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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hello,all! I am sooo excited to post, although i have nothing really to say, other than i sent you a pm, MF about "the olive". suffice it to say, I get it, i REALLLLY get it! lol :)

soooooooo what's up guys? i am supposed to be babysitting but he (my two-year old coousin, amari) just left to go to the stroe with his pa-pa so im all alone. nevermind they just came back gotta go.

ETA: Have any of you had any weird dreams about JE/TQ? If im weird on this one then forget i ever posted this but last night i had a dream that JE saw this site and offered to fly all of us up to have a private meeting with her and we all met each other and it was awesome! My alarm buzzing was the biggest disappointment in my life to date! lol ne-hoo, had to post that. bye! :D

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It's true. tracyluver is the source of all evil. :)

Got your PM, woman. You are truly sadistic.

*dreams of olives, and I hate olives....*

Any TQ on today? Of course, there's no TQ on today. That would mean TIIC had brains. But they don't. Don't kid me, folks. There's no TQ on today, is there?

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BREAKING NEWS: Tracy Q. is...........................................offscreen. Still. Yeah, per SZ, no TQ today.

MinervaFan, sent you a review reply at FF.net. I might e-mail you the anniversary story later.

Neat theory, Regency.

nex, thanks. I do have the scenes from March 27th (the Monday after Skye/Tracy's argument on the stairs) if you're interested. That's kind of part of the re-opening, right? Another request...That clip from 1:58 to 2:01 (Tracy's in her fur coat; she/Luke are on the Haunted Star). Can I have that one too? *hopes that I'm not being a pain in the butt*

ILoveTracyQ, speaking of Edward...I started writing him as Jed Allan's version, but with John Ingle back in the role, I don't know what to do, LOL. I think it's going to go back and forth for awhile, which isn't good. :o

tracyluver, that dream sounds so much fun. I've had GH related dreams before, and Tracy's been involved, but nothing like that. I used to write down what I remembered from the dreams because they were so much interesting than the show, LOL. Will have to find that and share. Maybe.

Ooh. I dreamt I met JE once. I was at a restaurant and ran into her in the ladies room, but I don't remember what I said, LOL, or if I said anything. She was wearing TQ Wardrobe if anyone cares, LOL...which reminds me that the jacket she had on during SoapTalk...it's the same one Tracy had on when she walked in on Dillon/Lulu in the boathouse. Will the recycled clothing ever end???

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::waves to everyone:: Hello!! This lack of TQ is really starting to get to me (and i'm not in a good mood to begin with, pms sucks lol)!

tracyluver that sounds like an awesome dream. Since I'm always thinking of things to write in my fanfics and different versions of scenes they sometimes come into my dreams. But its good cuz I wake up happy lol.

MsQ totally *loved* the update(s) on 'Oh Baby'!!

Good news (I think)...... I'm almost done with chapter 19 (yeah 19 sounds right) of 'Beautiful Disaster' and I should be able to get it finished tonight cuz we're (me, my cousin Kaity, my aunt, and uncle) are going to Point Pleasant (the Jersey shore) so the ride should give me plenty of time. ::sighs:: I have no idea how or even if I'm going to end this story, lol.

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Hello all! *giggles in MF's direction* I didn't come to this thread evil, it just sorta happened one day...and I LOVE it!!! LOL!

So, no TQ today, huh? well, that just leaves the fic (which is infinitely better than the show on it's best day, NE-way) Can't wait to travel to my "Homeleands", can't get enough of that (newly updated?) "Beautiful disaster", the 100 fics are blowin my mind, and "Oh Baby", Ms.Q, are you good or what?

***Be warned children, this is what lackage of TQ does to a person, they start saying cheesy things like the sayings above (especially the "Oh Baby" reference)***

well, gotta go do....something. TA!

^^^^olives and tongues and lips, Oh MY!!^^^^

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Yeah, the no TQ thing is getting a bit ridiculous. I mean, some of us survived last summer into October without her, but that does not mean we want to do it again. *glares at TIIC*

There has to be something that we can discuss.

*crickets chirp*


*crickets chirp*

We need Tracy, darn it!

Oh, I am totally going to search for that list of TQ related dreams. You'll all think I'm crazy, but nothing new there. :P

Edit: Page 107!

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I've dreamt of TQ a lot lately. It should be disturbing but it's just a sign that she's complyetely invaded my psyche. Done it with Stockard, Mary, and now Jane. Lovely.

In regards to the Olive!sex. Tracy is a very sexy woman, especially to those who aren't biased against her thanks to history. Strangers would be attracted to her, drawn to her refined sexuality. I know I would be. That's why I feel compelled to write it from the view of someone who's never met her. No preconceptions -- hell, they may not even know her name. They only know that there is a beautiful woman, alone at the bar, devouring olives in a spine tingling manner.

I'd wile away an evening watching her.

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Stockard, Mary, and now Jane.

Oh, damn, now there's a trio--Stockard Channing, Mary (SIGH.....) McDonnell, and Jane Elliot. Three different flavors of strong female sexiness.

I hate that we've had no TQ this week--didn't I see Miss Georgie on today? And aren't Dillon and Lulu in the spoilers for tomorrow? Maybe we'll luck out.

