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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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*stumbles into thread* No, I'm not drunk, LOL, but I am sooooo tired, and I'm surprised I had the energy to at least attempt to be funny. So...Fiesta at the library in one hour. Go Linguistics! Except not. Regency, if you're still watching ER, you'll have to let me know if I miss anything tonight that might be considered exciting. I'd tape if LI/Kerry was still on, but since she's not, I'm not going to bother.

Now, onto more important things...like TRACY QUARTERMAINE. I did quickly FF to get to Tracy's scenes this evening. I watched a bit of the Edward/Alan ones, but I was much too anxious to get to Tracy. And LC/Monica is just SO GOOD (so is JE/Tracy, but that goes without saying). Anyway...Spoilerish...

Edit: Ok. Change of plans. I have more time than I thought I did. Anyone up for the breakroom for a little while? it's 6:30 central: http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012






Just 3 scenes of our girl. Good stuff, but I want more, darnit! She tried to be tough, but ohh...so sad. "WAKE UP, and make me regret telling you that I love you." And unintentional comedy, perhaps, but I chuckled at the "Come on, Alan, you have to wake up. Without you around, Monica is going to throw us all out of the house." (something like that) And later, she snarked at Monica for not being a good wife, but said that Alan loves her (Monica), and she wanted Monica to give him a reason to live. *sniff* Anyway, I'm not sure if the Q's are going to be on tomorrow. They sort of "wrapped up" their SL for this week. Alan woke up at the end, for Monica. I am wondering if the "Tracy comforts Dillon" will play out after all?

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Aww today made me wanna cry for Tracy (and Edward a lil too)! I loved it when she started off with, "Alright, wake up! You're about to get the one thing you've waited for." She said it as though he were pretending to be asleep and it was a game. But when she was saying that he had to wake up because if he didn't, that she would win and he didn't want that and then said, "Wake up! And make me regret telling you just how much I love you.", I was gone!!

Seriously... JE, LC, and JI are breaking my heart with their scenes!! And now i'm gonna lose it with Alan/SD! Hopefully we get more scenes, this time with him awake, then i'll get the tissues ready!

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Anyone around tonight? It is 10:15 central. I am up and online for a while if anyone wants to chat.

A quiet day for our board huh??? Loved tracy today when she tried to get alan to wake up. So true to her character, but awesome when she said how much she loves him. I love how she said he had daddy in there whining for forgiveness...he better wake up and savor every moment or she would win!!! Too perfect! LC was awesome today too.

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I'll be around for a little while: http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

Join me if you can. :D

*hugs Tracy*

I miss Ned (who needs to return for more than the upcoming...you know)


Think we'll get Tracy/Ned scenes when he does return? Or will it be more of a group reaction thing?

And speaking of Tracy's sons...


Tracy, Tracy, Tracy...Where did you go wrong?

And squee, our girl is so cute here, LOL...


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Staci I was just in the breakroom and you were "there" but NOT there, and then you were gone.


Anyway.....where is everyone?

My take on JE's scenes.

Good ones, but too short and not enough.

I do think Monica should be the focus though, for now, and while I started to tear up with JE, LC/SD made me CRY.


I hate this.

Jane rocked her scenes though.

*waves to nex*

I'm off to bed ya'll.


ETA I think I'm going to do "spoiler free" days on the day of Alan's death and funeral.

I think I read too much online before I watcfh and there's no element of surprise.

I think I may wait on those two days, to watch before I get online.

Just a thought.

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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Ah, ILoveTracyQ. That wasn't me. Not exactly. :P I have to be careful how I word this, but that was my "other personality." LOL. You know how when you get into the breakroom, and then you get bumped out, or in my case, your whole computer decides to go to that evil blue screen and shut down completely to prevent damage to your system? (:o) And then, when you try to get back in, it says the name is already taken? Well, that's what happened. And so, I logged in again as LadyOfLinguistics2, hung around for a bit, and headed out. Evidently, LadyOfLinguistics got kicked off when you were in the breakroom. And if that makes no sense...I'll try and explain tomorrow. Buenas noches, todos.

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I'm staying home sick from work today--2nd day in a row. I went to the doctor yesterday, who said it was probably viral. Oy. Anyhoo, between sleeping and more sleeping, I'm hoping to work on the AU today. I'm also downloading the clips knh put up a few days back (thanks, KNH!)

Does anybody have clips of our girl on Wednesday and Thursday? I managed to tape over my vid of both days, thanks to the aforementioned sleeping stuff...

