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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Ms.Q I like the fan fic. I understood why you ended it the way you did but I wanted a little more romance. Maybe because we never get it on the show? I guess you held out on this one because the end of "Oh Baby" is going to sweep us away....*nudge*...right? :)

IT was a good story though....:)

I'm not sure once Jane leaves that I could promise to still visit the thread...I think it'd make me too sad. I might do it every now and then. I don't know.

It makes me sad sometimes NOW...LOL.

Even with Jane still on.

I guess I just hate being faced with how she's being wasted. And I don't see any other way to interpret it except as a waste.

But if I knew regular fics were being posted I might. :)

If I thought I could do a halfway decent job of it I'd try to write one. But I don't think I could. LOL

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Optimism is good, knh. Can I borrow some of yours? ;)

nex! Thanks so much for the link. Yep. It's a new jacket. Not sure if it's more pink than red, but I like it. Her hair is still curly. I'm thinking it's permed, but I like that too. LOL. And JE's delivery of "You're pregnant?" Better than usual. Maybe I'm just JE/Tracy deprived, but wow...Now, I really can't wait for these scenes. And OT, but instead of saying Jason and Sam, Kassie DePaiva said Josh and Sam, which cracked me up for some reason.

ILoveTracyQ, thanks for your comments. Sorry about the lack of romance. I didn't want to go too far because it was really about Tracy doing the "right thing" and divorcing Luke's sorry butt. And I was afraid if I tossed in more romance and Tracy went along with it, then it'd appear that she was going to decide not to end the marriage after all. And that made so much more sense in my head, LOL. Anyway, I do have plans for Oh, Baby. :)

*goes into the corner and cries* I understand though. But on the bright side...If she doesn't re-sign, she won't be being wasted anymore. Of course, then we'd probably just complain that TIIC should've utilized her when they had the chance. Heh. And you should really try writing fic. I'm sure you'd do a wonderful job.

Click Me. Kind of came out darker than I hoped, but it's something.

And wow...some of this post contained too much rambling. LOL.

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No problem, Ms. Q... You can have it anytime, I've got plenty to spare! I just don't want to think aboiut her leaving. I think that they idiots in charge of everything over there are going to come to their senses, wake up from their little daydream/trance, and realize how badly they are blowing ti and write her back in in a big way.

ps, I can't wait till the rest of Oh, Baby comes our way... hint, hint.

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I um...am *toying* with the idea of writing a fic...and started freewriting today.

I like MinervaFan will probably not post it until and unless I actually finish it. I just don't want to post a first chapter and then lose interest and never post another one.


And I *know* me. I get bored so easily...that's exactly what would happen. If I'm going to write it I will probably write it and finish it pretty quickly though.

It's just a plot bunny at this point really....I think I need to go back and research certain character's "voices" by reading transcripts though. It will probably include the following characters:










Those for sure...and maybe others in smaller roles...and at least *one* very special surprise guest.

PS sorta research question:

Haven't there been cases IRL where the father of an unborn child sued for custody to prevent the mother from getting an abortion?

I seem to remember something happening along those lines.

Is this ringing a bell with anyone else?

Oh I already found something....this breaks my heart:


this is interesting too although it is hardly the same situation but the brother has legal custody of the unborn fetus of his comatose sister...the father is in jail:


I won't bore ya'll with more...I just am of the belief that the father has just as many rights and it's sad to know he might want the child and won't get to be a father to the child or have a say in it under the law.

I think it's sad.

I know not everyone agrees....:)

So there goes one part of my plot.

Unless I just want to do like GaP and ignore the law and make up my own law.

Fiction IS supposed to be all about "what if?" anyway, right?

Like what if Dillon successfully sued and won custody of the baby before it was born..and was the first father successful at doing so?

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*pops in*

Weekends are not supposed to be hectic. *sigh* :(

I'm kind of getting worried about Oh, Baby everyone. :o I have more written, lots more actually (more of rough draft sort of thing), and eh...Is it getting too long for anyone? It's just the fanfic takes place over several months, and I didn't want to seem as if I were rushing. And now, I feel like I'm doing the exact opposite. Any thoughts?

*sings* ILoveTracyQ started freewriting. ILoveTracyQ started freewriting. *sings* Thanks for the links. I'm sure whatever you do will be fine. And don't worry about not finishing it. Look at me an the whole "Removed from Reality" story. Heh.

Per Cable Guide Spoilers, we can expect Tracy on Wednesday. Hopefully, she'll be on Tuesday and or Thursday as well. *crosses fingers*

Glad you liked the banner, MinervaFan. I remember the quote/saying from one of my mother's old refrigerator magnets. LOL.

