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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Yes I miss her too. :(

I have to say....I'll give kudos to both TG/JE because the scene where he tells her he has to leave but doesn't tell her why....I loved it.

Because you could tell Luke didn't want to hurt her...but he also knew she'd be mad. And rightly so.

The audience knows however that she will be hurt and that makes me anticipate the JE scenes when she finds out she's been taking care of his daughter for him while he's off chasing a doctor to help his ex-wife.

And being a better parent to Lulu than her own father BTW.

As far as divorcing Luke...maybe not when he gets back, but possibly when she finds out WHY he was gone.

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Last night in the breakroom, Lainey and I briefly discussed the inactivity on this board. I'm assuming RL issues (wishing everyone happiness on that front) and the minimal TQ? MinervaFan, I forgot to copy/paste the transcript, but there wasn't much. Just the inactivity, some comments about NBC's ER, and Fanfiction.Net troubles. (Mainly off topic from JE/TQ) Anyway, does anyone else have any theories? It's kind of sad that we're not the talkative bunch we used to be. Haven't heard from a lot of posters in awhile...smirks, 4XCrazy, coolkid, kenna...If you have a chance, drop in, even if it's just to say hello. :)

Informal Poll (I'm sure we've done some of the questions before...)

Favorite/Least Favorite...

Hair Style?


"Normal" outfit?

TQ Line/Speech?

Acting Partner?

Scene (Jan. through September 19th)?

Anything else?

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MsQ, I have relatively little time online during the week, especially if Fey has a lot of homework. I sometimes think I post too often on this group....;)

I think RL just gets in the way for a lot of people, and this is a fun thing that gets put aside until there's more time for...well...fun....

But I will take your poll:

Hair Style? Favorite is the one in the bumper pose--honey colored, one length (but slightly layered for body). Short hair from the Gaslighting Storyline is my second to least favorite, topped only by the asymmetrical 90s hair for the worst look she's had.

Jacket/Robe? I actually am quite fond of the one she wore in the Maarkam Islands, despite my initial misgivings. I also like her in the blue, because it's a flattering color. Can't think of any hated outfits.

"Normal" outfit? Oh, the black business suit she wore in the Infamous Olive Scene. And that black pantsuit she wore when she was begging Sonny for a loan (back in 96)

TQ Line/Speech? Girl, she's priceless. Any time she opens her mouth, I just...well, love it. :waggles eyebrows:

Acting Partner? I love watching her with TG--they play off each other so well. TR is also fun, in a different way. I don't see the sexual chemistry many of you see, but there is a great rapport. She's also good with JI, SC, and WK, when they have a chance to do something besides throw potshots at her.

Scene (Jan. through September 19th)? Oh, damn, babe. It's Olives all the way. Man, oh, man. She was just priceless in that scene--sexy, sulky, lots of pathos and humor and fierce "don't mess with me" energy. She was all over that material, and I'd personally sculpt a Daytime Emmy Award for her based on that scene alone.

Anything else?

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Favorite: Justice's funeral, curly

Least: Christmas 2005, way too short


Favorite: the light blue one she had on, on fir. and mon. episode, it really brings out the color of her eyes

Least: the teal one she has been wearing for the past 3 years

"Normal" outfit

Favorite: the green suit she wore after the HS was robbed

Least: any suit with the fur around the collar ;)

TQ Line/Speech

Favorite: I love them all! hehe

Least: None

Acting partner

Favorite: TG, JMB, TR, TK, CS

Least: don't know if I have a lease fav, she makes everybody look good!


Favorite: in the chapel, praying for Dillion to get better

Least: in the background at Lulu's birthday

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I'll answer the poll a little later when I have time to think of my answers....LOL

Umm I guess no Tracy today?


Well my theory is that the chat/breakroom is one reason why....since we've had that we don't post as much.

I don't mind having it....just wish maybe we could continue to make a point to post here as well.

My main reason for not posting as much?


I'm now going to be doing the office COMPLETELY by myself after next week...for the foreseeable future....and it's normally staffed by three workes and one clerk.

Yeah. :(

I also think the lack of TQ...the suckiness of GH....frustration with the material JE IS given...and on and on....leads a lot of people to just not post.

FOr me it's hard to think of TQ related things to post sometimes.

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Ooh. Good point. I love it too, but if we discuss all things TQ in there, what does that leave for here?

