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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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How crazy is this?!?!?! Ms.Q, as I was reading your recaps from today's show, I was listening to my Yahoo launch cast plus and the song that was playing was "Tears in Heaven" by Eric Clapton. I am now crying and getting my keyboard all wet. :( I can't believe they didn't even let him die on camera, but off screen. grrrrrrrrr

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Somebody just posted this at SOC - said it came from the new TV Guide.

I don't like it at all. Sounds undignified for Alan, and it's just Guza & co trying to clean up their mess.

So they went ahead and killed Alan off to prop up Jason, as usual, IMO. Now they don't know what to do.














Put away the hankies, the beloved doc will be back March 8 as a wise-cracking ghost, this is no quickie stint, the 30 year vet whose apparent firing had viewers and co-stars in an uproar will be around for the foreseeable future. "We're going to keep Alan a very viable character" says headwriter Bob Guza. Alan will return to haunt his sister because she screwed with his will. When that's resolved he will decide to stay. GH has never had great luck with the supernatural - remember Casey the space alien? - so we want to really ground this story," he says. "There will be no etheral ghostly trappings. Alan will lounge around the Q mansion in a sweat suit. Only Tracy will be able to see him. The comedic possibilities are very cool."

Edited by MagicHappens
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The show kinda sucked today especially with Alan dying offscreen, no montage (maybe during the funeral?), and no initial reaction from Tracy. I guess she was supposed to be in shock but I was hoping that she would at least grab Edward or something. I got a little choked up when Em said he died but I think more in anticipation of the familiy's reaction.

and re: The spoiler from TV guide...





So it turns out that ghost Alan doesn't appear to Tracy in a dream like kind of way but she's going to see him on a regular basis in the den? Can everyone say S-H-A-D-Y-B-R-O-O-K boys and girls? Of course the plus side to this is that Tracy will be on more, Stuart will be around longer, it's something for her to do while her husband is off on his adventures, and hey, maybe if it turns out to be comical, the family may just keep Tracy around for entertainment instead of having her commited. arrggghhh!!

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We should get more of a reaction tomorrow after JaseBot's 10 minute monologue. I think today was reserved for Monica and Emily.

Anyone up for the breakroom? I'm a little "off" and need someone to set me get me back to normal...If that makes sense.


About the spoiler...






OK. This was not supposed to make me laugh, but it did. LOL. So, I think if Guza was going to bring Alan back as a ghost, it should have been a bit more serious and not involved a track suit. Oy. But I am glad that we'll get seeing JE/SD in scenes again. Although, I have to wonder...Are we going to be seeing Alan more now than when he was alive? :angry:
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ok, my thing about bringing him back as a ghost... if they "haven't had luck with the supernatural in the past", don't you think it would have made sense to bring him back to her in a dream? It wouldn't have been so unbelievable and people can believe in someone they love coming to them in a dream. Maybe not as believable would be to bring him back so she is talking to him and sees him, but she is the only one... and the track suit?!?!? I think Guza needs to tighten the screws in his head a bit and get a grip on reality and how his main Quartermaine (ours, with the most appearances of the bunch) has been an asset.

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I can't get into the breakroom.


No matter since I"m still at work and need to catch up on stuff anyway.

I may check back in later and may not, it depends on when I leave here and all.....

I see a lot of people saying that today was kind of a let down for them.

I DO think it sucks he got no onscreen goodbye, but maybe that's because he'd not really leaving?

Hmm. I dunno.

I think SD and JE both excel at comedy, and I don't think it's necessarily disrespectful to bring him back and have him play this.

But we'll see I guess.

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Today just isn't my day, I had to take the stupid FCATs at school and *then* I come home to GH today. My heart was so majorly breaking, I can't even describe it. BUT then those idiots kill him OFFSCREEN, OMFG you have no idea how incredibly pissed off I am right now, let alone when GH was on.... I was so a split-second from dumping Guza.. errr...the television into the intercoastal! Let the alligators get him.. I mean.. it. *And* I have to go through all this again tomorrow (tests and show) and Blinky (Jason) is gonna be freaking front and center!

Another thing, WTF!? He's gonna be wearing a sweat suit or w/e!? Ugh, this is really starting to sound like what Y&R did to Jerry Douglas/John Abbott and had him wear that stupid Jacob Marley-looking outfit and "haunt" his son Jack or be his concious or w/e.

