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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I have her second soaptalk for you, I just have to get it uploaded. as for the other scenes:

Take a bus


dancing at wedding part 1


part 2


I'll edit in the soaptalk when I get it for you.

now, for my scenes.

4/28/03 is the second part of Tracy leaving again. I'm not actually sure she's on or if there's some stuff about her, but I think she is.

2/9/04 is the first day of the hotel fire story. It's when she laughs at monica's finally finding her maternal instinct.

9/14/04 is when she is trying to convince everyone that heather is trying to kill edward in the hospital.

actually, I have 2 more to add if no one minds.

5/17/05 is when Emily throws water on Tracy and when luke tells her that "there are certain woman who can just walk into a room and you can't take your eyes off them. You've always been one of those women for me"

and 7/28/29/04 is when Heather hits Tracy (I think in the garden)

ok, this is going to sound stupid, but I found the soaptalk to watch it... I can't find where it is saved to upload it. I'll work on it some more, but i don't know what i can do. Sorry!

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Hola Todos! Lainey is back... and she's happy!!! (about LuNacy devlopments anyway! ;) )

So... because I haven't been around, I'm going to give you my LuNacy analysis for Wednesday through Friday. Here goes:

1) Wednsday's Luke/Tracy interaction was VERY true to the LuNacy dynamic. She held his feet to the fire.. And he didn't grovel or apologize. I'm glad TIIC went that route, because it means they're staying true to the 'real' LuNacy dynamic.

2) I disagree with those of you who said the Wednesday conversation was retread. He gave her some very new and very important things in that discussion. a- He told her that it was the first time in his life there's a woman in it who pushes him to the 'edge of his experience.' That's a real biggie. What he's saying is 'you give me something Laura couldn't give me, didn't give me. You are unique and different.' She needed to hear that, and she needed to hear it "that" way. Had he said it in a flowery, romantic emotional way she wouldn't have believed him, because he wouldn't have beeen acting true to form. It was very effective dialogue. And I believe it was a breakthrough moment in LuNacy history. b- Luke did a HUGE thing when he told Tracy they'd stay married until SHE decided otherwise. WHAT HE DID WAS GIVE HER BACK THE CONTROL HE TOOK FROM HER DURING THE L&L 'MARRIAGE.' We all know how much they BOTH love control, and both Tracy and Luke are aware that it's a big deal that he gave her ALL of the control on this very important issue. It's BIG! And, i believe, it's why her eyes went wide after he left the room. It was sinking in (and thrilling the hell out of her).

3) I loved the way she said "I'm a Spencer" on Friday. There was no bitterness there. In fact, she seem thrilled or tickled. Add that to the fact that SHE'S WEARING THE RING! By Friday's epi, Tracy had decided that she was going to pony up for yet another round of LuNacy madness, and see what happens. She's "in" my friends... she's very invested, and happy to be there.

This was further underscored by her genuine care for LuLu. You saw it in her conversation with Dillon, and again on the stairs when she dropped the banter and pretense with Luke when informed that LuLu was a hostage. Not only has Tracy begun to think of the four of them as a family, she's begun to act that way.

Friends, I no longer have to say that LuNacy love is coming, because IT HAS ARRIVED! That doesn't mean it will all be smooth sailing, or that Luke and Tracy will always agree (They won't! I wouldn't want them to). What it means is that these are two adults who are committed to each other in their own ways, and now that Laura is out of the picture (for now, anyway) and they've begun to communicate their feelings, this relationship will grow. She's going to bail him out of jail, thereby helping him rescue Lulu. He will be grateful for that. And she will be gratetful when Luke helps Alan.

After Alan 'dies,' Luke will be there for Tracy in a way that proves to Tracy he genuinely cares for more than just her money. And - after that - when she is feeling better, there will be LuNacy sex my friends. There will be LuNacy sex! :P It's going to happn folks. It has to... because there is already LuNacy love, and these two are now beginning to embrace it, not run from it.

Thanks for reading!

The optimistic,



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About the spoiler that the spencers have reason to believe they have lost a loved one....who is that do you think? Luke? I think I read that Spinelli gets the safe open with time to spare which means lulu won't be killed...I think I also read they make it out. Lucky?

I also read somewhere that Tracy and Monica share heart-wrenching goodbye scenes with Alan and Edward tells alan his regrets and how proud he is of him (but alan is unconscious).

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I like that analysis...makes perfect sense. I too agree that he gave her the control which is the ultimate as they have been fighting over who controls who and who can up the other one in the schemes to get out of the marriage and get the $! Now the money isn't even mentioned and hasn't been for a long time. Can't wait to see how it all plays out!

Also, I was just thinking that the only reason she started in with luke about him leaving town and not being able to get in touch with him (in the stairwell) was that Luke was criticizing Dillon for not watching out for Lulu! She was defending Dillon (Note to Dillon...it would be nice if one time you sided with your mom on something--ha ha)

Glad you are back in town!

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There she is!!! My optimistic sister!!

I agree with all of that, but I couldn't have said it any better, so thank you for putting it that way. I with you on all of it and I can't wait for what is coming... hint hint hint, MAY!!!! *boing, bounce, spring... that was me jumping up and down*

Hooked- I also agree abou the money. They haven't mentioned it in a while. I think the last time was when they wree still trying to convince people that they don't love the other one, they through it in there for good measure. Now it's not even an after though unless some else (like monica, queen of beating a dead horse... ie: this is my house) says it.

oh yeah, and no biggy on the clips. I'm still looking for the ST for you though

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damn... SuperBowl Sunday

what a waste of a day for me. I was a cheerleader for a bit and all the guys in my family were football players, but (sorry Dad) I hate football. With a passion. It's not bad to play, but I can not watch it on tv. I am not even entertained by the halftime show let alone the commercials or the actual game. I may have to go a friend of ours' house to watch the game. This is bad on a few different levels and this is in no particular order.

