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DAYS: June 2024 Discussion Thread

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There is no difference between MAGA and "fully MAGA."  None.


This isn't about Ari Zucker being a republican, but about her support for Trump, who is a lying, racist convicted felon and the worst of humanity.

I appreciate your take that it's not your business. However, it is mine when she speaks publicly and makes clear where she stands. Yes, she has free speech. We all know consequences exist when we speak. She lost a lot of fans by running her mouth.

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Yeah, I knew her situation was pretty unstainable because she lived out of state and had very young kids.  I don't shame her at all for her choice, but it's weird she/Days entered the whole situation in the first place.

He only uses OATMILK!!!  Shame him!

Just like stop.  Unless you fully know AZ you can't just literally judge her.  Is it off putting?  Absolutely.   But we have no evidence she is a bad human. 

How is it your business?  Lol  I just don't understand making it so personal.  She's an actress, you don't have to agree with her or like her.  But I don't think politics belong in the regular Days thread.  I am not going to burn her at the stake for being Republican because it's a why do you care situation. 

Edited by carolineg
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"Just like stop"? Are you serious with this, carolineg? Look, I think a lot of you and enjoy your posts, but I can literally judge AZ because I feel like it.

I never said she's a bad human, but if the shoe fits.... She supports a guy who wants to take us back to the 1950s in all things gender and minorities and sexuality. She supports a guy who is a convicted criminal because...bank account.

How is it my business? The same way any opinion about anything is my business, or your business, or someone else's business. I never said she should be burned at the stake for being republican. Again, my problem is not that she's a republican or conservative. I have said that repeatedly.

I am fine with leaving politics to some other thread/group, but AZ is still on DAYS and would like to return, so I can't pretend this stuff has no place here.

Why do I care? Because I care. The same way you care about the things you care about.

If you like her or don't want to discuss her politics, fine. I get that. I respect that. But please respect my right to voice my disapproval of her. I was such a big fan of her acting, and I considered her a DAYS legend. This is a huge fall from grace -- in my opinion.

And now to keep this on track...talking about the soap...I'll just say that I dreaded the end of her run. Now I look forward to it, and I don't want her back.

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Not arguing this with you.

I think it was about Miller doing it for the audience. I remember she stated, at the time, there were plans to recast because Kate Mansi left, and she did not want the fans to adjust to another brand-new recast.

Per Soap Digest:


But I also feel like the behind-the-scenes drama also worked into both the exits/tenures of Mansi & Miller.

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I only have a few thoughts about today's episode, which I rate a 6/10.

It's kind of funny that Marlena's office is so small that she's forced to do therapy across her desk.  My therapist usually sits in a lounge chair a few feet from me on the sofa.  I think that I'd be a little uncomfortable talking to her like I'm trying to qualify for a loan.  But, good on her for not accepting Leo's call, therapy isn't free buddy, save your dreams for session.

Also, we need to discuss Jack dye job.  I know he's on recurring, but he's got to find a color and stick with it, or I am not going to recognize him the next time that he's in town.

Theresa and Leo have never met? Is that true? Never?  Like never, ever?  Like they've never been in the same room or at the same party? That seems unlikely.   And, is he really going to see Diana?  I wonder if they cast her, or if it will all happen off-screen?

Finally, how is it heart-warming that a man and his fiancé both think of the same woman as their mother?  Maggie's nice, but it's a bit much, and she needs to get out of bed already.

Edited by j swift
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I respect your opinions and I do understand it's a very uncomfortable topic.  It just doesn't bother me on the visceral level.  It's her thoughts, her opinions, her views, whatever.  Do I agree?  No, but it really doesn't bother the way I view Nicole. YMMV, and I am certainly not taking that away from you. 

I just think the tone of these post are like Arianne Zucker is a trashbag human because she aligns with Trump.  And I 100% disagree with her views, but I am not going to vilify her for it. It is what it is she'll be gone in about 10 days.

