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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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MsQ, love the pic! I don't think watching her wardrobe is all that shallow, honestly. I mean, what they dress her in oftten reflects what they think of her--when a character is considered a viable commodity, they get the better hair and wardrobe--more production time and money is spent on making them look good. When a character is downgraded, they get what's left over. The worse they dress you, the less you count. It actually made me feel better to know that her wardrobe fluctuated so wildly, even back then. It shows that the wardrobe folks are inconsistant, and this isn't really just a slight on the character/actress.

Kenna, downloading your vid this morning, and will watch it tonight when I get back from work.

In the WIERDER THAN WIERD (BUT WONDERFUL) category--my B Disk of Clips? Just loaded today...it had been showing blank every time I opened it, so I decided to just start over, saving stuff on it. And when I popped it in, there were all my vids. Of course, it's now write-protected, so I have to start Disk C, but I'm not complaining. I have my clips back! To whoever prayed to St. Jude? (I was focusing on St. Anthony...) Thanks.

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I'm having trouble downloading your vid MinervaFan. I get one of those "cannot find file specified" messages after downloading when I click on it.

TQ SHOULD be on today. :D


Emma Samms may also be coming back for a while.


If she does,we can kiss any good airtime for the Q's,or Tracy,probably goodbye.

Luke will be gone(assuming ES does come back and it's soon) and Robert will have his hands full with Anna/Holly/Robin.

Yeah I'm a pessimist.

I hate it but I am.

But am I the only one that's kind of tired of seeing airtime sucked up by characters that haven't been around for years?

It's really not fair to the rest of the vets.



rumor over

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kenna, I loved the vid! And I totally *LUST* after your clips--can we talk? I so would love the older ones--with the short wedge (looks like it's from The City) and with Lila--as well as a couple others I don't have. Share, please?????


As for ES coming back--my girlfriend will be thrilled. Ironically, she's able to love TQ and Holly equally. I like Holly too, as long as she's not the means by which to humiliate Tracy.

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Thannks eveyone for all the feedback on my vid! MinervaFan, I'll be happy to share some of the clips with you, just tell me all the one that you want and i'll upload them.

I really dont want Holly to come back, I didnt care for her that much. It seems to me that the writers are writing so many different little storylines for about two or three people and then they have a hard time trying to even out all the airtime(except for soily and JaSam,of course, they get most of the airtime, and everyone else is on backburner). But I'm not gonna go there because I'll get mad.

*prays for TQ to be on today*

Edit:MinervaFan, I think the one you are talking about that looks like its from The City, is a clip of Tracy and Sonny, that I found somewhere, I think it was after she came back to PC in '96.

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Watching LIVE update: Robert just called Tracy his "little love machine." Is it wrong that I want to see more of them together? :D

Edit: Eeeeeeee! They're on! Robert tells Tracy she'd make a great spy. He flirts with her, but Tracy's tired of it. Luke stole $$$ from the Haunted Star, which means he stole from her, and if Robert can't get it back, she'll put him on the street. A few scenes later...At the HS, Luke is telling Lucky about the fake robbery. Robert eavesdrops. Oh where oh where is our girl?

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Oh. Dear. Gawd.

His little...love machine???

It's official. Guza is on crack. That kind of comment from Luke is appropriate. From Robert? Just silly. I mean, dude, she knows "Daddy" is paying you to bust her and Luke up. Do you honestly think she's stupid enough to fall for your flirtations? Do the writers think she's stupid enough? And do they think the viewers, who've obviously known Tracy longer than THEY have, are stupid enough to fall for this? OY.

It's good to have TQ time, but I hate having my intelligence insulted. Or maybe I'm just cranky....I think I need a nap.

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Well, the scene was played for laughs. I'm just glad that she's on. And yay! Here is she again. Luke/Robert discuss what else? The "fake turned real" robbery. Luke thinks Robert is blackmailing him. Tracy walks in, "I knew it." *

BTW, I forgot the most important part of today's show: NEW OUTFIT! NEW OUTFIT! New hair too. Same length. Same color. Different style.

Another comment: Emily fakes this Quartermaine crisis to get away from Sonny. She's like, "Oh, I'm sorry. Tracy screwed things up at ELQ, and I need to go home immediately." Okay, first of all, Tracy hasn't been CEO of ELQ since last summer (all right...I guess she can still mess things up, but still...). Second of all, I know it's a pretend crisis, but seriously, how would Emily solve this?

*I don't think that wining/dining spoiler is happening today.

Edit: Aww, poor Jane Elliot. No, she's not being humilated, but her dialogue included "Robert," "rented, "real robbers," "robbery," "robbed," and "right," and it came off as a tongue twister. How did she do that? LOL.

