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GH: June 2024 Discussion Thread

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I think there should be a way to keep more of her edge. We will see if she intends to blackmail Finn to get help.

I like how she feels very much rooted as the head of the Quartermaines, and I have enjoyed her mellowing and acknowledging how much her edge cost her. She’s the only one left from her childhood family, she survived her resentments and her father’s emotional and intellectual neglect. I love that Jane decided retirement wasn’t for her, and came back with a new sense of calm to how she plays Tracy.

I have enjoyed the last two weeks. I even enjoyed Sam, and that has only happened before when she went full on vixen!


I just read two great hypothesis online about Carly’s reactions to what Sam was saying-

Change Jason (or keep him!) for Sonny and protecting Carly for Brenda. If either of them left everyone behind, including their kids, and she thought they were dead, and it was to protect Brenda? Carly would be scorched earth on everyone. We would be seeing some truly old school reckless Carly for that. All Sam has done is tell her how living like this is hell when you have decided the danger is not as important as your family and peace of mind. And then call her out for caring more about Jason always protecting her for her own choices over his family.

i never thought we would see scenes like these ever again. Even Korte must have thought it was worth knocking Carly and Jason down a bit.

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I enjoyed seeing Robert, Mac, Felicia, and Anna together. More of those scenes are needed. I need more of Scorpio family in general.

I enjoy Sonny and Natalia together. I need more scenes of them. I don't need Sonny and Ava.

Now that Alexis is a lawyer again, she should quit the newspaper and they should mothball that set.

We need more of Terry. Terry/Liz scenes are a must, as well as Terry/Yuri.

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Woulda coulda shoulda.


With the twilight of PM upon us, I can't help but watch some of these stories and see their potential and wonder what way they will go now that he's out the door.


I said from GO that with the Heather storyline (like with Drew of the Hot Bread and Nina of the Claws) that it seem like PM was taking characters that the audience could take or leave and giving them purpose and (more importantly) direction. In some cases (Valentin immediately comes to mind), characters were being set up for exits. Basically following Douglas Marland's Rules IMH(but mentioned)O. It was my hope that Heather and the Hip, while started under the old HWs, was a way to not redeem Heather, but refit her into the cunning crafty character I read about her to be. And goodness knows Laura could use a sparring partner since Cyrus is not good enough and Victor is gone. Bonus...in the lead-up, the story gives Laura a storyline...as she wrestled with her conscience. And while I felt it had a great start...complete with pros and cons like the old soap operas used to show when we got all characters' POVs...it has been very blink and you missed it in storyline as of late. 


I felt this week got back to that because we got to see Trina talk to Laura. I definitely am feeling the missed opportunity with Trina since she has not been used much under PM, but when she's been used, we saw her POV and feelings. So the Trina/Laura scenes worked for me to get back to that. And then there's Curtis visiting Heather herself. Good to see the actor clocked in, and it was great to see AM playing a conflicted Heather. Because what could Heather said? She did that. FIVE people...dead. I even liked that Diva Reporter Guy because it does seem like GH has back something it really does not have...recurring characters who are just THAT...recurring characters. No need for anything more than that. So it would have been nice to see how the Heather storyline would have gone right up 'til the trial because even now the middle of the story was being set up this week for that.


We know I don't like the surrogacy storyline. But I do love how it's given organic drama to TJ and Molly. I don't hate them as much as some...I don't even know if the hate is for the characters in general or if we just don't like this Molly recast...but it has been nice to have a little bit different from them. And their story is hitting its middle as well.


It was nice to almost see Jason/Sonny/Carly make up. But nice to make people wait on that. Also...has no one figured out Sonny and the meds yet? Or Ava's scheming? I kept having that in the back of my head as I was watching. Another middle moment. 


Hehe. These Alexis/Diane scenes were gold. I did not even think of the personal angle to Diane by the Hook. Another wrinkle to the Heather story. And oops...what Diane used to get Franco off COULD be used to get Heather off...uh oh. Good coda.





From your keyboards to God's ears.


All I want is that Brenda makes him beg when she eventually returns.



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But first, can I just say that I've been enjoying this Alexis renaissance. I've mentioned that I loved that PM started the ball rolling for Alexis to get her lawyer license back. He played beats. He added twists. So I've enjoyed all of it now that PM is out the door. But Alexis has also been popping up in other stories. Kristina, Molly, and the surrogacy of course. But seeing her being supporting in the Finn storyline also has been good. And her attachment to the Heather storyline has also been full of win. So not in a story bubble or seen once every couple of months. I liked her checking Kristina because the last thing Alexis needs is Sophie's choice.


And after being absent the last day or so, the Finn storyline is back. I don't mind that they are playing the beat of What About Violet. That said...I wish they would keep Liz away from him. But Liz wouldn't be Liz if she didn't go check on him. Meanwhile, I liked her scene with Chase touching base...an organically done way of getting viewers caught up to date and didn't just feel like plot points. And I loved Chase's scene with Alexis doing the same (cuz I was shocked that Chase didn't know about the slip at the wedding) while advancing the plot. 


Hehe. Drew/Nina would soooo make such a good scheme team.


Meanwhile, that ooooo at the top? I was talking about Gio and Trina. I was waiting for more for them. And Gio, the violin, and Trina reacting to him playing it and him...YES. More, please. It was interesting to see since the episode before was Curtis and Heather, and Curtis was talking about how Trina lost her spark. And in watching Trina run her fingers over the violin and the look on her face...her spark was back. Well-played and good writing. 




Oooo nice. But they are both in a more interesting place now, and it's been fascinating to watch. 

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I don't think either Maura or JPS are going anywhere. However, I do think it's true that they are in one of those periods when they cannot say much & that is because Frank & whomever else has authority has clamped down HARD on "leaks". They do this really pretty often. Despite the fact that they give out carefully worded "spoilers" that are really previews once a week, their minds are firmly made up that fans should not know what's going to happen until it happens on the screen. Agree with them, or not, it is a valid point of view & they are entitled to attempt to enforce it. After all, it only makes sense that they should try to control the flow of information. 

Now some about the actual show ... 

I'm afraid some "fans" are delusional. It seems as if they think Jason threw open the cave & stepped out into the Greek sunlight & said, "I'm going to fake my death, go work for the FBI & this will be my new life, unlike any life I've lived before! I am Jason, hear me roar!"

You remember when Jason said, "Once this job is finished, I'm going to take my life back & it's the only life I want." I think he was talking about Carly. Also recall when he ticked off allowing himself to think of home while he got his new ink? Last of all, Carly. He's saying.


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