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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Lainey, how much do I LOVE your post?!? :wub:

And good point on the LuNacy sex folks! Not to mention...If Tracy sees Alan wherever she goes, she's never going to want to have sex with Luke. That would make it seem like Alan was watching. :o

I bring spoilers...

Lainey, you do NOT want to see the first one. (I left extra space, so you can scroll). STAY AWAY FROM THE FIRST SPOILER!




Tuesday (Lainey, DO NOT READ THIS ONE!!!!)








(reminder, this is TOMORROW, as in Alan, Tracy's BROTHER, has just DIED) So you might ask...What is Luke doing? Well instead of comforting his wife, he and Scotty are fighting over Laura!!!








Lainey, you can read the rest!




Wednesday: (2 hours after Alan dies) Ned joins his family at General Hospital.

Thursday: Tracy needs a favor. You won't believe who she asks...CARLY! (please let this be: Stay away from my brother's memorial).

Week of March 12th: Tracy talks to Alan's ghost.

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OK...I am really sick that Tracy did not get a goodbye scene with Alan. Monica got something, Emily the main one and even Edward with his reference to Lila. What about freaking tracy??????? I am very disappointed now. Even Jason got his blank stare and his one line of "sorry". UGHHHH!

Wait and I thought Iw as the one who started this morning out with the positive vibe!

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Okay, it's time for MinervaFan to come in and be the voice of reason--YET again--with you people. :D

First of all, calm down. You heard me, LoveFesters. Calm. DOWN. All is not lost, all is not over, hope is still alive.

Since my last post, I've had (1) food, (2) rest, (3) Motrin (hormonal stuff requires Better Living Through Chemistry), and (4) time to think. And I've made a couple of observations.

PROBLEM: Alan dying off-screen. Yeah, it was lame and disrespectful to the actors. This is GH. You want respectful of actors, go to Broadway. Or Sundance. Because you're not going to get it on daytime. TIIC think of the actors (with the exception of a small handful of ego-bloated dress-up dolls) as commodities, and will use them as they see fit. It was how it was in the time of the ancient Greeks, Shakespeare did it, and you know Frons and his goons aren't going to be any better.

BRIGHT SIDE: Alan died off screen. With Emily, the Little Orphan Girl, the only one at his side. No bells. No whistles. No attempts to revive him. Now. Put on your TracyVision goggles and take another look at this situation. Her brother was doing fine. He spends twenty seconds alone with The Little Orphan Girl and mysteriously dies--no attempts at revival, no calls to the emergency team. Nothing. In your TracyVision, what does this tell you? The Little Orphan Girl, who is training to be a doctor, did NOTHING to try to save your brother. Now. Fast-forward to the will. Who does Alan leave his money to? THE LITTLE ORPHAN GIRL!

TRACY-SAVING ELEMENT: We have just found our GOOD reason for Tracy going ballistic on Emily's inheritance. In her grief-clouded vision, EMILY caused Alan to die by not responding properly. I can even stretch it into her believing (in her grief) that Emily KNEW about the will and CHOSE not to help Alan. Granted, it's far-fetched, but we've seen what grief does to Tracy. We've seen how far her mind will go, and how far her emotions will go to avoid the real pain by diverting it into rage at something else. And let's face it, JE will rock this.

PROBLEM: Luke not being with her when she found out. To be honest, from the SZ Live Post, I actually thought Luke was not at the hospital when Alan died, so him being with Elizabeth was actually a relief.

BRIGHT SIDE: He was IN the hospital, which will at least put him in "running through the halls, get outta my way, I need to get to my wife, oh, Tracy, Baby, let me hold you" distance.

TRACY-SAVING ELEMENT: Dude, he's gonna feel so guilty he wasn't there! Besides, this will give them time for it to hit her, for Tracy to really feel it, and to feel that familiar sense of "Oh, god, I'm really alone." And right when it happens, right when it hits her, they have the opportunity for Luke to do the aforementioned "running through the halls, get outta my way, I need to get to my wife, oh, Tracy, Baby, let me hold you" thing. It will reinforce the whole White Knight Coming to the Rescue effect.

