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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Wow. Just wow. I liked the first sequence better (until Tracy gave in so quickly). Those two actors really nailed Jane and Tony's mannerisms. It was too funny. Is it sad I could imagine them having a similar conversation today? Lol.

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I'm an idiot. I was looking at the wrong page. *blushes* SQUEE!

MsQ, you're amazing! Thanks for the list of spoilers--I'm going to collect all of them and make a big post of spoilers to the LJ community, and you've saved me SOOO much time. Thank you.

Edit: Smirks, I'm with you on everything you said, including the warnings to TIIC that they really ought not to abandon this.. :angry: Fey and I speculated (between rounds of uncontrollable squeeing) as to whether either Tracy or Luke was setting up the other during The Kiss (look at me--I capitalize it like a work of art). Fey thinks Luke was. I don't--I think Luke is still reeling from the Skye break-up and is starting to see Tracy in a new light. You can tell from the way TG played it that he was not scamming her. Tracy, OTOH, I think, started out setting him up, but kind of forgot what she was doing halfway through. I loved the guilty looks on their faces when D/G caught them in the act, as well as the look of complete shock on Dillon's face.

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OH MY GOD (or easter bunny as Luke would say lol)!!!

That. Was. AWESOME!!! They *so* better follow up on this! I loved it so much! I was like screaming at my little twerp of a brother to get out of the room cuz I was glued to that screen! I'm so happy I'm speechless and I mean come on, me? speechless? lol


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Here, here! I saw on the LiveJournal GH community that somebody actually got converted to Luke/Tracy because of yesterday's episode. Their mouths to TIIC's ears?

Oh, and this came from the Jane-Elliot-Fans Yahoo Group:

Source: TV Guide Online


Days of our Lives and General Hospital are now officially confirming

what TVGuide.com told you last week: Soap vet John Ingle has left

his gig as Days' Mickey Horton to reprise his signature role as GH's

crusty patriarch, Edward Quartermaine.

"We were so fortunate that John Ingle was available to us at a time

when we were desperate to fill story and were dealing with the

departure of [Mickey's original portrayer] John Clarke," says Days

chief Ken Corday. "We have loved having [ingle] here, both

professionally and personally, but also know a big part of his heart

and history is with General Hospital. Our loss is certainly GH's

gain, and we wish John nothing but continued success. He will truly

be missed!"

A GH rep says Ingle will be seen on the ABC sudser again sometime

this spring. As for Days, the NBC soap has no plans to recast Mickey

at this time.

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Aww, it's nice to see everyone in this thread so happy. The question is...How long will it last? ;)

kenna, your clips worked for me. I like how Shazzer put all the Lacy-ness together.

I'm hoping for follow-up as well, smirks, and ILoveTracyQ, I'm with ya. Why did GQ have to interrupt? Then again, I did love Tracy's reaction to being caught, LOL.

Oh coolkid, you crack me up. It's about time she had on something new. *gives Wardrobe a standing ovation*

Keith, I liked how the Teen!Tracy did the whole "Ha!" thing. It was very JE/Tracy like.

You're welcome, MinervaFan! I agree with your assessment of that scene, or at least the Luke part. He seemed serious to me. I just wish I didn't know about a certain spoiler for May Sweeps. :( But *tries to be positive* it'll be good to have JI/Edward back on canvas.

LOL @ the Easter Bunny comment, angel. I agree. We definitely need more scenes like those.

Any comments on Tracy loosening up and eating peanuts at the end? :lol:

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From the Jane-Elliot-Fans Yahoo Group:

Monday: Sam struggles to accept the news that Alexis is her mother; Jason warns Sam about confronting Alexis; Alexis tells Nikolas about the child she gave up; Sonny tells Emily she is not to blame for his breakdown; Alcazar announces Skye's pregnancy.

Tuesday: Jason tells Sam he will support whatever decision she makes; Sam is hurt when she sees how loving Alexis is with Kristina; Carly demands that Jason and Sonny stay out of her personal life; Jax defends Carly to Robin; Luke realizes he has lost Skye. (MinervaFan says YAY!)