*pops out*

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New fic--pure smut, boys and girls. There's the R-Rated version and the NC-17 version of "Happy." It's LuNacy. I couldn't do the Tracy/Coleman story I had because, well, it was just too mean. I chose instead a Utopian future!fic of Tracy and Luke's 5th anniversary celebration where they...well, it's a plot-what-plot story, so you know what they do. I will try to get back to the real fic soon. In the meantime, those who enjoy that sort of thing, enjoy the smut. (Oh, the NC-17 version is posted only on my LJ and is friends-locked. You'll have to sign in to LJ to be able to read it. If you're not on LJ and are over 17, PM me and I'll see about getting you a copy.)

ETA: Ms.Q, Oh, Baby is perfect. It is not too long at all. I think your pacing is fine. Just don't give up, okay?

Also, ILTQ, woooT on starting a fanfic. I understand totally the short attention span thing, which is why I could never post a story until it was complete. I have too many dead WIPs in my past to trust myself to finish a story that goes on for long. But I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with, so please try not to lose interest.

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Hi guys. Since someone was posting all the old videos I have a question... It was a while back (and I'm not even sure it was on here, but I think so), but there was a video to the song Saturday. It was all Tracy/Dillon scenes. I lost the file and I can't get it back, so I was wondering if any has got it saved on there computer and can post it.

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Ha! I love your smut , Minervafan !

Funny I should see that today. I started writing LuNacy fic last night, and I stopped at 7 pages because what I wanted to be 'bittersweet' was turning out quite.. well.. raunchy. I turned on my computer now to try to finish my story, and saw yours.

hmmm.. What to do? What to do? We'll see.... ha!

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Oooh LaineyBev if we're voting...I vote for the bittersweet version.

I don't know....I like the bittersweet stuff. :) What am I saying I like almost all Tracy fics. I've liked everything written by people on this thread.

I would love a fic written that would of course have a few touching moments but for the most part is humorous. I think that describes "Oh Baby," pretty well...which is probably why it may be my favorite out of all of the fics anyone has written. I love them all....but I think "Oh Baby," is nearer and dearer to my heart.

So Ms.Q as far as I'm concerned you can take as long as you want with the story. It's a blast and I'm really enjoying it.

NO, it's not too long. :)

knh I am searching YouTube right now because I think that's where I saw it. I'll post a link if I find it. :)

*waves to all*

Wish me *luck* on my fic. :)

Cause you know I'm going to need it. :lol:

ETA I am wading through all the GH videos at you tube....I tried searching just for Dillon videos but it brings up all of them for GH apparently. And there are a LOT. LOL

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LaineyBev714, I say "Raunch, raunch, raunch!" My biggest problem with both versions of "Happy" were that they were so damned bland, IMHO. Not a lot of pizzazz. But hey, it's another notch on the prompt table.

Hey, Nex, I couldn't view that clip you linked to. I don't have the proper version of QuickTime or whatever player it used. Could somebody post a copy of it as an individual file, say compatible with WMM? I mean, if that's at all possible....

Wants to see TQ in all her glory.....:(

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knh, I've uploaded the Dillon/Tracy Video to SendSpace. :)

Thanks. I don't think I'd ever give up 'cause it's so long, and it'd be mean to write 50+ chapters and never finish it. ;) I just need to start coming up with an ending...Loved your story, by the way, MinervaFan. Neat idea.

Aww, thanks. I really don't know what to say. *wipes tear* Well, not really, LOL, but what you posted means a lot to me. :) Of course, now I'm going to feel extra pressured into not messing it up, and it's all your fault. J/K. I actually think you just motivated me to write some more. Or rather fix up what I do have (but have yet to post on FF.net). Thanks again.

LaineyBev, looking forward to whatever you come up with. Everyone's fics are so much better than the show. Speaking of fics, 4XCrazy, coolkid, can we expect updates some time soon? *smiles sweetly*

*sigh* I wish we had some TQ to talk about. Anyone want to guess if she'll be on more than 1 day next week? And OT, but I hate the end of summer. I like fall, but the winter months seem so long and so dreary...And I hate when it gets dark out early, which is exactly what it's doing now, LOL.

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*Holds my head down in shame*

I have bad news........ I think I like Sonny ;) when he helped April kinda started liking Dr Sonny. I never thought i would start to like him but i do. :unsure: See what happens when TQ isnt on.

Ms. Q I dont know when Im gonna be able to post my final chapter but it will be as soon as i can, im just soo busy that i dont have very much time to do it.

I was soo gonna do a Tracy and hide her heart medication. <_< That's what happends when your mom acts alot like Monica ;)

I have a baaaaaaaddddd feeling about this baby story. Im kinda scared that TIIC is gonna mack Tracy act like Helena and follow LuLu around and protect the baby, either that the TIIC will make Tracy seem like a B*tch!. Then Laura <_< Yes Goood girl Laura, Perfect Laura will come back and then Tracy will fade in to the background. ;)

I hope that doesnt happen tho. ;)B)

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