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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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ZOMG! It's you!!!!!! *glomps on to 4XCrazy!* We were sure you'd fallen off the face of the universe.

The TQ Ficathon now has SIXTEEN authors and I don't know how many stories. (I'm too lazy to count. Suffice it to say that my 36 "100 Situations" stories are only a scratch on the surface.) Check out the new-fangled Master List of Stories, now with links and alphetized stories! (Ooooh, ahhhh......)

You needs MUST stick around, because you have been sorely missed young lady!

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I do, but I have it in the whole episode on a disk. I have still yet to figure out how to upload something like that. If anyone knows how to do it than I have a bunch of clips I can get up. Please help.....

edit: so I was just on imdb for a minute and decided to check out JE's message board cuz... why not?! There was some girl who said she went to school with her daughter in Manhattan Beach, CA. How not fair is that? I would have loved to see her one day. I was living in Hermosa Beach with my uncle, but Manhattan, Hermosa, and Rodando Beach are a 20 minute walk from end to end. I was living like 5 minutes from her and I never once got to see her. My luck is suckier than i thought.

Ok, that's my only bit of genuinely crazy fan for today, I promise

Edited by knh
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4XCrazy!!! :o You're here! You're here! Since you have your internet and computer back now, you'll be sticking around, right? Please!!! About LuNacy...We got a hug and a kiss not too long ago, and Luke gave Tracy "control" of their marriage; basically, Luke will remain married to her, unless Tracy decides otherwise. Unfortunately, we haven't had any good LuNacy (IMO) since Alan's death. Luke is much too busy worried about Scotty and Laura to care that Tracy's brother died. :angry:

But, wait!!! How long has it been since you've watched GH? Because we did get an "I love you" from Luke in November. Of course, it was 2 days before his "re-marriage" to Laura, so the timing was definitely bad. In case you're wondering, Luke and Laura's wedding was fake, and he never divorced our girl. :) Laura is once again in her catatonic state, and I predict she will come out of it just in time to walk in on LuNacy sex, 'cause you know Guza would do it.

DruRocks, welcome to the TQ love. I love the bowing down smiley, LOL.

TracyLuv, clips for you. I don't have anything for 10/12, so I gave you 10/11 instead. :P

Episode Counts for February are up. It says 15 episodes for Tracy, but I counted 16, to which I say, "OMG, it's a miracle!" (even though some episodes were only 1 scene total for her). I seriously don't remember the last time she had such a high episode account. AMAZING!

knh, Lady Ashton might be able to help you. Speaking of DVD's and such...I have a question. I have a DVD of me of microteaching, and I need to make it compatible, so I can upload it to my online teaching portfolio. How do I do that? I want to get it from the DVD program on my computer to Windows Media (or something like that). Actually, this might be almost the same question knh has, LOL.

It's early, but I'm heading to the breakroom. I'm pretty tired, and I gotta limit myself anyway, so I won't be around for too long...


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Oh... but she does!!!! Gino Solieto, everyone. She did take over for him after his death and pissed of a few people in the process. What happens if one day they come into town? Oh on, it looks like there would be someone other than Jason or Sonny (or Lorenzo) involved in a mob story. i don't want her to be, I'm just saying, there's always a possibility b/c she does have "the past"

and Ms. Q, my roomies last year had to do the same thing for their teaching portfolio. I remember them figuring it out atthe end of school. I don't know what i can do for you, but I can try to find out from them how to do it. I don't know if they'd remember now, ubt i can try

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Neato! I knew there was a reason I was feeling "up" and "positive" in Feb. That explains it!!!

Now.. what I want to know about the previews is this: what the #$(*@&# is Luke doing sitting BEHIND Tracy at the funeral??!?!?!?!?! Why isn't he RIGHT NEXT TO HER, HOLDING HER HAND AND STROKING HER ARM??? Hello! Hello! Step up to the plate, dude. Enough of this Laura crud. ENOUGH already!

Oh for all of us angsting about a Laura return there is this silver lining: They've already done the 'Tracy doesn't exist storyline' for Laura's return. They CAN'T do it again, which means they will HAVE TO DEAL WITH HER. She may get her heart trampled on, my friends... but they will NOT write her into a closet. THEY WILL NOT!

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Ms. Q, Thanks so much for the clips! YOU ARE A DOLL!!- and a life saver :)

Lainey, That's right, they will HAVE to deal with Tracy if Laura comes back. Any chance that when Luke said to Tracy (the day he came back) "As much as I love her (Laura), I can't be with her" that he was not only speaking of her catatonic state? Well I can hope can't I?

