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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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nex4eva, I'm downloading your vid as I type, and I will post later today with feedback. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you've done. Hey, eventually, I think I'll have an entire CD full of nothing but Tracy vids! LOL.

Last night, Ms.Q graciously uploaded the 1993 Tracy Gets Banished from the Castle clip for me. Unfortunately, the clip had no audio, but it did force me to really pay attention to try to read lips. I caught several I'm so sorry's with Ned, You know how much I love you with Lila (and Lila's "I do, I do. I love you, dear." in response.) To Paul, she said, "You did this to me."

The most crushing was outside the front door, when she's trying to compose herself. She doesn't know Edward is watching her from the window...and she smiles and says "I love you, Daddy." Of course, Edward says somethign back from the window, but I couldn't make it out. MsQ, how good are you at reading lips? I'd love a transcript of what is said on this clip.....

I took the liberty of making some screen caps. The lot of them are here, but here are a few teasers.


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Hello everybody!! :D:D

nex4eva, i'm downloading the vid right now, will have comments soon.

TQ Hair- I like it kinda flipped out at the ends like that (i would never do that personally, i don't think i even could my hair is so long)! Girlie looked good the other day (as always)!!

Quartermainia, rotflmao!! Too good. Now that would be the show to watch!!

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Keith, here it is. Credit to LisaChristineJ.

From WallyKurth.net (before the site removed the videos): Tracy tells Ned she loves him. Clip is in Real Player Format.

Re: Transcripts. There used to be a site called The Gate that had the Tracy/Edward transcript as well as the Tracy/Ned one. I have them saved on my old, old computer (which is sort of dead :o), but I do have the transcripts saved to Floppy's. Will try and locate them later. There's also a Monica/Tracy scene (not included in the above clip), and I might have that transcript somewhere (don't have the actual clip since it wouldn't save).

MinervaFan, that's not Paul. That's AJ. ;) Re: Transcripts. This came from JapanSakka's Starting Over "But I wasn't mad for long, I was too jealous to be mad. He did what I never could -- he staged a coup against the family. He got everyone’s attention." Tracy surprised herself when she began to choke on her words. "When I was banished from the family, I told him, 'Look! I know what you're capable of, and you have to think like a Quartermaine.' He did, and though I didn't always like it, he made me proud. He didn't know it, but he made us all proud."

Oh, the title "Quartermania" is not mine. It came from a poster named General Mobspital. I should've mentioned that before.


Transcript: Edward banishes Tracy.

Transcript: Monica comforts Tracy.

Transcript: Tracy tells Ned she loves him.

BTW, from the window, I think Edward says, "Good-bye, my dear."

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*sniff* reading the transcripts..... Great shot of angst for a Saturday afternoon.

Why don't they write sh&t like that anymore? Oh, and Tracy with the wireless communications? You know, ELQ would own Sony right now if they'd listened to Tracy once in a while.....

ETA: Nex4Eva! Loved the vid. Will PM you with detailed points, but overall--wow! oh, and I just loved the kiss at the end. Would you be willing to upload the original clips that came from? I've never seen them before. :)

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MinervaFan, Shaurice Creations has the clips under October 13, 2005. Registering is required. For some reason, I don't believe Shaurice's old site had these ones up...or else I would've had them saved, LOL.

Edit #1: *waves to BellaSorcerer who is lurking*

Edit #2: Eeeeeeeeeeeee! Shaurice has October 19 clips up as well. (Note: Clip 11 is labeled Luke/Skye, but that's a mistake. Instead, it's the Luke/Tracy "ice queen of my dreams" scene.)

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*pouts* This thread never gets a lot of action on the weekends. :(

smirks, angel, 4XCrazy, tracyluver, coolkid...We miss ya around here. Hope real life isn't too hectic.

Been meaning to post this: LSpencer's Let It Be. Awesome fanfic. ILoveTracyQ, you'll love it. Speaking of fanfic...angel, can we expect any Beautiful Disaster updates soon? Or has it been put on hold?

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Mucho gracias for that clip! I couldn't help laughing my ass off.

And Ms. Q! Thanks for those transcripts. Oh if only ABC Daytime could get a make over like Y&R and now Days have seemed to. Starting of course with GH.

And MinervaFan, I couldn't agree more about the whole wireless thing. They need to make ELQ viable again, damn it.

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Real life is always hectic for me! ::sighs:: I'm *really* sore. I can barely move my left shoulder and/or my left hand. That's so the last time I hop that fence/gate anytime soon!

As for 'Beautiful Disaster' I was having some issues with it but I've almost got the next chapter done.

nex4evr, I *loved* that video so much more than I can possibly put into words!

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Yay! angel has posted! Looking forward to the update. Sorry that you're sore. The other night I slept a good few hours with my neck turned to the left, and when I woke up, I couldn't get it to turn to the right. :o I don't even know if that makes sense, LOL. After a couple minutes, it was fine though. :)

Um...Topic? I love Tracy! PleaseLetHerBeOnForMoreThan2DaysThisWeek. PleaseLetHerBeOnForMoreThan2DaysThisWeek.

Oh, and I loved JE's hair in the beginning/ending clips of kenna's video. Wonder how long it takes to give it all that bounce and stuff? LOL. Also...SOC has GH Survivor going on. 12 people have been voted off. 20 people remain. Tracy's one of the 20. Yay! LOL. Oh, I so need sleep. Good night, everybody.

Edit: Special Announcement...

:D Happy Birthday to ILoveTracyQ! :D

It's about 15 minutes after midnight here, so you're special day is just beginning! I hope you find time to relax!

*sends cyber-balloons and cyber-chocolate* (will try and send Tracy Q. fanfic later) This thread wouldn't be the same without you.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Happy Birthday ILoveTracyQ, I hope your special day is everything you want it to be and more!!

MsQ ouch, that's not fun! I should be going to bed too its like 1:30am but I can't. 1- I'm not tired. 2- I usually sleep on my left side but it hurts too much. Grrrrrr. Fine I'll just have to watch 'All In the Family' on tvland!

MinervaFan hmmm... Tracy Q vs Alexis Carrington!?!?!? Both are pretty tough but personally I think Tracy would end up winning!! :D

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