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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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thanks so much for getting right on that!!!

I actually was thinking of names like those. I decided against somethign like francesca b/c with a french daddy, it doesn't work with any last name (why my name in real life is kristin and not giovanna or alessandra), but i liked the others a lot. I have alessanrda as one of the otheer characters and i think she using Lexie or something along those lines as a nickname, so Alexia might be out too. But thanks again. It's a BIG help

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just since it's been a fairly TQ free weekend i just wanted to say...

Team Tracy all the way!!! Woot!!!!

now who's on board? We're a very accepting team and we're not at all annoyingly perky. sign ups are on the door as you leave...

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Anyone around or free tonight to gear up for the week of hopefully TQ at least three days???? Maybe around 9 central? I will check in around that time.

I just finished my marathon taxes! I got the whole organizer filled out and miraculously found all the paperwork to back things up with it to give to the accountant tomorrow! Yeah...one major thing to cross off my list!

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Good for you Hooked! Glad you got it all done. I'll probably be around for a chat later. It's been so long so I hope I can. I'm sitting here in the pitch black of my room b/c i my light blew out (too lazy to change it myself), which I am taking as I sign that I don't need to draw today. Got in a fight with my sisters a while ago, so I am pissed off and don't want to go back downstirs. I'm staying up here and getting some work done till I cool off. I'm actually pretty cool right now, but it won't take much to start something again, so I'm keeping my distance. I don't even know what we were fighting about but b/c I'm the oldest I should know better and be "the example" (even if they are old enough to know on their own, my sisters are 12, 16, and 20!!) and therefore, I am the b-tch with the attitude, never the other ones.

Warning Parents: stop doing this to your kids! I know it's inevidable, but try b/c it sucks for us.

anyway. I'll take the hint from my broken lights and be writing a little more. I check in in a while to see if anyone is one.

(woohoo, page 43!!... still no decision on the names, though)

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Funny as I have three boys and my oldest is the easiest, most laid-back, never gets in fights, etc. The middle and youngest are constantly fighting. The oldest and the midde get along great for the most part. But...they are 12, 10 and 6, so the fun teenage years are coming up so who knows how it will all play out!! Nobody is moody yet around here but me!!! I am the only girl in the house, except my dog!! :)

Do you draw as a hobby or for a class or something? I have been taking art for a couple years now. At first I hated to paint and liked drawing better, but I prefer to paint...I am doing these mixed media paintings...I am starting one now that is going to be about shopping (for my mother in law). It is going to have a lady trying on shoes (but you only see the legs) with a bunch of pairs all over the floor and boxes stacked up and is going to say, "if the shoe fits...buy it!" It is all in my head, but I have been doing lots of research on google images to get photos of shoe boxes and various shoes, etc. I am starting it tomorrow night at my art class.

You sound so creative with your writing and drawing!! I'll be around at 9ish.

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That sounds really interesting! I'm not at all creative when it comes to art, though I have the skill. More creative with writing. I have been drawing since I can remember, though I only started portraits a few years back. I started painting around that time as well. I was an art major, so aside from doing it as a hobby, I did do it for class work. I hate the idea of it as a career, so now it's more of a hobby, though I am doing portrait work on the side to get some extra cash. I don't remember if you were on here at that point but I posted one of JE that I did for MF to use as the covor of the fanzine she made, don't know if you saw it. Good luck with your picture... let me know how it turns out.

As for the kids thing... I think you may be safe since you have boys, or at least it will be a different kind of ting. We have all 5 girls at my house. the only men are my dad and my dog (don't feel bad for him, he wanted girls... the dog got screwed though). The fighting's been going ona long time here b/c there seems to always be a teenager. am definately the most laid back of the bunch, not too much bothers me and I roll with the punches... unless I'm with my family, then all bets are off! Someone always takes something the wrong way and it will start a fight, then there is the youngest who does everything she can to get under my skin, really just because I was gone at school so now that I'm home she does what she can for attention, but come on, she gets plenty. #'s 1and 3, then 2 and 4 used to be the like ones, so i got along great with the third one. Now it is getting more and more like the second one and I am getting phased out. It sucks beyond words to be the oldest. Eventually you end up more like their mother and less like their sister and none of them hang out with you anymore *bursts into Don't Cry For Me Argentina... seems to fit* it just sucks all around. I love having a big family, but more often than not I want to get myself addotped and be rid of the whole lot at once.

