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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Are they on today? Personally, I think JE could make chemistry with a costar in a Bunsen burner, she's just that good. But yeah--Tristan Rogers is just too fun for words. I still hate the idea of her straying, because, well, it's not TQ. But I wouldn't mind seeing her drive Luke insane with jealousy--it only seems fair. I hope they let her stay "on top" of the game for a while. When Tracy's on top, things are light and airy and fun. When Luke's on top, it's always so unpretty. Yeah, she'll turn the screws on him financially, but it's not really as nasty to me as his just leaving her in the lurch to chase another unworthy skirt. There's a viciousness to hers; there's a cruelty to his. It's a subtle difference, but it changes everything.

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MinervaFan, we get Coleman/Tracy, Robert/Tracy, AND Luke/Tracy! Not as much as I would've liked, but a little is better than none at all. Although...I am jealous that TG/Luke appeared in each of the 7 segments WITH a decent amount of dialogue, while JE/Tracy appeared in 4 with a limited amount. Must. Be. Positive. She's in the PREVIEWS (with every single other Haunted Star guest...err, that's not positive). But seriously, yay for Tracy! :D

Hair/Make-Up/Wardrobe: I loved JE's hair and make-up during the Haunted Star scenes at the end. She looked really nice. The sparkly-black jacket (which she's worn before...Nik and Em's wedding...Yes, it's sad that I know that, LOL) would've worked better if Wardrobe didn't put it over a brown top with brown pants. JMO of course.

And you're welcome, Keith.

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Today sounds cool.

Three men and our girl?(Sounds like the title of a fan fic)


Wahoo !!

sorta spoiler talk

about TG and his contract status....I'm confused.

Supposedly Jackie Z on Cindi Rineheart's show said that TG was already on vacation and would be gone until August,then gone again.

Didn't Greg Vaughn say the same thing last May,that TG was already gone,but we kept seeing him until July?

I wonder if he has an unpublished vacation he takes,where he pretapes?

Because that would explain both GV and JZ saying the same thing at the end of the same month,different years.


But if he did pretape this year and we'll see him until around the third week in July,that would mean he pretapes a month in advance of everyone else since the general delay is about three weeks between taping and airing.

I doubt he pretapes a whole month in advance.

But how could both of them be wrong about TG being gone?

Hmmm again.

Either way,guess we'll just have to wait and see.

I also don't remember TG taking TWO summer breaks,from the way the poster said it,JZ implied he'd be back in August(odd) and gone again until October.

Maybe he'll be on break but be on screen until August,then be on break and offscreen after that?

Makes more sense.

I just hope with Robert around that we get to see Tracy.

With Anna coming back around the end of June and then leaving end of August(for now), that means Tracy and Robert will be each other's main company for a month and a half.

As long as we get to see our girl,I'm not complaining.

Please let her be on for more than ONE day during this.



This whole thing also makes me think again that Luke will be presumed dead or kidnapped this time around.

I keep thinking it,I don't know why......

spoiler talk over

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I'm glad I stopped my here, now I know to actually watch!

I'm glad I'm also not the only one who thinks of Lunacy/Tracy when they hear songs! I've been on this No Doubt kick (don't ask I don't know why) and I heard this song and kinda thought of Tracy...

Title: Magic's In The Makeup

Artist/Band: No Doubt

Can you tell I'm faking it? But I want to be myself

A counterfeit disposition

Can't be good for my health

So many different faces

Depending on the different phases

My personality changes

I'm a chameleon

There's more than one dimension

I can fool you and attract attention

Camouflage my nature

Let me demonstrate...

Makeup's all off

Who am I?

Magic's in the make up

Who am I?

If you bore me then I'm comfortable

If you interest me I'm scared

My attraction paralyzes me

No courage to show my true colors that exist

But I want to be the real thing

But if you catch my eye can't be authentic

The one's I loath are the one's that know me the best

My makeup's all off

Who am I?

The magic's in the make up

Who am I?

The makeup's all off

Who am I?

If the magic's in the make up

Then who am I?

Magic's in the makeup

But I want to be real the thing

But the magic's in the makeup

And I want to be the real thing

My makeup's all off

Who am I?

and this one...

Title: Artificial Sweetener

Artist/Band: No Doubt

Oh yes I'm guilty

For leasing myself out

Not ready to go up for sale

Can't seem to give it up

Stubborn, so selfish

I'm showing off the worst in me

The return of Saturn

Assessing my life

Second guessing...

I'm full of artificial sweetener

My heart's been deceitful

It's all artificial sweetener

I'm faking I love you's

You're forcing me to

You really deserve love

I want to love you

But I can't seem to find myself

My wilting effort

Our progress report

I'm only sure that I'm not sure

I shudder to be honest

Who's behind it all now?

Who's the author?

I'm full of artificial sweetener

My heart's been deceitful

It's all artificial sweetener

I'm faking I love you's

You're forcing me to

Re-read, re-write, redo, undo

I'm stuck on this page

I was born two weeks late

Is that why I hesitate?

I'm on the fence

Push me off it

I want to be on your side now

And keep a promise

I'm full of artificial sweetener

My heart's been deceitful

It's all artificial sweetener

My heart's been deceitful

I'm faking I love you's

You're forcing me to

I'll come back and talk more after I see the show, until then much love!