Edited by angel2devil
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Oh Man! Did all the 'good' writers go on vaco following the hostage crisis!?? :blink: I'm serious. Have they had interns or something banging out this cr-p the last few days!?! WTF?? :blink: Let me point out some of the most egregious things:

-Alan died off screen. That's just freakin' disrespectful. I don't care if he is coming back as a "ghost." The majority of viewers don't know that yet. It's just RUDE.

-He died "silently" without any doctors around - just Emily. THAT NEVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED!! The machines would have started blinking and dinging, and the world would have come running. He couldn't have simply drifted off like that with just Emily in the room. IT WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED THAT WAY. THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN SOME EFFORT TO SAVE HIM, ESPECIALLY GIVEN THAT HALF THE FAMILY WAS STILL IN DENIAL ABOUT HIS REAL CONDITION!!

--Luke was in the hospital while his wife is going through hell.. and what does he do.. go see ELIZABETH!! OF COURSE!?!?! (WTF?!?) He should have been there for her folks, with his arms wrapped around her. What the hell?!?!

--Not only that, Luke knew Alan wasn't doing well BEFORE Tracy knew it. They seemed to show the sequence out of order. Elizabeth asked about Alan, and Luke said 'not well,' but Tracy hadn't even been told that yet. Last she heard, he was talking and doing better.

--Don't even get me started on Monica and Tracy's LAME-O dialogue about how Monica has to believe. It was just written so poorly.. the whole quartermaine part of the show was written poorly today -- like interns did it... or nobody's heart wasn't into it! Maybe that was why TG wasn't in it. He looked at the q-scenes and said "I don't want to be a part of this sh-t." :blink: So they shoved him into Elizabeth's room, down the hall. Geez!!!

--A lot of the cr-p since the hotage crisis has been filler. Luke and Tracy walked the halls with coffee TWICE. Once on Wednesday and again on Thursday. The three stooges was a 2-day gag, when it sould have been a 1-day gag... and on and on. It's like NOBODY IS PAYING ATTENTION TO ANYTHING. HELLO? HELLO? What's going on out there?


I have to admit I have VERY mixed emotions about that.

At first blush, I'm appalled (It's just a stupid storyline, clearly the result of fan pressure. Why couldn't they simply have him recover from the heart attack??).

But then, I LOVE the idea of Tracy being stalked by her dead brother. But then again, if they're putting him in the den, she's not going to want to go in there, and that is where most of the Qs do their lines. AND, in order to keep the shtick going, she has to continue to be evil in order for him to be her conscience. Once she starts to do "right," there is no reason for him to be there. And she will begin to do "right," eventually. I mean that would be the whole point of the SL.. you can't keep it going forever!

UGH! It's a mess. The whole thing is a mess.


:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

EDITED: http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

I need some bolstering. Anyone? Anyone?

Edited by LaineyBev714
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I don't think it's disrespectful, but they said it hasn't worked for them, so i thought it would just make more sense. And as much as I LOVE both JE and SD and think they are phenominal with comedy, I also think there is only so much you can do with really bad writing, which this may have the potential for, from what it seems. Hoping against hope that I'm wrong!

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Lainey ICAM with everything you just said!

This show is just getting stupid. I am so sick of GH screwing over the Qs and the actors that portray them, its disrespectful and uncalled for! Whoever was writing today should be fired, it was like they pulled a JER and recycled dialouge. The only thing that made it worth any of my time was the facial expressions and reactions and even *that* was cut off to see Blinky's blank face!

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and sidenote please... why didn't Emily try to do anything?!?!?!?! she is his daughter and a doctor, why do the characters on tv always just sit back and watch the line flatten when they should be getting off their asses, forgetting the dramatic pause that will kill the guy, and save him.

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I read somewhere that the reason they are keeping Alan around as a ghost is because his contract doesn't end until August (or November-can't remember which), and they killed him off now for sweeps ratings. I don't know if that's true though.

And about the scenes being out of sequence, I agree. The same thing happened last week when Tracy said, I just came back from the MC. You mean to tell me she didn't see her husband hand-cuffed while she was there? That scene was probably supposed to take place after Dillon freed Luke.

If Tracy ends up being the only one who can see Alan, I hope she doesn't tell anyone. They will think she's gone screaming round the bend headed for lala land. LOL. Acutally that's not funny. Because this could put a damper on potential LUNACY SEX!!!!

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