Wednesday: Sonny admits that he trusts Emily more than Jason ; Carly forces Max to admit that Sonny and Emily went away together; Ric is unnerved to see Manny with Kristina; Jason encourages Sam to go to law school (MinervaFan says HUH?); Dillon is angry to learn that Diego is free.

Thursday: Sonny and Emily cannot stay away from each other; Carly hides the truth from Jason; Alexis fears Manny's anger; Jax refuses to allow Nikolas to see John; Nikolas tells Emily he feels as if his life is out of control; Jax is attracted to Carly.

Friday: Sonny is shocked to learn the truth about Sam and Alexis ; Alexis comes face to face with Sam and Sonny; Max takes drastic action to cover for Sonny and Emily; Jason catches Emily in a lie; Nikolas accuses Jax and Carly of betraying Courtney.

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You know,my only problem with Skye/Luke is that Luke should have dumped HER.

I don't like that it's the other way around. I also don't like to think Tracy's a consolation prize..when actually,she's the GRAND prize. :lol:


Now that I have that out of the way.

MinervaFan I wasn't even aware there was a Jane Elliot fans yahoo group. Thanks for the heads up, but would it be too much trouble for a link,because I can't seem to find it when I Google it.

I loved Luke's reaction to being caught as well.

Maybe they were both playing each other at the very beginning,but at the end the guilty looks and awkwardness tells me it got a little more serious than they thought it would.

About the peanuts....I think Tracy was definitely nervous about SOMETHING. :)

It was funny...but the funniest part of the whole show,the part where I actually LOL'd,was when GQ were in the room before the "AR" flashbacks....and TG had a mouth full of peanuts and had to say," she can't get enough of me," and laughed at the same time,and you could hardly understand what he said,but the mouth full of peanuts and laughing at the same time AND trying to talk,just sent me over the edge for some reason.

It was dumb,but in an amusing way.

I liked that Tracy had on a new outfit,but JE has a figure. WHY do they dress her in stuff like that?

Although that outfit was better than the robes I guess.

About the spoilers...I'm going to feel sorry for Luke.

Tracy has made me like him,and even though I'm not at all sorry Skuke is ending(rooting for that,as a matter of fact),I won't look forward to the actual scenes.

And oh...BUTT OUT,LULU ! :(

Oh MinervaFan do you also have a link to the GH LJ community?

About our fan ficathon...does it have to be spoilers that never came to pass?

Or can it be any Tracy fic?

After Friday's stuff I still want to do mine about their "adventure",but I haven't started it yet.

Anyone else,have you started yours?

Oh...I'm with everyone about the May sweeps spoilers. *crosses fingers they turn out to be nothing*

I :wub: :wub: :wub: Lacy.

That is all.

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Thanks to Ms.Q I also sometimes check out SD for TQ spoilers...now I don't think anyone except Wizard is reliable,but I'll post what I found:

-Tracy tells Luke make a profit or she's selling the HS ( I think we'd already heard Luke would be re-opening it...but I don't know why he'd want to,I thought he hated it now,and besides,what about the MetroCourt?) I hate how GH just starts and drops plots these days...BTW I think that one was from RMT ,who may or may not be reliable?

It also says Luke tries rekindling things with SKye. :(


Wizard says that Lulu will try the week of the 20th,during which there's some Gala(the re-opening of the HS?) to get Luke/Skye back together. Again,butt out Lulu. Go play with the teens so I don't have to see your face or hear your voice. HATE that chick. Such a buttinsky.

This one I found interesting,I don't always know how to read who wrote what,it gets confusing,but I think RMT originally posted this:

If this is true,and I have SERIOUS doubts it is,who or what is the "surprise" ala Luke/Tracy(unless it's HOlly? :( )

Have you wondered why the creators of the disease cannot seem to find a cure, but the doctors at GH could? Is this poor writing? Well, you cannot blame us for thinking that...however, the real deal is that the cure the hospital came up with is temporary...and the effects of the virus are longer lasting and "personality" driven.


could the "surprise be Robert? Or is this Edward,trying to break them up?

If it's even true. LOL

Which,considering the rest of that post was mostly waayyy out there,I doubt it is.


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