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Well I just watched the show and wanted to talk about it which is not the thing here and now. I find myself looking askance at Doc having Alex & Leo as patients!! I mean run a special on rational behavior therapy.  I know this is shrink talk but I disagree that "Nobody deserves to be alone." There are many people, bad people, evil people who deserve not only to be alone but lonely!! And we should all be okay being alone with ourselves at times. 

I have missed something. Why did EJ give up getting rid of Paulina?


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She is a trash bag human for supporting Trump just like everyone else who supports him. I don't need to list everything that is wrong with Trump, MAGA, spineless Republicans for anyone to understand why supporting him constitutes you as trash humans. Everyone knows what he has done and will continue to do. She put herself in this position as no one asked her to speak on Trump. She should have sat there and ate her food and she wouldn't be in this position. Freedom of speech isn't freedoms of consequences.

It's easy for you to say why is it a big deal when it's not your life and rights, civil, voting & freedom on the line.

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Juneteenth - a hot summer day… and half of the people in Salem look like they’re dressed for a blizzard. 

Today was another weird one though. It was great seeing Eli and Lani back so that the whole Price-Grant family can celebrate but, idk, it just felt like there was something missing from those scenes. Sort of like that GH episode when everyone was hanging out at the Quartermaines. Both shows tried to make everyone feel like part of a big family but it just felt like something was missing. Idk what though. 

The time jump that they did with Chad and Julie was stupid. They really should have continued the scene with them and the video and had them discuss it more, instead of having them watch it and then suddenly be back in Salem. 

Jada’s offer to Stefan didn’t really seem to work either. Maybe it would’ve made more sense if she had made the offer a few months ago. And, again seeing EJ so over a barrel is kinda sad lol Stefan couldn’t have been like this with Clyde?

Btw, the background music that played over a lot of scenes today didn’t really seem to fit in either. 

Considering that Kate Mansi now has a contract on another soap, I’m inclined to agree.

And besides Fired Guy, I can’t help but think that there were other reasons as well.

Edited by AbcNbc247
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Often I feel that there is something off about the incidental music. I suspect someone is fooling around, experimenting & they should stop doing so!

Apparently Kate Mansi didn't even flinch over a contract at GH. Between taping so far ahead & the Alarr debacle & how truly crazy Ron is, DAYS is maybe something. Definitely not your usual talking bear.

So, Juneteenth took 3 days of show to tell. That must be the ratio of Salem to us time. 

The best of today was this visit from Eli & Lani & the twins! I like the fact that they bring them on for just a day every few months. It feels very authentic & in fact family does visit just like that.

I'm still tired of Paulina. I'm so dang tired of Clyde I don't even like to hear his name!!! No concern about losing Janel.

I briefly got confused. I thought all of a sudden they had found a way into the time capsule. No, just a funky looking safe deposit box. Empty save for a thumb drive. 

Because it's Pride I pulled a list of gay characters on a US soap & amazingly Challie wasn't on there. 

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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Yup; Mansi jumping to General Hospital was a sign, to me, that [apart] from the impending strike at the time, it was definitely something at Days that was off-putting for her. And I'm high-key hoping it could be the same for Miller.

I just don't think that set is a good one to be on. I really do not.

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When you have an EP that's a toxic piece of human garbage and a head writer who makes it clear how much he hates your character, you find work elsewhere if you can lol

As for the set of Days in general, hopefully things are better now. That's at least what people have been saying.

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Cool.  I love when internet strangers tell me about my life and rights. Thanks!  Let's talk about AZ's political opinions for 100 more posts in the current Days thread because it offends you so much.  Just unfollow her and dislike her.  I get it.  She's the worst.  Moving on...

Mansi jumping right into a contract was suspect to me as well.  There had to be a behind the scenes reason.  Although she may just think Kristina is a more interesting character and I agree with her.

Well, yes, all of the above.  I just wonder if Mansi didn't find Abby boring to play.  Abby isn't a very exciting character.  Miller played the part when she had multiple personalities.

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