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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Yes today is a very good day! Mrs Q gave us all a very nice VD present (can't wait to read them later) and we got some great stuff today.

My two cents....here is what I loved today

#1 I loved the hug and the thank you and how she walked up to him wtih her hands out and he took hers and how he winked without winking that he owed her one (at least he sort of realizes what a jerk he has been and how she stood by him with laura). I loved the hug and also I noticed that they camera caught her sparkly ring while she was hugging him.

#2 Of course it would have been nice for more dialogue...but go Edward and Tracy for reaming Skye to smitherines. I did love how Edward acknowleged that Tracy was on to her from the start and how he made the comment about Lila rae being a disgrace to Lila's name

#3 I loved how luke basically told skye she was cold and not that he was judging be he was bascially through with her and she was not the person he thought she was...Go luke. Also loved how he said yeah you told me the truth but not til Tracy clued me in on you. At least he gave her some credit...yeah two credits today to her...from edward and luke

#4 Georgie can just shut up...she is so annoying. Too bad Dillon hugged her. I did like how he admitted that he can't imagine life without Lulu.

I wish luke would have gotten to tell Tracy what happened with Lulu so that she could comfort him a tiny bit. Do you think we will get that tomorrow at all? I know we will get her at Alan's bedside.

Anyway, I am off to run kids to various places, but should be around at 9ish central if anyone is around in the breakroom.

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Oh I loved the show today, or the Q part of it anyway.

Sweet Lacy scene.

Stace I loved your fic updates and the video.

Awesome vid BTW, and you really SHOULD put your stuff on YouTube.


And I guess maybe our girl will be on all week. She's on tomorrow too. :)

And while I like what I see, I can't help but wish it was more.

They could have given SD a real story, and instead he gets THIS??


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Quick two cents about yesterday's episode:

1. The hug was wonderful. More physical contact than we've EVER seen between them on screen, genuine affection, spontaneous, and most importantly PUBLIC. They held each other for a long time, in front of God and the milkman, and didn't care who saw them. It was a good sign, my friends.

2. Edward's first monologue about how all Alan ever wanted was for him to be proud of him. Tracy's expressions were heartbreaking, and I just wanted to reach through the screen and shake Edward so hard. Dude, you have another child there. She needs exactly what you're saying you didn't give to your son, and she's alive and afraid. Come on, Edward. Figure it out. And later, when he's talking about Lila, I just wanted him to reach out and touch his daughter's hand or something. *kicks Edward* Come on, idiot. Pay attention.

3. Monica's little conversation with Edward just broke my heart. LC is really knocking her scenes out of the ballpark these days. Too bad it is coming at such a high price. *kicks TIIC*

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I really think Edward should have taken this chance, while he is saying how sorry he is for how he treated Alan, to take this chance to apologize to Tracy as well. He's banished her three times now. An apology is needed. That really could have been done in this episode and I wish it had....but of course this is Bob Guza.

Loved Tracy today nonetheless though.

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I think edward admitted as much regret as he is capable of....and Tracy knew it applied to both of them (although it would have been nice to hear it directed to her and an apology). Her facial expressions were amazing. Probably when he admitted she was right about skye and had been on to her from the beginning is about as much of a compliment as she is going to get from him.

I am hoping for a scenes between JI and JE after alan dies like they are the last two Qs (original) standing and they have to stick together and that he loves her. BUt I think I might be holding my breath for a while.


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I think that Edward was apologizing, in his way. He is the kind of guy who will never say he's sorry, at least not directly to the person. She knew what he was saying and that he meant her as well, but she knows he's never going to say it to her. I think she took it as as close as he is going to get.

I loved the hug also, as I said. I noticed, but didn't really pay attention to the part that MF was talking about. That was the first time they hugged or had any contact in public, with the exception of the kiss before the vow renewal when he did it for Skye's benifit. I love how long they held on to each other, I thought it shows a lot (and is definately a good sign). I actually kind of think that the hug was better than if they kissed. I think it was him comforting her b/c he cares about her and she just needed to be with her husband, but I think a kiss would have been a bit fake. Like the kind of thing writers do when they have the unlikely couple fight or have something tragic happen, one comforts the other and MAGICALLY they end up in bed. It would have seemd forced to me. I though the hugs was perfect and very sweet.

