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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Oh, how I've missed this place. I know, I know. It's been what? 2 days? LOL. Anyway, you guys are great. :)

Thoughts on yesterday's Q scenes: JE/Tracy has a new outfit, and it's not a jacket! coolkid, where are ya? ;) *gives Wardrobe standing ovation* And as much as I adore Lacy, it's nice that Tracy was able to have some scenes without her husband for once. I just wish it could go beyond Emily-propping. Plus as smirks pretty much posted, should Alice and Nik really be getting more lines than the rest of the Q's combined? *sigh*

ILoveTracyQ, I'm with ya on this, and I too cut her slack, although there are some times when I think WHAT did she just do? :o Hope it's all right to bring that into an appreciation thread. I still find JE extremely talented, one of the best (if not the best) actresses that GH has.













Tracy and Lorenzo, huh? For one night? I like JE and TK scenes, so I'm for it even if it means more of the same old, same old. I'd prefer Tracy with someone who she doesn't normally share screentime with though...say Ric or Lucky. Oh, and of course, I'm looking forward to the birthday surprise!

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Ms.Q I know what you mean....there are times when I read raves on message boards about one of JE's scenes,and maybe it's because it's already been talked to death,but when I watch I'm like,"THAT was what everyone was applauding/in an uproar about? THAT??" LOL And yes there are times she does things that make me cringe,though those times are few and far between. I agree that she is the most talented,or one of the most(#1 for me) of the whole cast,TG included.

I still love her,even when she makes acting choices that I don't agree with. And yes it's okay to post those thoughts because I don't think we're bashing...just observing.

I am going by transcript and people's posts,but any comments on Luke's admission to Skye yesterday that his feelings haven't changed?

YOu know I don't think Luke wants what he can't have,as some have said...I just think he takes for granted what he does have,until he's lost/about to lose it,as he did with Skye.

Sooo...is it going to take Tracy walking off from him,before there's any honest emotion between the two?

WILL there be any?

Where's the love Guza/Pratt said Luke/Tracy had found?


EH. <_<


I'm not even sure the auction is a real spoiler. You know SD. :rolleyes:

Luke leaves town to rescue Holly.

So...he can't be bothered to help his wife,who was kidnapped BECAUSE of him,but he'll drop everything for a chick who almost stood by and let his daughter die?

He almost shot Lo for that.

*this show makes NO sense.*

I too am curious about the birthday surprise.

It won't be too many episodes after that Luke leaves town,I hope the "surprise" is a good one.

spoiler talk over.

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Tracy? OTT? LOL. No, not our Tracy...she's subtlety personified. *duck*

Actually, Tracy's actions are OTT, that's true. But when she's expressing *real* emotions, JE usually seems to underplay it. Probably because it's IC for her to not *want* to express real emotions.

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Howdy... Just stopping by during my TA period. For once I don't have to duck and cover to use the CPU.

Any Tracy today? I get out early today so I can watch it! Huzzah!

Yeah, does anybody know a place where I can snag some free web hosting. I'm trying to start an eFiction site for LuNacy and all other GH fan fiction. It's pretty much like fan fiction.net but it would give LuNacy and GH fiction a home. So, yeah, let me know if you know anything about free hosting. Also, if anybody wants to hop on this project with me...I could use some help!

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Not sure what "IC" is,but I think I know what you're saying and I agree.

She never shouts "I love yous",and in fact usually has to choke them out...not that she doesn't mean them,but it's like the emotions physically hurt her...and she does it gently and hesitantly,I guess to lessen the pain of rejection? It's also easier to play off a "ha ! Just kidding," if the other person rejects her or scorns her in any way,if she goes the subtle route. Because if you shout from the rooftops that you love someone or need someone,first off everybody and their granny knows your business...secondly,you leave yourself wide open for the above ridicule/rejection,and thirdly,a wide open heartfelt statement of any kind is a lot harder to take back than a hesitant one.

Does that make any sense? LOL

If not,ignore me. Carry on. :)

ETA 4XCrazy,me not computer savvy. I might not mind contributing stories if and when it's running,but I don't even have a home computer right now and I'm not very literate. If I can help in any way I will try to. But I think one of the other posters would be better to ask about that.

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I liked her new little outfit too MsQ!

OMG, I had to do a double-take when I saw Ned. Then of course I got this big stupid grin lol.

Okay this just isn't right... Alice is getting more lines than Tracy. And oh so typical for Tracy to be blamed before Monica even knew the facts! :rolleyes: Oh well, not worth it.

Spoiler Talk








Okay I got home from school only in time to see the previews and behold yet *another* Quartermaine Scene!! And guess what... Tracy actually had a line! I'm just hoping its not her only one.

But I'm a wee bit disappointed at no mention of b-day surprise. *sighs*

Tracy/Lo- Hmmm..... this could be somewhat interesting, if done well, if done at all.

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*tip toes in*

Ms.Q Im here I just havent been watching lately. ;) And the day I dont watch Our girl she has new clothing :) I think I might watch tonight.

ILoveTracyQ Brooklyn was under hypnosis but now she is just acting the way helena told her to. Brooklyn acts even worse then the way she's acting now. B)

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Well spoilers are good or bad depending on your point of view.


SOW says Luke, in front of Skye,asks Tracy to renew their vows.

LUke is SUCH a jerk.

