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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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YOOOO Party in here! Ms.Q! welcome bak girly! How was your time in this here fair state of Indiana?

Angel, was uuuup cuz! lol

Regency, i know these people seem crazy right now (what with the imaginary breadmakers and the theivery (ILTQ!) and what not but trust me, it's just an illusion. (actually, the jury's still out on that one, :P )

any tq today? dare i even ask? i dunno, if they keep writing tracy as well as hey have been i'd settle for once or twice a week. im NOT picky if shes not making an ass of her self over some two-bit man ( or as MF fodly refers to them, y chroms! lol) who has yet to grow up. URGH!

*quietly and qith the skills of anna devane, supa-spy, steals zucchini bread from ILTQ*

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*prepares for a mega-post*

*waves to tracyluver, Keith, nex, and angel* Lots of lurking this afternoon.

OT--Vacation is a wonderful, wonderful thing. If I had internet access, I'd live there forever, LOL. Overall, nice weather too (eh, it rained a lot on Tuesday and a bit on Wednesday), but if I'm going to get caught in the rain at an amusement park, I'm glad that I had on sandals, a swim suit, and those "squishy" shorts that dry really quick, LOL (it was an amusement/water park). Anyway...It was nice to get away (missed this place though!) and spend some time with the family even if they drive me crazy. Oh, and totally random, but I didn't know we were in Eastern Daylight Time until 10pm (EDT) Sunday night, LOL. The governor changed the time zone on us. We've been going to Monticello, IN for years. You just can't change time zones. :lol:

Monday's Comments

First things first...Wardrobe/Hair: It's July in upstate New York, isn't it? So, why was Tracy wearing clothes better suited for fall? Even the colors were all "autumn-y." At least the jacket was new. As for the hair, it looked straight in the "Oh. My. God." Previews, but I think it might've been a bit wavy. I liked the curls better though. ;) And LOL at your comment about the wardrobe, smirks. Glad to see you posting again.

Random stuff...

5 segments, my TQ friends! She appeared in 5 segments, and that last one that alternated between Robert/Lulu and Tracy/Dillon was so neat. *thanks the Soap Gods that I got Tracy/Dillon after all*

A big LOL at Tracy telling Dillon to put his clothes on and him telling her he’s not going to change in front of his mother. "Oh, but you'll get naked and have sex with your step-sister in front of her?" Heh.

Did anyone else laugh at the whole "I was chasing after the Willoby's (sp?) dog. I'm sorry, but the mental image of Tracy chasing after a dog? Hilarious. And we got an explanation for why she would be in the boathouse to begin with.

"I was a teenager once." Loved that bit. She *gasp* compared herself to Lulu. You know what that means? The OGW (one good writer) realizes that Tracy/Lulu are similar. (LaineyBev mentioned this scene too.) Too bad it took so long. *pause* Will not complain.

How much did I love Robert's, "Tracy might be this, this, and this, but she cares about your father, and by extension, she cares about you." Yes, she does. *patiently awaits that Lulu/Tracy spoiler to play out*

Note to GH's lighting department: Some of those scenes were dark. Really dark. I get that it was night, but still...Anyone else notice? If not, it was probably just my TV. Heh.

Tuesday's Comments

We bring this up a lot, but I'm tired of Tracy's short/infrequent scenes. There's 7 segments per episode, and rarely, does our girl appear that much. *thinks* I'm guessing the Luke/Tracy "What could've been" was the last time this happened. Anyway...3 is better than none. Must. Not. Complain. *zips lips*

I'm still loving the alternating scene thing. I loved the 2 adults advising the teens on rebound relationships. (I mean...Tracy Quartermaine...being a good mom? Awesome stuff!) That and the background music had me going "Aww. I want more of this."

LOL Moment: "And that is the last time I ever discuss my sex life with you." Oh, Dillon. These scenes are much fun though.

Wasn't expecting the Robert/Tracy scene at Kelly's. Was expecting it to be continued though. It just seemed like a strange place to cut it off (as others here have mentioned...MinervaFan, I think, and angel, or tracyluver? Sorry guys. So much catching up to do, LOL) Speaking of strange cut-offs, who’s in charge of where to go to a commercial? I watched a Jason/Sonny scene to see if I could MAYBE see what was so commercial worthy about them. Absolutely nothing. Oooh. Watch as Sir Blinks and Stares A Lot gazes into space. *falls asleep* Uh, topic? I could definitely go for some Tracy/Robert/Dillon/Lulu group scenes. Luke who?

