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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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You know...even after I left off steam yesterday on SZ, I never really doubted that it was mostly for his children.

I thought so when I first read the spoilers and I've been thinking so up until this morning.

I taped and watched Tracy's scenes...once again *very* brief but brilliant...Tracy KNOWS something's wrong.

She doesn't know what, she knows he's not about Skye because Skye was there with her baby while he was gone.

She knows it's not about Lulu or Lucky directly, because Lulu was also there. And Tracy knows deep down, she soooo won't admit it out loud but I think she already knows it has something to do with Laura.

And Jane is playing this perfectly. I can see the insecurity and little chinks in her armor. She's worried and she's scared.

spoiler ahead:

Good for Jane to play but bad for Tracy because ScaredTracy in the past has ALWAYS.SCREWED.HER.LIFE.UP. Case in point? The spoiler that Tracy is going to try and tell Laura about her marriage to Luke. Case in point? Her getting rip roaring drunk.

*rubs hands in anticipation of Jane's scenes that I have been waiting THREE years to get to see*

spoiler over

So I mostly agree with Debbie. I watched all of Tracy's scenes then FFwd through Laura/Luke until the "ring taking off."

And I agree with Debbie. There was definite hesitation. And he LOOKED at it. Did you notice how he didn't even seem to bother with the pics,just through them in the drawer. But he stopped and looked at his finger and *hestitated* before he went to pull it off, plus there seemed to be some sad little music going on there. LOL

Oh yeah. It's mostly for his kids. I'm not in denial about him loving Laura but I just might buy after that, that he loves Tracy too.

But the spoilers? May make me hate him all over again.

Of course after I watch them I might change my mind.....LOL

So yeah....*definite hesitation.*

Debbie and I agree.

Did you HEAR THAT LAINEY? Did you????


Chin up girl !

ETA yeah STaci I saw that on SZ. :( Our girl is not evil. Just misunderstood.


ETA I still don't think the next month is going to be easy for us TQFF, so it'd be good for us to encourage each other...and *maybe* not to go to much to other boards nor pay too much attention to spoilers until they play out.

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It's up again!!! :D

MinervaFan, here is the one photo you requested last night.

Everyone else, if you haven't seen: Click Me.

Also, I've been fiddling around in PhotoShop again, and who likes this better as a main image (if Tracey doesn't mind changing it)?

Oh, nex, I'm becoming convinced that the photo isn't from the early 80s anymore. She looks young, but not 80s young. And while the hair is similar to her GL days, I want to say the photo was taken a little before her 2003 return. But who knows?

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Hey all !!

There's no place like home, right??

Aaaaah. :)

*blows kisses*

Well I suggested the BR this evening at 5:30 CT but I'm not able to get in...and I'm getting out of here in about five minutes.

I've had about all the *FUN* I can stand for one week thank ya very much.

My car is sick....gotta go to the mechanic tomorrow, so I have no idea if I'll get a chance to get online this weekend.

If not I will miss ya all.....and KEEP YA'LLS chins UP okay??? :)

ETA HEY Ms.Q !!!!!! :)

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Home, home. home, home, home! Oh, MsQ, you sent me the purty picture! *squees and runs around happily*

Oh, I LOVE the new graphic with sexy!dykey!Jane. She is so frackin' hawt it makes my head spin.

And yes, I still believe. I will always believe. And I've made a decision....I'm writing Jane another letter, begging to tell if she's renewed her contract....because I don't know how much longer I can take this suspense....

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*tries not to get too excited*

But...This could be GOOD for us.






From a recap of a set tour (originally from SZ, reposted at SD):

Actors that were present (either filming or around set): Tony, Jane, Ted, Becky, Steve, Natalia, Bergen, Sonja, John Ingle, Julie and Scott.

The week these scenes will air: November 20th. Recapper believes it to be a Thanksgiving centric episode.

No mention of Genie. And I find it interesting that the person listed TG and JE next to each other. Gives me the feeling that they're in scenes TOGETHER. Then again, I seriously doubt we're getting Epiphany and Edward scenes, so I guess there goes that theory, LOL.

As far as the contract goes, JE returned on November 14th, and November 20th is close to that. Too hard to tell if she's re-signed or not. But...This is still something to hold onto right? Unless of course...Nah, I won't even mention it. Well, maybe...





Unless JE was only around to unpack her dressing room. :o Darn it! Why do I even go there?!?

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cross-posted to the Jane-Elliot.com Message Board:

MsQ inspired me with the banners she posted to the LoveFest the other night! (And the amazing pictures of Jane that Tracey and Staci have been posting haven't hurt either.)

These banners are sized perfectly to use as headers for LiveJournals (I used my header for the Ficathon as a template). I liked how the Jane one came out, so I decided to do a series. So far, I just have Jane and Deidre Hall, but I want to do more eventually.

They are free to good homes. If you want to use them, and need help setting up your LJ, just PM me and I can walk you through the process.



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