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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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thanks Ms Q- just had to rant a bit. it used to be histerical when my kids would comment on it b/c they always thought it was some kind of food- pepper/ pickle, whatever. An adult was just odd that it was so important to them to make it a topic of a long conversation and then question me about it. oh well- takes all kinds!

I knew you didn't have anymore clips. I was still secretly hoping someone would have just come acrosss some stashed away in some file. another oh well! I'm slowly digging them up from youtube and other things like that. there are just a few I can't seem to find anywhere. they have to be there if eevery single clip around it is on

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I think there will be more Tracy on Monday - it's a rather odd place to leave them otherwise. But with this team who knows, they are not as bad as GW for leaving things hanging, but it's still pretty bad.

As for the opening, there are also a lot of people on it that are no longer on GH. I have a feeling the OLTL people will be the replacements, not JE. Once again a writing team misses their heavy weights for the same tired SaSon obsession. The difference seems this time around Carly has been a victim of that too, so the Unholy Trinity seems to have been reduced to the Disfunctioning Duo.

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What is so obviously a slap in the face to the "non stars" is that there is no conceivable reason for shortening the opening that much. It only adds what, thirty seconds to the airtime each episode? I could see the logic and justification behind it if there were some huge airtime or monetary savings by doing what they did. But nope. Smells like spite to me.


They do want to be cancelled, they just do little hateful things that don't seem to be done out of spite at first. Until you look at them from all angles. There's just no other reason for it.

Unless I'm missing something?

The sorriest part of all this? They could have done so much with Jane and Tony. Almost all of that time and opporunity was wasted. :(

ONe of the soap mags at the check out stand had the castmates goodbyes to Nathan, and Jane's wasn't in it. But some new guy "EWEN?" was. REALLY? She's his step mother and doesn't rate a mention. I do hope at least she knows the truth about Ethan.

I'm actually glad I don't watch at all anymore. But I do still and always will, love my Jane.

I may write Gatiss and MOffat. I have no idea what she could do on their show, but I want her on something I can stomach.

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Oh, and sorry to hear about SOW folding. THey had a good run, 22 years and counting. Stephen Nichols and Hunter Tylo as Patch/STeve and Marina were on the debut cover. How sad is that, that I can recall that. I even remember the exact place I bought that first issue because it was a newstand/bookstore around the corner from where I worked at the time.

I wonder who was on the last cover? Have they had a last issue yet?

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I do feel for NP. He started on the show with almost exclusive time acting with TG and JE, then they brought in JMB and others - all of whom were noteworthy actors of one level or another. Then he moved into a really decent story with LA, BB, the abuse and some fun mob stuff. But the last year it's been horrible stuff for both NP and LA, and then to end his tenure like this? Very sad indeed.

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i skipped ahead till tomorrow episode info on my tv and the first thing it said... "luke causes tracy to be jealous". there was nothing today like there should have been but anna and luke weren't on either so they just skipped a day. i'm ok with that asd long as they didn't just cut it.

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I have them Knh I just need to find them...I just got home from a college trip with my son so give me a few days...

Tell me again which dates you need and I will go check

It is so sad. Jane has barely worked

I had hope for RC/FV being that OLTL used their vets and older characters, but looks like at GH they don't care.

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I've lost count of the number of stories that have had Tracy in a significant role and then they've been "cut/gutted". I wish she would moonlight, then at least we would have a chance at seeing JE's work (and without the character assassination that seems to be a constant with Tracy).

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If she is dropped to recurring I would love to see her end up on on one of the web series...The Bay has major major soap stars and talents joining that cast every week it seems. I haven't ever seen it but Tristan, Mary Beth Evans, Paul Sattersfield, Jackie Zeman and a ton of people are on there

Crystal Chappell's Venice has a ton of soap stars too....

I remember Nancy saying she couldn't do it because her only contract out is for back talk

Wish Jane would be in something else...

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Specialty TV channels in the US seem to be the only place where women of her generation are getting jobs - but at least the stories seem to be different. The kids and I were watching an education video today and The Diva said she wishes we had cable (which you need up here to watch anything - it has a different meaning in the States), but knows the only channel she's missing is Discovery. That's a teenager - she can't even find anything on TV worth watching. Soaps are just the canary in this particular mine shaft.

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Hooked- this is one of the many reasons I love you so much!!! I knew you'd have them somewere!!! I'm gonna give you a lengthy little list- don't drive yourself nuts if it's a lot to upload them. but I'll list anything I can think of that I don't have and I'll just get them when I can

5-18/19/20-05 all the scenes from when luke and tracy got married

5-31-05 tracy tries to get a judge to end the marriage

3-10-06 tracy tries to reverse psychology georgie and dillon into ending their marriage

6-2/5-06 the day luke robs the haunted star

7-14-04 when tracy found out lila died from Justus

8-31-06 when tracy an lulu discuss her abortion

9-15-06 when tracy and luke discuss her helping lulu during the abortion story, after luke has come home.

11-14-06 when tracy and talking to luke about marrying another woman in her own backyard. I have everything but the first scene b/c there is no volume.

i put these in a post later, but I edited it into this so they are all together

hooked- I'm throwing 2 more in there JUST in case you have them. I don't have dates for them but they are both old school clips. one is tracy and paul's honeymoon series (I don't know how many clips there are but I think it was all put together by someone. The second is when she kept trying to seduce him when they were at the gatehouse. he turned her down with the (saving for wedding night) garbage. I think it was after a concert- i don't know if that is part of the clips.

i think that's all I have for right now. don't want to make a pain of myself smile.png thanks so much!!

oops- I guess I lied, i flipped to tomorrow and thought it was today. at least it means she's there tomorrow (a hopeful happy face smile.png )

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I'm hoping she is tomorrow, but that still should have been a follow-up on Monday. Anna is already somewhere else, so that moment that should have followed next - Luke turning to see Tracy and them staring at each other - will never be shown regardless. Now we will have some "Tracy has her guard up and gives Luke sh!t instead of her truth" thing like we always seem to get.

Honestly, when Luke left the hospital with "Blaze" the other year, that brought an end to the truly strong LuNacy showing. Since then we have had to scratch for the nuggets. Being a LuNacy fan is on par with being a Maple Leaf or Blue Jay fan: impressive loyalty but little to show for it.

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