ok, I think that's enough venting for Kristin today

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*WAVES to LAINEY!!* Woohoo! Good to see ya girl! :)

Deb, sorry you had to go through that. It's a scarey thing. I am a fellow panic attack sufferer, but it has been a while - THANK G-D!! I am sometimes able to feel it coming on and often use a slow breathing method to help me. And I use other stuff too. I was also once involved in a study for a non-medication remedy to control them. At any rate, the stuff they gave me to read on some findings that may cause them were quite interesting, including a theory that there is a possibility that people who have sensitive internal physical systems, any normal change physiologicaly can be "felt" and trigger a flight or fight response. In any case you might want avoid caffeine.

BTW, have yet to read the AU but have finished "Tracy and Ned's Excellent Adventure" and "The Cellar" - They were both totally FABO!!

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I won't be able to do the breakroom in about 5 mins (9 central). Linguistics is going to come first. I'll try and stop in later though!

*waves to Lainey* Hope you had a wonderful vacation!!! Tell us all about it. And then feel free to spread to LuNacy LOVE!!!

*waves to TracyLuv* If you haven't already, check your PM's.

*hugs for knh* We're here to listen, so feel free to vent whenever you need to.

And if I haven't said it before...What a talented bunch this is. Artists, writers, video-creators, singers, semi-bilingual people... :D

For those wondering, I visited SoapDish...Per SoapKing (Ryan on this site), Tracy is on WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, and FRIDAY for sure!!! Monica is on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. Alan is on Monday per breakdowns, and while none of the other Q's are mentioned, I'm assuming Tracy might also be on tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

Edit: Tracey changed the colors of the forum at JE Online. It's so pretty. I like it.

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Hola Todos,

Yep... Lainey is back! It was fun vaco, but I'm glad to be back.

Hey, I caught up on my GH's (on ff, of course!).. and I have to tell you I am pleased with what seems to be developing.

Guza et al seems to be setting up a true LuNacy partnership. I gotta tell you -- I don't care why, and I don't care who gets hurt -- I LOVE that we might see the 'dream scheme team'.. at least for awhile. Here's hoping!

I LOVE that there is an enormous potential for Tracy/Luke versus Skye and Lorenzo. Tracy versus is Skye and Lorenzo is JUST DELICIOUS.. but throw Luke in there ON TRACY'S SIDE... and that, my friends, is too good for words. :lol:

I do have to admit to being a bit disappointed that Tracy is being painted as evil and a bit demented. I sorta hoped that would soften as she evolved into Luke's TRUE partner. I guess every soap opera needs a villaness.. and Guza isn't willing to let Tracy get too nuanced. So, in most of her Alan or Quartermaine Group scenes this week she came across as very one dimensional. So, while I liked those scenes, I didn't LOVE them. I think the reason I LOVE her scenes with Luke is because she is multi-layered in those, and not just "evil Tracy."

Anyway, waves back at everyone who waved!

Deb, I hope you're doing okay now. Sorry about your problems.

Ta ta all,


Edited to ask y'all one more question: This is off topic, but someone here might have an opinion. Anyone else think the female mercenary (The one who shot the priest), is Diane, Sonny's new attorney? Me thinks it might be. I hope not, but I think so....

Edited by LaineyBev714
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Hey guys, thanks so much for the chat!! Had a great time, even if it was only for a little while. I haven't been on in a while, I've missed it! To anyone who showed up later on, sorry I missed you.

Still looking for name suggestions if anyone has any. Otherwise, (a little heads up) TracyLuv and I decided I'm just going to have to use all our names.

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Hi All!!

Was wondering if someone could help me out with vid making question....

I realized thanks to Lainey :) that I have iMovie on my mac which means I can make vids supposedly. I tried to check out the program last night to play around with it. When I try to drag the clip to the frame it says that there is an error. I am assuming it's because my clips are in Windows Media Player, which I had to download with the help of a friend when I first started collecting clips because Quick Time real player could not play them. Now when I drag these clips to the iMovie program it says that Quick time can't read them. Which means it obviously can't read them because they are in Windows Media Player. Any suggestions? Please? Someone?


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hey guys, quick question for you all. Does anyone have the clips with scotty? I checked back a few pages and couldn't find them. but they would be expired anyway. I also couldn't get the hus, Deb. I don't know where that is. I got clips from the 15th, but that was all I saw.

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