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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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MsQ is SO fibbing! Something big DOES happen in chapters 59 & 60! Yumminess! More, more, more, more, more!

I've decided to be decadent--I brought my Tracy Music Video CD to the computer lab (with my headphones) and I'm just going to goof off and play videos while I way for Fey to get out of her diabetes class.

Ha! Laziness RULEZ.

Oh, and ILTQ, fear you and the bad 90s haircut.

ETA: Ooooh, just have to add this--I FRACKIN' Lurrrrrvvveee the necklace Tracy wears the first time she tries to get Luke to have sex with her (the white outfit, leaning back on the chair, wiggly fingertips!)

ETA2: Oh, Nex4Eva, Accidentally in Love rawks my socks, in case you needed to know.

MsQ, Full of Grace always makes me want to cry. First Tracy vid I ever saw, and still my favorite, I think. Now, can you please reupload it, because my file is corrupted and ends right after the clip where Edward has his heart attack..?

Me, NaNa is my favorite of your vids, although MadMad Me does tug at my heart strings.

Kenna, I like your version of Not Ready to Make Nice soooo much better than mine. BTW, do you have the first half of the Edward Fakes a Heart Attack video (where it looks like he's going to hit her?) I don't have that one.

WHOEVER MADE IT BUT DIDN'T PUT THEIR NAME ON IT,Ooh, LaLa is the the Flicking Olives at the MetroCourt of music videos. I need a cold shower. Really.

Smirks, On Being Quartermaine is just damned brilliant. Freaking amazing. I love it sooooo much. And I lust for clips. LUST, I tell you.

MsQ, I cannot hear Bad Day EVA without thinking about your vid. I'm serious. It's just that intricately intertwined in my mind now.

Oh, and then there's Shazzer's LuNacy masterpiece, "Won't U Please Be Nice." Oh, lawd. Lawd, lawd, lawd......

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knh about your movie...I think I tried to watch when you first posted but I couldn't for some reason.

What format is it, because I might not be able to watch it on computers at work.

MinervaFan fear ME? LOL Are you kiddin' me? :lol: Well if you get next to me while I've got stuff bubbling in the microwave I can be dangerous...but beyond that. :huh:

Ms.Q good updates. I know you said you were having trouble deciding how to end it.

Well even though I know from the reviews that MinervaFan wants a healthy happy fat baby....I would like that too but I guess it depends on how soapy you want to go.

Because honestly I have read most of this story not expecting little Lila to make it, honestly.

But you do whatever you feel lead to do. I'm sure I'll love it either way. :)

LOL at you MinervaFan and your vid watching.

Oh hopefully TQ will be on soon. I think she's on Wednesday...but could we have her tomorrow too? :)

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I was lurking over at the SoapNet GH board for a moment and saw the post where someone quoted Anders Hove(ex-Cesar Faison...for you newbies he was a bad, bad DVX(opposite of WSB, the good guys) operative back in the days of Robert and Anna's heyday...who was quoted as saying he'd love for he and Jane to mix it up, that Tracy could rival Cesar in badness( I disagree, I think only Helena could rival Cesar and Tracy while she's had her moments is no where near as bad as Helena) and that he would love to work with her if he came back to GH.

I think he definitely respects her from the tone of his quote. I don't know.....I wouldn't mind seeing him as long as he and Tracy weren't on the same side...I love my girl but she just WOULDN'T unless there was something huge at stake...anyway I doubt it matters cause I doubt they'll bring him back anytime soon.

Just thought it was interesting to read. :)

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Full of Grace has been re-uploaded. Looking back, I could've made it soooooo much better.

It's not a movie file. It's a Word Document in script format. ;)

Many thanks for the praise of Oh, Baby. I guess I did lie a little. But I do have something even more exciting plan for later. Heh. I still haven't decided what's going to happen with the baby. Realistically, she probably shouldn't even have made it this far, but what kind of fic would I have had if she lost the baby 3 months in? And psst...If everything goes according to plan, guess who's going to re-appear in my story? Be afraid. Be very afraid. ;)

Thanks for sharing that, ILoveTracyQ. I love it when it when other GH stars speak fondly of JE.

