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DAYS: June 2024 Discussion Thread

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Finally, Lucas is free!!

Dude spent more time in prison for a measly little kidnapping than most people in Salem do for murder

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I wonder what they’re going to do with him now. I read some spoilers but idk if they’re official or not. 

Once again, Billy Flynn killed it even though him breaking down to Clyde was a little sad. No one should ever be beholden to that pain in the ass. I just hope the story is written well and not some half-assed mess that’s just written out of spite. We’ll see what happens tomorrow. Btw, I love the relationship between Chad and Julie

Johnny and Chanel were good as well, but I still think they deserve a better storyline. This is speculation, but I really hope their scenes today don’t mean that they’re going to be written out.  


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How long is Johnny's movie?  He's a very rich man.  Can't they just commute for 6 months?  Get an apartment in LA and visit one another on weekends?  It seems pretty easy to me.  That way Chanel won't have to give up her bakery.

The Possession was played very seriously.  JER played other things with wacky hi-jinks (ie the Vivian/Ivan and Susan stuff), but the OG possession was always a very serious story with life and death consequences and a love story woven into it.

I would agree Days was wacky long before Ron though.  Anything post 1993 had some elements of disbelief and honestly going back to 1983 there was Andre killing people with a Roman mask lol.

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You know, I could see Ron Carlivati writing a story like that, lol?  Leo would undergo some sort of "Clockwork Orange"-esque aversion therapy where he'd be reconditioned to be not so pervy.  And RC and the rest of the show would play it all for laughs, too.

What is there to give up?  She's literally giving away her inventory to total strangers on the street, lol!

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I could see Ron doing that, but at the same time I think Ron thinks Leo's pervy jokes are funny to all.

People at least seem to like Chanel's bakery and even though she gives free baked goods to everyone that walks by she does appear to have customers.   

Johnny has 0 job experience and not a ton of ambition.  He could be fired after a day lol.  I wouldn't uproot my life for Johnny's career.

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Brady and Eric should pool their funds and move into their own house together.  Or Eric can get his old apartment back since Tripp/Wendy moved out. I can't imagine a grown man near 50 wants to live with his parents, but people in Salem all seem to love to live with their parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, etc.  

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Better yet, DAYS should just crib off the final months of SFT and have everyone in Salem live in the same apartment building.  That way, there's a damn good reason why everybody's home looks the same, lol.

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Given how desolate the pub seems these days, I wonder if Roman and Kate make more off of renting rooms than chowder.  One imagines the margins are lower, because none of the tenants seem to have appliances, so no need for repairs.

Today begged the question of why Lucas traveled back from Montana separately from Harris and Ava?  Because they live at the pub as well, but they don't appear to be home yet.

@Khan It was recently established from the new digital establishing shots that Marlena, Paulina, and Kayla live in the same building.  Also, Chad and Alex had lived across the hall from each other last fall.

Edited by j swift
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How many single rooms does the Pub have?  I genuinely thought it was 2, but now it seems Harris, Ava, Lucas, and Eric have one.  

Is Paulina's building the same as Marlena/Kayla's?  I didn't really pay attention to the exterior shots today.  Her apartment looks a lot different than Marlena's and Kayla's.

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Not much happened today lol 

The Abe/EJ political stuff was FF material. The only way that it would have some kind of point was that if it caused conflict for Johnny/Chanel. IMO, that’s where the story is. 

And Stefan and Kristen were just annoying. Their scenes were the perfect example of what I mean about plotting and things being rushed. They rushed through the Konstantin stuff, which was important but we just had to sit through Stefan and Kristen bullshitting with each other for two full episodes? 

The ending cliffhanger with Stefan was pretty good, though BB really needs to work on his reactions in situations like that lol. 

But I’m all for Chad and Julie going to Chicago to investigate about Abigail. I like that Julie brought up all the times that Alice saved Bo and Hope. In some ways, her relationship with Chad does sort of remind me of the relationship between Bo and Alice. 

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OMG Just labored through most of 6/14 episode on Youtube and saw the updated Horton living room.  For this debacle alone, Janet Spellman should be fired. WOW, how could they make it worse than it already was before the fire.  It looks like it was thrown together by kindergarteners who had access to goodwill.  Jackeeee looks a bit tired but appears to have lost weight and is seated, more medical issues possibly.  This show is a tacky and uninspired as ever, visually horrible and beyond boring.


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