My Response to the Poll


Favorite: Justus's memorial hair and this one.

Least Favorite: Oh, nex! I forgot about Xmas. *shudders* But this from a month earlier might take the cake.


Favorite: I almost want to say the Green Dragon Lady Outfit. ClinkBoom might be the only fans of that, LOL. And I also kind of like the teal one. Heh.

Least Favorite: Not that good of a photo, but this robe from June 2005? No. No. No. Also not fond of the gray/black/white swirl thing. And the orange pumpkin jacket. And this thing. *shakes head in disbelief that she wore that to her engagement party*

"Normal" Outfit

Favorite: I loved the 2 that go with "Favorite Hair." As well as this business suit. Ooh, her hair is cute here too, LOL. Hmm. What else? The pastel outfit she wore with Coleman (as well when she was doing inventory for the Haunted Star) was nice.

Least Favorite: Monkey!Fever and TrainWreck Outfit.

TQ Line/Speech

Favorite Line: "Sometimes I just hate being me." And really, anything that comes out of her mouth, LOL.

Favorite Speech: "...For some peculiar reason I won't pretend to understand, I still need my family. Now, I know that they are card-carrying lunatics, but they are my card-carrying lunatics, and I still need to be connected to them. I need to know that I can show up on that doorstep anytime, no matter what...If I have any part in Alan and Monica's precious daughter getting killed, I won't be able to show up on that doorstep ever again. I will be exiled for life, and that thought doesn't appeal to me. And I don't particularly want Emily killed. She's harmless. Annoying, maybe, but if annoying was a reason to die, then there'd be nobody left on the planet. You need to come up with a plan." I also liked the one she gave to Luke about why the charity position meant so much to her.

Least Favorite Speech/Line: "Jason's not married, and I'm willing to bet he hasn't made a will, which means that all that money will revert to this family once we get official confirmation of his death." This whole scene was just ugh...She was practically ecstatic about Jason's "death," and yeah, she would go after his $$$, but not so soon. She'd support Alan, keep the family together, and then she'd go after his assets.

Acting Partner

Favorite: Pick a cast member, any cast member, LOL. I guess TG and SC are at the top of my list.

Least Favorite: I guess this was a trick question. Heh.


Favorite: Olive!Tracy...Anger, sadness, vulnerability, sexiness, humor...all in one. Runner Up: Tracy by Dillon's bedside during the epidemic.

Least Favorite: Tracy interrupting the GQ Wedding in the hospital room. It could've been so much more, and instead, it was one line. At least, during Lulu's surprise party, she had some interesting facial expressions.

Anything Else?

How about Formal Wear?

Favorite: Oh man. This is hard. Really hard. I guess that black outfit she wore for the PC Hotel Fire. And I don't think the hurricane outfit was too bad either. And, I guess the piece for the Haunted Star re-opening was good. Oh! Totally lurve this top, but if IIRC, the ruffled, black skirt was "eh." Loving this blouse too.

Least Favorite: Nik/Em's Wedding. Liz/Lucky's Wedding. NYE 2005. Not!Renewal of the Vows.

Heh. Guess I got carried away with the outfits. I have a whole bunch of favorites and least favorites, LOL.

Edit: Breakroom, anyone?

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Favorite/Least Favorite...

Hair Style? The curls are at the top. I hate any time she has a bob.


"Normal" outfit? I so don't pay attention to fashion. One stereotype I've avoided!

TQ Line/Speech? You want me to pick one? You're ridiculous.

Acting Partner? Wally Kurth. Scott Clifton. Tony Geary.

Scene (Jan. through September 19th)? OLIVES! She was SOLO and she was POWERFUL. We haven't seen THAT in ages.

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Pops out of the toaster! (okay I know that's lame but i have to make some kind of entrance :P )

Uhh! I call myself teaching my niece how to play soccer, and softball I was so out of shape that the girl ran circles around me, :D I tried to prove that I was better then she was and ended up hurting myself ;) . Every time i get a chance to get on here she runs across the street and asks me to teach her something, i guess it doesn't help that I live right across my street from my sister, but I have to admit what I have seen of GH was actually impressive, I kinda like that hair style they have for Jane even though it reminds me of Karen walker.

