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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Too bad Luke can't actually sell it :lol:

Of course Sonny is never on the up and up, so whether or not Luke can actually sell the boat may be a moot point.

And I officially apologize for just giving Sonny anymore thought than he deserves. Blasphemy!

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Ya'll I might need to take a break from the boards for a while.

Maybe just a wee little while,I may still lurk and stuff and who knows? My break may be just a few days or weeks but Jane's not on,the show doesn't interest me otherwise,and truthfully I don't have much to say.


I may still pop in and read fics and stuff,but as far as posting I don't know.

Soap Message Boards(with the possible exception of this thread) are just not nice places,LOL...and they tend to bring out the worst in me.

Before I started posting on them,I think I was a fairly nice person.

Now...LOL,not so much.

But anyway,I'll miss you guys.

I do need a break,though.


I'll be back. Just not right now.

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Ya'll are SOOO messing with me, right? No TQ today? What are they, on crack? Well, at least she's back in charge of ELQ. *yeah, when did THAT happen? While Edward was having his lobotomy?*

Okay, here's my take.....

JE is busy with some Sooper Sekrit Project that requires her UTMOST attention. They have given her this time off in the knowlege that, when she comes back, she will be SBIC (Chief Beyotch in Charge) with a major storyline and lots and lots of great clothes. (For a person who's bought one shirt and one pair of shoes in the last 18 months, I'm unnaturally obsessed with her wardrobe, aren't I?)

And ILoveTracyQ, I understand your need to take a break from the boards. I got so fed up with Fiction Alley Park (the Harry Potter boards) that I took a break, too--two and a half years ago. Problem is, I never went back. I hope that doesn't happen to you, because you are really cool. (If this is the worst in you, can we please see the best? Because that would be amazing!) So, take the time you need, but please don't stay away too long. TQ needs all the fans she can get.....

Should have another prompt done tonight. I'm trying to do as many as I can while I'm on this high, because when writers' block hits (as it inevitably does), I'd rather be ahead of the game than behind. And Keith, how do I do it? Short attention span, lots of caffeine, typing 75 wpm, and lots and lot of Tracy Lurve. Also, I am a wee bit obsessive-compulsive....not that you'd noticed....

ETA: *waves to Ms. Q* IM?

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*cries* No, ILoveTracyQ, no. A few weeks?!? *cries again*

I understand though. :) These boards get to be vicious places, LOL, and it's kind of their fault all the soaps are in the toilet.

*begins speech* I hardly watch GH anymore. I used to watch to watch for well...entertainment purposes, and even during the Internet Age (can I call it that?), I watched for entertainment purposes. Heh. Am I being repetitive? LOL. And then I discovered the boards, and I started analyzing EVERYTHING! From SLs to actor's performances. Plus, all those spoilers; most of which don't even play out. I argue about fictional characters with my own family members (in the event that we do discuss GH) (i.e. My mother is convinced Sonny is a good person and that AJ is the root of all evil...Oh, and the Q's are boring, Jason and Sam are fun and exciting, and Carly is the greatest mom eva! My sister is the same. :o) Boards, I get it. We're supposed to debate and such, but should I be going this far with my own mother? *ends speech* Anyway...I hope you do return soon. We'll miss you. *hugs*

MinervaFan, I just got on! Looking forward to the next story.

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Hey, guys. MsQ and I were talking, and we sort of thought the time might be ripe for a mini letter writing campaign to "encourage" Jane and TPTB to keep Tracy as a viable part of the show after November. It's early enough that it might influence decisions if a few more letters came in...asking politely that Jane renew her contract and Tracy's storyline is continued (and enhanced).

A few pointers on successful letters to television shows (from Bjo Trimble, who staged the two successful letter-writing campaigns to save the original Star Trek series back in the 60s):

  • Be polite.
  • Keep it simple--no more than one page for the letter.
  • A letter is better than an email. If you take the time to go out and buy a stamp, they know you're serious.
  • Don't threaten or complain. Keep it positive.
  • Include a SASE (Self-Adressed Stamped Envelope) if you want a response.
  • COPY THE POWER PLAYERS. The actors don't make the decisions. Copy the executive producer, the head of the studio, the writers, etc. These are the people who pay attention to these things.
I'm hoping if we can get a good stream of letters in, just to remind them that TRACY and Jane are popular with the fans, maybe that might tip their hands.

Brian Frons, President of ABC Daytime; Jill F. Phelps, Executive Producer; Robert Guza Jr., Head Writer; and Jane Elliot can all be reached courtesy of:

General Hospital

c/o ABC-TV

4151 Prospect Avenue

Hollywood, CA 90027


Prompt #7: What the Camera Sees. Tracy Williams prepares for a charity function...without her husband. ANGST-O-RAMA, Mama! Set before the 1981 banishment.