So...Did Tracy ever vow to ruin the relationship? That was an ABC spoiler, wasn't it? Or was it one of those things that played out but not as obviously as I expected?

Welcome to Southern Honey. Feel free to pop in more often. And yay! Keith is glad that I'm back and so is tracyluver!

Oh, MinervaFan and ILoveTracyQ, you got PM's. ;)MinervaFan, will catch up on your stories later.

Edit: I got the 2000th post! As soon as I find out who has the breadmaker (I'm confused with all the theft, LOL), I'm coming after you! :P







Wizard had both the advice (Carly and Tracy) spoilers. According to ABC spoilers, Lulu confesses to Tracy next week (I'm hoping this is where the "Tracy gives Lulu some much needed advice" part comes in), and Dillon overhears...which goes along with Dillon confronting Lulu (per SOW).

Hmm...The jealousy spoiler was supposed to happen this past week. It might have happened with Skye/Robert. I didn't watch Wednesday's show, so I'm not sure. I'll welcome the Robert/Tracy/Anna spoiler though. It's sad that it's all about jealousy games, but I am watching GH; I must lower my standards, LOL.

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hey girlie! nothin much, waz up wit u?

MsQ is back!! Missed you much! :D

Spoiler thingmajigs-

Re. Robert kisses Tracy to make Anna jealous- ::whines:: Can't they just have him kiss her just to kiss her (did that make sense? lol)!?!? Its getting *so* tiresome!

Re. Lulu/Tracy advice- Hmm.....could be interesting, maybe, hopefully!

ETA- Page 101 (that was fast)!

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**waves to Ms.Q**

Am I the only person having trouble downloading Monday's clips from Hella Good? :( I have tried for days and it takes two hours for two minutes. (and I have high speed not dial-up) I also went to GHTV and there is no clips for Monday AT ALL! :angry: I have requested the clips, but have gotten no responce. So, my question is......is there anybody out there with monday's clips?

**Welcome Southern Honey and Regency**

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Missed ya too, angel! To answer your question...Because that would mean TIIC consider Tracy worthy of a man's love, and unfortunately, they don't. *sigh*

nex, I had trouble too, but it seems to be working now.

And it's kind of dead in here. :o

Edit: Tracy Quartermaine: Two Years Ago: July 14, 2004 (I just had to do this considering the episode...)

An irritated an infuriated Tracy makes her way in the den, yammering about Justus and Daddy and their plan to oust her as ELQ’s CEO, but as soon as her eyes meet with her father’s, she realizes something isn’t right. It doesn’t even take a millisecond, but she knows what would upset him to that extreme…her mother’s death. Justus begins to tell her, but she wishes to delay the inevitable.


Justus: Brace yourself, Tracy.

Tracy: Whatever it is it's not going to work. I called my attorneys. I called my attorneys, and we made an appointment to -- to put an end to this little power play. So don't think you can stall me! Don't!

Justus: Lila died in her sleep last night, Tracy.

Tracy: No! No! No!


Tracy sits by Edward’s feet as he strokes her hair. He tells his daughter that Lila loved her…even at her most exasperating, but Tracy already knows this. She recalls her mother comforting her after Dillon was born prematurely.


Tracy: …I thought I'd walk in that door with my baby in my arms, and now I don't know if he's going to survive, mother.

Lila: Oh, Tracy, dear. He's a Quartermaine. And you know as well as I do Quartermaines are fighters.

Now that Lila gone, Tracy doesn’t know who she is going to count on for hope.


Tracy: Daddy, when she'd take my hand and I would look into her eyes, you know what I saw? I saw hope. Hope is what I saw. Where am I going to find the hope, Daddy?

Upon hearing the news, Ned returns to the mansion. After approaching “Grandfather,” he proceeds to comfort his mother, who pushes him aside.


Tracy: I have to help Justus with the arrangements.

Ned: No, mother, mother, mother, come here, come here. Just come here, come here.

Tracy: Ahem. Sweetheart, there's a lot to do --

She finally lets him hold her as the rest of the Quartermaines begin to arrive.


