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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Okay,I'm breaking my silence.

For a moment,anyway.

First off,yes MF,by all means,kill Laura off.

I know you can do angsty really well...and you can write the funny also. I think what happens between Lacy if that were to happen would be a bit of both,as only you can do it.

Plus honestly,Lacy or no Lacy,I've just really always thought she is/was one of the most boring female characters on soaps ever.

So I won't weep,or even feel bad,at her death.

HOrrible to say, I know.

I'll feel bad for her family I guess,but I wouldn't miss her one iota.

I made the decision not to post because well...Tracy's not on,and when she's on she's on for two minutes playing the buffoon to Luke.

And it frustrates me,and I take it out on message boards,maybe not this one so much,but on others.

You know we joke about being Tracy obsessed,but sadly I don't think I've been Tracy obsessed for a long time.

I was the second and third time JE played the character,but back then her character was seemingly respected and adored,as well as the actress.

NOW...not so much. I used to run home back in the day,to watch my tape,and I'd rewind and rewatch scenes with Tracy in them.

I do that very seldom now. That could be a good thing or a bad thing,depending on your POV.

Anyway, I'm at the point where I don't even care about Lacy anymore,just as long as JE still gets airtime and Tracy gets things to do. A romance with someone who would appreciate her would be nice.

I want to see her contract get renewed,but ONLY if it means a man who will care about her,a storyline life outside said man,and time with her family,and respectable airtime.

IF it doesn't mean that, I'd rather they just let her go. I can't take two or three more years of five minutes a week being the butt of Luke's jokes.

MF would you mind sharing the bulk of your letter to Jane,and the others?

I started a letter last night,a rough draft.

I'm not happy with it yet.

About the SOW stuff:

I too have had a dreadful feeling of foreboding,even before I read the "Laura might come back" stuff.

I have had it all week and haven't been able to shake it.

I can see TIIC totally destroying Tracy's character to make room for Laura's return.

I can see them dumping Jane so they can pay GF's salary.

I can see all sorts of things happening.

And while I don't want Jane to leave,as I said above,it may be the best thing,if things are just going to continue status quo.

Personally I don't think GF will return full time,and seriously how far can they go with Laura in a sanitarium?

Unless they have her fully recover and return home and appear recurring,there's a limit to what they can do.

Besides that,if she did come out of her catatonic state,she still KILLED Rick Webber,and wouldn't she go to jail?

I think in the end GF won't do it,or GH won't bend,because she's asking for a huge amount of money I bet.

And personally I don't think she's worth it. And that has nothing to do with Tracy or JE or Lacy. I just think she's not all that.

Would she raise the ratings?

Probably for a while,just like JE did for a while.

But people have so many options on TV these days.

IF her return is crap,people will tune out,and GH's big bucks will be all for nada.

End of SOW talk

Eh,I don't know. LOL

I'm really,really frustrated about JE's airtime and all.

So that's one reason why I don't want to post too much.

I think posting about it just aggravates it.

I do miss you guys,and I like I said may lurk and stuff,but I think until I see a light at the end of this tunnel my posting is going to be few and far between.

I think though that this post is worth about four or five regular ones,LOL.

I want Fic updates,people.


ETA *waves to Keith*

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MinervaFan, I haven't even began the letter yet. :o Have to start working on that. Maybe it'll make me feel better.

ILoveTracyQ, wow, what a long post, LOL. That's all right though. It's made up for you not posting. ;) How about you still stick around here? We'll try very hard to remain positive (effective the post after mine, LOL), or we'll warn everyone if negative thoughts follow. Please. [/begging]

Re: Dumping JE for GF: I love JE, but I don't think she is all that expensive. She's said in the past that had she stayed on the show year and year, her salary would have accumulated. Instead, she started from scratch each time she returned. Or something like that. In any case, GH would need to do a lot more than get rid of JE to pay for GF. *sigh* I guess getting rid of her would be a start though. (Feel free to tell me if I'm not making sense and or rambling...)

Re: Fanfiction: If FF.net isn't being cooperative by tomorrow, I'll definitely post on LJ.

Per SZ...Edward is "visiting" Sonny. Um, can someone please tell Tracy, Monica, and Alan that their nephew is dead?

Edit: Starting on this page (site might be down for a bit), you'll find some JE praise for her scenes when Tracy had to give up the Charitable Endowment position (July 4, 2005). I've read it before, but if you haven't, you'll love it. If you go back even further (say, an entire year), you'll find pages and pages of praise for her work during Lila's Memorial. Just trying to bring some happy things into this thread. :D

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o0o0o0o0o I like happy things (well sometimes anyway)!

Re. JE being dumped- I personally have only seen Laura once on GH and she was really kinda boring and that is like the total opposite of Tracy! I really hope GF doesn't come back unless to kill her off for good which GH seems to be doing a lot of lately. I just don't think it would be right to have her come back and all of a sudden be better because that's probably what they would do if GF returned. Its just not fair or right in my opinion. She had a breakdown, she's been gone for a while, its done and leave it be.

