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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Oh fun...

For some reason, and I can't tell you why, when I saw this question my mind went to Broadway. Jane would have done a marvelous job in the Cherry Jones role in Doubt (not sure if it's open anymore, but it was a GREAT play!). Basically, she's a Nun who accuses a father of sexual molestation and you're never sure if the Jones' character is just devious and mean spirited or insightful and pious.... you had, er, Doubt. Great Play.. Jane would be have been great in it.

Another Broadway role that brings Jane to mind is Kathleen Turner in The Graduate. Most recent reprisal closed about two years ago, but Kathleen was sexy and broken, the way Jane can be sexy and broken. Would have been awesome!!

On TV--- E.R. is back.. and last time I checked.... Kerry Weaver's character didn't have a lover. OH MY GOD! I would pay huge money to see that!!

Aside from my ER fantasy, in order for me to really like Jane on TV, she would have to be in one of those HBO or Showtime drama series where there are no boundaries (well, little) on how bawdy or sexy or obscene a character can be. --- Maybe a female Don on The Sopranos or a dope dealing suburban mama with tons of sexuality on Weeds.... dunno.

KNH, I agree with you. Jane in the Barbra Steisand role in Prince of Tides would have been AMAZING. I thought Streisand was INCREDIBLY sexy in that. Jane could match it, and then kick it up a notch or two... ye-haw!

Edited : It's 10:09p. I'll be in The Break Room for awhile.

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LaineyBev, ooooohhhhh, the Cherry Jones role in Doubt would definitely be on my list! And "Mrs. Robinson." All of the roles suggested sound like they would be great...I did a lot of thinking, and here's what I came up with:

  • Kitty Warren, from Shaw's Mrs. Warren's Profession. Dana Ivey had a huge success with it Off-Broadway last year. The play's about an uptight, conservative young woman in the early 1900s who finds out her mother (Kitty Warren) put her through fancy boarding schools by running a string of brothels throughout Europe. Kitty Warren is one of the best roles ever written for a woman over 50, I think. Tough, smart, sexy, pitiful, angry, flirtatious, loving, unapologetic--she pulled herself up from the gutter by choosing "the smart path" instead of the "moral path" and eventually loses her daughter's love and respect for it. If you've never read the play, I'd strongly suggest it. It's on Bartleby.com, and it's one of the finest Shaws out there.
  • Auntie Mame (or at least Vera Charles) in the non-musical version of that play. Jane could chew that role up and spit it out as gold.
  • Jean Brodie (in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie). From Maggie Smith to Fiona Shaw, there have been some amazing Brodies. I want Jane to be on that list.
  • The medium from Noel Coward's Blithe Spirit. Not a lead role, but pivotal and hilarious.
Anyway, that would be my list. Oh, and Tracy was awesome on yesterday's show. She definitely wins GH Mom of the Year for her part in all this--I love the little bit of "don't f**k with my kid" energy she threw out at Edward when he was getting all giddy about Dillon's career choice. She's not going to make the same mistakes she made with Ned, is she? (Thinking about Tracy-Ned fic; thinking I'm avoiding the fic I'm supposed to be working on; thinking it's a stalling tactic.)

ETA: It's boring at work--I'm only here half a day, and I'm done with everything I have to do. (And still have 2 hours to get through before I can leave.)

LaineyBev, love your avatar.

MsQ, do you need a beta for that snippet of fanfic you mentioned on the chat the other night (you sent me the transcript)?

Every time I think of Edward and that talk of leather pants, I just think of Nancy Freeman's filk song, "Leather Pants of Evil" and giggle. And yeah, Tracy did see Ned perform, and made a fool of herself in public to boot. I wish wish wish that Tracy's new attitude about motherhood (letting Dillon follow his heart) would translate, at least retroactively, to Ned. Maybe her encouraging him, in her own Tracyesque manner, to go back to his music. I really am feeling ficcish about this, which kills me because I need to write that other story and I know this is my subconscious mind's way of stalling. But I just love me some Tracy-Ned interaction, and wish wish wish our boy would be back on the show. *hugs Ned in absentia*

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Virus Update: *cries* I miss my computer, and it hasn't even gone anywhere yet. After spending hours on the phone, problem hasn't been fixed. Going to bring it in tomorrow. And until then, I shall use the library's computers. And I SWEAR to the Soap Gods, the next video I make (note that the song I tried downloading for this video apparently caused the virus) is going to be my BEST video ever. Maybe. ;)

MinervaFan, when (not if; see I can be positive) I get my computer up and running again, I'll send what I have completed. Going to have to resort to a notebook now...And would you be able to send me the transcripts of any breakroom chats I miss?

Lainey, we've discussed this before, but Kerry's my favorite character on ER, and Laura Innes is my favorite primetime actress (of course, ER is currently the only primetime show I watch, but still...). Anyway, yeah, I could go for that.

knh, some of us have had that problem before. Just add a number to knh. Eventually, knh will get kicked off, and that name will be free for use again.

And I'm off...

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Gosh it's so quiet in here lately.


Question: Do we think they're softening up Tracy TOO much?

And someone on SZ posted something I'm bringing over here: TIIC need to remember that Lacy's main connection is that Tracy is the polar OPPOSITE of Laura.

In fact...that is the main reason I've even believed Tracy has a fighting chance. Because she can offer Luke the total opposite of Laura.

I'm all for showing the heart and depth that's always been there anyway...but if they soften her too much I'm afraid that's going to take away what makes Lacy "them."

Know what I mean?

Anyone agree/disagree?

I want to see the SPUNK back....not cartoony evil.

Just SPUNK. With a dash of naughty.

The way Tracy is BEST.

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I'll be in the Break Room, if anybody's interested.

Fey and I thought up some more parts for Jane to play--

Fey came up with Cruella de Ville, which rocked my socks WAY off....

I came up with Weezer from Steel Magnolias and Norma Desmond from Sunset Boulevard. Keith, I'd also LOVE to see her play a "mature" Elphaba, if such a thing ever existed...... Oh, and if you're ever interested, I got a little bit of interesting background stuff from Wicked from Dana Ivey--nothing juicy, just why she didn't take the part on Broadway.

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OMG I freaking love "Steel Magnolias" and I can see Jane playing Weezer (even though I totally heart Shirley MacLaine in the role), that'd be so much fun to watch her in!

Cruella de Ville!? lmao I think that's how Guza sees Tracy!

Oh and I agree with you ILoveTracyQ on the fact that she needs her spunk. But it is nice to see that they get that she can be a good mother, just as long as they don't make her too soft.

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*joins Deb in the breakroom*

Hi all! The place I'm at is open 'til 11 CDT, and since I've been missing the Internet and all of you so very much, here I am!!!

ILoveTracyQ, I like the softness, but not all the time. Hmm...I suspect we're going to get Evil!Tracy upon Laura's return and during this supposed ELQ SL. Note to TIIC: That's not what we mean when we say "spunk." *shrugs*

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