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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Ooh...Look at all these posts! :D

Per SZ...No TQ. Lots of Lulu though, who will also be on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday as well. *sigh* Is the motherhood spoiler ever going to happen?

First up, 3/10/06 (Luke/Tracy discuss what could've been) clips for knh: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3

Next, videos for LaineyBev: Fun, upbeat LuNacy ones: Let's Get Together by our very own MinervaFan. Won't U Please B Nice by Shazzer. And I Ain't No Quitter by Christina. Other videos: TQ video (focusing on her relationships with the men in her life; includes Tracy/Lila as well): Full of Grace by Ms. Q (My first video ever, and that much is obvious, LOL). A Luke/Laura/Tracy video: I'm Not That Girl by MinervaFan. Tracy is banished May 1993: I'm Gonna Be Strong by MinervaFan. And finally a Quartermaine family video: On Being Quartermaine by smirks.

Catching up...

Luke suing ELQ would definitely be the end of Lacy. It might be a good ending though. A heartbroken Tracy slipping out of Port Charles might not be as powerful (unless of course there was a powerful break up scene before that).

ILoveTracyQ, I love your ideas, LOL. Too funny.

Oh no. MinervaFan's analyzing TQ's wardrobe more than I usually do. We are in desperate need of some TQ onscreen. ;)

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Oooh, Shazzer's vid is the first one I ever saw, and the one that got me hooked. I don't know if I've seen "I Ain't No Quitter." Will have to download, because I know it's not on my mvid disk.

Mmmmmmm.....! Full of Grace is the second vid I downloaded, also an inspiration to get me going. I watched a lot of my vids the other night (when I found my disk, hooooorraaaahhhh!) and I decided that I'm a much better fanfic writer than I am a video maker. But I still love the ones I've got--more would be nice.

Don't mock the fashionista, wench. You would melt into your sensible shoes if that dress ever got made, and that ballroom scene ever got filmed, and you darned well know it. And then you'll have to apologize for making fun of me and my high-falutin' fashion dreams. (This from a girl who has bought the same style/color of shoe for the last twelve years because she hates shopping for shoes and clothes that much. But I lovvvveee looking at them on pretty people--like TQ.)

Ned is now overhearing a particularly bad fight between his parents. Poor kid. Divorce sucks.

ETA: Wow. Vids download FAST on a DSL line. And I did see that video. :) Now I have it for posterity.

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Please excuse Me for taking this min to scream.


Thank you!

After dumping all of my lipstick and lip gloss and other things out, going from London to Orlando all for work and then not Being able to go back. Meeting up with my Mom while she is on Vacation and being insulted by being told after going to Orlando every other year since I was born that "Magic Kingdom is for little kids your in your 20's your a bit old" <_< And then when I give in to the Lady I call mom and let her finnally go to Animal Kindom after years of her asking me to go with her what does she tell me. "OH I dont wanna go I can go to the National Zoo when i get home" :rolleyes:

Grr. The One day that I knew that Tracy was gonna be on in the middle of one of the segments I find out there is slim to nothing of a chance of me going back to London and I missed TRACY!!

Can someone please put the clips on Here B)

Ms. Q Congrats on your letter :)

I just thought of something Maybe we should send olives! and maybe TIIC would understand that we want Tracy.


Waves to amello16 MF and ILTQ

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No TQ today.

I'm Shocked! Only not.

spoiler talk

Ms.Q I think the motherhood spoiler was finding DiLu and the subsequent talks...plus the finding out that Lulu lied...and maybe just maybe the spoiler will play out with Tracy trying to get Lulu to stay.

But yeah....I think that's it....Tracy being mom while Luke's away.

Oh and I love how the Lo spoiler with he and Tracy interacting lasting all of five minutes. LOL

spoiler talk over

GH sucks like a hoover without TQ and the Q's. :(

ETA coolkid I like the olives idea....but I doubt TIIC would understand....and they'd start stinking after a while. Kinda like the show...but that's another rant.