I am soooo tired of those games.

Is our girl the one that gets left at the altar,I know people were spec'ng it might be Lorenzo when he proposes to Skye.

But Luke is supposed to be leaving town to go rescue Holly like next week or the week after,so....

what's up with that?

LOL I don't know what to think.

SON's spoilers confirms what Luke does, and says Lulu realizes Tracy has feelings for Luke.

Why oh WHY does it have to be Lulu?

I hate that little...UGH.

Anyway, what do you all think?

Good or bad?

Cause if Luke leaves her at the altar,or leaves her to go rescue Holly( spoilers also say Luke takes a spill out the window to make a quick getaway(from where? the chapel? Grrr....) Tracy will be mad either way, and a mad Tracy is NEVER good.

spoilers over.............

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Thanks for the screencaps, Linn. Look at all that (former) goodness. Tracy/Jax, Tracy/Ned/Dillon, Tracy/Coleman. :wub:

Oh, Baby is updated.

Comment on one of the Q's scenes:

Tracy: Do you have any idea what you've done?

Ned: This coming from the woman who married Luke Spencer.

Love ya Ned, but Luke Spencer tricked your mother into marriage. Just sayin'. ;)












Regarding the auction: The RH's spilled it at their event, so unless there are some last minute changes, the auction is happening. The couple-switch, though, who knows? LOL.

As for the other spoiler...I'd be more excited if he wasn't going to ask her in front of Skye (enough of the jealousy games, please) and if he wasn't going to leave town to rescue Holly. Is the "girl gets left at the altar" spoiler also from SOW? Hmm...poor Tracy if it's her. Oh, and I wish Ned could be the one to realize that Tracy has feelings for Luke, but I suppose he's going to be another business trip. <_<

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LOL at your snark Ms.Q.

Yes,Nedley does take rather long and frequent "business trips," doesn't he?

If we had writers that gave a crap about the Q's,we'd find out he was masquerading as Eddy Maine again,or some other heretofore unknown rock star.

And OOPS sorry Linn,meant to thank you for the pics also. Very nice of you to post those.

BTW Ms.Q loving your new story. :)

About the spoilers:

Today is supposed to be the birthday surprise day. Can we hope for some good bonding,so that the marriage proposal won't be too out of the blue? Can we at least get a conversation where the incidents of the last few weeks are talked about and resolved,or at least as resolved as anything gets on GH?

TG had this to say in his latest interview in one of the mags,courtesy of SZ:

"I enjoy this job, and I really love the people that I work with."

Luke makes a perfect "Mr. Tracy Quartermaine."

Geary says that theirs is probably the most adult relationship Luke has ever been in. He feels they have real, deep and true feelings for each other. The game is good...."I'm sure the sex is good too!"

He does say it's probably a battle of "Who would be on top?"

He says that Jane may have other thoughts, but he definitely feels LACY have sex from time to time, and that is' extraordinary, and afterwards they probably fight.

"It's certainly not the kind of lovemaking Luke would have had with his wife. This is kind of sex as combat."

He notes that if they were telling the story another way, Luke would show up with unexplained bruises. LOL

spoiler talk over.

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The Astrology Geek Speaks.

Tracy is an Aries (April 6). Tracy must have Leo in her chart, lots of it (look at her clothes and jewelry, plus the comment she made on that one episode). As well as Taurus, because I can just taste it every time she talks about the business.

Lucas Lorenzo Spencer....do NOT piss off this woman too much. You have no idea, astrologically, what you're dealing with....

Oh, and re the spoilers:




Do NOT leave her at the altar. You think Helena Cassadine is dangerous? You don't have any idea. A humiliated, scorned, left-at-the-altar Tracy??? Dude, you are asking for damage.

/end Spoilers

SONNY YOU F-TARD! I thought I hated you before. I thought I hated you. BUT YOU RUINED TRACY'S BIRTHDAY SURPRISE??????

I wish you dead, you icky SOILY crapfest loser of a bad acting gangsta jerk-face.

Did you guys hear it? "Happy Birthday to ME!" I think I may cry.


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Mrs Q: To get tricked in to marriage by Luke Spencer EASILY beats just marrying Luke Spencer in terms of humiliation for a Quartermaine, wouldn't you say?

Ooooh!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRACY!!! (Only two days away from mine...can I gloat? Can I? We are astrologically similar...knew she was an Aries...the wit? the temper? the ambition? the love of challenges?)

Sonny.....WHA?!?!? SONNY? Ruined Tracy's birthday surprise?!?! Oh, that man...SO GOING DOWN! Why must he destroy EVERYTHING!!?!? I have to watch that...whenever my hangover subsides this weekend.

Spoiler talk









As long as it's not BECAUSE OF Skye, I can handle it being in front of Skye. Just as long as this means the parting of the ways... I don't see it making Skye jealous these days anyway.

Ugh...not cool, Luke Spencer! I can't imagine anything more humiliating for Tracy. I really hope we get some nice, supportive family scenes out of this, instead of the rub-it-in-Tracy's face kind that I can also see happening. Ned was ditched at the altar not to long ago...maybe he can comfort her? Maybe things will get interesting with Lulu and she'll come over to the darkside...I mean, bond with Tracy. That means Luke can come back to MAD Tracy with new accomplice...welcome home, Luke! I hope he locked that rifle back up...

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