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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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trazy for the forseeable future I think in scenes. Apparently they have been getting good response as entertaining I hear.

Spoiler for week of the 2nd is luke tries to re-establish his connection with Trcy but quicly realizes she is having none of it. Another one says realizes their relationship has changed.

I don't really see that though as clearly Tracy hasn' done her usual schtick of I"m divorcing you, etc, ring removal etc and she seems very meloncholoy over luke...

I'm sure it is overblown. I sure hope though she doesn't just use AZ to make Luke jealous--so not where her mindset is at now i don't think

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I just don't want to have to sit through GF/JE scenes if they bring her back to GH.

I don't even care at this point if they keep Lacy together. It would be about right that just as we get a different writer who could do Luke and Tracy differently, GF might come back so GH could bore us to death with another round of LnL.

But if they must bring her back, fine. If they must reunite LnL, fine. If that's the way it has to be, that's the way it has to be. Just keep JE out of that. Kill Tracy off. Whatever.

I cannot abide some stupid triangle, or Tracy losing to LAURA.

I cannot. I will just not bother anymore if that's the way it is going to go.

*sits next to Lainey*

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Every time someone mentions Laura or so little thing is done, the boards and spoilers are full of "Laura Returns", and it's almost always false. I'm not getting concerned with it one way or another. I'm just going to focus on LuNacy and see how everything plays out.

I have no doubt the fan reaction to Tracy/AZ is full of entertainment - he's about the only one she spends time with right now and the zingers are great, but that's about it. I'm still wondering how much of this action Johnny will get in on. Once upon a time he was quite respectful of Tracy, and even now I don't think he's amused that his father is setting out to hurt her.

I read somewhere amoung the spoiler boards that insiders are being fed false information to smoke them out, so until I see it on the screen I'm not going to believe too much. Already a number of the spoilers on DD have been proven to be false - more so then when Guza ran the show.

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I don't really care if Laura returns. I wouldn't even care if they put her back with Luke. All I really care about is that TRACY is not pushed aside for her. If LuNacy has to end, okay. But Tracy better be given something else to do, and she better not lose her relationships with Lucky, Lulu and Ethan.

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well at least they are giving her something else to do with this az/elq/mob past story. although its not getting all that much focus. At least it is something that has nothing to do with luke. If the gina character is actually cast and not scrapped, I think that will give tracy some stuff too.

BTW for anyone who is interested, Luke is back on the 29th at the haunted star. There is a spoiler that day that Tracy considers giving in to AZ's demands to save ELQ but I didn't see it in SON/SOS previews at all so who knows

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I've never liked Laura, I think she is a useless character, but if they can do something intelligent with her as a theme then fine. I'm still not going to get my knickers in a dander about LuNacy - I think they are still the solid pairing. I just want Luke to be definitive and none of this "I choose Tracy but I'm not going to make it clear to anyone through words" BS we had from the other year.

I like that Tracy is getting backed into a corner with no apparent way out, then Luke will arrive to eventually show her the secret door of escape. Tracy loosing all of he money and position isn't a bad thing either, because again the opportunity will be there to prove to her that Luke wants her and not her money. But I don't see them keeping Tracy as a commoner for long - if at all - she's far too impressive with money to throw around. And if she and Luke are going to be playing ball with Helena and Anthony, then she needs all the sources of power she can get.

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We've got that rumour of AZ being "killed" so I'm guessing not that long. This is just the catalyst to the story, not the story itself. GW promised romance, so I'm guessing along with it being a story with great characters, ultimately it's LuNacy's romantic reunion story so interlopers will be sidelined fairly quickly.

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Hey, y'all. Life's been nuts lately, but I have a much-needed day off today that I'm dedicating to soap land (mostly because of the last AMC ep).

I've been keeping an eye on the rumors and I'm not making any judgments yet. The writing has improved so much already but GW is still dealing with some of Guza's outlines so I'm giving it time to move around to pure GW. I can already see so much character balance returning, and I'm loving that the segments between characters are longer and do more to deepen the development and relationships.

In the meantime, I've discovered a treasure trove of Santa Barbara clips. I never watched it back when it was on, but I can't get enough of it now. I sure do miss excellently scripted soap opera. It seems to be a rarity these days.

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One out of three!

Luke, Alice and AZ show up on the 4th when Tracy is at th spa. Not sure what order or capacity but there are pics of the three of them there with her.

i don't think AZ is being killed off. no way no how. GW loves him. He is everywhere. GW said the drug ring is like a night class. When he finished one he goes on to the next project./class. I don't think the ELQ aspect is going to be going anywhere too far though. I see it as more him trapping her into doing something else that is more personal in nature...like a MOC or something. Just my spec but when tracy left when he suggested a night of passion and said over my dead body, he said oh that can wait til after the honeymoon. So I think he intends ot marry her or trap her into it to legitimize himself.

AZ is moviung on to Lisa coming here sooon.

Also, did anyone happen to notice if luke is still wearing his ring?

I have heard this laura stuff is a ruse right now (not sure down the road) but the pictures and such are to mess with luke/lucky's mind.

I don't think we are going to get luke/tracy/helena/az as much as it would be awesome.

Oh and very disappointing, LC tweeted she will be out of touch for a while as she is traveling and she will be in touch when she returns home. Doesn' sound like she will be on GH anytime in the near tuture. Nor John either. Which makes me sad becasue he was so excited about the changes when I met him.

hey Star

how is your little guy! We need an update!

I saw you on DD yuesteday I think--at least I thought it was yoU!

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Well, again I think spoilers/rumours are ruining us. I remember reading how Krissy and Ethan would have this special moment at the wedding and if you blinked you would miss it. Sure they were dancing but where did Ethan come from and where was their exchange?

After seeing the wedding and the non-wedding, I have to say the absence of Tracy didn't bother me in the least. Monica and Edward were the ones who should have been there and they were. It was okay. Hope the JaSam fans enjoyed what they got, but I wouldn't have been happy if that had been one of my couples. Anyone who says GW is not an "event" kind of person so far seems right on the money. He is much more about the relationships - which is probably a far better thing.

AZ shooting Dante who was about to shoot Johnny… no end of sh!t in that one. I am actually glad they have Anthony, Helena and potentially Lisa back on canvas. I hope Lisa is better and not Patrick-obsessed (who is so unworthy of her). There is nothing like the truly insane villain. The sane ones ultimately are constricted by ethics, but not the insane ones who can be extremely unpredictable and thus much more entertaining. Those are the kinds that truly bring out the "hero" in the other characters.

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