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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Oh, dear GAWD, please don't let Lulu get pregnant with Dillon's baby. They will NEVER let Tracy and Luke get together if that happens. It'll be just too wierd......

As for Edward going off on Tracy because she's there--whoa, gimme my tarot cards, cuz I need them to predict *that* one.

And as for Miss Bobbie! WHat is she thinking???? I could have slapped her today when she railroaded Luke like that. Of course, if it leads to Luke trying to prove he's not "Grandpa" material by getting cozy with Tracy, I'll take that. I can even see them getting hot and heavy, only to be interrupted by Edward with the news that Justus has been killed.

Yeah, because it's ALL ABOUT SONNY! LOL. Just being a beyotch.

Anyway, I thought Lulu looked gorgeous today, and so did Bobbie. I would have loved to see Tracy's commentary on Luke's newfound Grandpa by proxie status. She dealt with her own bugaboo with Brooke--I can see her enjoying Luke's freak-out immensely....


Oh, and Keith? LMFAO about Tracy not being on the show because she's too busy getting laid...I mean, starring in fanfics. Is this your subtle way of telling me to stop writing, so we can see HerSelf on the show??? Cuz if it works, I'll stay away from the keyboard.....

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LOL ILoveTracyQ. The mods keep things civil for the most part, and there are a lot of posters that I LOVE, so I'll still continue to go there. Plus, the opinions are so diverse, and that's good I guess...even if I don't agree...cough, Jane Elliot can't do drama, cough

Re: JE's screentime...Sporadic indeed. *sigh*







Yeah, pregnancy doesn't work with being "slammed" into motherhood. I thought about that too, but then SZ and SD convinced me otherwise, LOL. Luke is supposed to find out in the fall though, and unless Lulu tells him, "Hey, Dad! I slept with your step-son," I'm still thinking GH might make her pregnant.

As for Helena...Well, Luke is supposed to warn Lulu about her, and why bother with such a scene if GH isn't going to go anywhere with it, right? So I guess her being kidnapped is likely. Heh. Courtney redux. Kidnap the pregnant girl.

MinervaFan, it's all the more reason for Luke/Tracy to get together. TPTB like twisted stuff, LOL. Oh, and I believe the original spumor was "After Edward lets Tracy have it, she breaks down and admits her faults to Luke," so it's a bit different than Edward just going off on her.

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Ok first time poster here! I mostly just lurk in the shadows and read everyone elses comments but after some subtle nudging :lol: from Ms. Q I figured why not take a chance and introduce myself the worst that could happen is I end up looking like a dork but I’m used to that by now. Anyways my name is Becky I’m 22 and from Chicago, IL

I just started watching GH again during the whole epidemic storyline. My favorite characters are Tracy and Alexis and sometimes Skye.

My favorite actresses are Katherine Hepburn, Jane Elliot, Nancy Lee Grahn and Lisa Edelstein. My favorite things in life are any sort of Tracy/Jane Elliot video clips I can get, and fan fiction. I’m not a writer or anything like a lot of you guys but I can not tell you how happy it makes me to read any sort of Tracy fan fiction cause, Sadly there’s just not enough out there if you ask me most people are obsessed with Carly, Emily or Sam (No offence meant to any fans of those characters I just can’t stand them) Ok now that I’ve rambled on and probably bored you all to tears I’ll go back to lurking in the shadows.

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*waves to Bella, Keith, kenna, and nex* Who brought the popcorn? Party tonight! :lol:

*inhales* I'm so glad you decided to post, Bella! (can I shorten BellaSorcerer to that?) I hope I didn't pressure you too much into joining the JE/Tracy luuuurve. It's great to have you here! And we'll get along just fine. Alexis and Skye are my 2 other favorite females as well (even though I'm not too interested in their SLs at the moment) *runs away from ILoveTracyQ* She's not a big fan of those characters. That's all right though. I still love her! Oh, and I'm not a fan of Carly, Sam, or Emily either. And yes, Tracy fanfic is hard to come by, but MinervaFan writes the best stuff ever, doesn't she? Anyway, feel free to continue posting here! :D *exhales*

Edit: Page 86! Bring on the breadmaker! LOL.

