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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Anyone know which days Tracy is on this week, if any? I haven't been keeping up with cable guide spoilers.

Also - here is a gif from Tracy's most recent episode:


Source: starrylilac on Tumblr (I edited it, so that only Tracy was in the gif).

EDIT: If anyone still watches Tracy music videos on YouTube, this channel has been uploading a bunch if you search helenaTracydorian.

The poster makes Tracy videos and has just made 2 Anjelica ones from when Jane was on DAYS.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Oh honey you need to get a grip and some new info! Tony Geary isn't atheist, Luke is. "My spirituality--like most of my life--is between me and God." That's all the man has said about God. He talks about LUKE being an atheist but he ain't never said he was one himself.

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I never said TG was an atheist.

I've never said he denied the exist of God-which is what an atheist is. I fully believe TG knows the God that Jonathan Jackson used to serve (no idea if he still does, he certainly never mentions it the way he used to) exists and is real. It's LUKE who claims to not believe. I did say he(TG) comes across as a God hater, and while I have read things over the years that made me feel that way, that might have been a little strong. I DO believe TG still incorporates (because he is one of the few cast members who can change his dialogue) his own views into Luke's POV.

I definitely remember a conversation between Luke and Tracy where they were discussing God, it might have been when Tracy admitted her deal with God over Dillon, and Luke asked her if she "believed", and she said "yes", and Luke said something like "well, not me."

True, that is the character, and I have no concrete proof TG feels that way, but his little comments over the years lead me to believe so.

I can't believe some LnL fan lurking here (that NEVER fails to make me shake my head, memories of the old stalkers from SOC) thought that comment was so important that they felt the need to join here just to reply.

That....I find curious. But whatever.

Thank you partyperson, for encouraging me when I spoke up, anyway, and thank you any and everyone else for sticking up for me. And I agree- we try to be respectful of each other here, even when we disagree with what someone has to say.

I'm still over him, but it's just an "over him" in general. I have been watching here and there-and he just seems tired-and that makes me tired. I get that he loathes the idea of LnL as a couple again-I don't blame him. But....Jane is always so full of energy, no matter who she's in scenes with. It's a stark contrast.

I am trying so hard though to get into the relish storyline, but it's boring me. This is the best they could come up with for Jane and Sean? :(

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The shell that Tracy is wearing on The Chew...


is the same shell that Jane has on below in the 50th cast (dressed up) photo.

This seems like it was going to be the same shell for the Nurses Ball until someone made a change...


which you can see in this photo with Monica...


Just an observation. Been wanting to point that out about the cast photo and nurses ball for awhile now. Not that it matters. Just wanted to see if anyone else noticed. smile.png

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Leave it to you Ms. Q, lol. Nope... definitely didn't make the connection.

Okay.. just gotta say this. "Pickle-Eddie"? Better than Pickle-Tracy by far, but seriously... can't Tracy actually receive recognition for her own work or does it always have to be about her parents? That particular schtick is old and overdone. I'll be soooooo glad when this condiment thing is in the past.

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Thank you, Remos. :)

As far as condiments..being southwestern US, I'm a Salsa/BBQ sauce girl myself. Yes, even on a hot dog. Although, I do like kraut on a dog. Hate the smell of kraut, love the taste. Pickle Relish has always been something I could take or leave, mostly leave. :)

For some reason, I tend to dream GH/Tracy when I post here. I had such a dream last night. Tracy had a new man *ducks from the Lacy lovers*, and the man was a hottie for an older guy, LOL. Anyway, the story was that one had blackmailed the other into marriage(think Tracy blackmailed him) and he was a sort of bad guy, had criminal (maybe mob) ties. I know, it sounds like a rehash of several of Jane's stories....but the part I dreamed was actually good. It's like they played games with each other like Luke and Tracy, but they were allowed to be a lot sexier. She is holding something over his head, and Robert Scorpio is investigating him, so Tracy threatens to go to Robert if the guy doesn't do what she says. So her husband kidnaps her and Robert finds out she's missing (I got the feeling in the dream there was kind of a "triangle" thing going on in a romantic sense)and believes the husband is really going to kill her.

So while the husband is really just detaining her while he takes care of business, he has to fire upon the place where he has Tracy hidden, to convince Robert that she was kidnapped by someone else. Mac comes along to help and he is hit(but wearing a vest). Tracy feels bad that Mac got in the line of fire but Tracy lies to Robert about who kidnapped her to protect her husband. Instead of being scared of this man, she is a little turned on by what he does. I guess it seemed like a love/hate relationship? Because when she is "safely returned home" they have a public performance where he acts concerned, then in private they fight and have sex. While saying "I hate you" "well, I hate you more" (kind of reminded me of old school Alana and Monica, TBH).

LOL I guess it's sort of interesting how I feel I always dream way better SL's for Tracy than what they give Jane....oh well. :(

ETA didn't notice about the shell, but GAH Jane is gorgeous. What, 66 years old and STILL got it going on. Work it, girl.

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It would be nice to see Tracy in a real story. While I appreciate the nod to history, couldn't they have picked something else to fight over besides relish? I don't think Lila even talked about it this much with the Q's were all living at Kelly's. Enough. Move on...

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I think Tracy is one of those characters you can throw in with anyone and it can work. I don't know if that's just because Tracy is awesome, or Jane is awesome, or both. Probably both in tandem. That just makes the current stuff that much worse, because she is once again relegated to comedy. But Jane LOVES the comedy. So as long as she's happy, I guess.... I love comedic Tracy, but I also love Power!Tracy. Thing is, while I love Power!Tracy, I don't need to see the actual business SL play out. Or at least, not played out like this. Some of Tracy's most memorable moments have been when she's bringing someone to their knees. We don't need a relish storyline for that. If I had my druthers, I'd love something similiar to my dream, that led to an adventure story of some sort. I don't mind seeing Tracy at ELQ or even at her new company-but I don't need it to ever be the main focus of any Q storyline.

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