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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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It is a "yes," ILTQ, but in some photos, he resembles Scott Clifton or Paul Satterfield or Chad Brannon (Zander). I will have to wait and see what he looks like on screen. I will do my best to recap.

I think a new man would be better because Kin Shriner hardly gets any airtime. I don't think she needs a new love interest either, especially so soon after Luke, but if it means screentime, then I'm all for it.

Here a sneak peek photo for next week: Why is she wearing long sleeves and velvet in late spring?!? I like it better when she dresses more business-like.


Edit: Week of June 8th: Spoiler alert...









Tracy and Sabrina bond.

Edit again: I hope Tracy/Dillon get stuff to do together, and it's just not a re-introduction, and then Dillon is off to play with Dante/Valerie/Lulu. That would suck.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I'm still waiting for a scene in which Laura thanks Tracey for stepping up and taking her daughter and treating her like one of her own. Maybe during Genie's scenes they could fit that in. If Tracey hadn't been there(while Laura was catatonic), Lulu would have been lost.

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^^ That happened when Laura awoke from her catatonic state, Scott kidnapped her, Luke and Tracy went to get Laura back, and Luke and Laura had a long conversation about how he was picking Tracy. When they got back to the hotel, Laura thanked Tracy for being there for Lulu.

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Yup, they rapped up LnL years ago, Laura told Luke to choose, and he let her know he was with Tracy and that wasn't going to change. Lulu and Tracy have had many conversations since about how much Tracy means in Lulu's life, and how she's far more than simply the 'step-monster'. It's a really beautiful relationship. I do hope they keep it acknowledge and a priority with Laura returning. Tracy has never tried to take Laura's place. She has made her own place in Lulu's life, and before they left, Tracy had a significant place in Lucky and Ethan's lives as well. Luke has his, or at least 'had' his established with Dillon, as well.

The 'Spencermaines' are the best example of blending two legacy families into a new unit, full of possibilities and history. Unlike so many other bleedings, one family didn't have to disappear into the other.

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ILTQ, excellent post, May 26. I agree with your comments about JE and TG's friendship. It's lovely. We wish the best for people we admire. What I know or don't know about their real lives doesn't determine how much I love their characters--and I'd rather not know much, because it feels invasive, to me.

You said:

>I still remember my girl just STANDING there one of the last times Laura was around, when Laura got in her face in her/Monica's house. Old school Tracy

at least would have ordered her out or threw her out and may have even gotten physical or plotted against her.

Ooh, that, I'd love to see! :)

Are you talking about 2008, or 2013, or some other time?

I know there was some clip from summer 2013, when Laura barged in, demanding that Tracy tell her what she knew about Luke's whereabouts. It just struck me as incredibly rude, on Laura's part. It didn't sit well with me, coming from her--from an ex-wife. If Lulu had asked for this info, fine, but Laura? I just wanted her to board a plane, and be gone! LOL (which is probably what I'll be saying, for the next few months.)

But even Tracy can surely feel worn down, over time. I don't mind seeing her softer, emotional side. Despite moments of that sort, I've noticed that some people STILL insist that she's cold and incapable of feeling! I don't get it.

As for today, Dillon has terrible timing. But I'm happy to see him.

Lots of chatter, elsewhere, about how Tracy should be cautious, not rush into accepting the proposal. I don't see that it makes a jot of difference. She assumed she and Luke are already married, their commitment isn't in doubt, so this reaffirms that. They've been through hell, this past year; what harm can another ceremony do? Let it happen! Let it be big and lavish and overly sweet, if this is the last we will have of LuNacy.


Holly's coming back, too.

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I guess the countdown has begun: Luke was really pushing 30 days today. I'm not going to be happy to see the end of LuNacy, but I hope they go out on the same note as they have been the last few days. The Spencermaines are all back - Lulu, Dillon, Ethan - even Lucky will be there. Holly has always intrigued me. If we have to endure Laura, hopefully it will be a throw-away to make the rabidly insane and ridiculous LnL fans think they are getting a bone, and then they can toddle off while we see the scenes from JE that TG talked about.

I loved JE's face today - Tracy adores Luke (can't help feeling it was JE admiring TG too), foibles and all. Let the roller coaster begin!

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Ok, I know it has been like a million years since I have posted here, but I have lingered on and off while at work. tongue.png

I don't really have much too add about Tony leaving the show, but I am glad for him. As someone who works in the retirement planning business, I can say that if you have the means to retire and live the rest of your years happily then by all means do it!! For some it is not an option or they have the drive to work and retirement is not something they want to do. But seeing Tony on my television yesterday I have to admit, he looked tired, thin and way too pale for someone who lives in SoCal. After all that he has been through in the past few years it's time.

I admit I am going to miss my LuNacy very much. I hope they can keep Jane in a good story for as long as she wants to work on GH.

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I don't know why TPTB are pushing LuNacy so hard lately. With TG retiring and GF returning, it's clear that Luke and Tracy aren't going to be a couple much longer. I'm betting it will be less than the 30 days that Luke mentioned.

I wish Tracy and Dillon got to play catch up instead of Luke spending so much time trying to prove himself to Dillon. Dillon and Tracy are going to be the ones still around once Luke takes off again. Let's build on their relationship. She was so happy to see him, and he and Luke did most of the interacting. I was NOT glad about that.

Spoilers below from Soaps In Depth...








June 8th: Luke makes an unexpected announcement.

June 12th: Tracy makes an unusual alliance (I'm guessing this is Sabrina).

June 17th: Tracy is in need of comforting.

June 19th: Luke is caught up in memories of the past.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Why wouldn't they push LuNacy? That is the couple that is ending. How many times have we seen the last going off of a couple pushed long and hard. That's a constant in soap land just before the heartbreak and loss of one party. The foreshadowing is heartbreaking for the LuNacy fan, I can tell you.

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Remos said:

>... the heartbreak and loss of one party. The foreshadowing is heartbreaking for the LuNacy fan, I can tell you.

Oh yes!

I almost dread watching; I know they're going to find unexpected ways of hurting my heart.

But I enjoyed today (June 3), but not as much as I would have, had I been smart enough to remain spoiler free, and didn't know Luke's time is limited.

There's time in abundance, for Tracy and Dillon to catch up--I can wait for that--but not much time for Luke and Tracy.

The Haunted Star doesn't seem a good place to hold this party! LOL He should realize that suggesting such a thing will make almost anyone suspicious of this rapid recovery.

Dillon spoke as if he hasn't been in touch with Tracy, through this whole year. That doesn't seem likely, to me. She did mention him, at the time of AJ's funeral... said she told dillon not to make the trip, he was in Japan, I think she said.

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It's hard watching Luke's scenes and not looking for clues. Today Luke and Anna seemed quite focused on grief after the loss of a loved one, then they mentioned how important Tracy was to Luke with Duke and Robert were important to Anna. I'm more and more convinced Luke will be killed, probably doing something heroic and stupid, especially given the clips of Holly and Laura with guns trained on each other. I'm guessing Laura accidentally kills Luke - that would set up conflict with Tracy and the rest of the Spencermaines for years to come. They are really pushing the fact that everyone knows LuNacy is right for each other, no matter how twisted they seem to an outsider, so death is the only way I can see Tracy's heartbreak happening.

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Now THAT would be a shocking, Friday ending! Would they have Laura do that? Imagine the outrage of her fans! LOL Maybe Holly, who has no connections, in PC.

Is Laura staying, or is this just a temporary visit, does anyone know? I know it's not going to happen as I'd like, but I wish she'd just drop into town to sort out crazy Nikolas, and not interfere with Luke's life.

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