I have to admit I kinda wanted the baby, it was kinda growing on me :( I guess I cant be mad at Lulu since she did what she thought best, but I would have loved to see Tracy with a granddaughter or son even though it would have pushed Tracy and Dillon down lower on the Qmaine food chain. B)

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Here the first chapter of something I started a few hours ago. Hopefully you enjoy it. It's European Express Chapter 1. Like I mentioned previously, I have the first chapter of the other fic. It's already posted on my lj, but I'm gonna wait to post it on the tq_ficathon. :D Eventually, I'll have to start posting on ff.net and my fanfiction website again, but I don't feel up to it at this point.

Now, I'm exhausted.

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I know the weekends are usually slow here, and I realize everybody is going through Tracy withdrawl, so I thought I would do my part in helping combat the situition. Here is a little vid I was working on last night/this morning. :)


Regency I loved your story, I thought it was great!

Welcome back coolkid!!

Hope everybody has a great weekend :D

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Aww, nex. Thanks for making my weekend "Brighter than Sunshine." Heh. Get it? I'm so done, LOL. Cute video, but I think "Ohh Lala" is my favorite. :)

You can choose more than one. Or the first one that comes to mind. ;)

coolkid, good to have you back! Now if we could just get knh, kenna, tracyluver, angel, and the others...

Regency, looking forward to the rest of the fic!

FANFIC ALERT: The Clincher by LSpencer. Tracy might be the only who can put Luke in his place. LuNacy, Laura mentions, bit of Dillon.

Lainey, I got my hands on that song we were talking about last night for a video. I've actually heard it before, LOL, and I'll see what I can do with it. Kind of OT, and it's not your fault, but my computer ended up with a virus after I tried downloading the song from one site! :o

The VirusScan wouldn't remove it for me (said it couldn't or some garbage like that; I mean, what kind of VirusScan detects viruses, but doesn't remove them?). Anyway, I deleted it manually, ran whatever software I have twice, cleared the internet history/temporary internet files, restarted the computer, so hopefully, we're good to go. If I'm not around in the next couple days, that's probably why. *crosses fingers*

MinervaFan, are you still looking for those clips you requested the other day? What clips were they again? Heh. Sorry.

OT-Did laundry today. Had to handwash some dressy blouses (been putting that off), but they're still not clean. And, not only that, but despite my best efforts to wring them out, they're still dripping wet. *pouts* I'm ready to take out the blow-dryer, LOL.

Topic-Tracy ROCKS! Dillon/Lulu spoilers for Tuesday, so Tracy might be on that day too. Hmm, what else? Oh! Found this from a few years back: She cracks me up, LOL!

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Oh, thanks Ms. Q, it's nice to be missed!!! I'm officially done with that god forsaken family portrait and if I never see that picture again it will be too soon. It took me 6 months to finish the one I did for my class (that was including not having a second of spare time, not doing anything outside of class time (benifit to being an art major is there is no homework), and sleepless nights aplenty) and this one was finished in 1. This was in addition to going to work from 7:30-5 or 6, so I am greatful for, yet confused as to what to with, my newfound free time. Oh, wait a minute.... I can check in here and actually get to write in once in a while. God bless the internet! Unfortunately since I am no longer a fulltime student I don't have insurance and I am a diabetic, so I need all the extra cash I can get. I'll be doing plenty more portraits before Christmas time, so may not be able to be on here as often as I'd like, but I'll take what I can get.

While I miss our girl, I was happy to have a full 3 days in a row!!! Looking forward to this week, I'll have to see where it goes. I would have thought they'd have her on for at least a day after Luke left as a reaction kind of thing... hows she's dealing with Lulu after the abortion and being abandoned again.

anyway.... nothing left to say, so I'll check in later ( I can do that now!!!!!)

Can't wait to read more Oh, Baby. unless it's done. I don't think I've missed any, but I haven't been keeping up lately.

I don't remember who has written them, but I've loved all the new stories posted. Just thought I'd mention that before I leave.

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Damn near killed me, Ms. Q !!!

I thought for awhile there she was leaving... and that can't happen yet because that would mean no LuNacy Sex.. and everyone who frequents the breakroom knows I have been promising LuNacy Sex...

and she can't go 'til she gets herself some.. damnit! :lol::lol:

Oh Regency , your fics are AMAZING! Totally amazing. I want MORE, MORE!!! (greedy little wench I am!)

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