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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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wow that is really awesome. What medium is that? charcoal? That is incredible. I have been taking art for two years now, so I have complete respect for your talent. I am very creative but not particularly talented. I have been doing mixed media paintings, but drawing a face so amazing like that is something I will never be able to do. I knew exactly what photo that was from and what episode.

I am truly amazed by your talent!

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Thanks so much. It's just a plain old pencil... number 4 instead or 2, but it's a pencil. You can't get as much detail with charcoal on a picture that small. As for talented?.... my professor and I debated this for a year. I am very skilled, but talented is another thing. I would need to be creative as well to make it to talented. If I combined my skill with your creativity we'd be "superartist". Buts thanks anyway.

MF- glad you like it and I'm so glad you were able to download it and got it in time!!

I'm going to try to put it up on my post somehow, but if it isn't there next time you check in can someone tell me how to do it?

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KNH, my Gods that is a beautiful portrait. I'm sort of stuck here, which isn't good when I'm supposed to be studying for a competition. It's so...her. You have an amazing skill. Be my teacher?

I'm pretty good, but you are amazing. I will mimic Deb, I'm dumbfounded.

Edited by Regency
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knh, wow, wow, wow, WOW! You are so good. Awesome. Me=AMAZED. :D

Here is the video that I mentioned last night. I've been working on it on/off for about a week. It's nothing amazing, but I didn't want to spend too much time on it at one time (HATES. COMPUTER. SOBRIETY), so it took longer than it should have. Anyway...Enjoy! And leave me feedback. :P Please.







1/12: Sam helps Edward make a save for ELQ in the ongoing Enduro lawsuit. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. And I resent GH for using our girl as a catalyst to give Sam something ELSE to do (the whole "secret" SL/digging into her past). Clearly, Ms. McCall doesn't get enough screentime the way it is. :rolleyes:

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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MsQ, I am TOTALLY wibbling over your new video. It's bottom-line, my favorite of your so far, with the possible exception of Full of Grace, which still holds a special place in my heart.

I'm going to be in the Break Room for an hour or two, if anybody wants to chat. Trying to stealthily print out the birthday zine in the computer lab without drawing too much attention to myself.

BTW, Tracy is in the spoilers for Thursday and Friday this week. Too bad they're Sam spoilers....let's just not revisit that, okay?

The ZINE is printed out, except for the cover, which I will print at Kinkos on the good machines.

Edited by MinervaFan
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Tracy was on? YAAAAAYYY! I figured she wasn't going to be on so I haven't watched the show yet. Thank god for TIVO!!

knh, what a fantastic drawing of Jane. The detail is awesome!!

Ms. Q - Ms. Q, what can I say you probably outdid yourself this time with that new vid! It is one of my faves by you! LOVE, LOVE, LOVED it!!!! I was smiling alot through most of it, and a little choked up at other times!! You used the "OTHER face touching HS scene" Scrumptious!! - oh, and you have email from me. :)

Skipping off to go watch Tracy. See yuz lata. :P:)

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I love the video...especially love the "I love you" scene in the middle with the "I come home to you Tracy" scene at the end. The two best scenes!!! Made my afternoon.

So mad as there was a chemical leak/fire that was covered on the news and cut out 1/2 of GH today. Guess it is soapnet tonight!!

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Sorry for the short post earlier but I was off to a meeting and was really excited to announce that Tracy was on. :)

Ms.Q, I loved your new video it almost makes me scared to post the one I made last night. It's a little something something I threw together last night. The lyrics have nothing to do with anything but I love the chorus so here it is:


feedback is welcomed :unsure:

knh, all I can say is WOW that picture of Jane was awesome. You are a very talented artist, I can barely draw a stick figure, but your picture was really really great.

If there are spoilers for Tracy on Thursday and Friday of this week, and she was already on today, does this actually mean that she is on a total of three days this week?!?!? Things are starting to look up for our girl!

ETA: Page 222

Edited by nex4evr
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Hey everyone!! Thanks so much for all the positive feedback and compliments. I'm so glad everyone liked it at least. It wasn't my absolute best b/c of time constraints, but I thought it came out pretty good, so I'm glad you thought so. I don't really write (or at leats have time to write) or anything so this is all I could do to contribute, so thank you all for waiting on my pokey self and letting me put it in. Reg- I'd love to teach ya!! if you could figure out a way for me to do that virtually it'll be great. (ps, I can't promise anything, you can teach a skill but not a talent... cuz I've tried with a girl in my art class. then again there was not much hope for her, she was a fashion TMD major)

oh yeah... she was on today?!?!?!?! I told you guys, it's all about the karma! I finished my pic and got it up here in time so now the universe (or at least my small GH universe) is rewarding me by putting my fave on the show!! Not that all your karma didn't help or course.

oh yeah again, and Ms. Q... I can't wait for Oh Baby!!!!! We've got some coming right? I'll love you forever if we do. You'll be my bestest friend in the whole wide world.

Edited by knh
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Okay, apparently Kinko's has gotten much stricter since my last foray into fanzines. knh, they will NOT make a copy of your drawing on cardstock for the cover unless I provide WRITTEN permission from you stating that you have allowed me to reprint your work in the zine. *rolleyes* Would you please PM me with a short note stating something to the effect of "I, ____, authorize Deborah Baudoin to reprint my original portrait of Jane Elliot as the cover of her publication, The Best of The Tracy Quartermaine Ficathon. "

The lady at Kinko's didn't seem to notice the fact that the book was an anthology, but just in case, would the following people PM/email with permission to use their stories as well? Please use the same format, but put your name and your pen name, so that I can have it on hand if they ask. Thanks.


Angel2Devil (Tiffany)






FWIW, the zine (unbound) looks really great.


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I've sent that message, Deb.

Someone alleviate my strain. The JaSamers at SOC are being deliberately obtuse. So stupid. Common sense says you shouldn't bring a child into the mob world because they might die! Hello! *headdesk* And they give "the world is a dangerous place." I would like them all to be sterilized. Starting now.

Topic? I started another TQ fic yesterday and there's already some Alice/TQ interaction. Hope it goes well.

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Spoiler below for those who have not watched the show today.

Tracy looked totally fabulous today! Beautiful as always! :). She was wearing a flowy top that was like a short print robe that crossed and tied in the front, and pants. She was acting maternal (well maternal for Tracy :)) toward Lulu. I really liked that by the end of their scenes Lulu had not cut Tracy down about it but actually appreciated it i think. Lulu also told Tracy that Luke does care about her and that what Luke went through to stay married to her (i.e. marrying laura and it not being legal) has to count for something to Tracy. Anyway, watch for yourselves. It happened better than I can explain it. ahem, Ms. Q, that's your Q to get back to posting these ASAP :P

Nex, I can't wait to watch your vid. Megaupload is too busy and it wont download for me right now. I'll try later. Actually it's funny that you made a new vid, I mentioned in the chat room last night that I was thinking about PMing you and begging you for a new vid since we were all so Tracy starved LOL. And here it is today, we have knh's sketch, Ms. Q's vid, your vid, and new and updated fics coming any day now and Tracy WAS on today. Haha it's either feast or famine here.

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