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Oh,Ms.Q you're a doll.

Thanks for your kind words.

It's not that everyone else is negative.


I can deal with that,take it or leave it.

It's ME.


I just think about the whole mess of a show,and how Jane's being wasted,and how the Lacy opportunity is being wasted,and it just irks me....and with every day that passes and no change in sight,it just sort of depresses me. Which makes me not want to post,because I don't have any TQ scenes to talk about or spoilers to discuss. Which is the main point of posting on the boards.

Which sounds sad when you think about the fact that it's JUST a TV show.

But I guess it's true,when you watch a character for years it's like you DO know them,in a way. And you do have an affection for them,just like you would for anyone else who's life's joys and struggles you might be privy to,through the years.

I can deal with Jane leaving and TQ leaving the canvas. It's a little harder for me to just grit my teeth and smile at how badly JE is being WASTED WHILE SHE'S STILL THERE.

Does that make sense?

It's the day to day,her being there but not being used,and not knowing if it's going to change,that just puts me in a bad mood,GH wise,and really if she's not on....I find it hard sometimes to think of something to post or talk about.

So it's not ya'll...LOL Ya'll are great.

The best thread EVA.

I can come here and don't have to worry about someone getting mad because I don't like THEIR fave.

What a relief.

So yeah if I had to choose only one place to post,I'd choose this thread/board.

But if I don't post as much from here on out,again it's not ya'll.

It's just me.


I'm looking forward to the fic update Ms.Q

ETA Keith you are the BEST.

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;) I try! I can definitely feel your way of thinking right now. I don't even watch, save for occasional brain farts when I somehow forget GH sucks. And often times, Jane's not even on. I just love our girl too much not to celebrate her talent, even it's for her past stuff.

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THANK YOU MsQ. for that link, its nice to read that other people out there appreciate JE as much as we do. I was really feeling blue after reading all the "possible" spoilers of GF coming back to the show. **sighs** I really hope that she does NOT come back, there is just no room for her on the canvas. The writers can't even write for the 'legacy' actors they have now! :angry: Unless her coming back to the show has something to do with Sonny or Jason, they are not going to write for her!!!

So I have to ask does ANYBODY out there have the clips from the July 4, 2005 episode of Tracy/Luke/Durant/Bobbie?? **on knees begging** After reading the transcripts I can't believe I was going through my "i'm not watching GH phase"

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ILoveTracyQ, here is my letter. I'tm sorta embarrassed writing a fan letter at my age, but here it is. (I just put it in the mail box.)

Dear Ms. Elliot:

I have to admit, I feel strange writing fan mail at my age, but I wanted write and let you know how glad I am that you are still on General Hospital. I had pretty much banned myself from soap operas for the last twenty years—they were too much about youth and foolishness, and I had better things to do with my time.

Then my girlfriend insisted I watch an episode of GH with her—it was the one where Dillon finds out Tracy was alive after faking her death (some time in January this year, I think). I'll admit it—I was hooked instantaneously. And while I learned to like the other characters, it's Tracy that keeps me watching the show. As a writer, I'm just bowled over by the character's complexities, and as a fan, I'm always stunned by how much you as an actress can wring out of even the simplest scripts.

But this is not a mere fan letter, Jane. The fact is, I've read that your contract is up in November of this year. As a fan and as a woman over 40, I'm urging you to please, if it's at all possible, stay with the show. I don't know if your lack of screen time is due to your choice or the Powers That Be, but I believe some Tracy is better than no Tracy at all.

It's important to me, and has always been important to me, to see women "of a certain age" on television. The show is growing more and more youth-obsessed (maybe it has always been this way?), and the older actors who have the most talent and experience are being wasted. Jackie Zeman, Stuart Damon, Leslie Charleson—their characters have been reduced to ghosts of their former selves.

I love the interaction between Tracy and Luke (although I hate how she is never seen outside his sphere anymore), and I'm grateful that it gives Tracy a viable storyline. I ask you, keep it going. Do what you can. You have fans out here, loyal fans old and new, who want to see Tracy continue.

I know in the end it may be largely out of your hands. I'm sending a copy of this letter to Mr. Guza, Mr. Frons, and Ms. Phelps, just to let you know how serious I am about wanting you to stay in the role of Tracy Quartermaine after November. I am a fan who would never have watched the show, were it not for you, and I would probably not continue to watch the show were you to leave. You're just that good.

So please, keep going, keep doing what you do so gloriously on screen! You have a loyal following out here in the wilderness, and we are tuning in to see Tracy shine.

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Hey, I just wanted to let you guys know the next Prompt story is up at the ficathon. I've been really sick for the last three days--mostly sleeping--and haven't had much energy to write. The good news is, when you're sick, there's not much energy for anything else but plotting out stories and dialogue in your head. So when I was able to write, it came out quickly and fairly efficiently. This latest prompt is about 4x as long as the last one.

Prompt #9: The Art of Negotiation: past!fic. What 17 year old Tracy Quartermaine wants more than anything is a summer internship at ELQ. What Edward makes her go through to get it is positively criminal.

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