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Hey, Bella! Glad you posted! Lurking is fine, but posting is more fun, imho. (Oh, and I am a madpassionatetodiefor fangirl of Katharine Hepburn--I saw Stage Door when I was 17 on PBS and was still crying 45 minutes after the credits finished rolling.)

Oh, and SPEAKING of drama, MsQ who are these low-life cretins you are hanging with, who think JE can't do drama????? Hello??? Did they see the scenes in the chapel during the Monkey Fever storyline? Did they see her at Edward's bedside after the PC Hotel fire? And believe me, if they'd seen the expression on her face during her wedding to Paul Hornsby (it's on the Lucy Coe/Scott Baldwin edit tape--I can't pull out clips, or I swear I'd have already posted every 1991 Tracy clip here.....) If they'd seen the expression on her face during that scene--the hope, the fear, the dread, the anger, the sadness--they could never say that JE doesn't do drama.


ETA: Squeeing over your new banner, MsQ, btw! Counting from the left, #1, #3, and #5 are my favorite expressions. In fact, the expression in #1 is absolutely wonderful--would you mind posting that cap? I'd love an icon of it. (I know it's from the vow renewal episode, because she's wearing Bjork's swan dress, but I can't place the exact scene, or I'd cap it myself...)

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*waves to everyone*

Welcome Bella.

EH,not much to say since she hasn't been on.

I think I might try being spoiler free for a while....all the spoilers do is get my hopes up or make me mad or nervous...LOL. So I might try it for a while.

Hopefully TQ will be on today.

ETA Ms.Q what thread on SOC was it? I went into the best actress this year(JE was next to last. :(

and I couldn't find what you were talking about,was that the right thread?

Oh,this just isn't a good time right now for Tracy fans.

I wish I knew already if she's going to re-sign.

November is not that far away at all.

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MinervaFan, here is the screencap. As for the "JE can't do drama" thing, it's just one person. ILoveTracyQ had an encounter with him/her in another thread as well. In fact, this person even got us mixed up, LOL, although considering the topic, I could understand.

By the way, ILoveTracyQ, it's the Spoiler/Emma Samms Thread. About the "Best Actress in 2006..." I love RC and JE both and figure their numbers aren't high just because GH doesn't give them decent material on a consistent basis. <_<

According to SoapZone, Edward and Skye are on. Come on Tracy. Time to show up. She's been mentioned though...something pertaining to ELQ. SZ needs to get some recaps up or something because the LP isn't being specific enough, LOL.

Edit #1: Per SZ...Jason tells Edward about Justus's death. Edward: "I wish it had been you instead of Justus." Is it wrong that I also wish that? LOL.

Edit #2: Skye reaches out to Edward. Um, yeah...Not that I expect Tracy to be all "Ohh, Daddy, this is a terrible loss..." but uh, can someone please tell her that Justus is dead, or is she going to find out offscreen? *glares at TPTB*

Edit #3: Edward is giving some speech...Skye/Jason are the other Q's in the room. So, where are the rest of them? *sigh* I give up. I do. I think I spend too much time obsessing over one character's (Tracy's, of course!) screentime. Someone tell me I'm not insane.






WTH?!? Luke questions Sonny's happiness this week as he recalls his own life changes. First of all, WHERE is this coming from? And second of all, WHY doesn't Luke's wife get to interact with other people?

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*sigh* Yeah, it doesn't surprise me. I'm just jealous, LOL.

Hey, guess what TQ fans? Our girl is CEO of ELQ again! Must've happened offscreen, but at least it happened, right? Am I being positive enough?

Previews for tomorrow: Sonny and Luke are at the Haunted Star. Sonny has a business proposal for Luke: He wants the casino. Heh. Too bad Tracy can't show up and claim that boat as hers.

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