PROBLEM: Alan's ghost. I've heard SD is not happy with it, but he's a commodity and TIIC will use him as they see fit. Because actors are dolls and producers don't care.

BRIGHT SIDE: More SD/JE interaction.

TRACY-SAVING ELEMENT: This one took me a moment. Actually, it took Fey's spontaneous response to the news to put it in a whole different light. I told her, expecting the same disgust everyone else is giving, and her entire face lit up and she said, "Oh, my god! The fans won!" That just sort of shifted things for me. Yeah, it's a lame excuse to fix the train wreck Frons, Guza, and Phelps (the REAL Three Stooges) committed against GH, SD, and the fans. But it's still a sign that the gazillion angry letters had an effect on them.

Also, Alan acting as Tracy's snarky, invisible Jiminy Cricket does have serious potential. The folks at MQAS are raging that it's Tracy and not Monica seeing him (I love the accusations of "Tracy-propping." I guess it's all relative, isn't it?) But I'm serious--did Jacob Marley and the Ghosts of Christmas Fill-In-The-Blank show up to haunt Bob Cratchet? No, if Alan's gonna come back and haunt somebody, it's going to be the person who (a) never accepted his death, (B) never got a chance to say goodbye, and © is TAKING OUT HER GRIEF ON SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T DESERVE IT (like, say, oh, The Little Orphan Girl).

As for the sweat suit, I even see the exchange.

Tracy: (Notices suit.) What are you wearing?

Ghost!Alan: Hey, I'm off the clock. Literally.

Tracy: You can't be my brother. My brother would never be caught dead in somethi--

Ghost!Alan: (Laughs at her.)

Tracy: I need a drink.

Okay, guys. All is not lost. This can still work in our favor. And at least we have a Tracy storyline coming up that DOESN'T rely 100% on her interaction with Luke.

So SMILE, already.

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hey all! I'm catching up a bit, so I just want to say...

MinervaFan: brava!! well put, sister! I completely agree with all of that. I was annoyed at first with some of the Alan interaction, but it just may work out to our and JE's favor. And I loved how you gave her a reason to take things out on Em without making her a complete b-tch!

Hookedongh 1) you know I loved the story!!! but 2) I think they did the right thingnot giving Tracy a goodbye scene, even though I would have liked to see her with him one more time (oh that's right... ghost Alan...). She hasn't accepted that he isn't going to make it, why would she need to say goodbye to him? It's like saying goodbye when you walk Into a room, seems a little out of place.

these are just general things now:

I also think that it worked with Luke not being there when she found out. I think he needs to really be there for her and comfort her which would not have happened 1)with her whole family, or what's left of it, right there. and 2) when she is still in disbelief and will probably be in shock. He will absolutely come through, but timing is everything people!!

I'm sure I'll pop in with some more for ya later, but right now I'm just getting some writing done, calling my dean (AGAIN) to try and get things all straightened out at school, and playing with my cousin (too damned cute for words)

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Yeah! What she said!!!! Thanks for the morning wake up/shed new light post MinervaFan! I'm with ya all the way! Great comment by Fey too. They are now trying to figure out how to keep him around for longer cause of the fan backlash. I for one, am looking forward to the scenes with JE and ghost Alan as you know they are going to be hysterical. Let the snarking begin. I can also see Luke walking in on Tracy talking to him and thinking she is nuts!! That might be his next exit for his next vacation....can't handle two wives in Shadybrook! Ha ha.

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For whatever reason, I want to say that Luke won't think she is crazy. I think he is going to support her through all of it. I think he will understand her need to talk to him b/c she loved him. If he can't see him, she'll be fine, no one can know if she doesn't say it and I doubt she will tell that little tid bit just b/c she already thinks she is a sloppy second to Laura, who went crazy. I don't think she'd willingly give him another reason to leave. But I really do think he won't think she's nuts, he's gonna be a great ol' hubby to her in this. And if he isn't Kristin's gonna have to have a good old fashion (italian style) sitdown with the writers.