I loved all the Qs yesterday. Of course, Tracy broke my heart. I just kept getting this image of a little girl, letting go of her mommy's hand to stand by her brother's hospital bed, poking him and saying, "Wake up! Wake up, Alan!" and him not waking up. I think I read somewhere a quote of Jane's to the effect of, "Tracy never stopped being someone's daughter." In other words, she still identifies as a child, with a mommy and daddy to turn to for affection and approval. And her immature, childlike response to Alan's illness is just further evidence of that, just like her gut reaction to Lila's death was, "I want my mommy."

Very interesting character, our Tracy....

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MinervaFan hope you feel better soon. I have the clips that I downloaded from ghvt from wed. and thursday but not the edited clips of just the Qs or Tracy scenes. Do you want the ones I have or would you rather wait to see if someone like Nex perhaps has them edited (hint hint--LOL).

Hope we have some more scenes tomorrow, but it will probably be mostly the hostage stuff today in the hour before the explosion I guess.

Hope you get some good writing done today in between your naps. It stinks to feel sick!!

Mrs. Q, IloveTracyQ I was in the breakroom off and on last night a bunch of times but didn't see anyone. I then left to watch Grey's Anatomy on tivo and the office which is just not that funny this season. Then I fell asleep.

Well I'm off to drive carpool. Do we know if Alan dies next week or the week after?

Mrs Q Love the photos...looking forward to Ned even if only for a few days.

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I loved Tracy's scenes yesterday. Especially the segment where she was yelling at Alan to wake up and that he should make her regret telling him how much she loves him. Just superb! Love, love, love how she looks with less make-up - just beautfiul. Our girl is gorgeous either way but less make-up makes her look natural, more real, and vulnerable. - It's sexy. :)

Deb, feel better. Looking forward to AU update.

Off to work now.... can you say akunamatata 10 times fast? :P

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*waves to MinervaFan!!*

Hey, I just got the AU, reading it now... I'm so excited. I was wondering how up to date I was so now I'll figure out what's going on... see how creative you get when we lay off a bit!!!! (can you tell I'm excited to get to read more?)

Anyway, I'm taking a break from my writing to read your story. I come back and give ya my opinion later on, but i'm sure I'll love it.

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So where are: Regency, coolkid, smirks, kenna (who I know posts at JE or did recently), and well....just about everyone else who used to post here regularly and hasn't been around?

I miss you ALLLLLL. :(

I noticed something about JE's performance yesterday, and yes, when it comes to TQ, I AM that anal.

I noticed that Jane chose not to sit at his bedside, and didn't sit at all, but rather stood the whole time, as if she were totally uncomfortable being there.

She stood not at his side, but at the foot of his bed, almost standing OVER him in a way, confrontationally.

Very interesting, considering I feel she is playing it as if Tracy is in total denial that this is even happening.

Just a thought.

I totally rolled my eyes that Sonny and Carly figured out the code to the briefcase, but I have to LOL that Lorenzo chose "SOPHIE" as his code, and not Skye or Lila Rae in some form or fashion.

Yeah. That makes me :lol: because this chick is risking jail time herself by helping him by lying to the police, and he uses his DEAD fiance's name as the code.

It was stupid however that Carly and Sonny figured it out. Carly just isn't that smart.

I hope the Q's are on today....:)

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I didn't notice it till you pointed it out, but this is true. She didn't sit or go next to him atthe bed, but I think it is because she isn't acceptin that he is going to die. Sitting right next to someone when you know they are barely going to make it, if at all, to me is when the person has accepted it and is making peace and saying goodbye. Tracy was fighting him and trying to get him to fight back. Maybe not for this, but with fighting, in general, a person would stand. They'd look for the upper hand and take every advantage they have, it may be her way of regaining some power, or at least thinking she has some. She isn't ready to give up yet. She wants to be prepaired, but is not going to lose without a fight.

Just my thoughts

ps. can't wait to see how that MC story is going in the ficathon, it looks like it will be good. Sorry, don't know who wrote it, so I'm just saying all that to the general public here

EDIT: MF, loved the newest parts of the AU. I thought it was great so far. I like how you wrote her therapy session. I can see where it's going, obviously, but I still can't wait to see how that all plays out.

Edited by knh
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I want to read this AU story everyone is talking about MinervaFan...guess I got in on it too late huh and will have to wait for the novel to be published--LOL. I am sure it is awesome.

Thanks for updating the fictathon for us. Hope you are feeling better. Take some echanasia with goldenseal and some zinc or airborne.

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