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You have SO got to talk to my girlfriend Fey. She's planning this huge trip for us in WDW this December, and that's one of her BIG pet peeves. She's collecting quotes from Old Uncle Walt himself to prove that he fully intended the parks to be for "the kid in everyone," and for adults who were still "kids at heart." That whole 'Disney is for little kids' things drives her batty.


No TQ.

*kicks TIIC*

*kicks them again*

*nudges JE gently with the tip of my toe, hoping it will get her to go out there and do something else that we could watch, maybe a guest-starring role on some other TV show....*

*kicks TIIC a third time, just for good measure*

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MinervaFan should have a copy of the fic to beta for me soon.


Once I hear back from her, you can expect a nice treat. At least, I hope it's a nice treat. Of course, it's only a start so it's not that nice of a treat. And I'm rambling. Sorry. :P

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I'm Baaaaaaccccckkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!! Anyone miss me, lol!?!? It took me forever to catch up! My mom broke our computer (don't ask) so that's why I haven't been arounds!

tracyluver a few pages back you asked about my grade level and school starting..... I'm a sophmore. We got out May 23 last yr but now i think FL is starting this thing that we aren't aloud to go back before after labor day. I.Hate.Florida.

As for 'Beautiful Disaster', I will have it updated by tomorrow hopefully *crosses fingers*

I miss TQ!!!!! :( Is she gonna be on any time soon!!!!????????

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*whew* Ms.Q you had me scared there for a minute. I thought the non-Tracy chapter was going to be Coleman related.

I adore your story more and more. It's awesome. :0)

And um yeah....just by reading recaps...yes Lulu and Tracy have things in common and are a little alike.

But they have ONE major difference that just chaps me.

Tracy doesn't do the poor me thing....and it seems that's ALL Lulu does. Or almost all.

That is probably one thing that just drives me NUTS in a character.

A little pity party is fine...but after that pull yourself up by your bootstraps for heaven's sakes.

They're making her more like Laura than Luke in that respect...which is a shame.

I thought she was going to have her father's fighting spirit.

Oh well.

yes angel we missed you.

And yay to you updating your story.

:) Can't wait.

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Ooh, new chapters of "Oh, Baby" are wonderful--especially #58 (mumblemumbleMsQ is a sadistmumblemumble).

Ned & Tracy's Excellent Adventure is now at 23 pages! Oy. I got a big chunk of it written today, so hopefully I'll have it completed this week and can move on to the next prompt. (I totally didn't intend for it to be this long--but it had a mind of its own.)

Diligently checking my email, Keith, for your story. Am going to the Science Museum tomorrow, so probably won't have time to work on it, but I'll do my best to get it back to you asap.

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Jumps up and down with glee after beta-reading Keith's story!!!!!!!

Ooooooh, babies, babies, BABIES, this is good stuff! He's got Tracy down in all her witchy, !@#$%^&*]y, beautiful, vulnerable glory. *claps hands together at all the good fic we're getting on this group*

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Just thought I'd throw this out there b/c someone commented on it earlier. This may sound like I'm stating the obvious, but you never know b/c it seems like a lot of people on here are convinced that TQ was hit by her dad. I odn't think that is the case. I think this is just the way she was brought up. Even if she wasn't treated like crap by her father, she comes from an old family with old money and old beliefs and behaviors, They don't really show emotion (weakness, remember). Someone said sited her flinching at Edward's touch after Lila's death. This is just so she doesn't break down. She is not comfortable with any contact when it comes to things like that b/c she is supposed to be able to handle it and when someone wants to console you it is harder to keep control. Anyway, that's just what I think based on my lifetime of doing the same thing. Then again, that may be the whole reason that that is what I am getting from all of it.

Does anyone have the scenes with Alan and her fighting over the remote? I know it was asked, but I don't know if there was an answer.

Does anhone know if the soap talk clips are up yet?

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