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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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So glad to see you posting, nex4evr. Unfortunately, the amount of JE/Tracy sites out there is limited. Soap Opera Central provides a character bio. as well as an actor bio. Soap Opera Digest online has an actor bio. too. There is also a TracyQ Ficathon and Lunacy Icons community on Live Journal. Hmm, what else? Several Tracy transcripts can be found here. If anyone else has anything to add, feel free. :)

Interesting story, coolkid, and ILoveTracyQ, I'm glad you liked the banner.

ETA: Page 46!






Think Tracy will be on a lot today? Or just 5 seconds at the end? <_< So...If the wedding is supposed to take place Friday, and she's still in her wedding attire the week of April 24th, that's one long day...even for soap opera time, LOL. I have no idea what's going on with Robert and Tracy, but that spoiler pic amuses me.

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My luck, it'll be a huge Tracy episode and the whole state of Kentucky will be under a tornado watch from 2:59 to 4:01 pm. JK.

Luke has been parked, long-term, on my Probation List. The execution of this "wedding" will determine whether he stays there, moves up to the Main House, or spends the rest of the summer in the Dog House.

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I think nex4evr is also interested in clips...yes I'm looking at YOU, Ms.Q, the "clip queen" of this thread.

And copies of tapes,which I have offered to make when I can.

nex4evr several pages back there's some clips I think.

And of course as Ms.Q said we have our fan fics.

LOL MinervaFan at your Luke comment.

I think TG is adorable.

Luke on the other hand....hmm. I'll wait for the spoilers to play out also,before I decide where he belongs.

I hope the *** today doesn't take place only in the last five minutes,but it's possible it'll end with that scene.

I really don't want to have to start chanting "die Luke die !"

It's so passe.

ETA *waves* to everyone lurking and KENTUCKY !! My brother's in the army in Kentucky.


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Hello all! I'm supposed to be working in the library right now so i'll have to make this brief. Just wanted to stop in and say how TOTALLY GEEKED i am that Student Council is cancelled today and i can go home and watch. I hadn't even considered that it might only be for the last five minutes until i looked here. Oh well, the optimism in me says that five minutes of Tracy is better that one full hour and soily and the madness that inevitably ensues thereafter. :) See y'all after the show!

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nex4evr, smirks and I have several Tracy clips. If you're interested, and if I have the ones you're looking for, I'll upload them. Let me know. :)

LIVE update. No Tracy yet. :( Luke/Lulu on the Haunted Star for a couple scenes, and then Luke/Lulu/Lucky in the hospital. SkyLo are at Jesse's funeral. Now Luke/Lulu/Lucky are at the funeral. *sigh* Where's our girl?

ETA: More Luke/Lulu/Lucky at the funeral. No speaking though. (Well, the 3 of them aren't speaking.) A lot of sad faces. OT-I didn't care for Jesse, but this funeral is getting me teary-eyed. Go figure, LOL.

ETA again: SkyLo in the den at the Q's. They end up kissing. Luke enters. Alice has a martini for him. Tracy's voice: If that's my worthless husband, I need to speak to him now. Luke: "As if this day could get any worse." He enters the den and sees SkyLo.

ETA again: SkyLo are happy together. Skye tells Luke to find some joy in his life. Tracy (in recycled wardrobe) barges in. She's going on and on about some bill. Luke: "Marry me." Tracy: We're already married. He picks her up and kisses her. Tracy: "Whew." Luke: "My precious, little, pink popsicle, I want to renew our vows." Tracy: "Why would you want to do that?" Luke and Skye exchange glances. Jerk.

Previews: Robert is at the Q's. Luke: "What are you doing here?" Robert is going to take him into custody. Tracy: "My husband isn't going anywhere."

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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nex4evr, here are some clips:

Credit to GQ Daily.

5/18/05: Part 1: As part of Luke's plan to lure Tracy to Vegas, Dillon calls her and tells her that he and Georgie just got married.

5/18/05: Part 2: Tracy shows up at Dillon and Georgie's motel room; Luke hides.

5/18/05: Part 3: Dillon insists that he loves Georgie, and someday Tracy will too; Tracy heads to the bar.

Credit to Misty of NQ.net. (And thanks to smirks for sending me the clips.)

5/18/05: Part 4: Luke finds a drunk Tracy.

(There were Tracy/Skye scenes in the beginning of the 5/18/05 episode, but I don't have them saved.)

Credit to Misty again, I believe.

5/19/05: Part 1: Tracy wakes up as Mrs. Luke Spencer.

(I don't have the rest of 5/19/05.)

Credit to Skye of GHVT/NQ, I believe.

5/20/05: Part 1: The Q's find out about the Luke/Tracy marriage.

5/20/05: Part 2: Ned welcomes Luke to the family; Luke makes a toast to "blushing bride."

5/20/05: Part 3: Tracy explains the set-up.

Credit to carlyandlorenzo.com.

5/20/05: Part 4: Lorenzo arrives at the Q's.

The yousendit.com clips expire in 7 days (I can upload them again after that if necessary.) Enjoy. :)

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Haven't seen today's ep yet, but I think I may let Luke live. Maybe. I still hate how he's doing this to get to Skye. Stupid idiotic blind man, don't see what he's got right before him....