Ned: No, please, just stop for a moment. Just stop, stop. I'm right here. Just stop.

When Dillon enters, he goes straight to his mother’s side.


Dillon: Mom.

Tracy: Oh -- hmm.

Dillon: Are you okay?


Tracy: I'll have to be, won't I? We'll all -- we'll all have to be okay without her.

Later that afternoon, after wisely remaining quiet during Jason’s visit, Tracy lashes out at the family.


Tracy: Well. Would you look at this charming tableau? All of us, gathered here together just like a real family. And all it took was my mother's death…Don't you realize that's what's wrong with this picture? This is not a fair representation of what this family really is, which is far from appropriate! I deeply resent the hypocrisy that's on display in my dead mother's name.

Edward wants his daughter to stop. It’s her pain, not her anger, and he doesn’t want her taking it out the family. He pulls her closer.


Tracy: I just --

Edward: I know.

Tracy: Want my mommy!

Edward: I know, I know, I know.

Tracy: I want my mommy!

After embracing her tightly, he lets her fall to the couch, where Alan steps in and hugs her.


That episode literally had me in bawling my eyes out. I know I couldn't have been the only one, LOL. Right?

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Hey guys I have some good news :D:D:D I just saw a commercial for SoapTalk and Jane is going to be on Monday. And she looks great...her hair is up in like a spikey ponytail thing and she is wearing a purple jacket. (my favorite color) :)

So, here is looking forward to Monday!!!

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Yes, yeah, si, oui, and claro que si! Just, you know, in the meantime. At least until Luke comes to his senses, Patrick really enjoys that kiss, or some random stranger bumps into her and sort of likes it. That would turn everyone's idea of her around. Though, it would probably have to be a secret. After the way she treated Lucas, I believe it was, would she want to be seen as that openly hypocritical?

Thanks for the warm welcome!

Edit: For the love of god. They all have the same birth name. What is that? I have no idea who Lucas is anymore. *takes notes*

Edit 2: Momentary panic. I've got it.

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Ahhh, Regency, the small but fervent Tracy Femmeslash Brigade is growing. (I think we're up to three now, including you and me.....)

Just an OT heads-up: Internet access at home is down. We're not getting a dial-tone. There's a tiny cut in one of the phone extensions, and I'm hoping it just needs a replacement. But if there's actually something wrong with the phone line itself, I might be mighty quiet until early next week. Am going to get my oil changed and a new phone cord at Wal-Mart--bringing a notebook with me, so at least I'll be writing. Love to you all--and wish me best in my time of withdrawal! (PS, I'm at the library.)

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nex, thanks for sharing. *reminds self to have friend tape it* (No SoapNet here...) Any preview of what she's going to talk about?

Regency, you mean Robert enjoys the kiss, right? (assuming it happens) Although, I could see Patrick checking out our girl. He's made goo-goo eyes at every other women; why not Tracy? *pause* Oh, wait. I forgot. She's "old." :rolleyes:

MinervaFan, as someone who's spent the last 5 days with zero internet access, I know how you feel. You'll make it though. Hope it gets fixed soon.

Made this last night. A little different from my normal ones. What do ya think? Edit: Keith liked it, so I made it my new signature! :D


*hopes that this is not a slow weekend here*







We have a Cable Guide Spoiler...Not until Thursday...And it, unfortunately, might be the only day Tracy is on. :( I miss it when she was averaging 3 days. Anyway, here's the spoiler: Tracy offers Lulu some tough advice. And once again, Wizard spilled it first. *gives Wizard a standing ovation*

From Anonymous of SoapDish: Tracy decides that Lulu might be the lesser of the two evils. Based on what has happened, is she kidding? Not that Georgie is Little Miss Innocent either, but still...Why would Tracy want Dillon to pursue a relationship with Lulu if she knows he's going to break her heart. Unless that's part of the plan. She knows it'll all go to hell, and then Dillon will end up back with Georgie? *head spins*

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Hey everyone!

I'm new on here. I don't really have a lot of time to do the whole intro thing, but I was wondering if there is anyone who could post clips from the soap talk that is coming up. I don't get soapnet anymore and its driving me crazy that I knows she's on and I can't watch it!!! Anyway, thanks so much if anyone can.

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