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Warning: Long Post, with somewhat crude remarks about today's episode. (I'd say "Mature Content," but we all know how immature I am....)

angel2devil, both those songs are perfect, especially the first one. I'm loving the lyric posts--1, because I'm such a music geek and 2, because the posts give me more ideas for vids.... :)

Re: today's show. Oh. My. Fracking. GAWD! When "Duchess" and "Buck" reunited--oh, my frackin' gawd. I know he's a slime. I know he's a sleaze. I know he's bad bad bad bad bad. But Tracy and Coleman just frackin' SIZZLE together. I am NOT the kind of gal who thinks "BAD" is sexy. I don't go for the rebel types, and I never liked the Alexis Carringtons of the world. TQ is about as hard-core "bad" as I go. But there is just something about those two that works for me in a huge way, and it's only partly that they drive Luke bats when they -- oh, I want to say flirt, but the word is "SMOLDER."

As for Tracy and Robert. I *still* don't see the chemistry. I mean, they look pretty together, both actors obviously enjoy working with each other, there's a definite "feel" to them when they play off each other, but nothing sexual at all. I just don't see it, and I don't see how they're gonna do this without forcing it, and that just bugs me.

And while we're talking about bugging me, are TIIC direct-line descendents of the Marquis de Frackin' Sade??? Because that almost-kiss between Luke and Tracy on the Haunted Star was pure torture. I'm with TG--just let them throw each other up against the wall and put us all out of our misery.


Okay, that was a little crude. I'm not sure why this entire post is about sex...maybe TQ flirting with three different men in one episode overloaded my system.....

One more thing--did anyone else here notice that TQ did not look *at all* afraid when the robbery started? Not even a flutter, if I recall correctly. (Granted, I was watching on fast forward with my blood sugar plummeted as I waited for dinner.) I'm thinking this whole fake robbery thing is going to blow up in Luke's face big-time. At first, I thought somebody would get hurt, but didn't they just finished an "innocent gunshot victim" storyline? So, of course, the only way I can see that this is gonna blow up in Luke's face is that Robert is going to find a way to foil the "robbers" and come out looking like a hero.

Why, you ask, is Luke going to have this blow-up in his face? Because he's on the bottom, and Tracy's on top. And when you're on the bottom, nothing goes right for you. Everything turns to mud, and you look like an idiot more often than not. Granted, it won't last forever, but he's gonna see more bad times before he sees the light of day. Enjoy the power, TQ, because it won't last forever...though we wish it would.

EDIT: Would you guys be willing to do me a favor? This AU story I'm working on is going to be enormous (for me), and I'm feeling a little nervous about it. I've posted an excerp from Chapter Two on the Ficathon. Would you guys be willing to give it a quick read and let me know if I'm too off-the-mark? I'm going to write the story one way or another, but I'd prefer to catch any logical or character mistakes early in the game....

EDIT2: Found this little gem while doing research. Gawd, I love Tracy when she's in pureform....from the Port Charles Hotel fire episodes:

Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention, please? I'd like to propose a toast to our partners, the Cassadines. Were it not for a Cassadine ancestor who pillaged and sunk the Quartermaines' ship, we would not be standing here today finally in possession of our treasure. In fact, we would've come to the new world and probably squandered that fortune on something as trivial as the island of Manhattan.

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Little late with this, but great song choices 4XCrazy, MinervaFan, and angel. :)

MinervaFan, I re-watched the beginning of the robbery, and you're right, she doesn't look scared, but from everything we've seen, I doubt she realizes it's a set-up. Hope I'm wrong though. Tracy needs to be on top for more than 2 minutes. About the story...I responded at LJ. I love it.

Chapter 32 of "Oh, Baby" has been posted.






ILoveTracyQ, I'm going to hope there's a lot of pre-taping involved and that he'll be onscreen at least a month into the summer. And then, as with last year, he'll be off from August to October, or whenever. I wouldn't care if JE still had things to do... Tracy's a freakin' Quartermaine with a lot of connections on canvas; she doesn't have to remain permanently tied to Luke Spencer, but alas...On GH, a woman is nothing without her man. :rolleyes:

About.com Spoilers: The Old Switcheroo

A curious interest...two men compete for Tracy?...Robert and Luke continue their competition -- now it's not over Holly but over Tracy! Robert figures, why turn his back on all that cash? Tracy is loving it. And Robert expresses an interest in helping out on The Haunted Star. Hmm...the joint could be jumping again soon!

Not sure what is up with the ? after Tracy's name; kind of like "Well, who would want her?" Although, that's just me being overanalytical, LOL. But yay! She's being fought over! It's about time. I hope it lasts more than one episode.

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These ageist bastards really do work my nerves..... Like I told you when we were IMing, Tracy is hotter to me than all those little chippies combined. She's powerful, attractive, smart, witty, and downright sizzling when she puts her mind to it. I will never understand why older men can be considered sex symbols (Sean Connery, Paul Newman, etc.), but whenever someone thinks an older woman is sexy, eyes roll....

Stupid ageist mysogynistic culture....

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