Ms.Q, you are a goddess! I've been meaning to ask you for more clips, mainly the morning after scenes and the going home to the Q mausoleum scenes, but couldn't remember. It may take a year, but I'm gonna download those puppies as soon as I can.

So...a kiss...?

Um, I know somebody somewhere has caps. I feel an icon-making fit coming on....

Edit: Oh, more shameless self-promotion! I posted a new story on LiveJournal. I couldn't upload it to FF.net because I'm on the library computer and it won't allow me to save to the desktop. Just a short (585 words) character piece about Tracy and Alan. Feedback would be gratefully accepted. :)

Edit#2: Just watched my tape of today's episode. So....Lukey....wake up and smell the Alpo, bud, cuz you're spending the summer in the Dog House unless you really redeem yourself.

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I read Vicky's response on FanFic and I can't help it,I posted the transcript of the hit and run,the first one.


I hope that's not against the rules.

Anyway I should just leave it alone.


So I will.

Try to.


I have not yet watched today,I'll rush home and watch and post my thoughts tomorrow...somehow we knew she'd be on the last five minutes and we were right !!


So how about the kiss,anyway?

Hot or not?

spoiler talk:

You know,the part about the "leaving at the altar",what bothers me most about it is, if Tracy really does pay Robert to bring him back, it would seem that she isn't even going to be allowed to be angry about being humiliated in front of the entire town.

And that's just not the Tracy Q I know,and IMO that's the greatest tragedy,that she might be written as so "into" him that he can basically tapdance all over her heart...and she's just happily going along?

Soooo not right.

But then I got to thinking...maybe she knows all along what's up,and just goes along to help him flee?

I dunno,but it's possible that he tells her he needs to run. I doubt he tells her about the call from Holly,but I can see her covering for him long enough so that he can take off.

But even if she does know,if they get as far as the altar/wedding day,won't she still be humliated,only in a way it's worse because everyone will think he ditched HER,when in reality he's just running?

I don't know. I think I'd rather see Tracy on once a month for five minutes,knowing her spine was intact,than two or three days a week,seeing her become a Guza-Fried Stepford wife.

*big shudder*

I also don't like the constant hints that Skye/Luke aren't over.

Either Skuke are a couple,or they're not.

Either Lacy are a couple,or they're not.

But geez...enough already.

spoiler talk over

And MinervaFan,awesome,awesome story.

What prompted you to write it?

You get Tracy and Alan,you seem to "get" all of her relationships.

Jane E once had a quote a loonngg time ago,where one of the mags asked her if she thought Tracy and Alan would ever be close.

Jane responded by saying that in a strange way,they already were,because no one would dare try to cut Alan's legs out from under him in front of her,she'd have their hide. And vice versa.

LOL great quote and sooo true I think.

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Actually, somebody on this board prompted me to write it a long time ago. Someone mentioned I'd left Alan out of my Author's Notes for The Fourteenth and it's stuck with me ever since. About getting them, I have siblings who drive me ape and even now that we're in our forties, I know I'd travel thousands of miles to help them if they were truly in need. And there is something about two siblings surviving a hard childhood that makes them ultimately allies, regardless of their surface relationship.

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Wow that Tracy/Luke stuff yesterday?


Tracy's not dumb,never has been. Okay I believed she fell for Paul because the circumstances and Paul's charm (and the PS/JE chemistry) made it believable.

Please tell me there's more to the story,though,that Luke tells Tracy there's an ulterior motive,or Tracy is shown not trusting him,etc.


Cause there's no way my girl would fall for that scene yesterday.


ETA I think I might have been the one to mention Alan. I'm not sure,but I do know I've always thought he was one of the most important/influential people in Tracy's life.

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I am so with you there. I was really offended by the scene. And the kiss? Oh, my. It was the erotic equivalent of a slap in the face, followed by a dousing with ice water. Luke really needs to clean up his act, or Tracy needs to move on. Give him the $15 million, Baby. Just find a way to tie it up in red tape so he can never use it. Or, you could just have Jason shoot him....

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MinervaFan, I'm glad I could help with the clips. The links expire in 6 days, but if you need me to upload them again after that, I will. And your latest fanfic? Beatiful. :)

Fanfiction Updates: Oh, Baby: Chapter 15 and Homelands: Chapter 16

LOL. Ned mentioned something like that months ago. *goes to find transcript*

Tracy: Daddy, if you'd like to come up with the 15 million, I can divorce him and we'll be rid of him.

Ned: You can hire a hit man for less than 15 mil. I think Jason needs work. :lol:











What is GH doing to our girl? It doesn't sound good, that's for sure. :(

So, are there going to be a lot of guests at this wedding? I hope Ned is there. Oh, and Luke? Next time you plan on getting re-married, turn off the damn cell phone.

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Yeah....well,JE makes the pain bearable,that's all I have to say.

I have read the updates. I love 'em !

Ms.Q what are you doing with Jax/Tracy? :D

And "Homelands",loved that last chapter,the banter was great.

Today should be interesting Tracy/Luke stuff.

Maybe Luke already knows Robert is looking for him to extradite him?

Because when Luke said can this day get any worse,I was wondering what was "personally" for him,so bad that day.

He didn't know Jesse so he wasn't grieving,Lucky survived,so before he came home,what was so bad?

Unless he already knows Robert is looking for him.

We'll see,I guess.

I hate that it might make Tracy out to be totally naive or stupid.

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