In the meantime...here are some images to remind you why we love her...





ETA: TIIC need to put TracyQ on the show soon, or several members of this forum will implode just from thinking about her...and olives....and dreams.....

Wishes I had a TQ/JE dream to tell you about. I've never dreamed about her. Fantasies are a whole nother topic, but this is a family-friendly thread, isn't it? ;)

ETA: Pic #3 is one of my all-time favorite Tracy images. Thought you'd like to know.

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*waves to MinervaFan and Regency*

ILoveTracyQ, I PM'ed you.

Regency, I am greatly anticipating your fic.

MinervaFan, apologies for not emailing the anniversary story tonight.

About those pics...Here's my brief commentary since we have no TQ to talk about.

Pic #1: My favorite. I loved that scene, even though SZ spoiled me. Eh, well, it was my fault for checking the recaps ahead of time, LOL.

Pic #2: Aww. Happy Anniversary, Luke and Tracy.

Pic #3: "Banished from the castle..." Poor Tracy.

Pic #4: I loved her verbal smackdown of Skye, but why does it look like Tracy's wearing a dog collar?

About the dreams...I found where I wrote them, and some of them I don't even remember having, LOL. Should I share one a day maybe?

I should've been more descriptive when I wrote this down, but I guess I didn't remember that much. This is what is says: Tracy is on top of Luke in a hospital bed and kisses him. And later, he's in a tent, and she checks on him. Then, she and the rest of the family watch some children bowl. :lol:

It's dated Feb. 4th, so it's kind of recent. I'm thinking Luke was in a hospital bed because of the virus SL? And well, I'm usually pro-Lacy, so we know where that other part came from. Heh. And I have no idea what the Quartermaines watching children bowl has to do with anything...

Gonna get some sleep now.

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*Sneeks in *

Im gonna admit something very shocking ...........

I am a reformed Maurice Benard Fangirrl ;) I LUVED him when he was on All My Children, even some of the early years as sonny but now :blink:

TIIC have jumped the shark big time ;) If Jane isnt on for the most part I wont watch GH and I havent watched since the last time she was on. ;)

I guess weve got it good, I dont remeber the last time i saw Jackie Zeaman and shes carly's MOM :huh:;)

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coolkid, back when I first met my girlfriend (back in 2000), she was a huge Sonny/Carly shipper. She forced encouraged me to watch a few episodes with them, and I thought he was okay. Pretty handsome, a decent enough actor (lawd, what happened to him in six years?), and an interesting storyline. (Of course, there was no Tracy Quartermaine on at that time, so there was no risk at all of me getting hooked. ) My only *real* problem with Sonny is that they have overused him without actually benefitting the character. I thought he was pretty interesting in 2000; now I just want to scream any time he comes on screen. His entire character has disintegrated.

But enough about Sonny--more Tracyyyyyy!!!!!

MsQ, I would pay a week's salary to see Tracy Freakin' Quartermaine in a bowling alley. I'd pay a month's salary to actually see her bowling--with rented shoes and all. LMFAO. Also--the dog collar--*blinks* okay, I don't see it like that, but I can see where you'd get it. I noticed that she has been wearing necklaces like that for years. Check out the Lila flashback in the memorial episode--that was over ten years ago, and she's wearing the exact same necklace. :) (Or should I say collar? Not only dogs wear collars, but I'm not going to elaborate on my theories about Tracy's latent sexual tendencies......)

angel2devil, let us know when "Beautiful Disaster" is updated, 'kay????? :D

ILoveTracyQ, were you the one who had a bad online day yesterday? If so, HUGGLES TO YOU. If not, HUGGLES TO YOU and the person who had the bad day.

Keith, dude where are you hiding? I know this place is overrun with women, but you don't have to hide. Besides, the breadmaker's stuck and we totally need something to go with lunch.

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Hi all! I haven't been able to check in in a while. I've had summer clases for the last 8 weeks (still not done yet...), I'm working and have some extra work on the side, as well as being out of state for a week, so a lot's been going on over here. I'de hate to be the one that just comes on to ask for clips. Hopefully that will change soon, but, like I said, I've been a bit busy. I was wondering if anyone has found the clips for soap talk yet, and also, I wanted to know if anyone has got clips of tracy from the last few episodes. I forgot to put in a new tape when i left and I missed everything!!!

Thanks so much

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OMG!!!!! I am having a heart attack right now :P Last night I went to a birthday party at a bowling alley and as I was playing I thought of how funny it would be if Luke dragged Tracy to a bowling alley and had to teach her how to play. I was giggling all to myself yesterday at the thought of it.

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:blink: *blinks* Stop. Now. I'm sitting here with my teacher and I supposed to be working on official Student Council business so stop. ~~~~~~~~~~olivesolivesolivesolivesolivesolivesolivesolivesolivesolivesolivesolives~~~~~~~~~~

SOOO, about the bowling alley thing, that would be cute. i could totally see tracy tripping on one of those long ass jackets and Lukey-boy "accidentally" falling on top of her....ok, i reeeeaaalllyy gotta go now...


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