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Reading your sig line--Marcy Walker is being ignored now???? Marcy Walker, the blonde from All My Children and Santa Barbara?????? Dude, she was like the Queen !@#$%^&*] of All Things when I was in school.

*kicks the Entire World of Soap Operas*

Ageist bastards.

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MinervaFan I just have to say that ALL of your fanfic's are great, I swear you are the queen of all things Tracy you get her better than anybody. :D:D:D

With the few minutes Tracy is on a week, your stories are like my GH. I'd much rather read your stories than actually watch the show!! hehe

ETA: Page 87!!!!!!!

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You slay me with the compliments. :rolleyes: Hey, I've been living and breathing Tracy Quartermaine for days now, working on this challenge. It's kind of funny--when I go to watch the show and she's not on, it's like...wow, she should be there, huh? Prominently. Isn't she the star of the entire show? And then it hits me, uh, no--just in your little fannish world, Deb....

And I'm STILL dumbfounded over how they just *threw that in* about Tracy being CEO of ELQ yesterday. Dudes, did I sleepwalk through an entire storyline? When the *HECK* did this happen? And how is she so calm and complacent about it? Do TIIC even watch this show? I've only watched since January, and I know the damned character better than they do! Or at least, I *care about the character* more than they do....

I love me some Skye, but dayum, why did those scenes with Edward have to be with her? Where was Alan? Where was Tracy? Does this man even care about his own flesh and blood, or is he more in love with the fake Quartermaines than the real deals?

Ooh, there was much Edward Hating going on in our house--Fey was so mad at him for what he said about Jason--I was just mad at him. (So preferring the John Ingle Edward to the Jed Allen Edward. It's so much easier to hate this guy.....)

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Oh.My.God. You all are on page 87 already!?!?

I've missed you all!! So I'm guessing no TQ right :rolleyes:<_< ::sighs:: What idiots these people are.

MinervaFan I'm utterly speechless. Your stories are just unbelievably awesome!

In other news.... my story is being a !@#$%^&*] (does that make any sense? lol)! My head is so scrambled and screwed up I'm blanking out on my stories! :(<_<

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angel has posted! angel has posted! *dances around in circles* Makes perfect sense. You know what else is being a b-tch? Fanfiction.net. <_<

Re: The CEO position: So...Who had it before? I thought Lorenzo, but didn't he give everything to Carly? There's a frightening thought. I still can't believe the Quartermaines let Lorenzo take over in the first place. I place the blame on Edward, Monica, and Skye. And Emily since she let Monica vote for her. *shakes head* Yay for TQ as CEO though! Does this mean she is no longer being reduced to Haunted Star Hostess (cute as those scenes might have been)? She is much better suited for ELQ.

I'm not mad at Eddie Q. Not at all. It should've been Jason. I am so evil sometimes, LOL.

Per SZ: Sonny wants the Haunted Star for Emily. Where's Tracy so she can laugh in his face?

Edit #1: Per SZ: GH just compared Sonny/Emily to Luke/Laura. :o






From SoapDish: Tracy prepares for battle.

Heh. I love the wording of that. If true, I'm guessing it's Luke/Holly related. Go get your man, Spunky.

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I went through all the transcripts from May 2005 forward when I first started this obsessive journey. I am telling you, they installed Lorenzo as CEO, but they did *not* remove him. This is one of those STUPID inconsistancies that drive my anal-retentive mind insane. (I'm a Gemini, but my moon is in Capricorn, which makes me hyper-analytical.)

And comparing SOILY to L/L?? May I SPEW now and forever hold my peace?

Oh, please let Tracy go on the warpath about something OTHER than Luke's inability to keep his fly zipped. Let it be about ELQ, or Dillon's indiscretions, or geeze, maybe even something with Ned. Or how about this--let her go on the warpath to DEFEND the Q's against an outside threat, as nobody else seems to care about anything besides Luke, Jason and Sonny's personal lives.

I haven't seen the episode today, but after seeing that 96 clip where she practically begged Sonny for money, and he turned her out cold--I want her to FLAME his ass. I want it to hurt, I want her to pull out all the stops, use every lowdown, !@#$%^&*]y, evil, horrible thing he's ever said or done against him, I want her to make him GROVEL for it, BEG, I tell ya, and THEN I want her to laugh in his face.

Not that I'm vindictive about this or anything.

Took all day, but I finally got my idea for Prompt #8: Cheat. I simply refuse to write another freakin' story about infidelity this week. I'm so OVER that. :)

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