE Online has posted it under the Tracy Quartermaine section under new clips.... It is not just the song, but the whole scenes Tracy was in.

http://www.jane-elliot.com/multimedia/GH080796.wmv credit Tracey from JE Online.... It is long like 18 minutes. She said she woudl post it on you tube also....for those who cant' download it.

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Regency, you're back!!! No worries on the fic. I haven't caught up with the other fic anyway. *hangs head in shame*

MinervaFan, as soon as I read the fic, you know you'll get feedback. Also, per Got Info, no Tracy mentions in the breakdowns for today, but she is mentioned for Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, which I just realized is what Hooked mentioned.

Hooked, thanks for the clip. It only took me about 4 or so minutes to download. But with dial-up, it's gonna be nuts.

BTW, lurking at SoapDish now...SQUEE for the Tracy Love over there!!!

Edit: My response to Regency sounded kind of rude. Sorry. :(Rege, I'm sorry that you lost everything. Any chance you'll be able to recover it for your benefit?

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Wow, did you guys see those GREAT Tracy scenes today? Yeah, it was awesome. See, the truth is, we discover that Tracy is working deep undercover for the FBI to get info on the Corinthos and Alcazar crime families. Only, someone has discovered Tracy's true identity and is gaslighting her.

Truth is--Alan ISN'T dead, and Luke isn't really what he says he is. This is all an evil plot of the Solieto Crime Family, who are trying to use Tracy to expand into the Port Charles market.

The REAL reason Luke married Tracy is to get to her secrets, which are imbedded so deep into her subconscious that even SHE doesn't know her true identity. Luke is a super-secret government agent sent to retrieve Tracy and save her life, but he's fallen in love with her.

Anyway, the Solietos are trying to drive Tracy crazy to break her mental conditioning, but Luke is trying to protect her to keep her safe. Because if she cracks, not only will she be in danger from the mob, but also from the government, who will kill her to keep from revealing what she knows.

Alan is being held hostage by the Solietos and forced to participate in the gaslighting scheme.


That's NOT what happened today?

That's NOT even a real storyline?

Dayum. This show sucks.

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Aww, MinervaFan. Still not feeling well?




Also, a concerned (what? she seems concerned to me) Tracy thinks Robin is spying on Sonny for Mac.

EDIT #1: BREAKROOM? I got about a half hour or so...

EDIT #2: That clip from above is from end of the episode that Tracey posted.


Also, I just watched the entire episode with Tracy, "Eddie Maine," and company. "Poor Ned. Mommy didn't hold him enough when he was 3 years old, so now he's going to abandon himself by throwing his life away." :lol: But seriously...Poor Tracy.

OMG...The !@#$% ????? Ned to Jason: "You're my role model...And with a lot of practice and a good line of work, maybe someday I'll be as honest as you." *throws up*

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Okay.. I had lots of problems posting, "Dry."

First I couldn't get the lj-cut thingy to work. Then I tried fanfic.net, which is my usual route. But the #(*$&(* thing told me it didn't recognize my email. Fine, so I created a new account. THEN!! it told me new users aren't allowed to post stories for three days!!!

I was really, really ticked.. and convinced that it was a SIGN!!!!!!!

But.. alas... the computer gods relented.

So here is "Dry"


Edited by LaineyBev714
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