4XCrazy, Happy Birthday!!

DruRocks, Welcome to the TQ Lovefest! Love your post.

I know Luke has only been home for a couple of days but come on already, Mr. Tracy better comfort Mrs. Spencer soon!!

Edit: About the show today.. err.. yesterday... At least Luke defended Tracy. Sorta. He did, didn't he? I'm not sure. And Dillon is an @$$ - That kid needs to get drop-kicked IN A BIG WAY, letting Scotty talk that way about his mother! At least Lulu was making a face when Scott started in calling her names, just before Luke walked in.

Edited by TracyLuv
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MinervaFan, so do I.

From page 274:

Some questions/comments/speculation…Last night in the short chat, I brought up that it didn't make sense that Alan wrote the letter that said Scott killed Rick because Alan had thought Monica did it. (Alan thought Monica did it; Monica thought Alan did it). But then again, this is Guza, and I didn't give it much thought beyond that.

However, I spent a little time at SD this morning…Speculation is that TRACY wrote the letter to throw Dillon and Lulu off. But who is Tracy protecting? And then I start to wonder if she's protecting herself because that anonymous poster did spoil that Tracy was the killer, and that anonymous poster also spoiled that Dr. Ford is going for Chief of Staff (which has been confirmed, I believe). And yes, one of the mags said that Scotty killed him, but Kin Shriner said something like, "There is more to this story that meets the eye."

So, we all know if Tracy is in any way responsible for this, LuNacy would be done. Forever. Tracy would be off the show. Forever. (maybe I'm getting carried away?) And really, it doesn't look too good for our couple. I couldn't have said it better than this poster…

I repeat, "What's up with that?" Tracy's brother is DEAD. Luke should be spending time with no one else but her. *clears throat* All you positive people… MinervaFan, Lainey, knh, make this better for me. Please. I wouldn't even care so much if I still got Tracy, but if she's responsible for this?!? Ugh. Not to mention, if Tracy and Luke were going to end, Tracy deserved to do the dumping.

On an unrelated note, for those interested, Soapbubbles at GHVT made a video about Alan's death. Click here for YouSendIt. Click here for YouTube.

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POSITIVE POSITIVE POSITIVE UPDATE....maybe the start of Luke/Tracy scenes will be today at the funeral and the will stuff. The bottom line to me is that if laura comes back...it would be the end of LuNacy as we know it anyway. And that looks pretty likely at this point. Tracy may know something or is covering up for someone or something, but I just know that she is not a killer. And she was not even in Port Charles then nor had she dumped her son off there either. I know they could rewrite history, but TRACY IS NOT A MURDERER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

O.K...I am late for a doctor's appt. I must go...chat with you guys later.

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Wait...(I am going to be so late to my appt) but I had to post this before I left...

Remember in the hotel when alan was clutching his chest having his heart thing, he told lulu or started to tell her about "there is a letter" and then he couldn't finish his sentence. So he knew about the letter and wrote it...tracy didn't--whew!

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You're right! I thought Alan had said "Laura wrote a letter", but I just went to GHH2 and found the transcript from that scene. Alan did say he wrote a letter!

Alan: I know. I know you want your mother to be innocent, and the truth is I think she might be.

Lulu: You do?

Alan: For a long time, I thought that monica had killed rick. That's why I never said anything. But -- oh, god. But then, you and dillon started digging around and monica and I were forced to confront each other.

[Alan chuckles]

Alan: And she thought that I killed rick, so we had spent all these years protecting each other. Neither of us did it -- we were both innocent.

Lulu: And you were willing to let my mother suffer?

Alan: No, no. Oh, god, lulu, please try to understand -- I was so fond of your mother, but when you love somebody as much as I love monica, you'll say or -- or do anything to -- to protect them. Believe me, your father would've done the same thing --

lulu: That --

alan: If the tables were turned.

Lulu: No, that does not make it right!

Alan: No, no, it doesn't, and I'm -- I'm sorry. I am so sorry.

Lulu: "Sorry" does not change the hell that my mother went through! It does not bring her back!

Alan: No. Oh, god, Lulu, I'm so sorry. I hope -- I hope that maybe just -- maybe one day you'll forgive me.

Lulu: Oh.

Alan: I just -- I just wanted to say -- say one other thing to you. I saw something that night.

Lulu: You saw -- what? What, someone with Rick when -- when he died?

Alan: Oh, oh! I wrote a letter --

lulu: Ok. Ok, stop, stop, stop, stop. You - you just don't talk anymore, ok? Try and breathe and not die. Do not die with me in here, ok? Just breathe.

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