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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Stace actually I didn't know that you had emailed me till you said so. I am bad, REALLY bad, about checking my yahoo and I rarely do unless I know I've got incoming....

And YOU m'lady are a DOLL. Shallow?


But very sweet, thank you. :)

Reg what's a TMac fic? ? :huh:

And can't wait to read the others.

I want Tracy and Luke to go together to throw rocks at windows.

Did I say that here already? :)

I hope the "Alan's "ghost" thing is not only for laughs.

JE will have a new article in the SID mag after this new one, so in two more weeks we should get a preview of it.

She's supposed to let us know what makes Tracy tic. GOOD. One mystery of the universe solved.

oh and SID spoiler:

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I must be lame along with you cause I am really looking forward to it as well...for a few reasons

1) Jane will be on more

2) Tracy and Luke are doing something together

3) IT will be funny no doubt

4) We will get to see SD again

5) His ghost is appearing to Tracy, not to Jason or Carly to haunt her about michael. IT is pretty amazing actually all things considered. At least they are not making her fall off the face of the earth, like they will likely do to monica

Nuff said...goign to run a few more errands....

Regency...I will be out of town starting tomorrow afternoon til the 17th...if you have any sneak previews of your stories, I woudl love to see them too!

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Saw the end of Alan's memorial with Tracy/Ned and Tracy/Luke. If anyone here is complaining, I'm going to beat them with my broomstick. It doesn't get any better than this under Guza.

ETA: wth always makes me type Alana?

Edited by Keith
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Keith! Your "reporter status" is so cool! :D Congrats again!

hooked, thanks so much for editing the clips!!!

TMac = Tracy and Mac, right, Regency?

MinervaFan, I'm not sure I'll be in the breakroom later. I gotta take a short nap, and then I'm meeting people at the library. Spanish linguistics is just so. very. wonderful. :rolleyes: (actually, it's not that bad...but yeah...You know I'd rather be in the breakroom.) Anyway, don't have too much fun without me!

YEAH for the JE article in the next SID issue!!!

SOC posters: Tracy's getting lots of love over there again.

Some thoughts about today...Yeah, it's totally being played for laughs, but it's okay, 'cause I'm laughing. And guys!!! Tracy's hair didn't even bother me that much today. (A miracle, I know). I'm not sure what to make of the outfit. It looked better in the pics, and it's kind of "lizard-y." I wonder if it's supposed to be some kind of metaphor for Tracy's attitude. Gah...Thinking. Too. Much. Again.

ANYWAY, lots of LuNacy (or should I say Sweetcheeks and Cuddles) fun today! Jane really looked like she was having a good time. Tony too. It was dare I say it...nice? BTW, Tracy's already talking to air. :P Sort of. She yelled at Alan's picture to stop looking at her, then she was sitting on the couch, going on and on about the will, and then Alice came in.

Oh, and Luke made Tracy call him "Daddy." "Who's your daddy?" "Don't be ridiculous. I'm not saying it." "Who's your daddy?" (something like that) I laughed, but it was it was kind of um...weird? One of my other complaints is that they weren't exactly "teaming-up." Tracy was basically like, "You owe me because _________." And then Luke was like, "Okay." Oh wait...Another complaint. Luke wanted to write in the will that Alan gave him sympathy money for being Mr. Tracy Quartermaine. (Me: Oh, please, Luke. You know you love being Mr. Tracy Q). (Keith, this doesn't count as complaining, does it? I'm not complaining about Tracy's scenes during the memorial ;)). All that aside...It was still a very good day if you've been missing the LuNacy FUN, and Jane's expressions are HILARIOUS. :lol:

One more thing!!! I apparently missed it the first time around, but Luke called Tracy "love" today!!! :D How do I miss that?!? (Okay, taking a nap for real now...)

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Luke: Right cuddles?

Tracy: Yes....sweetcheeks.

HeeHee. I love them! In a way I'm kinda glad that they are playing it for laughs. The whole "Who's your daddy?" thing was humorous but....weird. Oh and I loved her reaction to when he came into the room in the suit!

One more thing, at the end of Tracy and Luke's first scene together today (at least i think it was the first), when the camera holds on the person's face, it looked to me like JE was having a hard time trying to keep a straight face. Hee. Wow, I pay way too much attention to little things.

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So... you know what I hate more than anything about living in a house with so many people.... people mess with my settings and don't say anything. The channel was changed on the vcr, so I missed today episode. I'm so pissed about that right now! So if anyone has the clips PLEASE post them when you can.

Hooked... loved it!!!! I can't wait for what I know is coming. It's actually driving me a little crazy waiting for it.

MinervaFan, your stories all sound like they're definately going to be something I want to read (hint hint, can't wait till you post them)

I'd comment on today's epi, but like I said, that was kind of a no-go

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Im loving Jane too, I still cant see how this woman didn't get an Emmy nod. I think that the ABC people who go to the major soap boards to see what we as soap fans like, are finally paying attention to us and giving Jane a SL. I love Jane but. . . . .

I did feel real bad for Leslie C. Her on screen husband is dead and she really gets little attention, and barely gets a chance to express her feelings about the situation. And even worse SD barely gets a memorial service :angry: Insted of getting the Q's I got to see Carly and Sonny :(

I havent seen GH today but at least Tracy is on so I think I'm watch on Soap Net.


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Totally LOVED LuNacy today!! Thought it was HOT that he made her call him Daddy!! LOL - They were too funny today!

SOC posters, There are a number of Tracy threads there! Even one that thread called "Is Tracy a Desparate Housewife?" Where they are talking about how they want LuNacy sex already! Someone even posted the ABC comment line # to request that Luke and Tracy have sex, along with a script of how you can call and sound like you are 13-18! They are a riot over there!

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