1)like I said, I hate the game

2)as much as I love all of them, I will have to watch the game if I'm not at my own house.

3) I can't spend the time writing (or checking in here) if I am not at home.

4)I'd rather be writing since I'm finally getting some done, and then sleeping since I have to go back to work tomorrow.

this day takes a big bite out of my plans and it stinks.

ok, rant over.

OT: can't wait till gh tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Welcome back, Lainey!!!! As always, I love, love, LOVE your optimism! :D

knh, I hope you can try and have some fun this afternoon! And these are the clips I have...

4/29/03: Tracy leaves Dillon. Credit to Arie.

11/26/03: Jax and Tracy in the snow...Ms. Q's mind wanders.... I got them from Skye, but she didn't clip them. She told me not to credit her, LOL, but I don't know what else to do.

Parts of 2/9 and 2/10 2004: Hotel Fire Tid-Bits. Credit to Arie.

hookedongh, maybe Luke will be presumed dead? Probably Lucky. He's always getting hurt in one way or another during Sweeps... What about Bobbie? By TIIC's standards, she's gotten too much screentime lately for a veteran. :o Here are some SoapTalk Clips...

Jane Elliot on SoapTalk

The 2nd Time: Entire JE Portion Credit to Tracey.

The 3rd Time: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Credit to Shaurice.

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Wow, Lainey. I hadn't really looked at it this way. You're absolutely right about him giving her control in the marriage--maybe not the way they live their marital life, but whether or not they are going to end it. And yes, he did say that "first time in his life" bit, which would include Laura. I definitely hadn't looked at it that way. Although the wide eyes I took more as a "Ohmigod, what the hell do I do now" look, not a thrilled look. I think she was expecting a fight, a bunch of excuses, something from him that wasn't an affirmation of his committment to stay in their marriage. I think it swept the carpet out from under her....

I loved the "I'm a Spencer" line, too. I didn't see the thrilled or tickled, though. I saw more of a "how the hell did this happen?" Not really judgement, just a sort of quick realization that was more surface than indepth. I think Our Girl was a bit tipsy, and I think she's realizing this marriage is not a sham anymore. Think about it--she was Lady Ashton. She was Tracy Williams. She was Tracy Hornsby. But she's never called herself Tracy Spencer. I think it just really is starting to sink in that this is a real marriage and that she's...Tracy Spencer....

You are so right on the last points. seriously. They can't go back now, and I doubt seriously that TG is going to settle for much more stalling or backsliding. I think he's ready to put the nail in the coffin, and I think LuNacy is going to be a reality people are going to have to deal with. Of course, a "real marriage" in soaps usually means angst, trauma, misery, and sadness.

Hey, as long as Lainey gets her Mad Hot Monkey Sex, nobody at GH is gonna get hurt, right?

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Wow...now I am liking this optimism today!

Thanks for the clips Mrs. Q. I am going to upload them now while the rest of my boys are watching the superbowl!

I came across this new website...not too much up there now, but could be a potential source in the future. For those of you Wally Kurth fans, there are probably clips of him in there as it says the "mixed married couples" which I think refers to Ned/Chloe AlexisJax as they are all from 1999.

Here is the link http://z6.invisionfree.com/A_Room_Over_Kel...dex.php?act=idx

KMH...hope that someone has the other clips you are looking for, as well!

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Mrs. Q,

I saw an old post on JE online that was talking about the scenes with Tracy/Monica when dillon was born and she cried to Monica when she was about to leave the room. Then another one when she was banished and Monica held her. You said you had the hospital one on an old video edit....you don't still have that do you? or was that on the stuff you lost? I posted a request on GHVT and Hellagood too . If anyone answers, I will for sure share!

Thanks so much for the clips you provided today!!!

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Welcome back Lady Lainey!!! I've missed ya! I was thinking about you and wondering what your take on LuNacy would be after this past week's shows and wondering if you were excited. :)

I like your take on the LuNacy epis. You and Deb often put things into perspective for me when I am doubtful.

As for Tracy's wide eye look I didn't get it. It looked strange to me :P. The "I'm a Spencer (which I totally loved!)", I felt she was sort of secretly relishing it! :)

Deb, loving the COH series! Sounds like Naughty (ex)nun Barbara has been hangin' 'round MaryLee Slutbaby!! LOL

Ms. Q, thanks for the clips :)

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I have it, but I don't have the equipment to create clips. However, this site has Ned/Jenny/Tracy/Paul edits if you're interested in watching old stuff again (for a price). I got the price list opened up. Basically, 6 hour tapes are $9 each, 4 hour tapes are $8 each, 6 hour DVDs are $10 each, and 4 hour DVDs are $9 each. It doesn't have the Monica/Tracy scene I mentioned, but there are a lot of other scenes you'll enjoy. :)
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some anonymous spoilers from SD:

Tracy is inconsolable over Alan and strikes out. (really...can they give us something more specific? that one, or a version of it, is too easy.)

Also, Alan's words stun someone. Hmmm.

And, Scott makes an offer. Hmm again, wondering if it's Tracy related.

Anonymous and all that.

spoiler talk over

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