Edit #2: No TQ in the previews. Re: The Dinner...Those were originally Time and Date's spoilers from SoapDish, and Time and Date is not so accurate. I was kind of looking forward to Robert/Luke fighting over Tracy, even if it would end up being more about her money than her. About.com said she was going to be in "hog heaven." Aww man, I wanted to see her happy. Guess we'll wait and see...as with everything, LOL.

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I waffle between thinking this is the awfulest (is that a word?) storytelling ever for my girl,to dying to see her and not caring if the story sucks.

Because otherwise I'm wasting my time,since Tracy is the ONLY female character save for Liz and maybe Monica that I give a crack about.

The rest..eh,the rest can go drown in their gene pools.

Sounds like a cool few flirty moments,though. I do like twinkly Robert.

I must watch !

What about their dinner,though?

Is that tomorrow?

ETA Robert's right...Tracy WOULD make an excellent spy.

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Shoot me DED, I loved TQ today. If she'd fallen even one bit for Robert's BS, I would have been livid. Instead, she pulled a fast one on us and actually *acted like Tracy Quartermaine!* Wow, that's something we haven't seen in a while.

OH, and Ms.Q, I rewound the tongue twister more than once--LMFAO. She pulled if off so smoothly--god bless her, our alliterative goddess, that pretty pink paragon of perfectly produced paragraphs!

ETA: Oh, I forgot to ask--more stormy weather in Kentucky, and the teaser was cut off. Was it worth asking for it in clip form?

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Catching up...

MinervaFan, yay! You still have your clips! Speaking of, kenna, I PM'ed you about clips at GHVT. :)

ILoveTracyQ, I used to watch for Skye/Alexis too, but Skye's been MIA, and when she is on, she bores me, and Alexis is trapped in Sam hell. As for Liz? Her recent support of all things Jason has been irritating, and I cringe whenever she's onscreen. And well, I won't bother with Monica if she's propping her children. So yeah...That leaves Tracy for me as well. Gosh, I love her. LOL.

Also...Chapter 33 and Chapter 34 of "Oh, Baby" are up if you haven't read them yet and are still interested. Yeah, yeah. I gotta stop promoting myself. Many thanks to MinervaFan for the feedback. :)

Edit #1

From today's show:

Tracy: "Well, you do have a certain Aboriginal magnetism to you."

Robert: "Rowrrrgh."

Monica: "Oh, please."

Alan: "This is like watching a bad traffic accident."

Hee. I love the Q's.

And the teaser. That's the clip before the opening credits, right? Credit to Geena of Hella Good.

Edit #2: *waves to BellaSorcerer and angel who are lurking*






Noooooooo. Keep Holly away. And it does bother me that FH, ES, and TR are treated better than LC, SD, JZ and such since the latter been loyal to GH for so long. Since JE has come and gone, it's a bit different IMO, but she still shouldn't be pushed aside for a ratings gimmick.

From Daytime Dial (don't have a link to the original site, re-posted at SoapNet): IF these spoilers are accurate, the lives of Lulu, Dillon, Diego, and Tracy (gotta love her being with the teenagers :rolleyes:) are affected by a Cassadine threat. Still...Almost sounds good. Note: There are also Monica/Bobbie spoilers, leading me to believe these aren't true, LOL.

From SoapDish: Luke takes off with some of Tracy's cash when it looks like he's going to get busted for the fake robbery. Robert will be initially wining and dining with Tracy until he's evicted from the Q's (no need for him with Luke gone). Then, per Tracy's request, he looks over the Haunted Star. Anna returns, and Robert suspects she's up to something.

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LOL! I'm such a leg fanatic--I made Fey rewind the tape and check out Tracy's legs! After all those damned pantsuits, I was giddy.


TMI, huh?

Oh, and in second viewing, I am totally digging the new hair--didn't like it at first, but especially in the teaser, it looks really great.

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Aaaannnn we're BACK !!


Scared me there for a minute,I couldn't get in and starting sweating and having a panic attack.

But I'm all right now..... :blink:

Yesss,our girl looked GOR-geous yesterday.

Gams,outfit,hair and ALL !

Now see....why can't they dress her like that all the time?


And I liked the "Racy" vibe,but like MinervaFan not too sure about romance/sexual chemistry.

I get the feeling both JE/TR are holding back on that,I believe they could turn it on if they wanted to,but maybe it's just to accentuate that Tracy does love Luke?


Ms.Q adore the updates.

Who are the two people?

Salivates at the thought of Coleman/Helena...not only being the two people,but also on the docks together.


Cause I love angsty stuff,and wouldn't that be a blast if Coleman was working with Helena,Tracy overheard,and Helena blackmailed her with the baby's paternity(who cares HOW she finds out?LOL) to keep Tracy quiet.

*small voice* not that I'm telling you what to do.......LOL

Cause I'm not,just thinking out loud.

Puleeze let TQ be on today.



We all knows spoilers ain't reliable until they actually happen.

I like both of them,though.

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