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ICAM, Kristin. The hug was spontaneous and real, and showed how they're beginning to connect. This is so much better than stumbling into bed together, because to me at least, it shows them struggling towards something more solid and less transient than just a physical relationship. There is lust there (we've seen it) and desire. But this relationship is going towards two people who choose to be together, not just respond to their hormones. They have been through so much together already, and this is going to bring them together even more (except for that brief period where Tracy pushes everybody away trying to be SuperStoicTracy.)

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yeah, the part where she is walking to him and holds out her hands to him and he IMMEDIATELY does the same?

Perfect moment, and the best part of yesterday.

About the hug, I agree.

And while I also agree there is physical attraction, the reason Lacy WORKS is that there is an emotional connection that is BONE deep.

And to those who liked or like L&L, I don't think that Lacy's connection is disrespectful because it isn't the same.

I don't know exactly how to phrase it, but it's wholly different. It's....mature, for one thing. It's.....almost as if, while Luke with Laura is more "human", there is that part of Luke that is who he is, that didn't change even for Laura, that recognizes that same thing in Tracy, and whatever it is, it's so powerful that even if they divorced, I don't think LUke would be able to stop talking to her.

To say they "get " each other is not enough. Can someone help me verbalize? LOL

About anything more than a kiss, UGH.

Sorry, but not only would kissing and sex NOT be appropriate, it would be downright gross ONLY (LOL) because of the circumstances. This is not a time for comfort sex.

Alan may by dying, and Lulu is being held hostage.

The comfort sex can come later. :)

And AAAAAHHHHHH !!!!! <_<




Really bad online experiences this morning.Really bad RL day. BAD. *sigh*

I shall stay here, where it is warm and safe.

Most of the time. :lol:


TQ is on today, looking sad. :(

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Hola todos. OT: I am so tired. I've been out and about since 5:30am, and some of that time was spent in the cold (NOT fun, especially since parts of my hair FROZE). Unfortunately, I've had NO downtime until about 20 minutes ago, unless you count the less than 10 minute "reunion" I had with a former professor, who was so happy to see me, by the way, LOL. Too bad I don't have that effect on all people, huh? Heh. Anyway, the day is far from over, my friends, FAR from over, and I better get a very short nap in before I go off to what better not be a boring meeting.

But first...Many thanks for the fanfic feedback! ILoveTracyQ, are you referring to the the "She's Everything" video? 'Cause I didn't make that one. If you're referring to the "Keep Holding On," then thanks for the feeback! And woot! Tracy's on today. I won't be able to watch at all 'til later this evening, but SQUEE, she's on! On a sort of shallow note, Jane Elliot has been looking soooooooo physically drained lately. People on SZ were mentioning it too. Anyone here agree? *sniff* It's so sad. I HATE TIIC for letting Stuart Damon go. And with that, I'm outta here. In the words of Tracy Quartermaine, TA!

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Mrs Q...hope your day gets better and I know you will be happy when it is over.

MinervaFan and KnH and IloveTracy Q... total agreement...the hug was perfect and so much more appropriate than any other reaction. Just hope we get her asking him about lulu today when they break the hug... I also liked how when they hugged and held on for a few seconds, the camera picked up her sparkly wedding ring (maybe by accident, but maybe it was like symbolizing we are married"

This was the "tracy and luke bonding" spoiler was it? I think that was for the next week or the week of the 26th.

I love how she left the hospital to come down and see him and thank him...I am sure that took a lot for her to leave Edward's side. Yeah!!!!

Maybe we get the Tracy comforts Dillon scene today

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I'm hearing nothing but good things about our girl, from other message boards!!! :D :D :D Of course she is rockin' her scenes with Alan, but to hear all the praise coming from people, other than here is great! I can't wait to get home!

Ms.Q, I loved your new chapters of Oh Baby! And thanks for posting the vid "She's Everything" I thought I had that, but I guessed wrong. So thanks! :)

Oh, and I agree 100% with everybody about yesterdays hug, it was way better than a kiss! The fact that HE hugged HER was just icing on the cake!

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