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Chaper 2 has been sent for betaing. ;)

Interesting about AH, but I agree... she'd have to be REALLY desperate. I still like the Mikkos idea better. ;) Especially considering the ever neverending Cassadine/Spencer saga. Could add some interesting aspects to LuNacy!

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Minverafan , I LOVE your icons (especially Yum! Fun!)

Ms. Q , I'm lovin' "Oh Baby." It didn't occur to me until today that you might not let her have "Lila." Oh please.. oh please... she's gotta have the kid (I'll stop beggin' now).

I tried and tried to finish my fic this weekend.. but I'm stuck. It's definitely coming out more bittersweet than raunchy. Turns out.. I'm not good at raunchy. ha! But anyway.. I don't like it.. and it's not done.. and I have to go out of town for a week, and by the time I get back all my references to the real show will be dated. grrrr. I'll get over it!

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Dudes, am I the only person who thought from the beginning of "Oh, Baby" that Baby Lila would make it to term? Am I that naive? Or just that clueless? (I don't know nothin' about birthin' no babies.) Either way, if you put us through 60 chapters of cravings, swollen feet and the silent treatment from Edward, c'mon--it's just wrong to have no pay-off. (Oooh, Tracy and Luke madly in love would be nice compensation...) Okay, Baby Lila is toast. :)

ILTQ, Caesar Faison + Tracy = NOOOOOOOO! I saw him on the Lucy/Scott edit tape, and well, ew. Besides, wasn't he part of the Cartel that sicced Paul Hornsby on Tracy? I can't imagine she'd ever side with him on anything. Besides, he's gross. (Well, at least he was gross back in the 90s, with that slicky hair. Ew.) No. No, no, no, please no.

Keith, you are a b*tch for ending Chapter Two that way. Found some typos and grammar stuff I'll fix tonight, but otherwise--to quote Rachel Ray--Yum-OH!

LaineyBev714, kid, there's nothing wrong with bittersweet. I love bittersweet. And raunch for the sake of raunch is not only vastly overrated, it's freaking difficult to write. (I've never been able to do it in 20 years of fanfic writing, and I used to co-edit an NC17 Star Trek zine.) So go with what works and just write the best fic you cna.

Now, I have four minutes before I have to go to work, and I'm hoping it might involve food--TA, ya'll. Hopefully today's show will have maybe a touch of TQ?

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:lol:MinervaFan I didn't mean Cesar/Tracy romantically. Eewww.....NO.

And you're right about them teaming up; but once upon a time I never would have imagined Tracy teaming up with Helena since the Cassadines were responsible for Alexandra Quartermaine's death.

But GaP did it anyway. I don't buy Tracy/Helena on the same side for ANY reason.

And Keith I can't wait to read your fic update.

Ms.Q I think you need to do whatever your first instinct was for the story. If your first instinct was for the baby to die...maybe that's best.

I'd hate it...but as you said I'm honestly surprised the pregnancy has lasted this long.

I'd love to see Tracy have a little girl with her mother's name. But it's your story. :)

I'm sure it'll be great no matter how you end it.

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Baby Lila die?? NNNOOOO!!! What the heck? Am i the only one (well, besides MF) that thought the baby would freakin' make it! I mean, seriously, i havent read the new chapters but like it never even crossed my mind that the baby wouldnt make it. That would suck for me, honestly. I think ive been through too many real-life miscarraiges to enjoy a fake one, honestly. Im sure that you would do it wonderfully, Ms.Q but that would suck for me. JMHO.

MF, I friended you as "tracyluvr", not tracyluver on lj, im a member of the ficathon, and i still couldnt read the alternate version of "happy". I love the other one tho, by the way. It was just awesome but you know i wanna read the other one. what can i do?

*trots off to reda chapter 2 of keith's story*

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You should be able to read it--I'll check my flist to make sure you're on it. ETA: You're added. You should be able to read it. Not sure *why* you weren't on my list already. *scratches head*

Good RL news to tell later when I have more time--involving the Redneck, his new job, and his BEING IN PADUCAH (2 hours away) from Sundays to Fridays for the next six weeks. Oh. I just told my news. *dances off in merriment to the tune of "Ding Dong, The Witch Is Dead...."

KEITH, will get your edits to you tonight. Promise.

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