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MinervaFan, I started reading this paragraph, and I'm like .. yeah,... okay,... yeah,..., true,... yeah,.... and then I get to the last line and I was like ROFLMAO!!! The way you phrased the whole thing just cracked me up. Thanks.

God, I hope this really happens. It should keep me for a while if it does.

Regarding other sites talking about Ghost Alan being Tracy propping... I was recently on another site where there were a few LnL fans talking about November sweeps and the LnL wedding and stuff and how Laura went catatonic again, and someone made the comment like "I can't believe they brought back Laura to prop Tracy!- That whole thing was totally about Tracy."! Can you believe it? I still can't.

Deb, thanks for the voice of reason :) Care to tackle the Tracy teaming up with Scott spoiler/rumor/spumor/whatever it is?

Hooked, loved Part 2 and am looking forward to part 3.

Oh, and as far as Scott and Luke spoiler for today of them fighting over Laura? Am I surprised? No. Though I choose to believe that will be fight ABOUT Laura, not OVER her, and that's my prorogative. At any rate, even Tracy said to Lulu in last week's epi "Luke and Scott have been fighting over Laura for years". So she would not be surprised by it either. SHE just better not find out he was doing it TODAY-of all days.

Edited by TracyLuv
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I have to get going, but very quickly, MinervaFan, loved, loved, loved your post, but comment...






It seems as Luke is spending the episode at ShadyBrook with Scotty/Laura. I'm not sure how we're going to get Luke comforting Tracy. Unless...BEST. CASE. SCENARIO. Luke finds out about Alan's death while at ShadyBrook and leaves Laura to go be with Tracy.

Also, MinervaFan, can you make these spoilers sound good?

Per SoapKing: Tracy is lost without her brother.

Me: My poor girl. :( Now, where is Luke? He needs to be there for her.

I read more spoilers and find out that per SoapKing...

(These are the spoilers I'm talking about)...

Lulu doesn't know that Luke raped Laura. Scotty urges Elizabeth and Lucky to tell Lulu what happened in the past between her parents. Luke explains to Lulu that what he and Laura had was magic. Logan (Lulu's newest suitor) is no match for Luke. Scotty tries to get temporary (emergency) custody of Laura, and Luke beats him up. Luke is arrested.

Me: WTH?!? Luke, go find your wife!!!! She needs you right now!

*runs out of thread; I'm gonna be late, I'm gonna be late*

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MsQuartermaine, I'm sending you a box full of chocolate-covered Prozac.


No more negativity.


This WILL work out in our favor. Heck, didn't that spoiler chick lady say that LuNacy fans were going to be VERY happy with something that came out of this whole Alan fiasco?

I'm CLINGING to my delusions. I'm on my period, I'm less than 2 weeks away from going back to see my OWN dysfunctional family, and I'm going to be HAPPY, darn it. :D

Here--virtual cookies and chocolate pie for everybody.

So there....

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Oh.My.God. I'm seriously crying my eyes out.

Spoiler for Today's Epi










Dillon comes to the hospital and Tracy says she's afraid to live without Alan (or something like it) and tells him stories of her and Alan, like when she was little he made fun of her ponytails or w/e and then she told him he looked like a monkey but that when a boy in her class made fun of her for them Alan soaked him in the fountain until he apologized. Then the second time we see them She tells Dillon another story, that Alan knew how to sail and when she was 16 she tried to out do him and she crashed Daddy's boat and he lied and said he put her up to it then later taught her how to sail. Dillon told Tracy that they should go sailing and have her tell more stories of her and Alan. She then starts to cry (i love her she's so fabulous in these scenes) and says how she never told Alan that she loved him and that she isn't going to make that mistake again and tells Dillon she loves him and he starts to cry. Seriously my heart's in a thousand tiny pieces right now! JE is *the* goddess!!!!!!!!!!!!!

edited so many times cuz i can't spell today.

Edited by angel2devil
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